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March 12, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-12

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______ __ A ~JM7W

Vl. XXI.

ANN 'ARBO7R, 1MIC IGAN, SLC' NI)_ 14 MARC1'12, is 541


Vanquish Homers Nearly Two
To One in Hard Fought
heiusswh icmp sel the
[I, ig ll he et last
'5 's's 1it grĀ°~ ti m of epitit
",, Ii l,;5at t I i e csiisie
so 0,- o3oz.3.T e coko
n millad ck ad I its ithei
'Iso tere temost eitt r 'siss featres.
4 ict . ha c m cd ii Is it i te finater
isis' te iig u p lssae ws r^,t
I , n s a . a + t i l o , ] i f s l i it w h
lii 2t s it ii IeJsashreiand5
th e t~ ~ lai ru . I ap l r ti ndel' ri s tilt s
5 1 r i n t h "i i iitr ia h asi n s i it d e
lies=cr a< frded to ts1 1 ii self
i fom Kole i he so;ill fac
]:c adet o~w indor egad f r lhi-
sl when he Moved i'te bi pill 4ft 6
if pat ii ss co.TheindoIsr' gym
1 c t -o rn wih nilI -,j ff
'.(ttedtiilts is ent
The t 'I of 'li stis ls i 's i sits' 1 hi
dctci< th: lrd.of i's's.c m ti aliIi'
; isll 1. ur lo lce er rs Iti
T) i,;t jmprs hc Is stiri'i
la I s cI iam mit pu~ ii'sfrots
tiec_ iiul,-; r~ a 'i l iiace sil
the mile rs and if eh s sare iisspintii
at} ,111!' i t hae5 l iii ifot'tls
is, 11 p I litentd : s it s he
i' is'1w i sth insieliesl
it fftt o S i siti atid.'
Allia1all met iiot ses~titre
l 1 it , ipitjst a %5l e eidedIs sil
tc s' s ~ i 5 col,. \\' 5 s ilsiuliix;id
'r ssishiss(t 115iis alte pit
lu is ' nd ta i I-of from i its
'silll u as ttar u i ll I a id\ctt 'it ssy

IllA]1lOlS ''t Il,011\\ NL 41, a~rnuH~I4J
C_')XVIFN'I'IIIY 111111 l\ 41 44 ANOETI C"HERALS"
-- fA stn nn fi nTIInI

Soietisy iwill 1stdi s~t's sit )c ati
tne tinl-itt:Atit AI- r JIIts iii sisilt
Spe i''ists at isil 5 peis it)vI'01
brtncsti ofli'siltush t'sse still slls's s th
itsn 1 . I I I Isllict is Is stc jitil's' si
if Northwisterniss I.i si V (I
Husslbe'rtillIdeliverandrest sii s oisi"Jug-
stile:rls' P It phyts I'si t i s tr tss
si ts'hichltits ,ttitifillet's ire it-'
titedl. lDt.IHallsliho is seprobablyi lht
greatetsstilltsritsyiin hi sit it's sit
sutbject, still leat lst siscussi its,
Wilitp.r1essnianslls t sttils lllt
" e ron 'u.nthis it i sit r 'l' a

First Canvass Craft Ventured
Out, on Raging Huron

M41illainshsll f'sit' ii sw c th
shiest'rs for ithe titus sits ' M1 ('1 . .
whi t ill lie, tilld sMartilt o.i \ c oi ji
it's' if it ni'ti s h s 1 (1 i):hura f
the offsicst ofii pesis ettu i s ii 5 iicIs st
lirt ar andi'' ii i tre surersianditt iit'ss iitl
datelt for lie ofiss of sit ,iii t iti .;if 1'sli!
sgse seal i tests isis 5tion ll lit 's. P1
un v riy Jrn hs ofits , I i '(,I .
.A.adte .L.h sitttei csl's's otIobets
11 issi l tt . S. Aiii Its' iv1,'s 'sits_'s.id ts'
Atileilits sis1t. qur~m~&

1 I

S'. i'

Itis 1 's'r. Y
<M'Said 111t's
it la . . t t
k l';Mi'll"'ah
'it's lu ~itstil
anis. l is 'ste
li e ls' i
i5.5 I t F ic

alW i i}?t k liih ii, sli
l ic %it Y u t(,f:l 1cI
I lii 5 ;5 I s s l t sts

sfP' i x 1 n
1.i is it' 1

Many a Studet tHas Been Dealing in s It 1t lp '(toiirstssl lsr nfrm l oo 'im Pevil Wt ;ls si st i 'it ilttttel ti'i
t Horoscope and Pututes 's s ss it iiisout lividence of Split -'a. .- ' 1 i 5tt.tsi
..I la eits. sstlucus itt his lc fi(r.1ts(f s tI .t s's us( 5{_) s) up 5L s' 'Thi ce ss'hitss Sunsri'se ' ilits '. usM ists s' _______________________________11__
T 'Il ' X;oI s u' Ct'. it 1-1' .1 rlt fr ~l ' i I ri st' I silts fists, I. si iiltsl' s trsike 1s of S po 1 l(yI ,l'sl"1 1CItl
its' fortuntel slter uitoi isnsttS , i t i t' ~ushv 'i'r'adi tl u sitsn( Ishrt,,s sf ssiort'his. N ~it - tftCfjt ,1
'uts, teIss sle 11 's,l usu11lsul1 t) i5l t e 'ss uso isu 1I s i t urned's sits fuse thu' 1Isrs'l<fi'si l~tl( ;oi" a . t',a It
us'slLDeansitnstd lie lit'lssitt' 'gititttiisttttt 'ls..a_
Ish't'ssuus s hufc''sssul 'slssi 11isaslIsts siliti.su 1.i(,il ills"1!s_\-Ls'ssl hciuilili
ltsA i t''~s Its' 's ife and li' ds ill~s i ii ! ite S su'iits. IiI )'sc ti' t i tiu ttr- ~s t'
SiatC5' s t tush u15 t11topc if r jr t(l 555'sii ;t I ( t~'u. i nttust''tiLikeslus tuis t'uti\- iii
ea1 tisus susuil hs i isi tushilui he la testsuhpr itdti t of t' Cils 5s sswi / 1t i 'i ss ' lsI
: tl rfu n hs istts hstun ;l lsts its a i t 's s 15555 i kei'i'5'it taha dtreo ~sltrs 1stCu,
tus tsee h tiIsan ieatte l inthu .. 1 tr ~ i p "s 1 sittscilt 'stl'E v n M o isi s i 5 blui usth is't s nil I),r,, I~id 1 t
sams i sli e S viU L 'tytn aa tittsssu litl ailis T i el a esif, 5 5 thistil llr( tl'
.. ,suit,'..t's';tt..s..lust.it)sis tchI u1 ji F 1 i l ''il
.Ps'estshsssthis tti 1 l ushf;15 t ui ts 4 s'tt i u's
iderful ti ust a s s u ior. taltos's s u lsuitill 'silts Ilo'sss'sus ')fsits' s'sviI Iius
tiuuh'uu m ist r'rl tei t Ii''s its tl'sl''s'ts }ItS 1t_( suitaid o l'C1 s o he tl\ 1() 's i l'ss of.t l it'sIli llc sclIt :: ii 5 stf
''r h uts ti s ofu htfits'senit eiss si ll it's _'( _________' fp t e 11t1t v'sts "T, 1ti= a fr s 7
-s-it suit tl el' i l t tuiss ut's 5 'ssl
A crigIi gaeoati o storeUnion";ane l ssi te(ts it 'i t t ltur s~'tle i,
ut ti is's seell(!, s 'slB shut( tis1I1 llts if lt C'11"'"1111'ts 11erlItsIt'tr's'stt
yt ;Leit([li hi'allslt hs i i's 1 ii 44 s tit s it l t it. - I )sit sll us it (l
I rI tss sI
41t' ii''it t't'iv ttisi'ts' lt i ~uetilt 'ca f 1l A D I I 'S 'LS iss H tendedsss forgait 'thsuh'Mi ores t h'ss t s suti 'sssss'
liii e. s s ilng y t l' s \\stuh? lo sit- l ii's' '''ts 'i'i Isi t its i tsfihts'suisl tusttiststsi
the success ofIstheseli lit's itsfussils sit,
Pwould'i'. l tlths'nt'lss'ii Iusinks1 5o1f 5 1 l S aii in l"atltss1st1'111h 'I I"Ph 11'-s 1151 5 is sil lin' r sl t! p's
sdt v id itld sit i rt is ttu su'h <1T es ss n'ststt'sutn } as 5 '-'hsan lnsrl~c7in at :, tjreiuf Ir"cntu's;1t 11 ral c tti s) it
'rIe1 t:11( n id li( ~( 5t' ' 5'ss rlll''.11l'h 5 :1 ' slits is I C't1i I sel'''ss'tsJi(i' I)sua lllt Is's)rC,,",a '+I s:l t its\1 l' t ss 'it''s'' tdt.T l111
LC's tC )pI ' ..l u4N's (17 )ItV-,I- [t1 <.l"its [ "l11 5 sup b eis'tlurst' iti l tist's ay laI g Irsiler t Iet) i
_ CsIls "~ss ustl tl()y i 1elc usi l hcter 5s f ii iis ts 11 , .,'
Q''s Il s)ll .sh t111- this t " '!1 Cv d( ii , Ncs01t fil t,])i itst oll s dd d tots ux ir (fut lp I 1 :tii -
11 ,ll tdo s nd 1')lll 1('11; "lt'I:' shutl tt t ' It iti O 2 f C lC ths ((s ics 7t i ts1t +lsss i
hg~sIf ngqfs ~ t sLis ~hss~tta esiIsa uis ~~al ussut g s~e gtlsrR1ee3
the lit S h i~s, sll(lt f1 a t t e rp r 'ttihands 4it_( sj ,,; t ll hrod alld u it tt lisihi ttle su-'GFt htss 'I G\ed. !IS (IsWi s'llIssuu i'lI' I t
Io ot t e opporils usity ofsh 's n ' tq ' iPslu <,'tll's IIIss hals.t i Sr t ' ut1110" ht 'sstsis.s"(.i I l si hu';C ~Its I.)\ 'suIts I)1e us1'iistit
us 1 h i its I is se Psihs'st "tl la i ile 11 5h" II 5l ')51g155 5 ii, il's is S tilettu'suh's.'s's -s )<:
hu7t pit l that I S tillxco l u t s 'sIe ______________ I ---tl \---- 1- (,---- , t---11sit1slut'i''lust
ethuhcss'',:ttIh(NIcit tilt s Ma Ih' thssssui ' ut T (~ISSS
L"IISi )1j.il s,1' tto1 :' ps~rt'c rasitkI.s. tll Csshhsts. ustit tshi r 1tt ilr l ~x NPM
s'll sssssusI s t l ssutustustusservetedt siet> l'ttJ I
1.<tI t it)si s ' usese i~is''s ''' l's 'ty'ssis tils i'I P1t( t 14 s fa lty ia nd situ ti sr tdlii. i "6'e1ss)s ti s is ust ius ls' i ll\s~
st~ln s 11c r t1D d('>c c~i Trl'(s. ;(!t:r, !+ "c' l :l 111s ts., s -s..'. he l


Methodist HtLCKI
Church l-fvi Fus eacher and Author
___________ vNU.MY '8 Tin'sg atn' __ 4 ,.

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