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March 10, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-10

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___e __ ___ ___ __
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,11F11)D.--\A'l RIC[ c 10 Ott o.

Vol. XXI.

No. T to

Craig-Horner Meet Will Be A
Contest Between Michigan's
Best Athletes
W 1,1tebit t- s litetu inrit-es in i chlil-
rit t ind o-takc~et, t i~t fth
I -r10' . ,eCriswl e stagedin
th V~it tak ae i of the i1111-
It X)I ith the liii ionthIes Xarsit
4tl its h i n)I h i i liv he ide
f r I It ihe1 t iof tilt lshit I I i
tt~r s il t)Il to he cass f ill
I~t"''c of at ife lit - h
;Iat lit f ithier lt
:Wlerc ilh llwedito
;t i'i t ti' t (:i-I t l t it2 'It' t 1 .
tl t erc iii r ncsv o w re ivene
illIc allwei t o i
W a Ic t IlInd e of ithe e m
'I''. t tri l f}1 hr
' ttI tilt - llc, 1 ka t'. t''i , irtl;
Vat I a'-Ihwlr, -I ittitt
; C a;s II '.. I [IiTt,
i (',rrcls

Georgte -ltitltt't iii it cla t he fiirligt
thow Rif iiihttls - ' it -t Ie lijo
kt-lt le lt'ti l'siti guessintgt -aid ttlst
notimeit itt dangier-tof a Isll. At te lose-iti
Thes-triIiitiar irs hlticies-itRay
Brtown, of Ditesitti, andti I ss OIConnortt
alo a till 1i . It l ns wi is tite ist ii
ing tni in ittle mirtis
Again Assails Michigan as Unfair
and Opposed to Reform
Collie' liiaild itorking ssuad ofI Ijour-i
fail- titme is at ir jt itsi tli-i . li-it
Caspalr XX ititits exon wihCl
lie's Iifitits s " ITeS is m n' it
pon, al l foott alltps is cct isan it
- dneo sauptcce il inthitIt
ctoli il tiolts logn totiss t itsil
tic-ia sprt ."s Prmints' t s-I l hisi ex
it pes otif. l "u f tirs"ist il it tilt
tl rl It et fi-hI. reaaio o
it lki t P 51ie 1-nseTf fir1nessf inspt
tfttingits24thle tesoiioi er tm
Io t er eti i iteI sti'tgt
ii'-reIls-dem ssioils fi i r e sjr ti-jiltl
for lier u il e ftilt f t hletuti gisiuta es
htg igchg i a'l ert' stictk tj ,,t'ihe
rlrseelw ilt is3 idet' ji l lith thelsititniteilt
titc us eiti ndji hjold siigoipitjaticliuntig
the tsamgt vadi wsnt:wdI
reore thtl r.Wllam llwe isj
proegsavtotht-eoudie Ittrstje-
Its itsmeore st (slauhr ftII(;o
TIlseio tjetsdefeatiditheijuioreits2
cioterofal4stlof 1utIttlfs irt '12,mich
bastet l, o ecisw i t ha d -
ist fn idsiex ti ieanst e timreit
ightexcepfionst htst'i-timthe sitfItheiil'1
flatertteam sitt ithe ret er It-ciisu-iaIt'y. i

I andtI 2 NJ 0tutus'.The first -ame jill
lie etilletl st 7;15 iselitek,

Committee Donates Surplus of
$338,81 To Million Dollar
''Tesoit is ior hoill l if tteefis I i
"I' I nm 'slip ift itolThfsie sim
disc Thecyst itt hft'iingthe o
pits Itthet if l li i s etaisheti-l~t
deas go ani ine.th t i meiiuuhailsitie Ii
folm dwihutex etion.Itft 'limojesi
hill e usd Im the L iotlfo sirdsthi
Imlin fth e t ci' slit
ftli ea' i supls h s lait'll5 thanl-it-111
ocittld 'y the u expecte illase ill
.11, mIm 5 ofco pl itil d l heh p
i 5in i' - o''il I islit r5citsild i
al~r a aisng f tic ric sof t ittick t.
It was iti imps ie fi sto i ur o t
n it ou I Vpsw"1 i t itii s ito1111-
liii the hop, 1for n1 ctils rio1t1l1h11
,ehe h turf. i c tvc i co pl edtitio 1ai -
hccusec~re c itiid andcfulsdion lit
51 iii rersti l it 1 (44) itl ilt' ilti' i-
cd o f ooamoe tanlato yetilt.iWe
lii It o it l sso las arsi ftnl
" isits i It sit l stillr wil e it
I_.rcuds lWidlilSsit hidtoy itrs h
'cIi nettss asketbgooall vc
tu' s ui~ tt ' sitij T et'-t ,jtiffsu-t
It i sikutti g i ithe ifltt ltjitt g'lst
%t silts I eIth s a id,11 is gi t, lltit'e it ii
at this ti ths Iaiii ld- i i'r, fli
fistit i iihs drctpo fo h
II sn atifl to wa~trdi thell i-s ott ii'lnid
iti Cll i soit. culi scoidi i i~s-ftIt igi-irsi
tinjer ftih ut ruth expensetscam it. I it
Driidsillr,livShtttuittll toeuuVites
I n Ife Ij itnitcl ies firstballtsf stl

the' admtsissionNtilIlheiii ntl.

JUIO~fR IXXXS '(}iBIt f tlf,'Ii'
Fnt yiftickets haseit' lit--tsoildto in- ii
till lhe hl iI iiI-etoit this vcm ;.T c
ititftilt'rs Ilit'v till the 4: fitain 1111t
sitTnx latif sislits-s 'ia rts' iof 7) Cetls
fo h oind ip ha iisit-eift ils-lust' ii'sr.i
Thosesfho't'ittl totaIai-i ittitlittis of
this1 iire'duc tioplt urcaseticketilsa
th IsfecialtickIsetlrl ii tel itIt
Thetci~ ttuncilioed o ayi Sii
a l i e lpaved.tl It is exi ctet h t t hetlt


enet al Attitude of Class is
Tha-t "Social .Insurgents"
Made Mistake
oX f io-tite, ift s es ent'-'iorue Ilt-i
is1 C (lticii of i it 115 i s t he wlil
Pr'id I V22is t h le tuou I lit iClssex-
Ir c l tit, senitinlt-itt fit' c dit ' iu l t -
i\(I 1 i n'll t\ if I I d t t
iii ~ tit li it - l fas t- ii
t't- I 1,tt thuII ipr s ileattkinug
)li l 1ri - i suit rale itnuuilt-r tof thus'
v O ii de haduulu lit huh dtil t hatI sit
(k(M- W'Stu it111 lt-11n l t r it fln ttu


Numerous Contribufions Will Be
Submitted for Minstrel Show
itt lb t e'eni t gItti l si](hall If thet
ii n XMintrel St iii is thuls far hI it
iii' I. 1, tilltk ill tilt hl i lti t hei
lul is it tI l il int lstalt', (
:t-i-it stli ff1 th"Ieti sititti '' o d i1
lutut11 t t t-' hesi t ' iii h idIye tr a tu1
flatuager ff1liltthilt tyircs -ili
11) stunts, suitgs, lt kstci., f(rt h it !
'Ills' tlt tas11lifir thI us- t el -t(
u-tting),ithe:111(111 kitits-exacstlyt wit f
tiul1eul, a'lut ill tutu' luet re tooulus l
V i- usithe ul Xrk u s'liu gs sill Iteluli t-
'ii itreek fir thet-sameus (ilutist.'I'll(, ono,-
text \ustuk till lie ]t(l si a t :3 P> ill. 1
XX tuluesuhsue st the 1.' tutu
it ltiti iltO w (cs rm i ilw ih lto
111111nd i iin steshauuuuttuuiof the lith to
()111t( li u MarchI 4. heli h ittu
m liii s -ill II ututtuttcs l iatl .t
lIiii utf the stiut isXI lciiia11111acitsally
Mrtohithut utiulare ,iltg-i t
; ilt uo ".a t o c an - ti l it
ofintturust auh theuchirman ii iihuts nnhut-ii
uW I inll is I1i hih t(ft ll11 tl
r s leii otill lt hth ~1 11
chse tilt itsii -it

c li-oiaiao
iticti tt m d

it IIIt the utuil tilt
at' ol f lii' mall
u-rtullipalitIIIfit -
i iIm a to-utliet
I 'aI. '"It em

1. ii I - itand see ite can't
ck ome of ur Id- ills s t.
\i,' 1alo t in th t hatis theu-I u-ut-
tcc' _> h theulass.
"1 Crw 1,doesrr~trindmuchfavo


tt 1
thu -l

IIIIhu c "sad I<f th
s'' '' u(s I tutwui 114 Il
) I t t < 1it T" h
Ilt o u'aIt iced th
u-tucrt'ellis hive-lt ;:
1'itt (;etto -ile a

I t irur
a ittl
z'- I t ,
- hil
' X It 100

Tuftsohiomouure'rit'l' teamtbested -uthu
flit'1- its t111ts ut hci. ,1XX]1tileb
tandu J. XX'. Siero liu i mrutt(u'suuuuuues ierei
tutu me X, Wenel Ileztuhitg b hutli' 'e-
maisrkaly it(igh lituti true' .
Itt'ih'oiihlhthus' lursh tmatt-hi()fa cis
i)fthe ilt''uill lie thu tithue teamuu It'l
rsuutiuug Xl. A. 1H, VDFssP., I '
HI. la, Tatmuserstill uaddreuss thut-lit-l
hias)if (the'Xiiieruin hsttuimt)it
lillett'is'ti( uugti es' XX'u'uluu hti, -ciihI
i, ait 7:3 ito 1 -00 utti(11 8,Necri t i ztt r
tung buildhing.(His tsubjecstrwill Ill'thu-11-
lutist'owerVClitiitlt s lhyurot't I ti
h0,o tot ltuth rasiusissiuguiausss xIs. W-


2;. V -MI Ia- Io -s lrtr
XXt iiti ' at tutu-ar, . fiuth,
C. 11111 1 eii Cx111 1"V 11 itt-i Ia~
<ul t cerk , I lA, tulh uss
Suitse, titt J ihtt; ieusljluul'ssI If~il
tutu , Vv !" II s ,tu1ut trold I u tI
kils Johut XXti-lu Scfit' it XXastert-row.i
c 1 'Ia~ l iti s, P. J. XX ultligei'uih ;
(I teeDr frv lu1 V C. l leilgi.
k l r l i ti lt I.
(ODIC II PA,;s tt iltIlATOIUilR.l
A.sit it ttitiat lu 'it is hhilih,
, i aits 1a furil'ottuthis leaitesit
,in Iii]tuill' sail fit' lEurope tai srcht
eu- 1 n i r t lthe tutui, of Julyt uft- li-
i s aIt s ulusseuu'' iss ;l ls-i' hlt' fiist s
si- itu i t Ill (mlri ng rts'111 uuluuu'ui, usil
~1, tt> hdut is

ill-N ttlxIt"I 'l' X I1 i C[I Xlt thit
(A, X) II hOi ll's; lt''~ki
ilt il fliet uu41()u asu xec'uu tush l oi ei -
IIC'il ''S'ruuCswellh f-ill Illl t
flitcti i"ouhasursed Mrs . W.ID.(li[t
it Xe ssoauu nitha t it usiIll u), s: stilt
to i'<ttig-ulis flue oIihtll' 1t it .
flItlhs.he1dti~ltc s h n
cc so lit Iuc 1 tt~ ihl ch l
it -hips for 1' -y ils i1 t tuT1-

l-1Ufsu'UNutION' uDINN"RXu'uuus i A tutu 151 5 I(I:E 06 C k 1"I,( ii st ust,}
ftsusuasl thu' Litoniin ftugI'tltiii ee Tesii 1 's(tutu-dine"tthifeVttu
cro idd ila tnightlIiatus t ''gehtu'uuuula nn liuusuuuuuuu I lu :111 o'clck. 'Is'iln~
heshsipudluute. It' ltuil' liii t stil tv l ini il111 fliiln i iifthslut'of Iflu's
wats the gutest itfiuhouner aditu tin I V I uttheI-, l sill oftoIs. Sev
Susillt (iiprfisided 15istaisltmaistr, ITdll rat if utth ' u'uugiuusufiacltyii wsill hut
Isis tutu's ut-ut thug ''"Ths'Sirit If the ut OHtutudI lutut iis-u' aunuthe dinhferusill
Ts'sg isitwasit-Il reeied'rsi. AnXiiOI llIt(I'lplaceas 'tututs't . Mattlhewi Itisli
brnouighttothgame sit this'mttenialIwhichli till IaItIastststser ndtilltills Tr'i-st
I~uu-tn itis-whrkingin ttuasioslg fur thu' and Roscutoeut(ratge ssillfturnuishutmus',.
Xhiitsteel Shutow ___________
--it i aulebaste lu-fore Yale' (Isittt{sit thi
Thue ifudlut stle ite lsi si ,utis tee- utsstfuu1uu t Il i-il ttyitXis sstill ft
utiutut su tuha llt lone,,sihtall itt lhe' lec'- ut-sits lutchindu IHsarsard,"'the af'rmsiftvuuuse
iguI'ized is sitsCllege tiiu titu'tt sstutu

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