Vol.XXI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.'Il i UFO DA 'x-i \R( Hi1,IfIl)[ Vol. xxi. I ft). VASITY HAS FIRST IELXBORAT E POTERS f LD.\ WOUNDED STUDENT OUTDOOR PRACTICE tlhrae asare bo teini itdx For IMPROVES RAPIDLY _________ xclss dance- to he held at harbi ou yneptt_____ tientx tt turday. Posters that arx i rs Initial Game on Ferry Field toxattract :teattixlt aitd arc siip c h Howard R, Hartman's Condition Gives Players Chance To yearloe no nIi 111'ixtin tx'threasiaxic l ooii t])11Olextasx ofx prepar1i s' x'xisi 'it I xii' x iito lii a sigh i xlixs thei Ili~xta. xx'ii arexxix' ppar ii t i igiii'pl li iii 5c lxixy ev elingp. 'Thic lenxxii xx icxxx in x- ann s' I xxtl~7u lw iticond iition a d wce frixi t x etit 011 u ii ii tlixxxxxxi ipx1 oter tlex' xillxil for- iii i ate-1( a 5heh i "1 ack.xttix'i uls thex onl mosbet) ctacIlrna.isIcngtaekt lily sxiii ~alI x ii'' I a'st e igh.A - ax't Ciix. 51 itoxhx i capped by I t he urnix axillix i xxopillis i taihe ixiili xxd xt'tno it lac . hi srcl xix I t i ritl tile tealfxx 'lxix i 111breast. lxII lxi x (f rricc n r il~is did- i (iiith a toi lil lii i- xi )L x1x1(iii - 1xi xthe Im'xli A rxxiixi11; th ir l mes dorfer Memorial ix ali i l l"l lagoii i'ix is i s a txi 'ii'. xxix xi t xtll Am e ica xi h() cani t'xi heI ilx i x- lxxxix xxii, e i x heaii, was ilsa 'i p ivate lxix iii f t lxix lllalu ls i xix. In the looo i wwkx lii c,;x 'i'x ma usrit. Mle:rix ' a a t xthe i i iii ' -1Illecx n x ii (, xl 'dl had litle toube ll il ill te m le xlll ' i '1 xxI -ix x iii'i caxll,. UIxxlx'sx tlite. ate dtllgex lthtix urdxitx'ayxliplii xx lt'i xx>,,DEATH CLAIMS NOTED GRAD) in lthat (ixin xxxii ilix'elxxghx lilitillia in- ite ld of [ iiirner. wile heix' et withx. Ialle illie hi xighj T e ds aigne.' Haxil-'e Nane in fi'ield icorel t ateai axx'x' orrectlx' . ,11.x Silli xxh liii. ii on'li'ii 21 ui Stxi resertixo for lie heil'xxx' xxi l meetih I x I xxs rti l c ia lI of ' xxielx l lmay'beixade'iilit; xit e ill oft helillIxil li t,.tiel1 1I hii aterx iii ud e txxxxcxin it 8i o'cixlc. Nimisiox nx ill- b ii it here ix'lcxxxx \xxNew 'N herexI'h x'xenta, xxhile lxx' pxtix'i'xl , Iliixi xhax ill in teote x);x'( xx'ti ''lxo 'tx'ar xine x rin, ibex'illii xd a lla cetsiJleii Vernxxx i~s a N'x iu , 'xi1', was xx ' itiutu thx i , - a Shiorty" 'xc'xiinnx xx'ceed shorct andil xx sqRax kust xxix xxuxxi~'xxxNx i. telastI x ofi the lxi c eaxti xci I o '1o. 0 i Jons xM i ll displayied nxux'ii ilti. Snaxdxjr and ThI il'etixtisi helix ccxx ihex rlay qar- ltr hi xx NN Whleiii. icxxleehe m ls.xx's a~igt~ Wn'eir xxix x lxx I nisix at 1liii ixi f 1x112x 19l2la \V'ill's semx ni fis fixi'lxix ( c r nuc m ayd r magrie, fon'I xetehxsi.rluli task olf liili cli ps sluxex versayhtI wasixxxx ox lxie Well rustci s i l aner in t iprs of inni alde ""mx. lxiatisxx1. 1 xanii ixhile lix'shoxax'dl grexal taxb xfternoonxas xx Keen lilinilicxlatxtheib i nexixx'x I axNsuces. icaut]( nxtxi xiWith 6I~ r nexti aility, his lidib se lacyix a s xxx sixanceoxlthe laiws . ''Th' raxe iiili e l m ctl ferxx' i' d xlix.ixni, De r onrhl d 77 xv 5. criudeli. hixxxkwxallel cxxxeredxl tile ack'leei'deil xio n ionie alter xx xii nxx t ek , lxx w s ar i xl xxd xriii xiiitoxham xxi sx dllii ithi onlyi I 4_1, for the xppxsilxp nitle. NNith4lx- I l' ; wh rehxxa e nid Stag'ustreit lo;lnlx xup lxx 'Ixxx i'li dirawi n to coxvexxirl'irst ixor thlix' 1~x 'xxi 11< I. 1kV iS 1)1SCUSSS accs i hefel f iti~.101711 Peoplei ;41 'If I x l 11hat faieid('apltini hilt's xggregaxlix;,. SOCIAL5,SIDiE Mi .51Cxxxi ex. P~sWa casA wl tues xindx Itrrintonxxandii Munsonti xxiixxxGoii' Pit.I Jx xeintendsii txTit' 111issinig lie xoutildsx priesenxtexdl a Ple'.tit ('xxixin (). lhWisx dellivxeredI II:C'xx xxx xxT xiii"1 EiY t )D xxxix\\ xx n xti1'tal' stetige xipplexaiaxlce. wii xilc yt'es xseriixx ex ernig ati ap1 a 11111p ix eth lalixIle A D ti t ix 111l prixcipal cornt rsiox i -- - lIall, hci etre x l ilNexit tilt a lx l ltiipon sixa to al c l lxxe lix tdaxaxa 5 'iat tile i ill NI N It\C ifiSI (IF NEWN C (ON lxxheilijeci,"'T'e Scix asathca ii Ncxi i xx "r yhlontestjc,- - II11(155WXVILI13liEAA 1K NYINIK,. (iexxier," itixi moieepxariiticlrlyupxixux lrfssm .ria ungx"I 'I O" II1111 tN I'N i KS "'hie Nixlee Pse xxf the Ipih Schl."ixuui 11.1 N uxuxai Y u," VNN lt '1 ' 'ii NIlsiiK( ' I i 1 Tihe oki husiu ek' l linise tl,<< I hold: li {ie 11x,,1i1111s. expei 1hWIs f empx'xxly Is, ladle} xhaslhad wde Nxp'.ienceiin, TIhe dining rimxunx "11!i}ill l i xxx ix x 1l1fur (up i iiiiiu ixnt _nl iith' (rxxiu 1'11-xi to'ca ,,irisix xxx I l xrxIc}lx 'xc xxi xi i IIxxi .tp i.111 slanil routt thie'rx'xx xx- xx: ixc xxxa i :y"(1x tii lenlci+_ o;lotrt1e,)1nixlry, x hxci lackx siltp. xx i ssI l earnx' .x i n ixulai 'xx i 11 xl i itt-Der u nnx lxii ll'' 1xx 1i 'eccli' xfft le niti1 ixuliy, meld is4 enpit' i e tCl Otettfr tlitleanl tile alxxx i rlĀ°cender-ct. Iviolin t S i.Iiuiu c cid letlie th ht lestw lenun s'eeCn i)(i'exiitid I lialxt,ntt of ta ihia ixdxa hy x xa ix'system i of___ -r__- '- WhNNtit xx xoi iida\ it . 1 Ciicagix. 'Npi le t cphuni1(' etct iia eg "High SeITixuxi IxOxteisixtix.the Italkxaxdance ix1i1.e fi ld in co)nneetling all tile ri'iui s ill i i ' lie '; ' ' ,II axcie gong lxxxtihti' i x I lu' :!