Vol. XXI.
Grand Rapiids Man N'amed as Judge-
Knappens Successor l'unitn; i '(>It' 'tin it it
It t i'T heta In t' uset h
I N TONGHTS BG IIEE t ii~n i ii tt}I 1 ihm'nn I'ntldtx, .Nnil1
()h 'i o Ii ni N) i (I t at o)II tnfnilefti foeInn h' nd \\ a
Every Atom of Wolverine Strength Will Have To Itnittit ,fit I tl.Nr icw i itotcii ol~
\\-il tl~e llc Ill~ c (f il_,c Kilalllil \ttt tttilhhat 'd n ll tlv
Be Utilized To IK~elp Speedy Easterners wit nitsittttttrecentttnoitattjan ttnn -,i
From Gaining Victory lIittn t n.
icn(c.MICHIGAN RELIES UPON HORNER iIt 1tr ,il rw.lt a i
P: 1 '. .I N i tt" ,; In 'lna c t i ttid 1 l t ,1( ,
forthea d] uIl l i'i iite n (i'm \ I ti e\ '- nitn it e tntine e tichn ni atut.It''it:?lit'l'\l NI NI ~ t)litt t}\ha _
e1111 ; Nvien 'atteI ne-ti ;md we ter ers 111.1?RAC \\It~. 1' : (lparlll'lltit \\ Is l(, ItIs i :0 '!t
Ilietilltlit'inerectom l (iil tac M et 11-11110, acs re xpcte Il te Il- i Pttihlt <. iii PLANT HASin ). FREAKt(l.:t:.
b R. 1TI4URN\1AU
it itd \ hi1tt ii Iit sh.iit .
ih t c n tl cametoni 1
r iii iettt t e elc c ith'it
tin esntt l etr h
atie nfdet il i t t g
wee ti ll] re otit iil 'It
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s it . lartl;iQ010 it
}-'tin r 1_ 1i1driltt i n t hi it 1; titnd
'tin itoti tak t n it tl i tiheis
oit t n Nr te ltati
inre tint' tin' i iiies ha
tatway' tinitte ea \ lnd iixn il
i nihni ai n eT t u
tltt s i nel1,t he.ii itt t11
tintdle aniii dha- nt<
whnnea therhe twokint
't iini N i n is itlin1t N 'it
ninnltoniv steta ekn
Itst iaitad tar no itgerin
\eth uM illitetiti I itt'sedI ani
sttm ninitiitn i tm n nt it lrge i.
the individultn til it i of iti
(\tin lstint .scrn i h
hit iiti''' inn t tepaev tijit
tilithat it
Nu intin'l
ninit irill(
c c ltt
nal' sopm oreii it n t he intitr(l intii
nitit tcmutryracnit Pic i nt~
tll itdisne t e n tsIii i htn l
tie htan in tuentr'dinthehl m u.
tin Ntthe nieTti' nd iift th itw llara
it tt' ii ttint ti il n , it 4 iii I tin
inathn n 'ii ittar i lted i "'i I
te M lei e i t>ld r lr me
gym last ' tCn)c s nitd 4 l of nseems al' titit it I
Ii ahut. -ti1(ii Ii I
m certa i litt I In ha ce iit~~
in' Nirao n h aeOl-1 ?ttt <il (Aebt in n'btslgt t in astI 1I
i t t itt tI l nw~ i 't 't' n i tw 11,i t''
it itinttit tn
,li ntl } ii nc°X urte q a te il il NI I t
tnt nnio itt ai peoy unrsi Nx ltto'
ith in., innandttittit i r t hi tlt i itw i ni t Invc tl ' iii. l
innoitptin ts tu. cla ttt in' amliih1astuau« it h the
:-tals w n- lg. R ss h s nct ye trea he t ins i :It I tlticn
l weg t _ lim t itt tintpr tospec ts nt thettttt t t )'I te,
(Al is cer- casnti huthe e t nt iiThey iiwibei n 1
hopeittotitors %i*a e t o wo d rf l ''r< tn l
riand et t ii i It a eanift hem.tnninThere its
n pons p s inninit i ta t RalphiCig ill omp'ti .I,
tt 1 i iir
siii hm nt utit the3ids ndithein ih h uitdlein Ittn re i
Ihe mileii. n'i nn nke t'tiof hit'abiintyininn nnnn i ll hexi
11M T tt nni 'tsiltinna tintuttran i In poh -
Nut 1,t nll- Nititsave'imnnforlnnntilt Iraeastat VNnH
kI xtitti iniI'ie tti've mi niitnt maytdnnide'hetttina itt t}( Ikenit
tnnnpoinnN~'tnn itue attinin ln'ttitnt tn ii Iproi e
tinthnie t gmniu ttntnini- ~-AASARVTt tNt' iniitti N Wn dj
talcitheir niv teNii 'Cnra t : tilt
I} 1)',l in thDi~s Develops Variati ..
Strita Reseimbliuu ht
'N ~i t ' iftih D l I iini H tin, ioftin
, fl'il"n . 11 , ieptis r(" ing nut tt'i
cstc a a inti (ttO rl
io;WIK hsagen NIIII iii
G N I it 'lI In ag )'I~ Tis nr1
_._ esc'nhl th sI ntl tn i t l
11! nd 't I ntl tc) nay iml it i h ti s i,.
i 1 ia c r1 h Iht ;t eeI li t as " w n
ki AS (K'tAmu it
j r(ii nit :p() t o)it
Ii' titic 1 t I tc
ON ItI :R ti T ()S i ;
(iit3' I iiiit'm iii'
t ntnlTO
TS 'tl VN.
itl ItheI litd111
tinti c{ 'tnt
'. In Nilt C l
?ti ll Inc ltc c
it\ 1 I
I' tint 1,
' O) i-, at tin
tiOt. I,(i
minim it linx~
Mli..11I Eict ,Ii
i: ttI {
N' C'. 'itt Jtt it it itl cn iiit' ii
k i n 'inniit.
f c i 7c ciI t niii t Ii lus
\\ilpee~ 'tin hei 1 t un ii
itl Ny Sleit n U)tt titn titnn in
till Nll'-"ellIt[ill, NN'I liis
T I, )I lcit' I IIvIt (
I 1in . R, . t i litiilha
it 'iiar ti' itte cltn t i
it . 1". tin .tit'tt t i t l It m
iT h t ~ ck eitn clubi i a tt il
p Izikjoy tlhem both-Om sale In. all the campuzs storesC
. .._.