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Vol XXI.
Syracuse Entries Are Strong
In Field, Distance, and
(Coroclo o nties o-,ir teii penlit i
meet i Xato rmio;gvin, winch reacheod
Ani --Arb1'or eterda)-, videonce tficfact
thoatin theliocans crcto b10111 icc d
byl a vect(ranii igitrngiti on. 'Moln-of th
]Hell1Who111il1111pear Ottilililni lht ran
tore oa1101r (g wieno the I iiiicoioo wentl
Tihis oeaon ctroci1 icol oogon ;r.hon.
('('1. 0an(1tilioire and 1blu11r0011e1ent11-
11100 iaipt ia0r1100cii t idalea
the sqiuai thiiiiAlao captineld.
The vsiors roam'iii'''in no elcree
sented in t ieli vlt ldtedsac
1,1o) . OilahssIho itlto 1 and111 (ii
1mark11f01 if10114 icies laot Saiiii'ii'i
willapear11111111 ad \Vels, tin
tieredi, Thiociasterneros'se1m to1 11v1(1it-
tle 1111pe ofl 0liltiri;ig nts11'ill 1110e 01111
ill it 01 een.lii bt woConll
lieu 1(lavii ciientredill each o h d is-
1ta11e0run1, 111e 11hen 11lic iMill a111110 re
recoigiizeii aslilill n-0tiie'greaitest 1111
0lt'1 th nin~til hi eset
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, i' 1(0 ol :\Y, Mhi I 1 10
'FRh i hi}i;FIKCIORS Q' II ' 'NINE ELECTED TO Rtl14110'3, V, 1 a'larl ttlii'i'ioifi ('>jis II _' saIN1>1' 0'' Tl laife nte rlnilatr)ndi HE" A
tenb n s.tr e men11. 100'li w00 i1l11l1 sle iiily11 Faculty and Charter Mem ber Sst 0 i111o t1 iii 11 11001 The1 .
p~rence 111 iConsisting 1 1'ii ,171Ci Pick M en For Legal lirti l 'PI 1111 d ti l ' 1 ''.
i T etu e iigno 111 iilIFraternity '1 'first 1 1!o1. f,! t
olilili 111t'e (lI1 l'ii <l n1110.r1lidlliii ii
plceatthe Illiiio i dleiec mi, in HONOR SENIOR LAWS CHOSEN sillt, '1re 01 rkp '( 1 1
1,'iicao woiiioi l ll few-week.I
aC,ur to Sign Pledge
'0 Cribbing
Deans Of Middle West Hold Forth ]L,
On Department Questions Il
foli 000n(gl litil lillOf h od eta
I soiatll of Deans whiichoendll
(0 o'''1ili" 1111oi n-01 and 'wich111cloe f-
ii 1ht111 e 1 gani iai on iii iiIc
that111110 iio Ihs eeIldl lb c ~i
v rif y 111111f i (iich (,ll. Its ii iS ;;tl
111( 11 1 Iti iiiii .o iiii 0 1 clls tStlt tl
eyof I [i'ooum ol, ,iii i iielladtl. E°Ic It . '
ofelelino(111is , oil ore(f0ol' 1. lIIf- x
cois ' o i (lb a,101c 11' iiii oO h (> t.1 t
and iReed11101111 M ici ii iii ii eans , 1111C
olf lii iis~l'(iiniianIdll 111I in , fho Ii 'in o''
building. PresoidentI ti 000 'iii tit <
ill thei n111 1111 'lo (Iilis 11m1111 i t l( ('11 111
intermliOiss i , (and( lasol 11,1(1lt1 In RCCIif i t.
acted1 as0 lolt.
iite \'t'si' 1ac a1 1 1 ,
I . I I. I ) wc i
F. % ,l, Ill. V
WXroth Over 1d'1 iiI
lli)t' lllod ic'
felt' lt" ]It'}t.
Ii tic, )l? il°
it)1' t i'C(liv '
S"lial l I-(,-
11 (1 1111der
i Clt4> lr;t5
t)Illt' C lti<l-
irmil' wC t)F
, I11i)i'ttttlt"
(? thC sljp s
1 1i' ;l;lls1-
1 Cl l
t 0 I >l 1 ;x,
('irnil'Is eintry'list 1forltiheiqir toe01111le' iii" lincue lO 0 iting (11110 Hrn ItTMA1N IS DOING WELLT. st
011110is soriit, hutlotot1 fin'he imen, ssoon itdir neiiutheiuouuouu'te
year a(0111have had p lraci il110,111tiit-.-Unless Complications Arise a Com-
ing thie oaltrick, 'Ni 0ixo i 11here 10 "ClMtIiKOPI "i ' (0181 11(fi ts l plete Recovery is FExpected
heel: and Legert o h o ute ,1 l ( ,11) il ___- Iat H ti i l t(Illilhl'( 0 1
recornd tim' tol iiihoai eadioii int11111 so The castol "Der'i) ttnnn11111111 ii,,l ii 1t11 11 1 01 11 s 11 1]t I
bechkaind i,o'goer'tire not o n d 1 t11 is ouo (11'i 10 1ol II 1'
year, (Gambile os,1 an. Iiiii ii iisbt Ihear i ill u O e Vorbillii a liiie 11111111 ii I I IPro01
1110 resp o iiilii>t10 lb~il lm rr w eveinilg, 00 ill meet for( 1 11(1 ro eItn oa s st i;~s t
RECiilg l 11ORD i CR iO iii' 1a 10'1icta " t1110 heiI ols ime ilchess rehearsIl ti (\i-ii c
Th101utioitciesil.r. IlI iiaighIrepara-ierriglig tu reh1ars1sli' ( en1ildl o,,i ~ic.llc.of lcacieti111
ionieohale a fi orliii noutand a- .forthe ols f t o wefeks in Sarah( C sa(11,11
1100.11'thllo, Ncoai'itrStiiuouitacXIIIfilotI 1111 itiigoio
c i ng toli' resg nt'iiooic, 10 o0 1'i'iilliiil 01,1 1' 5all,' it0hO'ialiiit 11 1.]r bo c lil ii iiiii v st ts~f i m yh > fl
Iin ab i', i gym wiil l be t. 1l~ied ig,. ireiiii i lsclsive So ti ((0 iihuill
billl coii i~i~O >1 lon Grin fli'G nn i n ii'1 ixi, ''i I t is pro )b lilco '' Ionart
Ih ta d l fl o l 1 tiii,o't -Iilloo. ilibe re-'' vei frquenedith'lllliii'listai'lla'hol 110 ill iirti-1 oo: nt.,b r bu o ilt
I g i riiehis hoo1i1e1iiiC in beil',
h111111, t.i if , o cII'. iibliiil ('ll'111l liI P1'Lc l il'OofsiheClly iib, has lIta (tiii ' li lil lt I'on 0) tc 'b
440 yard 1 rasi. Con l --H o i lli, ord, 011111 iiiii (Of Ii fihei e 10 rst1 lii i 1 1(10 I i ol> 1ii i bh f ilt 'in 'i l i rai ils i 1 co iv' tl
1111O C11IPISIll
1110 I'
11(1 0. .
intent, wnclxo i i' pareI I 'I
iao Sch(011ool o ii. i' s ap
lo i a 1l y 1 lt , il1 c 0 c
sninarcuoxor 1o Op 0
WAi illoilfr Taylol I ed o
1 a he lrii"Cs y i0
If You Knew What We Knvow abou~t
New Whitney Theatre, Friday Night, 8:00 P. M. You can reserve your seats today at Theatre Box Office. Prices: 35-50-7541.00