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March 08, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-08

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..... .....
No. T08t

V«i. xxi.

Even Some Freshmen Will Taket
Part in Big Indoor Affairt
Saturday Night;
11010 ocli e st fothe tdeprturttt
ofte l akl ea ont hefirtotof its
'n i iva ist litt efo rth an tt a
ins; lace ~n he suad rc. ivin ulteIt tiit
il h°vr i ll m t StitdayIt vlit ng, it
occimill lso aford li(, i t oppor.
tn~niy o~ Ill seaon t tse Io "hI"
Craig, an 1-Lllliil attton
pii i onc It, te isuadI ill bet1 (Ii-
I Itn radCagan ern h trane
I~ th'1 r~l tiela es 111. 'I'lttt
zlei wil asign dw cnte till's 01to 11ne
tem r heoterin tI a mannotlitertat
, ep ll till ti uiforttt t il ttlbeti
110111 1111 th 1 t thl t tl 11111 itt
l :it)7 ~ ts
t dthell nddaes1 or'aritt' 0111111
lpeirt' a 1111d111be of111s11
111 il 1 e lt' I dI to1111 111 1m 111. The
.....7 t el Ild av p oen thilrt
11111111 o eqalterms1 wth1I'
11110I st ll h gv ttpacs 7n n'.lo
thuivestoy1 II 1 on4ttt and01, and11 1101
itea ofeits or th na e t a 11 ined. iThe
itetttl, 11 t ttttuseanttorelli adtt
als tttt'rts t ittott o f Ite chantesco
iets. T heo low oIhurles wtit.l fttye
Mm t Actt' to 00 ompete to oleg t rn inl

F1 100 1 os1'.s istfota

C) 1"(~, _11JI 110 KV'o, IiE "TT IKOF
'IG t ,pes u' a o Corel 6i s faoredANY H A1 ORT I
1100 tleCottne~llDal Sua e sa r hv a t oosperttting hait oft pub-
fishinigisttrtd fatstointtreg1111toth
tunivorsity. Its doty otd he to iupplIi Mayhe You Can But When They.
letr ,titoo'es ofthoe tunivetityt fre10of MixThings This Way We
chtarg'. It twotuld hesit o r t ed t he
Ito styan ettondttted bytatttttl Have to Give it Up
toerttf 0100c o ore soets 1a1d11 yitth111111
TPhe "Sttn" oeditoilitlistt1Crn11 READ SLOWLY WITH BOTH EYES
cmottttt affordlIl ottto ijud-ed byitthie
ouitside oltd t. It tittst bit o 111 110
'tct ttisotit'eitiitti and' tit etelig t o 1111 to


VISC t:>N SiN[ 1,1, 11E101 11S'P'
(111 NINT11171llOSS 11I',\ [th
'Iile to eito 51 lttl0t'ttit'-It0 cotst t o
xtiito the interost(> i e hit' dw ld
ill lit'a c1111s totitltttl'ttt t t vcto It
o11111111 ttdas ooitt sllxv()rd1110is c
TivedhmceShathe i El ersamFew
Podv h irsts-aboteBallsktall ti4HI

Prof, Lloyd Says Distinction
Should Be Made To Avoid
F Misconstruction

Mumps and Measles Sadly IDeplete
Boarding Mlouse Tables
t o rtdly sop o re.tt ttt, Ito hitt' it II t a lt l
afel Ite otiters hKaye' 1111nte, 11wh il l h
waliter makes uO t)I Itbasket1 lu1c111111tit
''fellotw over 00 01a t t'e 11111 wo1 ast
Ittttttt it"
11to11 ore spreadintg, theett ngo red
<101' Ito2;0 Iltseslargelyt '110114 0
'ic metotri t lotisos i ll tslteoral oftliti e
boaring o useststt os'tit toil1111 1 11 1 li
tilt: ecs'11 1 ofItt ei xtr a tt perso ii i'll I t
kit ifnto taut the'mi111).l Vact nt1 cha111
f elo m o fIltsmet fll ow 111111 ttf It o '11
V C ti 11 I tit lRt t i ct 11111I1I't,
Do Iotbeiev00eIih)Ll' tOiNNINI\\el.
I 01 to 'n ndo tl c 7olge grad,' diverit.
itd orty-peertth otht ren'tgl thiof~
bools ad:terftotooITtsto ie
r1 o'. sY 'tIO otto 1rettotit ---1:1 1,ttll'v. it
10111115tttr ool tmoediaoreillittllege n
o>i:t seveniteor fofeitue. bsnes
seksa It eiay joh ith sot o s fttr it
e 00000hottte. Lat salry wsor tyadolla
eIt wek wattt s ol he o tyo lt htor 11111It'
I1 tsti oetgettt i its'nott lt sia t y .tt
f t extil cllit ntooo trek..

its t ioi 111 a jotdws11i,1Ve1
wldoStl'101" mi I 11;1 1111hit I1
All 1111111 to (l ii Itooeite titr. 1 ti 1 t
'I ;()dtti i tlittc o h tc tr
1 1111cem otts a tetlat ilts 11 111 01111hey
irl itt t'ttt 1 the aslt titlittit ]tit lo
'1111 t. 11 t It tt., o iSatn It1 fti t ) i. ''Ikt
Mop~es toilBesBackdon the pan tooiWat
nfto 01111 list I 191 II }
At t0ttt lot 1110 at ltt l htsl rved
he I t i as i aldIt()1-t itt t oast
oleo ,I II t (>th r C~nliladi i Ith tarI
ii 11M tnsA in l n () fo d Ile
I Ito l(lnc m intunil ttt thit 0 to.
"oe0t0 e k nti"'1110 hetJob11111InWt.11
sit til t il " ad b i e l i
.ii t he't110 11, \Nl 'm101om111ng1
111rl boy1t{) lt 11111we ll, 1141111my ttlt~t itstilt'
t plfsto t l hit is1110 tt s 1 ttt 011
s' tot ilnttt I titrttot knIow.Itil'
0"trow'stt thetfIract 111m 11 & It., It'r
thee a i c bvith11100011

N ".it tt t )1
t mpt s ccli
to11 111111101
°r 11 " ill

Plahio 111 ringsountdl t he ir p It , anii H
th o o m tte s itfthirIt tc l t 'ro ttat i A1 th11 1 m
nih fothe tttlo Jto4.I01 a 111111 ihia ~m
ton big1 tampede iti ao fth is
1eIt- Ita ro ta t toftih. 5atiltrm ry i
I~~ itt to wh111
soot' or f r'al "Ittl"b tted I iis n
np'tI ig t et gu r in, o h't t hec1110 st
by0 the soph o a \ keeprs it
-i 1telIlii~Cfr h iiian1i K th

I (' 1'
i '
1i1l t.


f 1 011a- a title fo1r11
ic'i ie tc itrS ictclt
lY h 13cr i lt' 111ate"
1 1 ir I 'llo te (11
,t' ll t 1e 11 101S
t clisti c~ti( lIt..
I~. ll t3 It tir ti rti i 01 iI.
ct her ti w s t itk
'it tiot()f SC 1 1 00ti
1 u iti tf t c le toed. tlt
II' it I' it Ctl Icell itt 111-
I3t c~ cIt It t l t 3,' ltt1 1
5 0 S~'c tic 't131 itt

th t
l iti 1
C" Ii )1

itffi- tha t te Il 0 I
tc it h culm l II 11
th lit'Imttst tclbs tillt
t11r 11111he iltilo 11lit
Il~st ill\.the iunde'i ill


'0 ttttll es i~allt 0 '1'' 11110 1 lSittt C112
brtti Scre01100 A IAt.it 4 l1 asdi he W ttor ftc
Sar t e d o fist haf- reh ,o I ai , ltli ~~ o h au u l
I II ;0Baskets fromlitld -ht- SmithIit
Flhi r 1 1 r0111 IP1ltyII ollh t. B s~ts fon1 e tir's 0 111101rtment telig i t
INo.l1- 10.0 Nr i l ('117thof . n aeo ',A g ott It ttitnin0 tMWt owl0 I W
JI CII VO 1 S It I: Ii O I t atm1clsifcai11ha
C 'leme tn t inntt't' lr't' c totmtithe 11-111 Ills h I t ,law, '1thtliilt'i tc."11l
dayin'regardltro hetmilliit''dollar 00110
stalled'tlintt hio Inionit and'itti i t o t oIte t~ ineed into14 t'eiplansft hel tlt 0,tt

hit iiis beng takoto h swte'Wort'' I
prolectlaonditectry 1100'. <he
Several isothickcs lhato' bee'n'iit ne
tth rlt't'sintio1111f sometof11thesilt-
cittirtitoi, atndtit 01ill 1h10n'ces110y totn01
I ttittit o nfr'outthte'r tatis'li 'tit
fas astossl ftit 't'ltitt t
itt thiseIiatluilists. 'Ibis'Wmoltwettoi' It
struttoItegt il01.t'll 11a11's0of Iittit

th ,0Ilt'nacnlt , Itili 0111 ittt p e riri' iIts
t' f If CI'ross, tof Ithe' h:Sltoh 1'th cls'tttio
Sch ool Ili it th I th1isi ipapetrl
ativty1'' tilt e I it vetsi15 I t ily. ''tV I~
'it'[11017 tt 'ii ,CVCIo ttctt'gt
cit tti)lh1'1 01111tttIti ltI,11 In abs t s
expttllor thI his rtint s t he1I7 111151' tttt
I lan' tiso to ottdepatentio tis ciefothe
cuorof b te u011 tymueu.

lectrottwiiilit'egitvit tt ftor-to'clotlI is lo its,sotih111attors fotr te 001ork loithei
aftertnooti. list-, canibeharrantgtd.

jects of the trip.

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