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December 12, 1922 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-12

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IZ. 1VI1t,,rliA1 iL JAIL X


111111111LII fll Tlh 1flh KANSAS CITY SET FO R EC.
q w "CAJA[OWRNE Vision Of ]M4adern Generation Nn ti m I"'ESERF D E.I
SOON HEADY [OR PRESS Good As That Of AncestorsE IS Graduates, former students, and
pe c 0 PS_______________ ent undergraduates of Big Ten
schools are invited to attend a holiday Office a
One of the questions which is often objects at a distance, has not mater7 inner dance in Kansas City. Mo. at
BIDS BEING SOUGHT, BOOK WILL brought up is whether the eyes of the ally changed from its original char- Work on the transplanting of the the Brookside hotel on Friday evening,
CONTAIN 60,000 present generation are not weaker acter and hence maniflest eyestrain elm tree of the class of '69 has been Dec. 29. Music for daning will e fur-
NAMES than those of our preuecessors, and under the stress of modern require- begun following the donation of $300 nished by the Coon-Sanders orchestra.
i thn thse o ourpredcessrs, n ents. Our eyes ar? in no sense
orktis nearlydinthewhether the eyes of the race are not weaker than those of our ancestors, by prominent alumni of that class. ttTicket reservations will he received
Work is neay completed n cthe steadily growing weaker, due to the ebut they have notsbeen able to adapt Franklin S. Dewey, secretary and borOe . etzger.0,f the
ntremendous number of modern appli- themselves to the complications which treasurer of the class has written let- company in Kansas City. The price of
logue and bids are being sought by ances which impose a strain upon modern civilization has produced." ters to the members urging that con- the tickets is $5 per couple.
the University for thehem. To sum up, it can be said that in tributions be given to defray the cost
the book, the early copy going to Glasses Worn as Aid the great majority of cases glasses of removal. Remember 445 Huron Street Taxi
y ' 'hntenx ewwesD.EoyW inAssatpy-~are worn, not because of defective The Board of Regents in addition ReHAd
The catalogue will contain about Dr. or Wh Un keAsitath - eyes, but to relieve the strain upon the appropriated $250 for the work, the 25c.-Adv.
60,000 names when puulisned and will ice, states, that such is not the case, tiny muscles of the eyeball imposed total cost of which will be approxi
be ovei 1,590 pages long. It will be regardless of the large number of upon them by constantly maintaining mately $800. .1 1.,IN
coniideiably larger than the 1912 cdl- people wearing glasses. He states a focus for near vision. A bronze tablet, the gift of Charles We Guarantee to Teach You
________ F. Brush, 169, of Cleveland, inventor to Dance All of the
.ion and more complete. Money for that a large percent of the glasses of the Brush Electric light, willber MODER e AfC
the undertaking was appropriated by worn, are worn, not because of de -d n oERN DANCES
the Regents last spring,nfective vision, but simply as an aid EX OneIIlEd MErsIeKHI placed in the floor of the new lit p In Course q
t w singdan teg n to eyes, and to prevent fatigue, building over the same spot where the CEALSEY' DANCE STUDIOS
This catalogue will contain the The present age, states Dr. Sink, is
name of every man connecteds ivtr cieflyrconcerned with the application
the University as student, professor, ,of literary and scientific training_____
or staff member, in so far as it has along lines for the development and:
been possible to collect the required perfection of inventions and discov- In order that work may be begun
data. These will be classified in defi- eries, which fact means that the eyc immediately upon the University mil. __
nite order, comnnencing with the is put to a greater test in the ordin- itary bock of the recent war. all stu-!
members of 'lt faculties chronologi- ary routine of daily life, than has been dents who were in the military ,naval,
cally, the case with past generations.
Fallowing the faculty there will be a 'In the animal kingdom, eyes were or other federal service during the Eu-,
list of the graduates classified accord- primarily designed to inform the pos- ropean war and who have not sent in
ing to de artments Headed by the sessor of the approach of enemies. ; detailed and complete account o I
literary school the groups within and to aid in the search for food and their service have been requested bO
these will start with the earliest glass- shelter. This was true of primitive H. S a ca
es and come up to the present day, the man, and for such a purpose the eye .H ,sy
names -being alphabetical within each is well adapted. the military record committee, to do
annual..divison...Eyes Not Weaker so at once.
list of:tlhe non-graduates of the Dr. Sink says, "The primitive type This book is a compilation of the #g
University will come next, preceding, of eye which was designed for viewing names and records of all Michigan
the married names of all married men and women in any way connected
Michigan yomen. An alphabetical in- 'with the service during the late war.
ldex to all the names contained withn TBy calling at the Alumni catalog of
the volume will close the book. fl e in the basement of Alumni Mem- EVERY is FRESH and
roial hall they may procure and till PACKAGE of PERFECT
H IT A SA RV IO1 ESDBAE EA S t the necessary blanks. As soon as1 ,EOPE FC RVWegthmdictfo tema rs0*"
CRcompleterecords are received the We get them direct from the maers.
The question to be used in the Midnosed book. A similar catalog was pub- Never have complaints.
ET CO TY1 ,1flfl10West debate with Wisconsin and Illi- li hed several years ago containing Will ghdly replace or refund for an ackage
nos this year has been del 1-1 na s of all Michigan men in. the h d n
follows: Resolved, that whatever s at- r 'nis war. that does not please in every way
Over 100,000 anti-tuberculosis ,utory or constitutional changes are
Christmas seals have been sold in necessary to render impossible tl ' use It ENGINEERS MACKINAW
Washteiaw county according to con- of injunctions in labor. disput': in .1 TS ARRIVE IN ANN ARBOR
putations n ade Saturday afternoon, the Upited States should be :r-"
At one. cent a seal this represents ately made. One hundred and fifty Mackinaw
$1,000 already turned in. The .fBusi- . According to Prof. Thomas C. True- I shirts for the junior engineers arriv
ness Girls club of Ann Arbor, which blood of the public speaking depart- ed esterday at the J. F. Wuerth cloth-
is. COnduCting the campaign in Wash- met, it is barely possible that the ing store on Main street. All members __
tena*., county ."ent out 400000 seals t !{'7A dnri.n of -fh tai;n.it .p . .reavfn -ni h

Iiool of Music Tfuner
L'IN 3062
t Res., 418 N. Division St.

606' 1,t at'l Bank Bldg.
Hours, 1-6 p.m. Phone 401
' l1111111lii11 31i 19 101111 iI 1111111 li11


East Washington Phone 628





'IRA m

il III ON,


You are always

safe in sending

Whitman's Candy for Christmas,

f other people send candv
yours will be the best.


Everybody likes Whitman's and
and it is always acceptable.

Leaye orders now for delivery by mail or messenger.
324 So. State ireet
E. and S. University Avenues
State and Packard Streets


,- - - - ,- - - -
through the mails two weeks ago and
responses have been coming. in for
the past week.
Last year AWashtenaw county was
second in number of seals purchasecl
per capita. Frank B. Leland, of Dc
troit, offers a handsome trophy to thr
county with the best record this year
The Business Girls club is attempting
to bring the trophy to this county
Members of the classes in inter'nre-
ative reading in the public speaking
department will give a public recital
at 8 o'clock tonight in the auditorium
o. University hall. A program of
shorter poems, many by recent writ-
ers. will be given..
The followingmembers of the class-
es will take part in the recital: Mabel
A ugust, '24, Mary Chilton, '23Ed; Ruth
Christensen, '24, G. Demmick, '23,
Francis Hayes, '23, Harold Hunt, '23,
Walter Lustfleld, '25. Nathan Schlafer,
'23, Harold Seagle,;'24, David Sedar' 24,
Thelma. Shaw, '25, Beata Wagner, '24,
Harold Dorr, '23, June Knisley, '2z,
Maurice Mlozer, '23, and Blair Swartz,

ac a wori ng o the question may f the class who iaced their orer for
be changed, but the subject will not the first shipment of the "distinctive
be altered. dress" may secure their shirts at the
'Preliminaries will begin .the second store. The last opportunity to secure
week in January, and the final de- these shirts is being offered this week
bate will be on the third Friday of All orders for the final shipment must
March. ,:The negative team from Wis- he in the hands of the committee or
consin will meet the' Michigan affirm- the clothing store before Thursday
ative team here, while the Michigan - -
negative team will debate with the 25c rate for students 445 Huror
Illinois affirmative trio at Urbana. S'reet Taxi.-Adv.
The Eberbach & Son Co.
11 111

r-....... ... .. .






One of today's features:

French Fried


- , W 4 - -- - w -
The best gift of all-
The gift that brings the Xmas
spirit into the home every day in
the year -- the gift' that shows
thoughtfulness on the givers
part - that is the new
There is no better
Electric Cleaner
made, others ask
from $15.00 to
$25.00 more than
the B EE-AC
price. Machines
thirteen years in
service prove'the
BEE-VAC dura-
bility. Come in
and let us dem-
onstrate it -and
reserve one for
your Christ-
mas list.

Pot ato es, C



H ERE'S always a great
demand every tnimeFrench
fried sweet potatoes appear,
on our serv1ng counter. done
to a delightful crispness; es-
pecially tasty. 8c.

Curiosity may have killed the well-known
cat, but it has been underneath most of the
bard-won developments that lastingly benefit
mankind. Once in a great while, perhaps, ac-
cident has been the spark that has lighted
the torch of achievement; but much more
frequently - always, nearly - accomplishment,
especially in the field of science and invention,
has grown out of the insatiable curiosity that
seems to be the heritage of us all. Mankind
wants to know -and is slowly finding out.
Curiosity, the complement of imagination,
knows no appeasement..
This is, however, no essay on the vague sub-
Ject of idle curiosity. There is a vast difference
between that and the organized, untiring, well-
planned activity which, as an integral part of
Westinghouse organization, searches continu-
ally for the answers to problems which intelli-
gent speculation sets up This, if you please, is
curiosity in its highest and most intensified
form; and it is a fundamental thing in the West-
inghouse operations.

Research, as we know it, is the guiding hand
upon the purely creative activities of business.
Constantly it brings to light new aspects of
known laws, new visions of laws yet to be un.
covered. But the search for these is not hap.
hazard nor whimsical; it is organized and planned
as carefully and thoroughly as any other busi.
ness activity. Whether chemical, electrical, or
physical, it is engineering; and it follows engi.
neering methods and tradition.
Many great engineers have been wholly at a
loss in this specialized activity. For research;
in a sense, reverses the usual order. Its en.
deavor is to discover unknown laws in the known
facts-a thing which is quite at variance with
ordinary engineering practice. Yet there is a
fine type of engineering mind which finds its
great opportunity in this kind of work. And to
that type of mind, and that type of man, re(
search beckons with an unmistakable hand:
It is engineering pioneering, it blazes trails for
progress, to new triumphs, in a wiiderness into
whose outskirts man has scarcely penetrated.

For Said bw



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