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March 30, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-30

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W Ni

Vol, XXI 4h.+
"nT% nmruf6 f I mflfI11

ANN ARBOR, MICiII;A 1. I'1I1lX:XI) Cl',11 r1 CI 30o, 0)1t.

No 1

Relay Quartet Will Face Crack
Western learns in Big Meet
ilidhi ati . 111mik" r( Ililqttrt . Iac:
c iat i r 1 Ca tain I 11ie 0nd eek
1e e [() t iult 11 elth '?:3;;11 this 11111
1cTt (.1 Tw a i a e al i] dlt. li
l Iwtl 11ra k1 uclii 1,1111 11c r;i ill
rt1 ru ei1 n ici~ t< i i ll. tw

"I Iw WHO of the. Chicapi
Civics and Philanthropy, show
cial Needs in (,its Deverrpm
been set 111) and is now o1wil 1(
he in room to.l., l"'Conomics l>nil
XVIrd I,. i>urchard, director of
111nsenin 'Ind cxtcnsi'm (lcpar
the school, explained the dcta
mr)t"einCIIts outlined ycstcr(kl
in an informal lecture at l:,).
The exhibit consists of a
charts, nMt)s, pictures, 'HId pay
lustr<itin under the hcad of "T

itg. I,:j Educators of the State Gather
IIIi(, 0l(I to Discuss Problems of the
s t l Profession


familyIh1 idI0 cidIcii~>,m dcl eh
aia d peat i a d u d r )c i att
111',ighiaroc n i ie"m v~na A
Stc1a o sig1111ils W sral" l
It 'I rn
fae. sologia ihelt ~lct~
a\cl do lyoo n x ciia. 1 ,r; i Ici l

SIX l1Il-iI, \\VS 8t)' ICNA
slllJmlmsCoill Il ill lrlin ofil Ihe
lrcl A. ). II. t)11, at 1:o111 ()'clodC p.
"1111 CIII 111d 1 etrd Ity 1. 1,1 c1
-mil )rder al' walled "o tsify 1101
t1 t l t 1.111 1ll a1crt il 1Ila t 1
!t 111 11111 I()\- p" I t ti . Ill s i
111d 11% Pa. ll up id, l illti111 an
D sifte I I',tllc ll.1111- character1 10
tICIilvtaItIll II- fort t 11 i the 1),11 t
A,'No More- llc ill pl;:wstyeFresmen
t)~~ Rise rcIly ddon tSabth ac

< t t I
fit .t

< I fI 11 e1 I 'l i

tr ill

Ii I'

\1ti 11031 Cta
c.1 1 l f 1l iC will.
Al-. CC f-- Ia
I) t ' It do . il

J1 11111' les la
tlI. r1 11111

il t If,
thet I
lis e


c~r It ' Is ll(t 11 -

,ra lI f 'Illq- 1ala"c 11il
I- tl c ttrp1et1nd 1athi 11o e
it O t4M i i l a d le i n till' l i t
I I' h i l l 'c)lp n I the 111'
II s t t 1 1 1t)11111)it
It hasRolk'a. tt th Itl an I Ier
lul1 ec ,asa " al1 ah n ct 1 111.
\ ill l IcĀ° te t tll , 11 iti t theI
I)stt C 111111111 fst tsar ll r,,1l
t)h)cI l 111affirt andl it is111111w

Winter's Secord ' Childhood Keelp:
Vaseball lien Indoors
11 uItfCC's perfistleInIcCha futcalii Ic
R kc to al a e ca rcieta I f .,
t 11 h aebl cn iae in h,
inth =Ia i Ckthi 111 i IoH
.,,t rod () ha 11 l 1 1111 il111 Illt
lhe C 1111 111 1111tr l I
becaus 1111e. a tiv It-. 11-"an tftf t
Ill. I' te ur. s lhe team1 =t
for 11the sou~t t II I ll It Ill 1i IIf
the11ting1,11fort prt ti ce1111i ,'C l I ilr
tUsI III 'lethld te ersnnl " ll
team1 seems to I firy1 el stted
1apa 111il5t irst andllAM R at 11111
CCII h a-i. I'i CN or ti r C t' I il t, p1
11111 t Ikett '11111 h IClist t 11prese1
1111111111le iMlt 111 I 1111as1 had tlC i I ,
pr tt t much1111 'Iris 't ll I 111 I 1w y ltthe t r
heI has takenlls o the nel~ts11 1I s Jilinl

rif1 1


- ill 1c lc~

It. t If tlit i(f 11111

Residence 'Halls lund is Increased by
tOne Thousaind Dollars

c tc 11111111 h1.11t

I-N . CI l
\I1t1l11 ;!.

or lhe i' ld tlI 11
ile- If C111111teIllt
1wf-r 'I-li l'Iv CI
il Con tt clw-c s t

~l i . 111 ii 1 ll
c~c ta 't1 (. It it~ '}"i 1 SfIC.
tlC I(c II I. it l~ r 1t'~ s
1tii 1 t c
iIt r 'i t aIsii sil I "l ig ft) th
ttia l l 1 ' 1 ilkS 'hve l l y a icl I
11 as it{>s iII~c ti1li 11I t 111 (ol Ii l
1,11(1)_ I 'ctrl l t eil II flot
tlep rtllt I latl llhc lare cxI(cII

f1111(V1.1.111-s1j1111tO11O11111111 tI tll
,))I t l c () I "' tChtI C III1 11 111 I11111
te t11la h re\I11(1,CCmt morell 111
an ilelsn Ot r llW shngo, i
is par t ( Il ;l l 1111 1' tallove
The 11111 l l elie tv t i 11111ill111
.11()- he de ier, lf -,tltt il lY tr
!1,1 )l, 01tI II 1,111 111111he tI 11111
I)'p (npt e tlit, Illd11 t 111111' .11
m11111 11m1I retletter bl 11111s' here
1111 ,) I .II cr~ se p cin m o tn - 1
1's ~ 111111 111 Illa11 11111111tellCentill
III~ np111 th ariva it 111 theI111terIiiwill
\p lI t) CClai t 111 111111.111 ll\ 1111 11111
!s1(111 11 11111\11esli , e ak
I n I m NI I rk 111 01151 o.It II alternate
IC tavC them r (I~I-c i) be 1a101the1oCfic.
1111 fla t IC dsrv 11C c l'll 101111f1 r

Musicians May Disorganize if
Financial Support is Not
Ior f Regents lolt1111111J. ). Ifee11
at is n lext lltll m t in" prl :.Th1bal n111 i
at I Cresent abofl ${ft inIarrears,1andif 11
theCIIIIC i za 1111Iott isI toIII hi 11111 iti 1111
prp iainCIIIIICIfhe f ltIICedibyfthe 11111
to fhelltusedl ill plcaslig1.1un illms,1and
11h1 g11 ift Ishtl b1111t111111111111 11sim
ilar1doniiIICon fr oll1he 1t1cutcocil11
of1the1egef1sii ) 1as11ak1nl:it a
111o- thell alI te1111ou1111 llst1111 l igCtf
111'ollars l were gilvtnllyC thelath-
ltilll oi ai ll lastO faCll, 11when flle band
lICsset Ito 11111adeliaI 1ndtheloliga- ot
tions Coflthe l stu 11nt lIbody1were fremoved
at th i me'l .1 As'11 yet,11 I.no fn il support
has bllen111gien1 1by 111the I unvrit
lll1der1111 It 1211 1"But we1are1already
11111' f'propriatiC n,1t11 1111 b01111 sifll, 111
111ll Cools-CIhatI'hereI lill 11e.-It(prn
ill~ of111the111 an11 \1r ill 27.' \ s i~)
1111 in 1cfiqly , Cih luctan111'.1111 1 111
classes d 11101 11111 l 0 I'll for '1)01- [Ilulie~
11111111 lou IX'. 111111 M th. n>1>. 1. FIla~l~l

AfteCrIlsh 11b1111110, 111e plaly foCr lnt
year w11a1 inf ormlally discussed.

ina h ~ sltt i ii 111 sadPof. lt11111
I IhIi ure tht 1a111111111l het N nll
thir Im.cI I.
II'it III I I ItA SIN Ii:111111 I I i
it t III .11 tAll ilkNIi iilIast-
, 'I l-Il .'iiilTAG 1111 11111 OX11'
11e11 ; innerl Ofi thelll'1- r Ih11l1 s


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