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December 12, 1922 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-12

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£ £~i1~ ~l~kX1IksLXI UtM~ ~ aL


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Chidago, Northiwestern, Big Ten 1'ead-
HIS, io State, M.A. Vil
Be 11et
M1'ichigan's first' Varsity swimming
team will gqt under way with a bigI
splash immediately at the close of
the Christmas holidays.
Ready at last to enter Conferencel
competition after four years of infor-
mal existence the Wolverine tank men
are looking forward to the biggest
year in their history with a degree of
optiism that is well based on the
material ready to take the first(live
when the call for candidates is isu-
To Schiedple Xaroons, 'Purple
A succession of victories is,, per-
heaps, too much to hope for, particu-
larly against such teams as are sure
to fll in the Maize and Blue sched-
ule; but the showing -is certain" to be
more than creditable. 'While, the list
of meets is not yet ready for formal
announcements it is a safe prediction
that the tank aggregations which will
face the Michigan natators_. will in-
chude at least two of the most power-
ful in the Big Tenl.T
T~hese two, Northwestern and Chi-
cago, will be met at Evanstoni and the
W indyl city on Feb. 17 and I9, respec-
tively. Chicago, Conference cham-
pions of 1922, is represented, by prac-
tically the same agcgregation that cor-
nered Big Ten honors last~year, while
Northwestern has won the title more
tim~es thn any other Conference in-
st itution and is ah~vays represented by
a great team. The Purple natators
took: third honors, last March.
('oniider Othio, Ag'iesJ
Tw o other mieets tliat asee certain
of ,a placo on the Michigan schedule
will be against MI.A.C. and Ohio State.
Thie Farmers were treated to a sound
drenchiing by the Wolverin informal
aquatic squadl"last year and with p~ros-
pects for the 1923 team brighter than e
Indoor aad Outdoor
Athletic Equipment
Everything °.for
every sport; in-
cluding svges
jerseys, Shoes, etc.
Ca, a lcoc~uo sent on rec test
211 S. State St., Chieago, III.

M VE S R OYconsistent improvement in form nn- 4Iardbali~ The semi-finals will he played this; would appear that when the Aggies and Beoias, gurs; CGuter, DMer-
til he now ranks as at top-notcher. 'afternoon, Sgal, 751-W,- meeting ,;et Mician, a. , it will be at one-l dill, and utlla centrs.
On the f'ace of things the team'I Greene, 2011-1lV, on court one and Sar-{ sided contest. .However, Al. A. C. al- ----
seems to have its greatest weakness Spectators at the third round of nachia, 195, meeting Abrams, 1485-J ways comes ~o Ann Arbor with a di-o- PJ nI)MEYESWHA Ih'I E NT
swimongecept hubbrendn the All-campus lhandball tournament on court two of the handball courts termnined sirit and will no( doubt be PAPR BEFOII11F RESAII('H CIli
OR sight at pres ent to handle thattyeysrdyweexeinl peadi in Waterman gymnasium. These in better shanpe for this fray.
lKHOofswmigecp Hubrani with the games, which were fraught games will start promptly at 415 o'- rte ggies have two mnogram men .tembers of LteUniversity Research
Hyde, who will have their hands full, with upsets' and high class playing. clock The winners wii play for the back, Captain Fessen 1n and silg lunil ol hirDcebr et
ever before, the Aggie tanknmen will; with the distance and breast stroke( Brains and varied tactics were em-I championship at 4:15 o'clock tomor- Swanen. 'Phse men are both guards ing at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening
fidi icsArto(0sm fatla- events. In the plunge and fancy div- ployed to advantage by all of the play- row or Thursday, the victor to re-fn tncsar od oefatpdl an' for this reason Coach Walker will .in the histological laboratory. Prof.
dilng in order to hold their own. Ohio ing there is but .one candidate for ers, Abrams displaying the nlost when ceive a silver loving cup from the In-,o doubt have trouble in whipping to- C. F. Meyers of the physics depart-
State has never before been represent- each on the horizon, but there is con-, he conquered Langlois 4- in the big- tramul (department foi is prowess. gter ''a st'og offensive combination.' ment will present a paper on infra-
ed spy a swimming team, being, with fidence that others will be found for "got upset of the day. Abrams playeds --N1. A. C. has nt as yet got under way red absorptionf spectra and their,in-
Michigan, the only Conference school these two events as well as for the a brainy game against the loser and 1 r' r ; rnr and several men from the footballI terpretation in molecular mehnics.
without a tank aggregation. This back stroke,. was consistent in every instance, a- J L LL f'Il team are expected to materiallyii Prof. A. Sommerfeld of the Univer-
year, hoeeteSaltadGe:.le hsFek though it looked for a while as though JiiiLL 1 11 iLG 4 UU1IfL teghnteta.I hi aeIst fMnc h eetyc'nl
howver te Saret ndGre Met it ,,ei: wi th Nte eSam.rdantheirgme&y fMuihwh ecnlycn lt
i insttution has agreed to fllow Mich- A meeting of all tank candidates' e was in a ba way. It had been ex-iNOTnRE n rTffUMfPwt NteDaeStrdyteys(-ed a series of lectures on atoic
igani's lead and put a team in the wa- will no doubt be called by assistant P etdta agoswud i h ~ Jh ~ VL~ed that they could not as yet wort o- structures here, commended the work
ter. The meet will probably be held Di: ctrLttesoeie uinh game, for he gave some remarkable ,gter and will need a lot of ratice dn ni~ard~pcr tteUi
at Columbus following the Chicago atwihtm vr wm e exibitions !in the earlier rounds. before Jan. 3. vriyo ihgn ~. .W ls
week,atwihtm evrsw mr Once again two men came through ISOTH BENIWI{RS IIE(OVER AFTERI;vriyoMchgn Dr .W.Ss
and ortwestrn rays whle M A.last year M. A. C. had a s rong son will also give a paper on "Someo
C. will no doubt open the W\olveine ;prospects andi veterans of the infr- Sgalelmnaig'rneaquini ESL~tm y yoet adncint.wIt will obt-: CurosAtcpain f°'h ra
schedule, It is possible that some th- innslteams. With the material known prltn-iIdgm, n anei e~he ytnl oe pha , t chwlker t- wil -____
er Pig Ten scho'ol will find a lplace ( tobe on hand and with the new men taking Swan's measure forl a similar M. A. C. cagemen fell before l Ils\etietatCahWle ili hels fmes u0t, nl iIta r ue ob noee hr s a eal opls ofsm ftewa'Creta toaya slc
andl Wisconsir being among those to lsoe ree i ofo art i naoesdd ea asn
every reason to believe that Michigan the only defaulted game of the after'~ Saturday, by a score of 40 to 15. The jts before lhe comies to Ann Arbor. stock' at Wahr' University Book-
whom advances may be maderi. is late fo a igly successful sea- non(iietxa lslldb Nt~ aeqmjtxei(Ts~ The following men are working for store.-Ady.
While the selection of a coach is. sin in her first year of Varsity swim- sprained ankle and was unable to hold ge in all deartments of the game. psion on thea team CatiFe
asyet, hanging fire, George i. Lit lo, :uns=u.uphsarinwawaexctdo Wth oreDm'dfatf41o senden, Eva, Kidman, Bilkey, Swartz, ,Cortois and quick Taxi sevice
assstat iretorofandl Ralston, forwards; Kuhn, Mvason 25c. IHron Street Taxi 445-Adv.
Athletics, who is in full charge of miin-p_____________________________________
or sports, is optimistic' over tii' se-
curing of a competent mentor for thei} All einid teited n Varity
aquatic squad. The new coach, wohoonekryewsoeddy soated cthe I "A
ever hie will be, is assured airmeesing eter dan y should.com
a really-powerful team. tuis atrono call 167.
Wealth of 3lulerial IWeek-nc'
Amotig those who stand out as pos- -. - -- .- ina peS eb tSpecial l;
sibilities at the present time are sucha d
mnaLyeHbadonoftebt adin the Big TPen at the distance events,, r reach Orange Cream
DeWitt Taylor, star dash man, Jfack{

astic titles in the 40 and 100 yard free
styles, John Valentine, a scintillating
short distance swimmer, Frances
Smith, another highly dependable
crawl stroke manl who swims b)th
dlashes and distances with equal fa-
cility, G. Warren Hyde, perhaps the
best all-around tank man now in
school, who specializes in the br ea 't
stroke, William I-I. Schwartz, J3r., an-[
other of the crawl swimmers. of no
little ability, Jack Kearns, a plunger
of considerable prowess, James Ald-
iich, still another free style swimmerI
who must be reckoned with, Norman 7
Hanson, asplendid breast stroke man.
and' Eric Mlilgner, almost the only
candidate for fancy diving honors nowi~
in sight, and a diver who has 'shown,

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