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March 21, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-21

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Vol.XXI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.'Il i UFO DA 'x-i \R( Hi1,IfIl)[

Vol. xxi.

I ft).

OUTDOOR PRACTICE tlhrae asare bo teini itdx For IMPROVES RAPIDLY
_________ xclss dance- to he held at harbi ou yneptt_____
tientx tt turday. Posters that arx i rs
Initial Game on Ferry Field toxattract :teattixlt aitd arc siip c h Howard R, Hartman's Condition
Gives Players Chance To year<fo a soc lfxir,. xiiilxapear ():t Seems to Point Now to His
Show Real Worth the camipusx todia. Texdraingtii ' Ultimate Recovery
done by 'xaliter Pitz, snwxho la', had
mtutci expeientce inthtlat hielti.
COAC RIKEY S ECOURGED Ticets foir thi party are mxxx' oiii
COAC RIKEYIS NCORAGI~ sialexo i cents etait. Theite mci ill TOOK NOURISHMENT YESTERDAY
st__at it i:t;; shiarpt and xwil conitinuti_
Niiletiiallx siteaking~, sliltg i hee. ________________'Ihe i ~i x t I ( xx1xi"ardI R. 1 rt
Trhe tall Payiers hip thirtespikes inttoTRACK MEN IN GOOD SHAPF Ixlim, le ho as(1u)lsl ht xxxxilc on

"Iled kwihis ixto xxx xthlpro
res iiOf lixthe tiui' rlxiitlc ix I ii+r cl
fu x sis ill place' il l thexwils ''xxxiclx
ixcrsil}-'hlxi. 'I'li(-xxxi ix ix'tr


l xi~ i Ilk1 h'rt Iii ' tl(eix rti1 ver Hayng eenjudged
xri l lxi,\ ;cvii 0 1t Union clOfficials
{:ierun lstnill. lral hvcTER'RIBLE JOKE IS SUSPECTED
b lxx i I n byxiii xxi as, lxxi I iy t
tullx th xxxiii x xxx isx vv II 111(I xiii lii.
tlti 1 y i iit 12c ' .1 i r tiii I sti xxxix,
Michigan [Ian is Honored V ithOtien xlt i rc t~cel . ctd+t t t

. I

ierra xi i-tlilyesterdaxxx' ixernlt t
'ciouthit ercy'iil fxiedtsouned wth xthe
v rack xoi the tal lixat, sit ideedlsixoxrobt
irmrorx'ix be''x'latxied, iii piveneoitiie
Of tie sexaoxs.
Itxiiit ws i hppy squadlxxltlxxi desertedxi
lxo the illiit aindlthle xsnap thle imen ix
played lbrouxtipismiilies tox theiface ofl
CtacitRixckey.,xwhole xipressedximltself
ais mucicxencragedi afier the ixractice.1
Nfter xiiihoxurxs xxoxkoutiiax xeselitory
cxxniflicxtxxaixstxgexd twhichx perogreissed
forxie limuligs. 'Eiex tfficixil xctirerhail
had ino xiior pra~ctice andxifailedto x
keepp xw xll xith~ thhriglxbise llillr
sox lie detaisix)f the initixalIstxupgle of
li t] ae ba~1 xxx'xl lxx iiam ixare los t is
V'erhexyni. Slixxrst.eixI. 'irlti.anxi
the bl~ii xiithe resutxxii soxx hei v
the receixvixiingxnd i xix lsha.'xic. t
thicixax gal's'xlixelilito'rellits oi is ic-
tiremxenlt liyapplearingx. as aiguairianxiioit
"ei'nxl bltxith iiall hi)ltime inx'gexpxr
xxxin rn tatxx cnc xale to) lave
thxe siltil ros' thexii''i m xxixix ithouitiix
esptecixa lxffor.1 Johnnyi i Cxmptbell lwas
alsoi xiiihandto flighixfor iold pox iisitioni
andsho~c~ th slt clverfilxilixpthaxi
xiro iimii isxii -last 'year. tta 'i'r
theotil er raxiii x i s xxsx latex'l toxworki
i the iiiinfield. lisat in tnds axithx a
iaixxagl ''xhiad ias the ' t 'x ofi it re-
Ceitt uperi 11111 111d1willi xxii lxe ible lxo
getinioiixthex xcambxleix-some1'tithex.

Despite Defear at Syracuse They are altilliml. 11111 lieii
Not Discouraged I xxixvtnl111"nltk
-Micltip~ tx' ack'xxi l''ix'xsx xii lxx a xt p c Ii xxtx>loe no nIi
111'ixtin tx'threasiaxic l ooii t])11Olextasx
ofx prepar1i s' x'xisi 'it I xii' x iito lii a sigh i xlixs
thei Ili~xta. xx'ii arexxix' ppar ii t i igiii'pl li iii 5c
lxixy ev elingp. 'Thic lenxxii xx icxxx in x- ann s' I xxtl~7u
lw iticond iition a d wce frixi t x etit 011 u ii ii
tlixxxxxxi ipx1 oter tlex' xillxil for- iii i ate-1( a 5heh i "1
ack.xttix'i uls thex onl mosbet) ctacIlrna.isIcngtaekt lily sxiii ~alI x ii'' I a'st e igh.A - ax't
Ciix. 51 itoxhx i capped by I t he urnix axillix i xxopillis
i taihe ixiili xxd xt'tno it lac . hi srcl xix I t i ritl
tile tealfxx 'lxix i 111breast. lxII lxi x (f rricc n r

il~is did- i
(iiith a toi
lil lii i-
xi )L x1x1(iii -
1xi xthe Im'xli
A rxxiixi11;
th ir l mes

dorfer Memorial
ix ali i l l"l lagoii i'ix is i s a
txi 'ii'. xxix xi t xtll Am e ica
xi h() cani t'xi heI ilx i x-
lxxxix xxii, e i x heaii,
was ilsa 'i p ivate lxix iii f
t lxix lllalu ls i xix. In the
looo i wwkx lii c,;x 'i'x
ma usrit. Mle:rix ' a
a t xthe i i iii ' -1Illecx n x ii (,


had litle toube ll il ill te m le xlll ' i '1 xxI -ix x iii'i caxll,. UIxxlx'sx
tlite. ate dtllgex
lthtix urdxitx'ayxliplii xx lt'i xx>,,DEATH CLAIMS NOTED GRAD)
in lthat (ixin xxxii ilix'elxxghx lilitillia in-
ite ld of [ iiirner. wile heix' et
withx. Ialle illie hi xighj T e ds aigne.' Haxil-'e Nane in fi'ield
icorel t ateai axx'x' orrectlx' . ,11.x Silli xxh liii. ii on'li'ii 21 ui
Stxi resertixo for lie heil'xxx' xxi l meetih I x I xxs rti l c ia lI of ' xxielx l
lmay'beixade'iilit; xit e ill oft helillIxil li t,.tiel1 1I hii aterx iii ud e
txxxxcxin it 8i o'cixlc. Nimisiox nx ill- b ii it here ix'lcxxxx \xxNew 'N herexI'h
x'xenta, xxhile lxx' pxtix'i'xl , Iliixi xhax


in teote x);x'( xx'ti ''lxo 'tx'ar xine x rin, ibex'illii xd a lla cetsiJleii Vernxxx i~s a N'x iu , 'xi1', was xx ' itiutu thx i , - a
Shiorty" 'xc'xiinnx xx'ceed shorct andil xx sqRax kust xxix xxuxxi~'xxxNx i. telastI x ofi the lxi c eaxti xci I o '1o. 0 i Jons xM i ll
displayied nxux'ii ilti. Snaxdxjr and ThI il'etixtisi helix ccxx ihex rlay qar- ltr hi xx NN Whleiii. icxxleehe m ls.xx's a~igt~
Wn'eir xxix x lxx I nisix at 1liii ixi f 1x112x 19l2la \V'ill's semx ni fis fixi'lxix ( c r nuc m ayd r magrie, fon'I xetehxsi.rluli
task olf liili cli ps sluxex versayhtI wasixxxx ox lxie Well rustci s i l aner in t iprs of inni alde ""mx. lxiatisxx1. 1
xanii ixhile lix'shoxax'dl grexal taxb xfternoonxas xx Keen lilinilicxlatxtheib i nexixx'x I axNsuces. icaut]( nxtxi xiWith 6I~ r
nexti aility, his lidib se lacyix a s xxx sixanceoxlthe laiws . ''Th' raxe iiili e l m ctl ferxx' i' d xlix.ixni, De r onrhl d 77 xv 5.
criudeli. hixxxkwxallel cxxxeredxl tile ack'leei'deil xio n ionie alter xx xii nxx t ek , lxx w s ar i xl xxd xriii xiiitoxham xxi sx dllii ithi onlyi I 4_1,
for the xppxsilxp nitle. NNith4lx- I l' ; wh rehxxa e nid Stag'ustreit lo;lnlx xup lxx 'Ixxx i'li
dirawi n to coxvexxirl'irst ixor thlix' 1~x 'xxi 11< I. 1kV iS 1)1SCUSSS accs i hefel f iti~.101711 Peoplei ;41 'If I x l
11hat faieid('apltini hilt's xggregaxlix;,. SOCIAL5,SIDiE Mi .51Cxxxi ex. P~sWa casA wl tues
xindx Itrrintonxxandii Munsonti xxiixxxGoii' Pit.I Jx xeintendsii txTit'
111issinig lie xoutildsx priesenxtexdl a Ple'.tit ('xxixin (). lhWisx dellivxeredI II:C'xx xxx xxT xiii"1 EiY t )D xxxix\\ xx n xti1'tal'
stetige xipplexaiaxlce. wii xilc yt'es xseriixx ex ernig ati ap1 a 11111p ix eth lalixIle A D ti t ix 111l prixcipal cornt rsiox i
-- - lIall, hci etre x l ilNexit tilt a lx l ltiipon sixa to al c l lxxe lix tdaxaxa 5 'iat tile i
ill NI N It\C ifiSI (IF NEWN C (ON lxxheilijeci,"'T'e Scix asathca ii Ncxi i xx "r yhlontestjc,- -
II11(155WXVILI13liEAA 1K NYINIK,. (iexxier," itixi moieepxariiticlrlyupxixux lrfssm .ria ungx"I 'I O" II1111 tN I'N i KS
"'hie Nixlee Pse xxf the Ipih Schl."ixuui 11.1 N uxuxai Y u," VNN lt '1 ' 'ii NIlsiiK( ' I i 1
Tihe oki husiu ek' l linise tl,<< I hold: li {ie 11x,,1i1111s. expei 1hWIs f empx'xxly Is, ladle} xhaslhad wde Nxp'.ienceiin,
TIhe dining rimxunx "11!i}ill l i xxx ix x 1l1fur (up i iiiiiu ixnt _nl iith' (rxxiu 1'11-xi to'ca ,,irisix xxx I l xrxIc}lx 'xc xxi xi i IIxxi .tp i.111
slanil routt thie'rx'xx xx- xx: ixc xxxa i :y"(1x tii lenlci+_ o;lotrt1e,)1nixlry, x hxci lackx siltp. xx i ssI l earnx' .x i n ixulai 'xx i 11 xl i itt-Der u nnx lxii ll'' 1xx 1i
'eccli' xfft le niti1 ixuliy, meld is4 enpit' i e tCl Otettfr tlitleanl tile alxxx i rlĀ°cender-ct. Iviolin t S i.Iiuiu c
cid letlie th ht lestw lenun s'eeCn i)(i'exiitid I lialxt,ntt of ta ihia ixdxa hy x xa ix'system i of___ -r__- '- WhNNtit xx xoi iida\ it . 1
Ciicagix. 'Npi le t cphuni1(' etct iia eg "High SeITixuxi IxOxteisixtix.the Italkxaxdance ix1i1.e fi ld in
co)nneetling all tile ri'iui s ill i i ' lie '; ' ' ,II axcie gong lxxxtihti' i x I lu' :! <tde T e i 'xx'Socxixal club hed ai ncel ogshf'Ixxix t , ic n, xx I , 1
installedi. n)itea ,' h e saulc. "NN'x utt T i lpixl I-) ati { Iic l s c' last night.i Seven'ty-clxv l ix lacxx xx i u i t t he ' lectur
Mxay t is liit'.udxy seltIfor ;the xxtxeui. }teiiucratlee." "coup les xwere preentx,. andiets hebough at 'te o r



Deuis hVerein

Lcueon the0 play toiht by prof. Hildner, to
beollwd by dance, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall,

Pricos: 35c, Sc, 75c, and $1.00

Reserved seat sale at Wahr's State st. Store
tomorrow, 2 to 5 P. M. Reservations at Whitney
Box Ofiice on Thursday and Friday.

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