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December 14, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-14

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,AN DAI LY ___

o *r ~n B 1 what' violent change has come over',
the offspring of man in the last get-
eration that that offspring should ex-
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE hibit traits never dreamed of in his
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN parents, like the bewilderment of the
Published every morning except Monday chicken that has hatched out duck-
aing the University year by the Board in lings and finds that although they re-
ntrol of Stude-t Publications. semble in many ways what she had
Member of Western Conference Edtorial every right to expect, nevertheless
ssocation. their desire to risk extinction on wa-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-.r is uncanny and their ability to
ed to the use for republication of all scratch for food surprisingly negligi
ws dispatches credited to it or not other- bIe Th college studnt cannot but
ise credited in this ;paper and the local
ws published th&ein. ask himself, "Am I different?", and if
Entered at .the a postoffice at Ann -Arbor, so, wonder how the changc came
ichigan, as second class matter. about. The answer is that the stu-
Subscription by carrier or hail, $350. dent of today is not different, but liv-
Offices: Ann Arbor Press ,Building, May-
rd Street.6IBing in a.ierent.age.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and x76-M; Busi- Many of the mature people who
ss o60.
criticise the college student of to-
Communications not to exceed Soo words day never attended college. Deniedl
signed, the signature not necessarily to
pear in print, but as an evidence of faith, the advantage in their youth they are
d notices of events will be published in wont to magnify the beauties of an
he Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
It at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- Eden whose riches they have been
gned communications will receive\ no con- prohibited. And those who have at-
aeration. No manuscript will be returned
ulesa the writer encloses postage. The Daily tended college look back upon their.
et not necessarily endorse the sentiments college days as representing an op-
pressed in the communications.
portunity for the sowing of the seeds
EDITORIAL STAFF of ability to gain life's desires, to be
Telv ones,2414 and 176-M reaped at maturity. And such shouldj
a college education be to a man; but
MANAGING EDITOR the 'things that are creative of ability,
MARION B. STAHL that are educative, seem to be over-
looked by those who criticise the "ul-
'ews Editor ...................Paul Watzel tra-modern" tendencies of college;
ity Editor ...........James B. Young
ssistant City Editor ......,..Marion Kerr students. The habit of concentrated
;ditorial Board Chairman ...... E. R. Meiss book effort is not everything in edu-
ight Editor
Ralph B~yers Hatzy Hoeycation. .Anything that makes for the
J. P. Dawson, Jr. J E. Mack advancement of civilization may be
L.J HershdoJr R. C. Moriartyy
Hr. A. Donahue said to be educative.
'ports Editor . . , ........F. H. mcpile Education if it is to mean anything
unday Magazine* ditor.H.....E.Delbert Clark
yomen's Editor.........,Marion Koch in the future of a man must be an-
umor Editor...........Donald Coney ticipative; the tendencies of youth are
'onference Editor.......I..... H. B. Grundy
ctorial Editor... Robert Tarr the realities of maturity, his whims
'usic di.r. ......- - . Ailea the barometer of what may be ex

S OP EARLY Editor, The Michigan Daily: C H G
I read with great interest the comn-
THE PRODIGAL CONTRIBS plaint of Mr. Blake concerning a re-
RETURN cent criticism of the Union Opera. I
We are gratitude, elevated to the have no commnvnt to make as to
Seventh Heaven of Delight, drenched whether .or not the chorus deserved
in the radiance of freuheit, and suffo- the criticism it received, but I was in-
cated with. pleasure, to .welcome back, deed amused by the writer's concep-
to the fold of the colyum our erring tion of criticism.
aids. Long may they rave. According to Mr, Blake the critic
FAR AWAY AND LONG AGO ing department of the paper in a con,
certed attempt to conciliate the thea- more than is absolutely necessary;
O speak not thus, Calig, O speak not
thus, ter management or the cast at the ex- the responsibility for engaging coach-
For I have not forgotten thee, al- pense of the theater-going public. Evi- es does not belong in the sphere of
tlloagh dently, to him, 'advertising" and crit- I the faculty or administration.
thah .ilcism are synonymous. He 'presents
From other soil my golden lyrics
the following devastating analogy: "It! Patronize Daily- advertisers.-AdV.
And nowin garg I wax vociferous; would be unusual for a paper to print
an ad for Mr. Smith's store announc-
o think not that I am that sort of iDETROIT UNITED LINES
cuss ing a sale of apples and on the lastAnn Abor and Jackson
enimn of the fist ago tP.1 telhe world I-. _ _ I

.....r, r. .





oe: A


Who could forget thee that wast.
wont to show
My infant. feet the way wherein to go,I
And acted ever as my guardian nuss.
All no! When to Parnassus' highest
In future years my lyric toes shall
I'll gratefuly recall thine helpful
Which first my childish genius used
to coddle;
And, knowing wh' Helped to make
ihe thus unique,
To thee I'll waft my gratitude sem-
* * r

that several;
were rotten."
that it would
would it not

apples of each bushel
I agree with Mr. Blake
indeed be unusual--but
be ethically justifiable?



Thelma Andrews
7. A.IBacon
Dorot hy Bennettsn
Maurice Berian
R. A. B:llington
W. BI. Butler
H. C. Clark
A, B. Connabe
Bernadlette Cote
Evelyn 1.Coughlin
Wallace F. slliott
{ seph Lipstein~
.awell Fead
Isabel Fisher
T. E. Fiske.
A. P. Webbink

John Garlinghouse
Waiter E Goodspeed
Porti n Goulder
Franklin I. Hepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
iward J. Higgins
Lowell Kerr
Samuel Moore
\[. 1I. Pryor
W. B. Rafferty
Robert G. Ramsey
WH. Stoneman
Fiederic G. Telmos
P. M. Wagner.

Telephone 960
Advertising. .. ..John J Hamel, Jr.
Advertising.......... .Edward F. Conin
Advertising..............Walter . Scherer
Accounts...............Laurence H. raavrot
Circultion............David J. I. ark
Publicatiort.... ..L. Beaumont Parks
Townsend Fl. Wolfe Alfred M. White
Kenneth Seick Wm, D. Roesser
Oeorge Rockwood Allan S. Morton
Perry M. Hayden James A. Dryer
Eugene L. Dunne Wm. I. Good
Win. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman
John C. Haskin A. Hartwell, Jr.
HJarvey F. Reed J. Blumrenthal
C. L. Putnang, Howard Hayden
E. D, Armantrut W. 1 Kidder
R,. W. Cooper' Henry Freud
SWallace Flower Herbert P <Bostwick
ow. B Riedle. L. Pierce
Night Editor-HARRY D. HOEY
At four-fifteen this afternoon the
student pody will convene in Hill
auditorium to hear President Marion
L. Burton deliver a. message of im-
portance o be'taken along tomorrow
when the University dismisses for
Christmas vacation.
These e e 'big days in the life of
the University. Only three days ago
a request for more than seven'mil-
lions of dollars was placed in the
hands of the state administrative board
by this Uiversity in order to carry
on itsexpasion program during the
coming twq years. That money will
not be voted on for appropriation un-
til next spring, but in the meanwhilo
Michigan ;tudbnts must learn the
facts rin'be able'to aid in convincing
the' publicof the necessity of grant-
ing these fuds to the University. The
President 'wi1l undoubtedly speak in
regard to :;s matter in the course
of his address.
The holding of a Christmas convo-
cation is a othy custom. It enables
the students to obtain a final sum-
mary of the state of affairs in the
University and a final message in re-
gard to themselves before leaving Ann
Arbor. Itis a sort of pep meeting
so that they may have the proper
spirit in taking Michigan with them
to all parts of the United Sates dur-
ing vacatpn. When they' return it will
be-at the beginning of a new year,
and the .Message delivered them at
Christma convocation might prove
food for thought daring the holidays
and help them to start out anew with
fewer false ideas and a better grasp
of the University situation,
Habitual late-corers might well
hange their tactics in attending the
convocation this afternoon lest they
find themselves crowded out of Hill
auditorium by a capacity house-full of
more r nctua students who have also
realized the importance of the mnes-
sage which awaits them there.
The college student of today is the

pected when he constitutes the future.
That is just what "ultra-modern" edu-
cation is, the fore runner of an "ultra-
modern" age. The plodding student
of an idealistic past will find that his
too close application to the ideal col-
lege education of that past avails him'
an inadequate preparation for the
changed era of the future. Practi-{
cality is the key-note of modern ed-
ucational tendency, a dissatisfaction
with the past and much of the pres-
ent, a spirited spontaneous revolt in
an attemnt to shake off the apathy- and
indifference of the past, an unrest
from pent-up energy which will find its
expression in great endeavors is the
Smythe has rather definite ideas as
to the advisability of fitting literary
form to literary substance. The two
inevitably fit each other in any real
literary work, he believes, and conse-
quently in that demi-monde of litera-
ture, advertising, some attempt should
be made to harmonize them.
But recently Smythe noticed an ex-
cellent bit of editorial writing in a
purely commercial advertisement. The
theme of it was, approximately, "Take
a little college home for Christmas, -
the folks will like it". It was con'-
vincing enough to cause Smythe to
make a resolution, in spite of his true
feeling that he gets enough of col,
lege during the term. After all, he
says, the family should get some ev-
idence that the son is going to col-
lege, other than the monthly flood of
But the idea of presenting a mes-
sage through the advertisement, in-
congruous as it seemed to him at
first, has won Smythe over to the ex-
tent of his smiling tolerantly at it. If
companies must advertise it is well
that they present something related to
literature, something happily possess-
ing more than a mere "punch". As
Smythe says, lie does not like to be
sold anything-he likes to buy it.

DEAR CAL: This'is the LIFE, as the F
clever lads and lassies say. No more
slaving you the col for me. Over here
the hours are from 3 to 3:30 twice a'
week - and NO exchanges to read'
AbsoLOOTly none! And Christmas
gifts are to be distributed among the!
Yours for a bigger and better 'En-
sian. EX-STAFF.
You've dug yourself in there, doggone
yo -
You've rooted a hole with your snout;
You've made a big ditch in our cam-
pus -
Now, how do you hope to get out?
Or do you intend to remain there,
And take ul a course in our school,
And learn to whistle in Latin?
You steam-sweating ignorant fool?
Perhaps Economics will please you-
They'll make you dig there, never
fear -
And how cute you'll look as a Fresh-
With a grey pot over one ear.
So dig and be darned to you, Alfred
Just dig as much as you please
For we're digging too in our text-
books -
Deep holes to hide from the "E's".

('Lveat emptor! Let the public get
! ?tte indigestion, ptomaine poisoning,
or falling. of' the face from eating
rotten apples! Long live the grocer
and the advertising manager! Every
self respecting journal should sell
favorable criticism at so much per
yard. Our critic would then meta-
morphose into °a, perfect economic {
Criticism has undoubtedly reachedI
the nadir when it has become nothingj
more than a farrago of servile flattery.
There is no use in going into the de-
crepit argument concerning the re-
spective merits of constructive an('
destructive criticism. Suffice' it to
say that each has its place. We can-
not build a new structure without.
F rst razing the old.
I do not wish to imply that a critic
is invariably unprejudiced and im-
partial-many of them are uncon-
sciously biased. But, after all, will
not i truly worthy production sur-,
viye, whether the criticism be con-
structive, destructive, commendatory
or malicious?
H. M. NOWELS, '24.







(Lastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:oo a.in., 7:oo a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:05
a.m. and hourly to 9:o5 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., and
every' two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
and every two hours to 9:oo p. n.,
I1 :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--11 :4o
p.m., 1:15 a.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars WestFBcund-7:50 a.m.,
12; O p.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-im-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.n., 12:47, 2:47,
4:47 P.m.
To Jackson and Lansing--Litnited at
8:47 iP.1tn

Studets Spply Store.
1111 South University Ave.
Engineers' and Architects' Materials
Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos
Schumacher Hardware Company


1 '2
8 9
15 16
22 23
29 30


We have just made up some
very Snappy Hats for the
Holiday Trade. Step in and
look -them over.
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)
Schedt.'.e in Effect October 8, 1922
Cventral Tine (Slow Time)
P.M. A.-. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 .-. , Adrian .... 2:45 8:45
;.15 8:15 ... T'ecumseh ... 12:15 8:15
4:30 8:30 .... Clinton .. 12:00 8:0oo
5:15 9:15 ... Saline . ... 1:15 7:15
5:45 9:45 ArAnn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
(Court Hlo e Square) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.

Comne Here. First

PHON S 174-175-M


(Daily Cardinal)
Every so often some one dares the
attempt to name the six most famous
men or women in the world.
This mania for nrning the six
"best" has 'flow' been extended m
other directidns.
Prof. Albert Bushnell Hart of Har-
vard has kindl'y named for us the six1
best "national" universities. These
six institutions, according to Profes-
sor Hart, are the Universities of Mich-
igan, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Chicago
and Columbia.
Among the criteria which Professor
Hart designates as those he considers
necessary for a national university to
have are its connection with national

You will be surprised at the
completeness of our stock
of games and toys

Phor' o26-M Arian, Mich.


Alfred Branches Out Ihistory, its military service, its wide,
I say, Old Deah, I was out for a bit variety of courses and departments,
of a stroll this afternoon, and I saw and the wide freogranhical distribu-
Alfred after a tree, but really, you tion of its student body.
know, he wasn't in the least stumped" It would be interesting to know how
by it. No, Bitters, I am not at home. many other noted educators would
LORD PERCY. agree with his ehoice of universities
* * * and of the criteria by which to judge
DEAR Caly: Perhaps you have no- them.
ticed the smiles of contentment that Probably no two would agrne either
adorn the cherubic faces of the vari- to the final list or the points to be
ous class treasurers. Have you won- considered in making such a list.
dered why? Yes, no? Well the se- It would seem to us that achieve-

cret is out. Since the theater-owners ment in research. standards of schol-
A GENUINE SACRIFICE have refused reparatious money, thatx orhip demanded, and records of
An example of fellowship and loyal- new spring suit once more heaves in- ichievemenyt by graduates should be
ty seldom equalled was afforded last to sight. Hail to the theater owners! considered when that list is being
week at the University of Pennsylva- IMP. made.
nia, when Evan Christie, a student * * * We confess our incompetence to!
there, needed a transfusion of blood to A Suggestion to 'I. DesMarais nape such a list. And it is just as
prevent his death from anaemia, and Un, deux, trois, prohable that there is no one who
fifty fellow students volunteered to On ecrit sans lois. could make a choice of six or sixty
give their blood that he might be Quatre, cinq, six, of the "best" universities. At least a
saved. Va t-en betise. list that would please everyone = and
Such expressions of devotion are Sept, huit, neuf, offend no one.
not often to be found, and testify to Pour jeter le boeuf.*
the bonds of fellowship which the col- Dix, onze, douze, WHO IS THE l BOSSI
lege world fosters. It might be ar- Ma fille est heureuse. (Cornell Daily Sun)
gued by the skeptic that the fifty stu- *Les Americain s disent "Throw When i ailuire on tlhe football field
dents who asked to give their blood the bool." results in the resignation of a col-
simply went in recognition of the RICHLY YOU. lege president, it is high time to in-
friendship existing between them and * * * vestigate what is wrong in the or-
the ailing student, but the fact re- THE OTHER night we went down ganization. This is the experience of
mains that they all expressed willing- among the philosophers and fell Geneva college whose president, Dr.
ness to make the sacrifice and they among the behaviourists. The behav- A. A. Johnston, has severed relations
were all tested to determine their iourists are those who would say that owing to the pressure from alumni for
blood qualities. To lose a pint of if Alfred dug and knew not wherefore the removal of the present football
blood from one's body is an experience he excavated (as indeed he might), coach, who is held responsible for
not in the least invigorating or pleas- ; that he was pathological. Geneva's poor showing on the grid-
urable, and the possible deleterious * * * iron. This the trustees and college
effects of such a loss make the spirit WHAT DO THEY mean - "Michi- authorities refuse to do. believing th'at
of the students all the more commend- gan league or museum site $500,000",sa? coach i, d ong his best. The
able. When a group of men show by * * graduate manaaer sides in with the
concrete actions that almost no sac- A Deserving Reward other alumni, demanding a chvnge in
rifice is too great*to make for a fel- My girl sh~e won a loving cup, the coochinz staff. The rift widens.
low student, they are speaking im- For some fool sort of act'n; and iintlly President Johnston hands
measurably well for the institution of Now I will swear the prize was in his resignation along with that o7
college life, which makes possible :'just, anoher prominent memlbcr of the
such friendships. She sure is great at lov'n. faculty.
* * This is but another example of over-
That women are the weaker sex! The garg is being foisted upon us emphasizing the importance of ath-
somehow does not seem to jibe with f again. letics, in relation to the serious work
the reality that while the men shiver " * * aud purpose of higher education. For

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