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March 21, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-21

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Vol. XXI.

Reports of Ithacans' Strength
Keep Track learn on Edge
For Contest
'Tie Wolitserine track mns are wo srking
aosilyti.\the-se (tays witnt s'e ee on
the east and stisiltier on the
west swatchinig their prspuietiv e oppn-
eits at Co"eand C iis hicaigo. As lie .Itt-

(Special to tie 1lic/sisjan Iai tt} SLOWLY IMPROVING
Linesoln, Neti., llarets 2t.-Twoadu-
ates if .te IS ivrsity of -Slictsin ls
settooia, (ellaiere eteeteid iitotie Uniiteit Victim ofShooting Acdn
States Sensate tast fatt, staite f riiii tie ofAcdn
sane platforim, Moilay err 5g. ,,iatsh Appears to Be Gaining in
Biryan' fifty-firsthbirthda.They were Strength
Joihn NV. IKernt, saofiIineiaa hograsduia- ___
(eel ini 1869, aids ilbjtert _TI. Ititetieset, sf
Netbrasha, if ttie elassssf 1&t. ie. lperii bOCTORS LOOK FOR RECOVERY
spiohe at Tr. Bryan ands his fture in
Ite IDeiocattie party. A thifridstriker ___
was Giseriar Shatristli', of Ciii ('sitii r d .H-m-emailstile 11is uiste



ci unt, nimNes touimprovsicin srnt
sa it g rissisit i'tiisisa h, (isI (i' i's-s
and iyOW wihoa'i i are cs'stacuts it tti
bedsisdessf (hi wunduuusmst ic niterisijis
strong,'honsitf Iris ulimainite recoves ry. At

weainssre to sapeasr isn\WatermnsgymsIsInvestigation Fails to Locate Union

Satsurdsayiight thes ire receising msss
sit the thoughit, saittDr. Kileriseis andt
Iis pointstire bhsilysiesvisigiway s tiiir
imeanssost bestinig thseastersn eraekss
whlen thieyapstaar i is Sietisso. The
sathletes srs dsoigtheir tbestsioselieve
The uiutcoeissoifi tie Csselle iieet ust
remtaiiniiistliuiiertain sissitie aiiity' oi
the I'thacassis ilarsigely usknisis-usIst
reptiredi thsait theie mu's hsua~lltronigi
ill the sits'andha islf. At\iir m'seet Sat-
urday thseylisleviaultiestsuer ceeeisfeet
ansd their ir-Isjusiper-s leaed 75fest7
iises. ''ties seesuisseal:iknithes'htt
pint astheir issnitsrforsmiser did ii uiitV.1
fei'sif iiincs isindte isis'iintsessrints
saisllits-sties iias so-
tiest, seesco n ail thirstpsicesswilsi be
Cssisstedl histhe essississ se'et asuithtesssins'
sit the- esostestisng teass'imiusit n tibe'lismit-
ed. '('hsre Niill bti te's iegist regislar
s-sesstss-si)two iaprice' I sit" le-i-sielisi-
isnaseid. 'Tsshisoe raites - ssi -us-nl's ta-
vor5'as it is ill thispriis thatii thit l aiisk
strontg runss elyraewill terusns
hoswsesver, wi hIwi itlcoesst ;ons
dle 'r'e'srdl crsiss airuitasitoisthe stassrl
will he pit i lplice. Theiiisiria s'ittyis
tiusat I200 anistiis r XIii sirI ithst .they
wittlie fillsed. Allothe t plac sessittllb-
reservesd, the seat Isssal oeing thisissrni-
isig at tisessffice of thes Aliletirc 'sssiis-
tisis. 1 lstii-sositgeneral' I admsis'sin lists-
its stilllie adsiitts-sitrs liii"alls-iy snly.
sicis it IGAN mAS sirs-i -iiis.
'(hat tir- S'sslvirini'es-isis suttsis
toi av thsi e tiopportun'issi'ty if msinlsg thes
sits'oonisfosir it i01sisissonsiApis-iz sssw
seems certaisn. 'Tryouits ire Ibeing heist
its .the 'niversity sitCkicigoigyninrasi-

Poster iRobber

'Tle isysteryssrsousnsisng the sdisap-s 55lte siots' ssss' t ighti E at is is'sti-
pearance'of tas'eiposters 5in'e 's1its ierastnsrs-riegistesri-sI yIis essisritissss 10,
Minsstr'e'lshosiscssntesiti iwhtiscsseestaken suit Iis pli s'sirs, i iiss it''ar eisi-
sitts s of hs s s i sitrov sssconiissn. Ni
frumuui rbourshssssr siusiss Iih isia s tbens silihis ijectisons s'v ibees giveni
ligistessee by as sigleeir. No wordasit sinscisfourio'clsockiTu(sica-itsastsernissssi
iseen hteartd, nisi' isivs'the' ivstisg lissis ansit althssughs lie pa'tient s issl-ightily
of th esomtit ts's- srsoughtl ssorts anysclue.srstles s sls ili i~gt 1i's aushi ther
slissigedstosmsewhatisyhthishitntreturn5 shuT5 1stiii smasll quaniisss sisince usda,
sa th u setsetrs. It is ntb elieesthtiai 5sut his ia si'ds-si sss slls setaipd
studtes, sfter realizisig siltsitheloss ('isss's'tiesdirectioinisof tD(s. Ialihg
meais to isthe sis sshw oulhi keep thi s-asdssi SSs-stsisssdrinaesis wee n
ci's, situdtteesomitttesse issitiroundsistitt e I i his'woissds i. i s sext'isE ini
is theis'deaesthatssmessnsssthssr thansi-saiplee lstrsigh lith os.IsIs litmiii h s
studet is resiponsihle for tse ias. lic-isiouc's sintis ii iisaicc si t ndin
'(e its- etlt-elliommiitte ftahlss esi i stiVst ist i uponis ils-hisg iheis' s--sicn iif
suet list tight assis mtapipedslostith"l 5hts liithesss s's'ceif < mirrorIsistissrust sit
plai sitfte perfortmanctte. _kssar it-,s t-ie rississi. I'e iii tissue'slltssispiris
poissiblte-st (Iis stage eer- ' t ars is opimisitici sioncrnsssng Iis chanses
slsong t estud-fisthisisnt iiiistirel siosiicsrcums stanse5sitsescossition ofsii si t isg
ises,-aftest suet, an osio sidse'ci iratans wilsnot heit ofthIsrmoa fo
u-set, hfitst 5hurt l bei ia 5feauitts ie s.()i CtaIc t IPo-rtage lk
act, the siatuetsof siticuh wsltholhisre-fralest«owk.
vessledt tttilthiue sopen555 i iiinginght.The sec- s-ssuitpo se reti'iiiiinhls-sI i--i
asui tart tet1illsow this s"rsitlamist eltaesi dt'1 sltcliboyiis sut stfiimmiaiisits'
siggreg iitilofsiteleIscussr, endi mendalii'r,"sudiUlieDIl-hg list ight.
sisses, tttabouritse t t s. lliwsisl tothibeiimovedt'ifromiitheta
The-oiois is tlannsesd is the ig' feaitre.1hit' sioin lii I is'hi ss-s e h i s e st's-sid for sc
Vaudevsles-t-skitssismssolosguess. nasieissitSst srs histo ithised a isis-dasis itternosist.
suit spiecial'"stuts'" still list'' bei'gilt'r- Itis imurs'shis hat ss shotsi stillsremassins Ill
ed nto asptpotirri if fits. ts- i ieind, -incte 'ii' 'ii-c-si's-s-st
'Theinex't sasid essrsoali st tits wsill (tnued onage 2.
behis le l'rielst i'stgist sit 7 s'scIissck i ts'
Sph~iix'-'('riantgle rsoms. 'lts s e isslei-
it' if roomstsfur cuuomtetitiounsftrsi ii is;YANNIGANS AR~E VICTORS
inthue' stshw insteer-onei iiits sibility isI- --
strgedsturhn trut. Absence of Coach is Disastrous
-______________For irregulars

l.Iit SRIAtE (AltlSSIN-st'
I \ Col, (sst i i'-i' ii' I\ ( FI tC =S.i
esuersisaMs inrtrsisl(sn (sic iI i' 5
ttheperson ois-si sts hbilhis-luall-'isis
for li iit is l istha s itot tpshd hi-s s-h-s-s-s iks
es-sits sill ss'sst'lhsts sits-sis i shi s
list the umsiat of$8i.ssi lia sseenscollect
esd. '(T-s i s tit us isreuss ts a totasl sit
30 IOV ds jisniorit'wht s) is, (lug ts ipstshll
amulnts re-giustere-soppite theii'irnames.
ths pro'grsisiofthei' 'is sigi sill his
itisisit isat sillhi s ts-s heli- iihnd:, of (lis
cloc, urti Frdaynis, «silsiis Lop-
Classes Plan to Hlonor Profuessor
lIn appresciionssoifIthe niri eer
aitu ssric5o555 (ia adcyM.'riat i
itn Jhis visisofeissr suesi l saw, uies tudents
ts p pr fr isis asihsi sit us's 5 isis))' t
Iia cupg 5155ihwuhissli he iisbe prse-sns
ed tin a sott iime .H v,'t 1
tse'ts'''sichasirmans hi-shas pis its C(I s '55555
t s i r the i rs , ie- til] hd i u
Ts e ushuhhuits u fusr'ths esit us' chsss coi-
isissofiLoie, VeruuuuD. kemaha-u. 'sit
uslists ; tile ciisunsire sitnitt e iss's 'iii
sithile sisth I muisis-,k'fshu e ui ii s 11 u's
(Is trussousI ut's' t'ochranand i-s ('
utiiui seususIuig this'phts itht tasn
si--sts;I e rhc sits' ttu ((s t is C011
siate . '.Iss eel si rles ta it i'sca us cta i le
mino ilfo rf.usts i,"h l. 'its-un- studeistuillhis u's h t
m e a t \ ~ll - te a ni o u'l t o c (S t i c kthf uS T.
iii Misitiisis'. '5 iVis iss
iiis'ti ct s i i a to inc abr s is nd
'Ithie f -isit ii ius'susuuu ts u iiii 51 is'-
i-hcid ursswibesered sis refru s hmus nts.'uu
Thetu''swIlI comiteeis n5ca'

Columbia and Cornell Slated
To Encounter Michigan
:'.suet Experts
A fr=1 5 ''-s c t ' c hasi
d 1>5 ' sti ts i i's-isgitst
f-~ tI 5! wis t I ~ ncs
5 l I'l) 5 5 5l t ll d 5 Y t i l-i
stI h I ''' t~is' s .
il i lc uu I 1I 'u s's' csrIl-ehd hif'this
4i 3t ra it ' i is'sct ' h -s

1 i

i -ss'ti h s f4i-n thus
5 h its i-iscah r ee-
r iise int"four i
..cl i 5 -M, ShusLfi' situ
lhi stiitwo, isiseset'
iia- it i earn s they
r alo(dtIss . Ifthus
t~ii e the5 cc(si-s
tt - t' ' ' ihuis 1 5 -' -
iti ai ilt)hs


ses ueeuss a iiss uiiin 55reis e sssss51'S CAt, C1I~IS (51 ii, I utafi,.11 'isukisu sisssssg-st u'nss- uei e
so the (Suusshia gamnes. Chicagso has a FA.R~iT' 1(1,, DAsikI hN il 55''DA . ssssshthes'ses ncusoft k' 1iss i htitanthin basll
numbssies-rutmeee.sitditd'hlls'ditstatice' rtm-sI
s uu' eusi ~ihsusgs i sutnuous nd
set-s sitususual abislity,- chief' 'otn Atug receptionusslshdtinse-wsill hue-f iiens-tens'edh manteuvrsit on 555siths'et'y isehu
wh'omsu is tie re-usswi-ii's DIavsenportand islIsissteIUnim-esityThusicatrutbuls st (gruss-usts't'isss'afternoonsss. Csatin Iiltliled
still tutthsiuht'sitsbhis- rtins' eduss byhisa
ersiels tesutut.gee s Aaadesmy onAt Trelodys eesssg .hissfoshhowe'r sthrosughi iuuuu' inn5-cs'it
crc ta.Marehs 27. '('hueguests w-ttiinc suhal sia s'sssomhbatuin whtichs his r-tils
thasealto has-e beenscoecssu-tedsh usthis'wsies issed Inihisthine. asusi'gutssbIssa 2
AntIg 55555F isIt UiP t sAI N. uorganiztosduherisngtlissyesar oiriills ih u to l's'-. tttquiiituc5hansges s\veres sumade
'Tlus'Michigan Rifle' elsub's ti-sits wass pest. Since'aussappruseciesi portsulish itn hfinsbohLinsupisa-' isis I ihe-srisuitntissue
again defeatee byTIJ. A.C Ti--onday ight tie letubs'memershiptiis coumpiosedi of hssckastos brokehinsiststhin rugg1e.
by' the score rsf 1705 his 153. 'Thetis-s etsesus incusen sisusexpsetIstolaest-c('sisa isi sapmnsred s t i-srussun ofsitthis
psarity' ins sescwSas liser thun-itsusth1ethestais'vesity tlissyear, this-ouphrtuitstIirsack suifuse ni'Irregulasrssuithunug,-
tirst ersntest,sut ltis wsicasusesd by use msill histe hash fuse ashmeetinug el-someusuus un-s iilIhiselfI his risilsi-tiu i
sees'sysems of sathoaotinug luau kapteainssesustsis'a(rasngehmensiasre- 1beinig sitsuit- lits'e: hslss. ('hapa isus a prodiusetsusouf
Weilsons lias inhutruced . ('p tos assiertefor asrepsresentatsives' attendasune sitsiv-mi-t V etNsi rmausnsit thatsilleth slush heIs-u
tisse ago the sie-is uerec making sirsuse orutyi--ie-vecouplse'sass it i stississand ovriy, ipsagsassi utst if hue rim-es uspssasblue
thec gustsstrapss. That i ihdtohe'thue thu-e roraes mwiths sinumbssier ositqssiue-imitasissstion usioe 'lhhusuusussLosthropsusas hsie
aetler muethrsoustdsith moisse-pracmtice-the fetesures. thirdicnun se. TIrsun iwasusitu handslthi
sviedrssuorutthe umovue' susu he smire aui- Prosf.astuMrlTis.S Williamst Ilaes l a- itt suit-enrIis shut tuase'ast suort suit Johnnyst
ptarent. Thur tihd umiatchssitthurseries chashperne urthe party, ususicfr fse huichnamaspbuellus-usedh it seetus. hell, Mce-
siththue upsatse schshool illtakeuplacee aill he fusrnshledl by'"thee" IFischen's or- T"Ilthiss,T;Myera, assistG(uldttftormuedsithueius
time firetuseck ails-nitmrinug vastns.ss chesrahelds quiarttrt hel.uuii'Ystiigauts,

ltit clsuusu i s srus thSills ill
thus cas a7 pit 5-s Ii
pavhe I isis us S -sis(
(lihos'fiit us'' I' hisbyushull is ill
suit lute thirt u 1s uusi us i nus it"s l , -
us the is ls it ilma e t i nsists thus hi u)s of
this tseausurer.
DE5NTnS \sui1,t tuaIS's 't' 5.5 i 'siussiA I.
' This'Dh-ntal Susss u i si w imet us' ig~hs
551 7:31)o'liek iii thisdenslush155(15thus-
tin forisths regulhrhhsssssAhhhps'' I
werui's iiete SS1_) usWt ish, fii i I su(t- 1. 'u
'"P'uislp tettiisi-u susilhisreus byhohis t,
thes imieimlens, atherIishissI hutlscsu u
sithle sujet suw h i s' iseste hisykC . I hl-i
ltitd, Ti.si. Dhiss-i asnds C.sF'. IRiead. i
Thesuhues aeus'- rigs-stous is; ii' us s-
tiulss fuse disc'susshon suit this us ill heis
aswes -red-st r *,T isa IIr.

(itl It. 'It-i, tI I tIC"- S.
The ti c - )1 o ,h si n t'h e is's
I, .15-s ti}1 5 i11 -lie tt us Ss ia t -sisy,
-ll 111 =1t Ii1)3 ths liiil osi
\e1 ,1- .} the iusii'hti iii. sit
} t1,7 1 A 5 - a! i ll d 1)i tse CLSSi ll
11e 'liii : f ioitn SiIt
ilt tj -sicall hi'-s Its ('siu'ss('ill
Tslsurl-The i I Socular ui ht:,ssitd'
Wie Pm bus it Sitll ihr 'ruo I,.
his 'It °l ite ist usgus iii. ush 'nil sue its
het ialls-itr. iG. KItisji'ssilliDetith'i
-si r~ s T alm dge '4, l ''il iI Ii5 in' Q -
t~isit 'i'-uhisalu-of ic frehisit mulal
-'isis'lii' - 1t, ' r i - ii iR (q. ''s-s. sits's lii
lef -(hss



A bright German Comedy of present day life presented by the Deutscher Verein at
Whitney Theatre, Friday, March 24, 8 p. m1.

Reserve your seats today at Wahr's State St., 2 to 5.,
All day Thursday and Friday at Whitney Box Office.

Prices: 35c-50c-75c-$1 .00

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