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March 29, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-29

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VolXXLAN Allt~tt 61 1166 1 1'I)>151)6 661,1) 1,11) N. 1.(

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Vol, XXI.

'L t? . r "v

WILT BE STRONG "lobtil,"kn hil t ishuhPr } ,lt
Work of Pitching and Catching 10*iz.ile wstO Dllt
Staff Predicts Trouble For ra'1te e~«r1( d ) < l)
ru bil raiycr idhsc11Hostile Batsmen tiay
PLAYERS LO3NG FOR WARM TPAYS r-iS-tmvrdte trei h 11 1te
11-sw )cle\ tel 'is av a tr ender1 h1as 11e1 11 1 Notht(C6' i
sclprc On haps2 ~ < ld1 01
st~ci rerrs=1< ()ffw 11 ; 1sh it w ath
11 benolt s wil as Iarcli CONVENTIONS START TODAY



i_ 66\ N\II6 \X)'l' 6S1ASH
6,' 1)ttR lflD t I lt .5 6TLI) 6AV.

)JIJW4A1k,) LKfIe111UAII j 111.112 s.stela or < IIItn 111
Actli o of -,1 nts Causes Him 11 1 1111211 66. 11 1 1th cr'lsil (,)r11 1110'
j To Ref us,; eland Stanford 11 l 11 I 11c 1 1 ,c. 'The'world'; i1121.c>
University Offer II S sack 11 I'00111 ill1' ati'.mi Sq1,ar<
HE IS N 6015FUILL PROFESSOR al's ."..'.. epeci~i1 c1111rk.1 1wl'(,il
Prt ;Idclt 11t1'.11 1. } . ,t rd1tan-
i i (1 :. 1 1111 wil
_'1 t, ' e 1" 2ly
N inrer of Union Opera Contest GJet
Ili( 1: ll~e 11 l1t a~ttstc'l >ttsFirst Honors
I1'_i,:It ll111111'l' 1 tdll 1111;_11 Sil
I ;1 i 1 i 1 1 11 °.e it r d Ic° il l(~ t i d cl,11 11111 ii; ,l

Legislators Recommend Budget
Of $400,000 Less Than
Amount Asked
11Michgn wll h ad1hi c15i h
1,01111 111 o o th a1 .11ae ol1
_111111 ofIII $103 1111 111 he11 m1l11 te
112 s im inr 0 1 l 115th '2 111of 1~
state 1' " 1 '2'('0'l'andits reort.I'll...
. t S the r1 dt1 tio, o I1l 011 a i S flni
11011111,00 0. tcla 4] rl 1 11
1e1(.-atd h tte i p-m m'1spa1

111:1 1 o lo-12 1122 h mu ty11o1111I
11111112 in.i it 1 11111c
il Ilill 11f11 (11 to ,21111

Schoolmasters and Acadenmy(It Sci=
ence Commence, Sessions
11 111111111115 y ar e 1 1lcl
1116112 111Oil the 'll l (11 tl2 s1 1
112, ()11I he Bch a ll'i 21r1' ('iy li :

1 1 2 011 1'' 1 ~ I?''
~rI 0,2
1. i 1 t f 1 Sicl


Ole c c il ot 1 1 ii 12 I 1
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Stdan l l ('1112the irm t a '2o
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1. a (100 (( (11too e 1s; it 12 (fa(th '
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2001 1(, as (.1ct15 and <tgg eat2.1

_ i;l PR I, ((ii' ID' D1V(1.
11211 li 11111(11 ('Imo ll im)
iiicu ii ncii pate e hh >
(1111~le ' 112 1 l-01 111t'' 2 1( 11:,O, I 1(1 i
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theCi si 12 2 j Cntsea(25
1fe' is 2 1.a 1 fa t liatit iis 1(1 ii li 11" 1
in1haatsif 1112'fall'11"t2b0 1m
our1 1t1(1s, is 0('icl21102 IW 115 itte11
120211hine110110100 111'lwho(12">.,n12
a15(1 1102'ed1'yis'ome1ofWei\041,
thll l iii aii way 15 thiat iwill lie ac1
to \l11'lias.

(1nc ri x((ft o iitit)Ihk Th C~)I ssid ) h 11 r~i v~ s
1ti2 o . 1 ) 21S ~l,%~il ob nprdb ()cr(r{I](r h
1t2rdo e llre1'111blck de icin s dem ndig a ft ,:2 (2 cy IIIth \ Y-
sa w. Ii 's )I o i')e 'ie I h lt l . IIx')11(' as a surprise 1 Ii i
m t11 1 1110Il )u; hear 11(2 1122 ()f 1e 11121lC f he stte as hldl 1~
()t . -o 1cilml 16.11(1 (11 ' n w iado l' iii ( li(ii '
t( I l I(I 11T2hus, 11'' i 11.21( 1 kwlr fea o aeies lto sa o td(l 2.
St () 1 a d P1fs (11 121an 1t;) 211 6\latrs in ivdualy 11'~s
tt .t11,1O . i 2 er2ae Th iyo agnw chgldp
ll pr()):ii)1 be t-(tt111(11t. 1 i n (I, a p rn t et2' rst u h r
(1 I I '101 tas al d e dsriue' le l heref)t ( ;ii (11 1 silthe hig
I1£ _____________ sri__ iacti I 'l t fdad ofi excel1lnc heetfor 2 2 h
,1Sti git nd pr'1ililu ilslcti 11(to 1change 't111 112'Itr'of this 111111 121111
\riOr 11I YO11-hasappar 2111 ofis i ferent stand o 01i 12'21woul b a
se- andol 1 6. 66s. M liu 1111' 1211111 5212115 lss 02'la1d2 th at 6611 .11 1 o 1 12 n
< 1 .0115 1, ''ieNet ge4.) C iag dlar adcens thusds ectd3 oud e

c ., i.

Mar c ..Nro
I Oc Now to insure a com-plete file--Or sale ian all the campus stores 10C

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