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December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 1


December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…z afternoon, Dec. 27, on "LandEcn! ENs1 1 PA omics as a Fieldof Inquiry and Its E but, J. B. Kincer, Ui. L. Shantz, and; COM VEN IU11 H RE, i0. F. Baker, all in 'government re-i. search work 'in Washington, will also speak on various aspects of land ec- onoiis. At 8 o'clock the same day, a flhIDftI~ uarii1111 round table onf various aspects of land VU1Ii~O VIUIIIU IIroun~d table on "Problems in Land _______Utilization" will be held. ReetWlim? ...…

December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…______THE MICHIGAN DAILYV 0 allr I ... All dolls which were taken from the Y. W. C. A. to be dressed for the hos- pital children, which have not b~een turned in by tonight, should be taken to the social service department" of the University hospital before Wed- nesday, Dec. 20. Y. W. C. "A. pledges which have. Uot, been paid should be miailed Immed- iately to Helen Aubrey, 123, 816 For- est avenue. Chaperones for the dances this week end a...…

December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…. +;3 E , THE MICHIGAN DALY FRIDAY, DEC wishes for an enjoyable holiday sea- son, a Merry Christmas, and the Hap- _ I =T piest of New Years. 01 FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN j CLEXENCEAU'S VISIT f i Arm AA Rlu L BON VOYAGE EDITORIAL COMMENT JwL.fAST EDITION OF Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Stude-t Publications. Member of Western Conference Edtorial Associa...…

December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i s t If Ii I 'a U'x A-f 2 c' BUILDINS PROGRAM LOOKS TO FUTURE GREATER MICHIGAN CONGESTED CONDITION FOLLOW- ING WAR OFFERS TREMEN- DOUS PROBLEI EXPANSION WILL LAST F OR TWO GENERATIONS Long Study by University Offii4 Is Background For Comnpreheu soe Plans Physical expansion at Michigan in the shape of new buildings is now to go along with the great growth in the- number of students, according to the building program whic...…

December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…THF~ tC -UAPAY;l4YM , .. .. . ... . ........... d.. .".. . .. ;. r .. .. .; , . i{ , .; :x iwr// " .:. ,. , .... .._. .. $CHOLSTIQTFIOUB HANDICAP VA1 Vaoen cI atler Faces Serios Difficult III Maing Ip His First Five Alen ~TFA MWILL CNTINUE WORK IWIlliNG CHIRISTMIAS HOLIDAY 4coach E. J. Mather, Varsity basket- ball meitor, yesterday announced the names of the men that will continue Varsity basketall practice during the holdays. Ile plans ...…

December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y 0 League 6 ; Lambda. Chi Alpha, Del- teamis organized and entered from; Intra ural IemsFIta sigma Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Peers, the different denominations on, the, basktbal oKappa Sigma, Chi Phi. caml'pus. The players in the church' Plas fr abaketallsesontha ILeague 7; Phi Mu Alpha, Alpha1 lea~gue were praised for their high will] surpass in every respect any ithat Chii Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu, Delta Tau type of sportsmanship b...…

December 15, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL_ ,. --__- DAILY OFFICIAL 'BULLETIN rubllcatlon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of h Trivraf P-n_ raaitr"-riHI -'Q1' n l-QA a r Q nfirm FRI)AY, DECEMBER 1J9.1922 .. IL. a &uray Number 70 plementary Announcement, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Material should be handed to me at once for the Supplementary An- xicerhent of changes or additions in second semester courses. These ild co...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…fbri!3au II1 SGIVE IA CHR ADIE ZISTMAS ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1922 PRICE FIVE -C I T ' BURTON SPEAKS THIS AFTER'NOONi Astronomer Goes Isaac One Better NEED TACTION JOBS Two Sets Each Including Four Games To Be Issued By Athletic t Association OFFICE FIXES PRICE OF COUPONS AT TWO DOLLARSI Season tickets for this . year's bas- ketball games will be placed on sale Jan. 3 at the Athletic association tick- et offi...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…IlUU1JiIIII I flMtIRL 14IJU REPLETE W I TH '': c~gC - 1' i' ti' ' v:ns, brought the Hill auditorium ~'r~ly1~ ~4*&5j 'Twilight Organ recitals for the year to a close yesterday afternoon-witFr "Famit)? condition" in Russia are one of the finest programs presented not. lbatiing, buit are on tine increase. i s fa during the semester., A crowd The outltook for the future. is ver y.ograetinodnrysz'trc- lark ,"Tyr. CLcy Elliot, '11-m, of Flint;fgctrt...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…Vstmas Celebrated By Many Ptfrtfes To Cheer Poor Children Y.W. C. 'A. Holds Vesper Servic V U El I I y------ .. ; Dr. Ie's Bible class will be discos- Alth&: gl Christmas is yet moreI clothing anid toys for a child, who was tintied until after the Cli!,tmnas vaea- than a week away, it is being cele- entertained at a party TIuesday. Las't lioni. bae y ate n oto tedrevening Alpha Phi, Chi Omeg'a, and oraed y artes n ostof hedar ,Theta Ph...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH-I ,AN DAI LY ___ o *r ~n B 1 what' violent change has come over', the offspring of man in the last get- eration that that offspring should ex- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE hibit traits never dreamed of in his UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN parents, like the bewilderment of the Published every morning except Monday chicken that has hatched out duck- aing the University year by the Board in lings and finds that although they re- ntrol of Stude...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…)fAILY ...-. . ..a.,.-. ,, t 7 F f. t1 % use 'Aviator sses Difficult License T e sts f~w nr der that their names may still be car- TE U ~ b Ired on the roster. VETERANSKuRESERVE SQUADTOSEND WAGS TAKEIN FlIVE N iI WAE MAUEET One faculty. member and four stu- MebrofteRsre otal dens wreiniiatd ntotheRihar 1squad who have not yet sent in theirn dent wer intiatd ino te Rihar measurements to the Athletic associa- N. Hall post of the Veterans o...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

… lIIII{IIIIIIIII1lIU -- - tomed place at left forward when -the H N SI Bninrsh d l e pe s h a e p."f1O t T the rest o the team is more or le ss problmaticJIRhwTIOrNTOFeaAdT tion of Haggerty to th~e squad has IDII VLI I J l coamplicated the forward problem and mpeagnrlsitn rcs e cessary if the sophomore continues, iBI(C TEN REPRESENTATIVES TO the .play he showed against Notr e f CO(I0 ER SAT R I Y IN Dame.I AC1ICVAG() 'Moving Kipke back to...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

…[IN un BRINu BRIEFRES In striking contrast to seemingly in In tramzural Ite; evitable weakness in the Varsity sqid for the last two years, the dlis- tance men this year are of the strung- The following teams will hal est parts of 'the team. In the half 1 use of the baasketaball courts t mile, Reinke, Hattendorf, Marsh and in Waterman gymnna slumr, as il mps ye the lonight° licated Evrery Department oIf Farrell's Teami Shows Remarkable Rald...…

December 14, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 69) • Page Image 8

…r~I~R ULLETIN on in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of rsity. Copy received until 3:2O D. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) THURSDAY, DECE ?tER 14, 19d Number 69 I I -i "IGER" PA YS SILENT TRIBUTEF 'V' OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS TAKE HOME WITH YOU A Michigan DCa.en7dar LIMITED EDITION.' 75c.- . udents: here will be a convocation in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p. in., today, day, Dec. 14, at which the attendance of all students ...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER CONIrED COLD VOL. XXXIIL No. 68 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1922 GIVE SOME KIDDIE A CHRISTMA PRICE FIVE CEl s$7IN00, 00IAa Recall Meeting in 1920 The purpose of the convocation in 1920 was the presentation of Presi- dent Burton who was beginning his first year as Michigan's president, in an intimate manner to the student! body. He disclosed his plans for the University in a mannercthat was in- tended to create th...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…/ q sGiven J d-ear Y SIGMA ALPHA IOTA Emblems, TAKES 12 WOMEN ost's .final T'alk Sigma Alpha Iota, national lior ____________________ Iary musical sorority, pledged the fol- _u..,.. _... ... , AnotherrrDament Meet ., . -....... Gathering together for. the last time' hope is that they will be constant re-' loin1g girls, on Saturday afternoon: as a body; Michigan's 1922 undefeatedj niilders to you .of 'the service you ten-. Lucile Belil...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

… ~I1onen - Dr~. Iden's Bible class will be discoin- tinnied until after the Christmas vaca- I ionl.y _ , { _.. f ,. ..... ._,. . , w .. - .. ,, , , . . .. :' r _. t + l _ ., .. _ r s - f , , , .; , s , r -i All Y. W. C. A. pledges should he paid today without fail, at the office , . a: ° Chr'istmnas carol services will be ld at 4 ('(,lock this afternoon in the south parlor of Newberry hall. All .members are urged to attend.; I [ Decemb...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…^ . ,, .,,_ _._ ...y.. ._.___ k. Hik 1 -. .. .-, . . . . , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Publishied every morning except Monday1 duing tu he University year by the Board in Control of Studer t- Publications. -~ - I,~ ft s holders of the two attitudes above discussed. Campus. performances and s;tudlent entertainments as a wholej have the support of The Daily, but wherever it is felt that adverse criti- cism may effect some constructive purp...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…,.,,. ..t- .....,:r.. ,.. .--.-.. .. ... i ECONOMIC ESSAY azil President Started Life As Clerk In Grocery INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED TAKE A REMINGTON PORTABLE Home With You Your bank should be sound, accurate and F LANUSCRIPTS ON PURCHASING POWER WANTED BY FIRM efficient. But that is not enough. Banking CA L L TODAY STACY R.. BLACK k b' ! g r M. T i ; , s i s 1: eC r. ;. -. F For the best manuscript on the sub- Ject "A Statistica...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…,w ^ mil; J /!'f! .1 1 0 . I . . Nomm" W (f111 1 1 i eee e'der err rr .. '"'" .."",,,,,w.. 0 ME J AWN% u u t; _ .. of int ,st tee in) I ini oll ien hth: be 012 atc Me bbl leg the the A Nvii firs !,-e pri vi 1 bec f'0; 11 i at~ rot {avy, but Centre seems to have the m( 4(1-;rmendations mate to the oard of; prospects n 11 BO SNFR H CKEY POPU RTY GOPER HOCKEY SQUA4D biggest place in the campus limelightICARDS RESIGlNS AS rege...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…k., i A y" ii yj S ': i ly :recovered when Chicago "paid- its ! per inced ts hest season. With 73,000 ~I~,, Phi, Theta Delta Chi; 10-10 :30oclock, ( was 2120. Both of the men served visit. Thie Maroons stepped lightly on ftthe Michigan games and no'less tb' 1 fI (5' l Chi Gamma Delta, Alpha Sigmna, Del-f the ball with force and their matchesl Duofol the Buckeye's feet but got~away with "36,000 at any, of its home Big Ten _____ta Upsilon, Delt...…

December 13, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

…HE ICHIGAN DAIL\ . s..._._,._.._ OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS LY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN i lication in University. [In M4 the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 D. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1922 Number 64 I To All Faculty and Staff 11nembers-General Faculty Meeting: There will be a general faculty meeting, at which the attendance of all the members of all the Faculties a...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…THEWEATHER RAIN o. 67 AGSOW T VOL. XXXIII. No. 67 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 GIVE SOME KIDDIE A CHRISTMAS PRICE FIVE CEN'T Approval of a plan whereby anoth- er football game may be added to Michigan's schedule was passed by the Senate council in its meeting held yesterday in the office of President Marion L. Burton. Prof. Ralph Aigler, chairman of the Board in Control of Athletics, gave an extensive report of the actions o...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…ui i *xcep at- - . Building Excevations Remnants of an ancient peat bog timated to be more than'50,000 years d have been discovered in the ex- of peat were washed into the gravel forming the bed of.the glacier, where they remained for thousands of years cavation for the new literary build- until the steam shovel again brought ing. None of the fragments discover- them to light. ed are large, while most of them are exceedingly small. Neverthe...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…men's league .booth in University hal or at the office of Dean Jean Hamil- M omenton, in order that they may be reached by the Women's league and invited to - - take part in the activities of Christmas vacation. Blue books for signing, up Deceinlwr pledges for life mebr have, been placed. at the league 1)ooth ship in the Women's league are now, in University hall and In the dean's duve. Several pledges have been{ office. carried over from last...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…Yss i- . . . . . .. , , ,., . .:. ..,. :..:w.. ,.; TREA;.T THlE XLDDIES. IThe children are the ones who real-' -________________--- ly enjoy Christmas. University stu- OFFICIL TE1YS1APER OF II 'dents have long since forgotten the. UNIVERtSITY OF 3.HCII WAS .Joys of believing in "Santa Claus" and: t'ublishrd eve!y imorning except Mondav pondering reverently and almost wor- Cotntheo 5Uniers iy year the Ildid shipingly over a Christmas tree. ...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…IZ. 1VI1t,,rliA1 iL JAIL X ..w.... 111111111LII fll Tlh 1flh KANSAS CITY SET FO R EC. q w "CAJA[OWRNE Vision Of ]M4adern Generation Nn ti m I"'ESERF D E.I SOON HEADY [OR PRESS Good As That Of AncestorsE IS Graduates, former students, and pe c 0 PS_______________ ent undergraduates of Big Ten schools are invited to attend a holiday Office a One of the questions which is often objects at a distance, has not mater7 inner dance in Kansas City. M...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…£ £~i1~ ~l~kX1IksLXI UtM~ ~ aL SIT S ° ouum, X77 PROSP INFORMAL.,TANK TEl1 Chidago, Northiwestern, Big Ten 1'ead- HIS, io State, M.A. Vil Be 11et VETERtAN MATERIAL ASSURES 1"011'ET:;?L MICHIGAN SQUAD) M1'ichigan's first' Varsity swimming team will gqt under way with a bigI splash immediately at the close of the Christmas holidays. Ready at last to enter Conferencel competition after four years of infor- mal existence the Wolverine ...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

…::. . !NCE TON S TARS CHOSEN FOR ALL-EASTERN GRID HONOR S : 0 BROWN'S ALL-EASTERN SELECTIONS FIRST TEAM Gray, Princeton, left end. 't'reat, Princeton, left tackle. fDi~ken-n. Princeton, left guard Garbisch, Army, center. Cross, Yale, right guard. hanson, Cornell, right tackle. White, Army. right encl. lluelo, Harvard, quarterback. Owen, !Harvard, left half. Jordan. Yale, right half. Kaw, Cornell, fullback. Cornell pivot man, because, to ...…

December 12, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

… [LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ion In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of versity. Copy received until 2:20 v. in. (11: 30 Saturday.) TUESDAY..l)ICE'.11ER. 12. 192a Nuinber 67 i { { place their orders before 5 p. mn. Tuesdlay, DPec. 12, either at the desk on the second floor of the Engineering building, or with the J. F. Wuerth Co. C. A. MILLER, Committee Chairman. (lass Asaernbly will be held at 8 o'clock in Room 348 on...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…ie A tt I Section One f ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1922 PRICE FIVE CEN' Success fulRun Of "In And Out" Marked By FinishedA tmosphere BRITISH-FRENCH 'POSITION CLEARED BY LONDON PARLEY Mc Cabe AppointedI Football Manager By Marion Koch "Leave 'em and love 'em" is the send-off Michigan can rightfully give her 17th annual Opera after the last day of its performance here. To the announcers, Caries Murray, '25, and Verno...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…, . LY , . .au....+ r.+ ...,nd.. a+rn rte. nu r r rrr 4w rrrr ' .. _, 1Hl~w~. LI INSURnw H ranan in. German1 Prison Never BURTDNQAT NEW Y.Heard of War! PRESIDENT O[UTLINES PROBLEMS CONFRONTING UNIVERSITY EDUCATION Speaking before the National Asso- ciation of Life Insurance presidents Friday night at the Hotel Astor in New York City, President Marion L. Burton emphasized the necessity of the collegestudent taking an "active part" in his ...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…A r-M Alit, .1 AZ L7I1 \ 6 aa&iLa . . W, x _ ,_. i. Wrses Stage Carnival For, .. , . . LIUUI1 I IWlL IJUlIUlII II . Benefit Of Michigan League INSAL T MICHIG N:,___ _ Charlie Chaplin with all his antics which was visited by each guest in Xi chapter of Pi Lambda.Theta, na- was1present Friday evening at the turn, l and was always crowded. i tional educational fraternity for wo- s men, was installed here last evening, Christmas carnival gi...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAl .. x. ... ,,.. ,. .-.,.. .,-,.-- --" ,.. - -.. .- -. ..-..-- ....-..--.- ._:. --, I o~r la ati i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TH E UNIVERSiTY OF AICH11AN Published every morning except Monday! during the University year by the Board in' Control of Stude::t Publications. Member of Western Coaference Edauiaii Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches cr...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

… T'hreatens Ruhr Basin ------ - 1Prof. Wilson Contends Healthy Heart Is- Unharmed By _,.., .., . ., , _. , t ,d :c ;. . Y 'f y ' > s i# , }, 1n r NAMB UQI 0oSTETTIN HAL LIN ~ rolL! he, *. MAGOSOVRT tit ef L0 #+6kSLA That there is no tfoudattionl for thr, belief that a large amount of exercise is harmful to( the heart when that or-: gan is healthy to begin with is the cpinion of Prof. Frank W. Wilson, of the internal medicine department. ...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

… . ............. I IIItB I Oil ...,.Wr r... ..r..r rr r rorrM . x. IYC -~of u -r rriw __em Griffith Shows Knowledge Of 'College Activities On Visit Pn ~J will represent Michigan this winter Christmas Cards and Decorations at BOXING ASPIRANTS 1 i91i be strong in nearly every depart- Wahr's University Bookstores.-Adv. ment. Among the newer men in the tsport, the majority come between 120 Losesomething? A classified In and 145 p...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…6HIGAN DAILY !11 1* ur lIe s cotest to fall far below expe0ta- in L L~Jal. :nd the game was more or less fl Greene, 2011-M; Sarnachia, 1935, vs. test are entered with capable team-l tluns, for it. had been expected that matter of smashing the ball against Swartz, 1202-J; Abrams, 1485-J, vs. mates. The showing that lie men - more than 25 teams would bowl hit" the an king bord in order to make Lanrglos, Univ.14.8-M . make in this coning tourn...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

…_ __ __ _ Will Syndicate Mather's BookH Permission teo syndicate the book entitled "Basketball" was yesterday, granted the Public Ledger syndicate company of Philadelphia by Coach Edward J. Mather, and Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, head of the intramural department. This action came as a4 result of the increasing popularity that the book has received. The volume was written by Coach Mthe and Professor Mitchell las't year, as a general treatise of ...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 9

…Section Two Y.i ftr tig an ijatt Section Two i VOL. XXXIII. No. 66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS T9T WELCH AND SHULL ATTEND A. S. A. S.1 T Prof. A. Franklin Shull, of the zo- ology department, as secretary of the American Society of Naturalists, and Prof. Paul S. Welch, also of the zo- Society of Physical Education holds olcy department as secretary of the Reform Fourth Annual Session at American M...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 10

…OO A A L7 ~L).5Zl iffieiil Agreements Intended for Ono Semester Only in Order to Permit Desirable Changes, Says Dr. Wahr All rooming contracts printed by he University and distributed from he offitc of the Dean of Students in- fall. Dr. Wahr stated that the ofli- cial contracts were printed for one semester in order to give the landla- dies and the students a chance to change wherever it is desirable, and that' he favored a system of this s...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 11

…PAG.k. EIGHT THE MICHIG N DAILY U D 4'ti , DUCEWAIBER 10, 1922 .. Make your Holiday Vacation Make your Holiday Vacation rmore enjoyable by doing your more enjoyable by doing you Christmas Shopping Christmas Shopping before leaving Ann Arbor before leaving Ann Arbor I T -GIVE THEM G.IFT.;H A..GIFKT FROM MACKS FROM CK'S Wsr - h h p She Will Welcome s tems for Evening e Wear W ill I lesseHer ts Select for somnine fend Triend a To be really in...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 12

… --z7- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEAMBER 10, 1 22 SUNDAY; DECEMBER 10 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SIVEN ., ., >, e viewof Whimsies (Delbert Clark) lgood as many that are appearing re- I was told recently by a membergularly in magazines which pay for- of the staff of a campus publication contributions. I have a feeling that that only by giving a favorable review I know what I prefer to read, and I could I hope to secure review copies...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 13

…j THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDIAY, DECEMBER 10, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY S1JDAY~DE~MB~R10, 1922 ,.. 1 t 'BO NTELLIGENT ANDINTERESTEDl - -- SIUEIIUI#ffUIUSBRBIP4; The Editor of This Magazine was "COLLE4 THROUGH THE OPERA GLASSES thsibject of an editorial in the °- HR U G H OPE 1 LA-SE htr~+^s. As a large groiin e beat L. L adiizers .gathered-.around hi # rt and t s: i was heard to sigh, "Pubcity t e infaid ~ ~_ _- ;Magazine at l...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 14

… - ' "-:.7- 7 '+S, v#t v c.:. ,ez..:.. .3m .. s THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1922.. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1922 THE MICHIGAN bAILY PACE FIVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE (By If, AI K.) al Peary's discov Iole, Dr. F. A. C that distinction, f Professor Willi f the University i 's assertion are th a series of occurr n An4 t .m c Cook and the North Pole At this time Dr. Cook was appearing ment, and the needed advertisement ery...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 15

…COUNCIL DISCUSSES 1 Decide On Equal Division of Money Raised by Undergraduates This Year. ENDOWMENT DRIVE TO START booth stationed in the library in order L gto increase the sales and get the ichigan League cards-to all of the campus. Members of Chi Omega increased their quota for the League by $80 when Alumni Memorial hall ointljy with the they gave a series of two bridge teas. judiciary board of the Women's league. the week end of the Wisco...…

December 10, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 66) • Page Image 16

….. . THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFCIAL BULLTI Publication In the University. Volume the Bulletin is constructive notice to Copy received mutil 3:3 p. m. (11:30 SUNDAY, DECEMBE Fi 10, i20 all members of a. m. Saturday. N'i t1er 66 To the Deans: There will be no conference of the Deans Wednesday morning, Dccm- her 13, at 10 o'clock, i the President's office. M. L. BURTON. Senate Council: The third'regular meeting of the Senate Council fo...…

December 09, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…t4 tti AID THE RED CROSS CHRISTMAS WORK I .1 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMEBER 9, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS Y l HARD PLACES CIR Whimsies Appears Tardily, With Former Healthy Color SOIAnd New Sincerity Of Aim I Whimsies, rather thin and emaciated, object of her longings, and who all E ORE but with the same healthy tan, ap- her life wonders what it is all about. I peared on the campus yesterday, af- ter a prolonged confinement in...…

December 09, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…... ,, i.R irily G s Opinions Air Head Appears Without tUniform, t nq With each FOUNTAIN PENT sale a mew Mechanical Pencil FREE OF CHARGE Declares Opera Galli- Curci or to stay that I do not CHINEJSE STUDENTS Wench s Aremeasure up to certain standards as WenhesArean ctrss.My art combines muic o ARIRANGE ADDRESS adthe drama and should be consid- Buxom ered in that light. From music I get i ss Edith M. Bader, of the Ann' _ ~ ~ ~ ~~m i...…

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