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December 14, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-14

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T '


Astronomer Goes
Isaac One Better


Two Sets Each Including Four Games
To Be Issued By Athletic t
Season tickets for this . year's bas-
ketball games will be placed on sale
Jan. 3 at the Athletic association tick-
et office, it was announced last night.
A uniform system of sale, following

Will Devote Major Part Of Speech
Discussion of Legislative

To l

(By Associated Press)3
Lausanne, Dec. 13.-Ambassador
Child had a long conference with Is-
met Pasha this afternoon and urg-
ed him on humane grounds to make
liberal concessions for the protection
of the Armenians, Greeks, and other
minorities remaining in Turkey., Mr.
Child emphas-izes the good feeling
Turkey could inspire in the outside
world by making ample provision for
the protection of foreigners living in'
Turkey, and explained to Ismet the
great interest Americans of all class-
es have in seeing the dislodged popu-
lations comfortably cared for and. in
having guarantees drawn up that
there shall be no future dislodgement.
Disapproves Turkish Plan
He expressed American disapproval
of the Turkish plan for the exchange
of populations in Turkey and Greece
and explained to Ismet that the people
of the United States were willing to
help the victims of the war, but were
anxious to _know that their funds
would be used to establish the unhap-
py nations of the near East in per-
.*manent homes where they might set-
tle down and enjoy permanent peace.
At-10 o'clock tomorrow morning Is-
;met Pasha will.appear before the sub-;
committee on minorities and make a
further statement regarding Turkish
counter proposals concerning the Al-
lied scheme for protection of minor-
ities in Turkish territory. Lord 'Cur-
zon, M. Dariere, Marquis di Garroni,
Ambassador Child and the heads oft
the other delegations all will attend
this session, and Lord Curzon has
promiaed that the principal members
wifl give consideration to what the

14 that of last year, will be used by the!
-f}{? A ticket office.
In order that everyone may have a;
Schance to see at least some of the'
games, two separate sets of tickets
. are being issued. Each one will en-
title the holder to see four of the
games, instead o f combining all
eight games in the one ticket book.,
Thus if a person cares only to see
a few of the games he need only pay
~Y. 1 for those, without needing to buy the
Jwhole eight stubs in order to take
advantage of the reduced rate.
The price of each set of four tick-
ets will be $2. Since at each game,
- . Jexcept the M.A.C., the regular priceI
of 75 cents admission will be charged,
a saving of $1 will be made on the
-.:asecond book and 75, cents on the first4
by utilizing a season ticket.
.J11 t.. Those games to be included in' the4
first group are the M.A.C. game, Jan.{
3; the Illinois game, Jan. 6; Minne-
-°: sota game, Feb. 12; and the Iowa
game, March 3.
The second ticket set admits to the
following games: Northwestern, Jan.
22; Ohio State, Jan. 27; Wisconsin,
f Feb. 10; and.the Cornell indoor track;
meet on? March 24.
..... ...On Jan. 3.only a set of tickets for
Above,: Col. Elliott Woods, superin. one group may be purchased by one
tendent of the capitol, and, below, man. After Jan. 6, if there are. still
Col. C. 0. Shlrrill, in charge of 'tickets remaining, a person may buy
public buildings and grounds Inseason tickets for the entire eight'
Washington. - ;games.
Officials in charge of public build-
ings in Washington, D. C., deny re-
ports that a Ku Klux Klan. mneeting
was held in the. nation's capitol re-{
cently. However, Colonels Woods and r
Sherrill are investigating the basis
of the newspaper reports that the
meeting was held. - I, IL-- ~ t D ''L' FI A nQ.PD)-

President Marion L. Burton will de-
liver the address at the second con-
vocation of the year to be held at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditor-
ium. President Burton has not an-
nounced a topic, but stated yesterday
that he would discuss topics of in-
terest to the whole campus, including {
the present legislative program. I
To Explain. Building Program
The latter subject will undoubtedly
take up a large share of the period
which he will devote to his talk.'
While it is believed that the student
body has a generally good conception
of the scope and purpose of the build-
ing program, President Burton will
explain the significance of each of the
proposed units and the reason why
they are requested at this time.
It is believed that the size of the ap-
propriation requested may be great
enough to prompt questions from cit-
izens in the students' home cities, and
a complete understanding of the pres-
ent needs of the University by the
student body would be necessary in
order' to -inform interrogaters cor-
rectly concerning the .University's!
plan of expansion.
The importance of the proposed new
buildings for the journalism, and the
surveying and architecture depart-
ments, which .,are entirely' new pro-
jects in the building program, will al-;
so be exnIained by President'Burton- i

Student Employment Office Flooded
With Applications For Work
More than 60 students have filed
applications for work during the com-
ing Christmas vacation with the Stu-
dents Employment bureau and the
demand for full time work is far in
excess of the supply.
Due to the fact that the students
are, for' the most part, the life of Ann
Arbor's business, few men will be
needed as extra help during the holi-
day season. The tendency would be
'o decrease' rather than add additional
help, and as a result students seek-
ing work will have to be content with
odd jobs and substitution for those
who have work and are leaving Ann'
Some jobs with the Post Office in'
Detroit and Grand Rapids were avail-
able and many students have filed ap-
plications at these places.

Accusations Made Concerning Wil-
liam iJ. Burns of Department
of Justice
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 13.-Chairman
Volstead declared tonight during
hearings before the House Judiciary
committee on impeachment charges
against Attorney General Daugherty
that, judged by the calendar of testi-
inony thus, far offered, he did not be-
lievd it possible to "make anything
out of the case".
The statement was made during the
taking of testimony on the second of
the impeachment specifications filed
by Representative Kellar, Republican,
Minn., that charges a failure by the
Attorney General to force compliance
by the railroads with the safety ap-
pliance act.
Previously the -committee had corn-
! Ited the taking of evidence on the
first of the fourteen specifications,
that charging Mr. Daugherty had
knowingly appointed to office men
w-ho were "untrustworthy, corrupt,
and dangerous to the liberty of the
people Hof the United States."
Most of the evidence relating to
this specification had to do with
charges against William J. Burns, di-
roet or of the bureau of investigation
of the department of justice, and a
rdefense of Mr. Burns against those
rnnimno uun nnnnna td

Prof. T. J. J. See -
Prof. T..J. J. See, Mare Island, Cal.,
astronomer and mathematician,
claims to have discovered th'e causes
of magnetism and gravity. Too bad
poor old Isaac Newton isn't here so
See could tell him what made the ap-
ple fall on his head.

Detailed Account of Expenses
At Meeting of Student


Report was made on the disposition
f the money collected for sending
the Varsity band to Minnesota at ,

&nn VnIfnr TO' SINK



Turks have to say. I UU I I U UI IuIn concluding the three day fourth3
Many Private Conferences Held 1 fl l annual convention of the State So-
While the conference . is badly ciety of Physical Education of the
strained by Ismet Pasha's flat refusal Michigan departments of publi ,in-
to consider the Allied plan for the struction, plans -for next year's gym-
administration of the affairs of minor- The Ann Arbor high school chorus nasium work in the state public
ities in Turkey, there are many pri- of 400 singers will give the Christmas schools were presented and discuss-
vate conferences going on between portion of Handel's "Messiah" in Hill ed yesterday afternoon in the Union.
the delegates and the indications are auditorium next Tuesday evening. The morning program yesterday
that some compromise plan may be was short, commencing with a talk
worked out. This is the first performance of Han- on "Professional Ethics" by Miss
Ismet is firm in refusing to have the del's masterpiece by this chorus, but Florence List. After this came a
League of Nations undertake the ad- it is expected that it will be present- speech on "State Basketball Tourna-;
ministration and also insists that .ed each year in the future at the holi- ments" by C. F. Tambling. The final
Turkey will not accept any sort of day time. presentation of' the morning was
foreign board.- The Chorus has been working since made by Floyd A. Rowe, director of
At the afternoon session of the sub- the beginning of the school year to the council, who introduced several
commission devoted to the study of perfect themselves in the singing of ideas for the betterment of the coun-
the exchange of population, the Turks the great choruses. Those who heard cil itself, and told of its function and
took a more conciliatory attitude dur- this chorus sing Haydn's "Creation" its work.f
ing the discussion of the future status last spring will expect much from this In the three day program just con-
of the Greek colony in Constantinople. performance, and the . boys and girls cluded several dinners and luncheons
Turkey is willing for the Greeks to are anxious to live up to those expec- were given at the Union. Tuesday
stay there, but wants definite provi- tations, as well as to prove them- night Coach Fielding H. Yost andI
sions set up. selves ' worthy of the confidence Mrs. Yost were the guests of the
which their director, George Oscar r'mv nt a banquet, while the evening.
Bowen, has in them. 'before President Marion L. Burton and
- l irton and Dean Allen S. Whit-
TIA K IEB SAFThechorus will be assisted by sol- - otnadDa le .Wi-
oists who will be announced later in ney, of the School of Education, and
the week. The public is cordially Mrs. Whitney were slated as dinner
invited to attend the concert. No ad-, guests, although at the last minute
mission fee will be charged. "Oe to attend.
University. men, in addition to ad,
MoSCOW LIBRARIAN TELLS IN Professors to Meet Tonight dressing the society, were invited to
LETTER OF DECREASED Members of the Michigan chapter of sit in at the discussions. Those who
WAGES IN RUSSIA the American association of Univer- took part in the assembly were Dr."
sity professors will meet at 7:15 0'- George A. May, director of Water-
A letter of thanks has been receiv- clock this evening in room 304 of the man gymnasium, Dr. John Sundwall,
ed at the University Library froim Union. The anlnual election of ofii- director of students' physical welfare
Mine. L. Iaffkin Hamburger of Mos- cers will be held at this time- and im- in the University, and Prof. Elmer' D
cow, for several packages of food' sent portant business matters - are to be "ll, director of intramural ath-
her by the Library staff. The food was discussed. 1eticS
distributed among the librarians in
the vicinity of Moscow.
In her letter, Mme. Hamburger said
that librarians were receiving salaries Santa Neglected In -,Gargoyle
that ranged all the way from three to
ten dollars a month, which is fifteen FC Jollity
times less than those received before
the troublous times. She also express- --- ------_- -
ed a desire that the ;Moscow librarians
get i dcontat wththe Library staff Gargoyle came out yesterday, be- Chester through the portals of Uni-
with regard to many technical at- decked in Christmas colors, and light- versity hall, Andy is good and most
ing the gloom .f. the last days before' delightfully funny.
Me. Hamburger spent some time the holidays with the olden spirit of: Maybe the Union opera which comr-
in this country visiting libraries he- yule tide mirth. At' any rate, such pileted its run at the Whitney theater
fore the wary was its purpose,.and if all recogni-1 recently was better than the one the
tions of content are to be made, its Gargoyle displays, for that is what
xnr nrnmrnii ,'p d Ge .ola eoneA y B qVg R th. Gareovle

avuc Gl l~L11G i YC Cxi~it . il G-i SHEETS WITH ALL INEC ESSARY
L meeting of the Student council 'held
I-INFORMATION last night at the Union.
Due to a lack of sufficient support
Preparations for the departure of to charter the special train for that
the Union opera, "In and Out", on its game, the project of sending the band'
Christmas vacation tour of thirteen had to be. dropped for lack of funds.
The money contributed at Hill au-1
. cities, are being completed today at Oitorium, $380.08, on the night of the
the Mimes theater. : Rehearsals of the pep meeting with that collected at the
entire production were held last night Majestic and Arcade theaters 6f $79.-
Called to Washington by Senate and will .be held again tonight at the 92, gave a total collected of $460.
Judiciary Snb-commIttee Mimes theater. Donations - were returned to those
to Testify Itinerary sheets containing all the wtho asked for them and the remain-
informa.tion possible and, directions as der of the money was disposed of' as
TO BE WITNESS IN HEARING 1 to theaters and trains will be given specified in the following report: con-
AGAINST ST. PAUL LAWYER ;to each of the men who will make tributions returned, $52.90; expenses
the trip. Costumes and scenery will for refunding, stamped envelopes and
-- -' . be packed today and tomorrow for the mimeographed letter, $1.70; total:
i de i ntsdate journey. 4.60; expenses consisting of the
yesterday in the Butler case, Applications for all 16 road per- pep meeting in Hill auditorium which
President Marion L:. Burton was lformances have been on sale all this cost $15.40 and telephone calls"for ar-
in reciet of Ladvi fo ash week at, the Union and many students ranging the trip, 40 - cents, made a.
ington last night hie d to hi- have already applied for them. They total of $15.80; the campaign to raise
diso at nght wic ld tis will continue on sale today and may funds cost, for signs $22.50 and tags,
dcsin hat hsesymony in te be secured , y asking at the mana- $4.50; making a total of $27; the cele-'
He.Said last night thate had gexs office at the' Union. hration for the return of team' cost for
- defipiely decided not to go to fireworks, $250, phone calls to Flint,
Washington. -. $1.40, signs, $10, rope, $3.00, and lights
( A i P sand flares, $20.90, making a total of
(By Ass lated Pres Colored Li hits ' $285.30. The total refunds and ex-,
Washington, Dec. 13. - Resuming penses amounted to $382.70. This
Washngtn, Dc. 3. - Reumig Leaves a balance of $77.30, which will
hearings today on the nomination of D leck Campnus Fir jlae aac f$73,wihwl
P1 ar gteul atonkC be turned over to the Varsity band for
Piere ~~utle, St Pau attrney toIr~ disposal.
be an associate justice of the supreme ther iol.____h_ _r__ hi
court, a senate judiciary sub-commit- A touch of Christmas atmosphere Prof. Frederick B ahr asstt
tee called Marion L. Burton, presi- was added to the campus last eveninga dean of studentsexplained theroo-
dent of the University of Michigan and when the red, green and blue lights ing situation to the members. of the
former president of the University of with which the large fir tree in front Iouncil at last night's meetin He
Minnesotaeto testify. He was under- of the Library is trimmed, were light- explained the use and adhvisability of
stood to, be a supporter of Mr. Butler. ?ed for the first time thi's year.wrteagemnsbwentuns
Dr. Burton was head of the Uni- The campus Christmas tree, the written agreements betweenstudents
st and rooming house owners and the
versity of Minnesota while -Mr. But- work of the Buildings and Grounds necessity of students following out
ler was 'a regent. D~uring that tinmedepartment, has become an annualats
the regents dismissed three professors I event, the colored electric bulbs mak- nhether veral or writt are made
for statements on the war. Mr. But- ing their appearance in the big tree weTher veril onwdis t
1er was charged by Senator-elect during the week' prece'ding vacation. ter of student governm g decat
Shipstead, Minnesota, Farmier-Labor I The lights willeremainerinett, treede
ite, with misconduct in connection T lights will remain in the tree that a meeting with the President ofI
with the dismissal of the professors during the Christmas vacation period. the University and other University
officials be requested, the meeting to
he held in the near future.
SMApursTOWNS TO r U K TO Secretary of the Navy Edwin Den-
WITNESS PAGEANT by will be asked to be the speaker
-at the Cap Night ceremonies this
t te Citap h re

RBearing particularly upon the ne-
cessity of the faculty gaining the
correct conception, of. the purpose 01
the University's legislative program
a-nd the maintenance of high intellec-
tual standards President Marion L
l3urton yesterday afternoon address-
ed a general meeting of the faculty
which filled Natural Science auditor-
ium to capacey.
During the course of his talk Presi-
dent Burton spoke of "the year 1937'
as a date toward which every mem-
ber of the present generation of the
faculty may look with keen anticipa-
tion. During that year Michigan, he
said, will celebrate her centennial as a
University unsurpassed by any sis.
ter institution in the country.
An explanation of. the formation. o:
the new University budget which wil
he .completed at the February meet.
ing of the Board of Regents, made by
President Burton, as well as the
ruling of the Carnegie foundation
which will go into effect next year
changing the ratio between the
amount of the allowance granted t<
a retiring professor and his average
pay over a specified period. This ac
tion has been taken by the foundation
in view of the general raise in the
salaries of faculty members through
-out the country. President Burto,
reported that the Foundation ha:
! more than $40,000,000 which will be
allotted to retiring faculty men.
While the University will pursue it
.building program as rapidly as pos
Bible, President Burton stated tha
there are certain buildings which th
I unciversity has no intention of raz
mng at present. Among them th
Mal'cal- building, the Law buildin.
and the gymnasia. Adequate repair
wi l be made to them he said whe:
they are needed.


I I Talk on rote s inml I r r ion 'year.
Christmas services will be conduct- at 4:15 This Afternoon
ed in a number of the smaller towns,
outside of Ann Arbor and in some of Prof. H. B. Lewis, of the depart-
the country churches during Christ- mnent of physiological chemistry, will
mas vacation by several members of give a lecture at 4:15 o'clock this
the Presbyterian Young People's so- afternoon in' room 303 of the Chem- Sargent, '14,InterestedinLab
ciety by giving a pageant of the Na- istry building, on "Some Recent Ad-
tivity. Vreeland, chairman of the Ex- vances in the Role of Proteins in Nu- nent, Speaks For Negat
tension department, and Elizabeth trition". This lecture will be given E
Zwv'mer, at the head of the World under the auspices of the American "Resolved:tThat the open
Fellowship committee, have charge of Chemical society of which Professor preferable to the closed
this ork nd h American industry" is the
thi work and have prepared a pro- Lewis is an active member. eriat ibedeted
gram of music, readings and talks to It will show how modern develop-this evening in the Natural
rpn in sch churches as are not ments in chemistry have focused the
prepared to have any special Christ- -ttention of students on role of 4in- atuditorium under the auspice

or Moe.
shop is
shop in

:s of the
rgued by

Wenley to Speak Tonight in De
Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the p
,-,ophy department, will deliver a


mas services.
The students. have their own cos-
I tumes and stage effects for putting on
I ,rilav. Some of the places where
they expect to' put on the pageant are
Il Lyons, Stony Creek, and North-


dividual animo-acids instead of pro-
teins in nutrition. The discussion will
deal with figures secured from nu-
trition studies of students used as
representative examples. The lec-
ture will be illustrated with lantern
slides. After the lecture the annual
business meeting of the Society, and
election of officers for the ensuing
year will take place.

newIy organized Liberal clul
The affirmative will be ai

-urpose was ccomp) UV Leu. . argu' ye s y . .LuJL. g '.*Sy
FA 1 TY w OMEN i Primarily, - it was -a Santa, Clause contribution is not to be ignored. It
TO GIVE PLAYS number. Primarily was as far as it' was a wonderfulcast and the songs
went, for this gentleman retired from and music are fit for the professional?
the lime light after the publicity that stage. As the preface states it is just;
Two one-act plays will be given at was brought him on the cover and filled with exciting situations.
the regular meeting of the Faculty refused to poke his genial counten- In interesting relief from reading
Women's club to be held at 8 o'clock ance again into view. Even though matter comes a page of cartoons, all
tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. a blissful freshman remarked that of a sudden, so that it is nearly pass-{
The dramatic section of the club. they couldn't fool him 'cause there ed over. There is one word spoken,
which is under the direction of Mrs. - wasn't any Santa Claus, the Gargoyle "Ypsi". Whether that word can con-
U. B. Phillips, has made arrange- was there in the Christmas mirth. tain a page of meaning will never be
ments for a social meeting and re- First and foremost in matters of doubted after that cartoon has been

Before You Go Home-
There are very-likely several,
articles that you have which you
would like to dispose of if you
could. You can do this very
easily. Phone in a "For Sale"
Want Ad, for the Michigan
Daily. You'll sell it auickly.

Noel Sargent, the manager of the open
shop depa rtuient of the national asso-
ciatin of manufacturers. Paul C.
-'aurgcnL. '14, wiho since his graduation
has bt'en interested in the labor move-
memt and 1- now director of the edu-
cation epartment of the Amalga-
tt"ated cLotLing workers of America,
at R'.cht-st-e+, N. Y., will defend the
32£a:t ve.
The debate is free and the public is
invited to attend.

ture this evening before the
can I-ntilute of Banking at]
on the subject "Two Masters".

I* folay Initlates Twent!
Twenty candidates were initiated in-
to the order of De Molay at the con-
vocation ceremony held in the Mason-
Ic it:T4pj le last night.
All campus organizations and
societies wishing to have not-
ices of events that are to occur -
during the Christmas holidays
published in the last issue of The
Michigan Daily, are requested
Ito~ leave rc noritAnnsf',sucIJhI


Seniors must have their accepted WILL KEEP GYM OPEN
proofs for the Michiganensian back:
to the photographers before leaving Waterman gymnasium will be open
for home on Friday. Unless this is until 5 o'clock every week day during

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