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December 10, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-10

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o~r la ati
Published every morning except Monday!
during the University year by the Board in'
Control of Stude::t Publications.
Member of Western Coaference Edauiaii
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the tocal
news published therein.
Entered *at the postoffice at Ann Arbor.
Michigan, as second class mater.
Subscription by carrier or mail. $3 50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May.
ciard, Street.
Phones: tEditoritl, 2414 and 176-M ; Bust
ness. 96.
Communications not to exceed ?oo w rd'
ff signed, the signature riot. necessarily th
apear in print, butas an cvide':ce 01ffaith.
pmd inotices of events -will be pubiished ir
°ihe Daily at the discretion of the Editt;r, i1
Mit at or mrnLled to The Daily office. Un
signed comrnumicatiOns will receive no 'on
sideration. No mianuscript will be returned
unless the. writer encloses postage. The Iail)
doe% not ne _ssarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the cornnncations.
Tele'pbtones 244and 176-Wl

When Mr. Shuter came to Michigan
in 1918 the annual plays of Mimes
were merely existing. He made themOL
going productions. By steadily in- /,/
creasing the quality of the perform- "BRIGHTEN THE
ance he converted the operas into (ORINER Will RE
: shows which neople looked forward to TOU AR
because of their merit, anti not mere-
DEAR CAL: I se: by the paper that
ly because they were an expressionyksy
of school talent. Along with this you think maybe the student oly is,
cinfluenced by Voodooism. Well, If
camneacndon't know about Voodoos, but I know'
localities in which the operas appear- there are Hoodoos on this here cam-
ed, and with it a financial success easeH mot' icher8 and
which affords one of the Union's most pus,
dependable revenues. ! Heredity are two of 'em, and I can
It is no easy task to train a groupprove this. And there's plenty oft
It s n eay tsk o taina goupBahraism, too, only we calls it Bow-
of amateurs to act professionally. And; . ,t ,. w
it is even more difficult to stage aIwowism,'cuz that's what it is. Hev-
show as complex as any of its kind n't you seen them Bow-wowists a-;
holding of their rites and ceremo-
appearing on Broadway so that it ns e ming ite mddlemor
nies every morning in the middle of
performs smoothly and displays ver- the campus, runnin' in circles and ut-
I satility. This combination has been .
achieved in the Union operas through term' their mystic cries? Well, I
e have. And devils! Say, this place is
the ability of Mr. Shuter, aided in the '
dance training by Roy Hoyer, of the full of 'em. and I know. Little yelow-
professional stage Perhaps the crit- gray things they are, that look at you
ics have taken Mr. Shuter's work for from tree-trunks and branches, and
granted, but it should not be taken you have to keep your fingers crossed
if you don't want them to jump on j
that way. It is exceptional, and be-
Seuse of it, few if anv universities cany.m
boast an annual musical production to you, too, if you want. C
comparable at all to the Michigan CALEB.
Union Opera. ~
Go on prove 'emn-we ca rrv a rab-

(The Daily Illini)
Each year a great many young men,
seniors in the various educational in-
stitutions throughout the country,
face the problem of deciding on what
work they will do after their gradua-
tion It is not surprising, when one
pauses to consider it, that the vast
majority of these men are students in
the colleges whose curricula are more
or less general. The men chose those
courses because they were general. So
now, what work will it be?
The old fashioned practical men is
apt to look upon this younger stu-
dent with disapproval simply because
he has gone nearly through his col-,
lege word with no definite idea as to
what he wants to do Surely one
should know by the time he is a jun-
ior exactly what his life work is to
be, he points out. But should he?
It is well to have a definite goal
>"'=ar1 which to work. Young nen
who are more interested in the study
of medicine or law or engineering;
than in any thing else are fortu-
nate, for their work is more or less
mapped out for them. But the fel-

rte ... ._..Y.

:.: A T :-.




essential to complete happiness.
Neither is it an essential to success.
The professor's questions constitute
a test of each individual's worth.

Ann Arbor and Jackson1
(Eastern Standard T'ime)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6 :oo a.m., 7 :oo am., 8 :ec a~n,9 :cS
a.m. and hourly to 9:05 P.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of AnniArbor)- :47 aan., and
every two htours to 9 :47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9::oo p. in.,
ni :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-t :40
t>.in.,t i 15 a.mn.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West BJkund-7 :50 a.mn.,
L2:10 p.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., tr47, 2:47,
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 P.m.


The habit of riding has no rival among health pr.O
ducing habits. An hour a day serves -the double
purpose of affording exhilarating exercise and fort-,
ing habits of health preservation. And ,our cash cou-
pon plan makes it as economical as .it is pleasant.
326 East Ann Phone 8?



News Editor..................Paul Watzel
ctty fE ditor. . .,zJanes SS. V'1 oug
AsistFt City .dito...........,Marion Kerr
editorialt oard Chairman.... .K.. R.r Mss
Night Fditor-
Ralph Myers llat:y iloey
J. P. Dawson, Y:. J. . Mack
L. J. ll'eshdoir . R. C. Moriarty
IH. A. Donahue"
Sports Editor .............H. . mPi
Sunday Ma'gazine Editor.......Delbert Clark
WorneVs ditorM...........aron ,ch
Humrr Editor ................Donald Coney
Ponference Iditor.. ....l. R. rundy
Pictorial Eiitor ................Rohe t Tdrr
Music Edit~r .............. . fl.Ailes


"V plj1 Y' Cl - C t . ly i i )
bit's foot.



With the , recognition of both THE CURSE OF AN ACHING HEART
hockey and s\viming yesterday as
minor sports, the Board in Control of Stay clear of the curse of the column
Athletics took a notable step in fur: contrib.
Thar icen ltrvr~

Thelma Andrews
J, A. Bacon -
)Ooihy 13ennetts
Manrico Berman
K. A1. 1";lingtcn
l1. 1. Butler
7 . C. Clark
A. ,. Connabl
Bernalette Cote
Evelyn I1. Coughilin
Wallace F: Elliott
Joseph Epstein
Maxwell Fead-
]sabel Fisher
'V. E. Fiske
A. 1. Webbink

John ( Garlinghouse
MWa~ter ' S Goods lec'l
Porti,% Gotil<
Franklin 1). f iepu'mn
\Vinona A. libbard
Edwarc . lHiggins
Lowell err
Samuel Moore
M. It. P'ryor
Robert G. Rnsey
. W. htwitch
V. I1. Stoneman
Fl ederic G. Telno
P. M. WVagner

thering its policy to encourage ath- i i.e
letics for all. After all, the purpose of He's doomed to write prose, verse, and1
. . humor ad lib.,
collegiate athletics is not primarily to h
develop teams, but to interest men in But I can tell worse, tell worse.
healthful activities, and the success
of athletcs should be measured Horro, more horror than this is in
of ahletcs houl be measred store
largely by the number of individuals
engaged. For the lucklacking column contrib.
The fact that a sport is a varsity e waits and he watches in hope and
one gives an incentive to potential in fear-
athletes to compete in it, and accord- Can he tickle the editor's rib?
ingly, the creation of these two new
varsity pursuits will encourage stu- The worst comes to worse with the
varitypusuis illencurge tu column contrib.
dents to develop their abilities i c
swiming and ice skating, two of the 'Tis sad, too sad, I would say,
most beneficial exercises kno"n. In He writes and he waits, but that isn't
additionto this, Michigan is now able
to compete with Conference universi- He reads the damned col every day!
to~~~~~OTTIN copee tt onernc uieri Jr""n

lows who have no such natural in-,
clinations-what of them? They know,
that their chan6as for success ;in
whatever work they undertake will be
enhanced by a college education, so
they enter the institution of their
choice and into a general curricuilum
of study. In the following four years
they may possibly discover their nat"
ural place in society, wherein they,
are fortunate; and on the other hand
they may go through three years of
study and still be undecided, wherein
they are not unfortunate.
The present day so-called general
curriculum is not intended to fit a
man minto any one particular niche.
Rathev, it gives him a deal of theory,
a maize of facts, a smattering of cul-
ture, and most important of all, the
ability to tackle problems in an ef-
ficient way. It is designed to gradu-
ate broad minded citizens who can as-.
sine the responsibilities waiting for

1922 J)ECEIMBER 1922
1 2
3 4 4 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 1) 20 21 22 23
24 25 2 27 2S 29 30
e have just made up some
very Snappy flats for the
Holiday rade. Step in and
look them over.
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
_____- ORK. -_ _
611 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)

Your home, to possess real attractiveness, must har-
monize in Wal paper, hangings and furniture. Se-
lections from our stock of up-to-date high class wall
paper and hangings make your. task easy and our
almost numberless styles and patterns assure you
getting just the shade of appropriateness that spells
good taste.
Remember we cut to order any shape or pattern
opal peerless glass for larnp-shades in all leading
Everything in Wall-Paper or Paint Line.

Telephone 960
Advertising...............ohn J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising ...............Edward F. Conln
Advertising ...........Walter K. Scherer
Aoulounts .............Laurence H. Fa-vrot
Circulation..............David J. M. Park
Publication .............L. Beaumont Parks

Townsend H. Wolfe
Kenneth Seick
George Rockwood
Perry . Hayden
Eugen L. Dunne
Wm. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin
Harvey E. Reed
C -L. Putnam
E. D. Armantrout
H. W. Cooper
Wallace Flower
Edw. 1. Riedle
THTrold f.I-Hale

Alfred M. White
Wn. D. Roesser
Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Win. H. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman.
A. Hartwell, Jr.
3, Blumenthal
howard hayden
W K. Kidder
Henry Freud'
Herbert P Bostwick
L. Pierce

Night Editor-RALPH N. BYERS
An editorial appearing in the Daily
Illini last week shows that deep re-
gret is felt at Illinois over the omis
sion of the annual Illinois-Michigan
game on next year's grid schedule.
The editorial states that the "annual
game between the Illini and the Wol-
verines has been the most popular on
the local schedule for several years."
The "Illini" hesitates at fixing the
blame directly on Coach Zuppke, but
intimates that an agreement between
Coaches Yost and Zuppke might have
been reached if both men appreciat-
ed the necessity from the point of,
view of the student body of arranging
the game.
Michigan, in place of meeting the,
Illini next year, will play Iowa. From
a point of view of competition, there
will be little to choose, for Iowa is
at present putting out good football
teams. Inasmuch as both Iowa and
Michigan tied for the championship
this year, there is a natural curios-
ity to know who will emerge the vic-,
tor when these two teams clash next
But there is a feeling among a con-
siderable portion of the Michigan stu-
dent body, somewhat akin to the feel.-
ing at Illinois, that the annual Michi-
gan-Illinois game is an event, which,
as the "Illini" says, "we have a right
to look forward to."
In view of the sentiment at both
these universities, there is no likeli-
hood that the annual 'Wolverine-Illini
battle will be discontinued perma-
nently. Enough sentiment has already

ties in any branch of intercollegiate
athletics, whereas in the past she has
not ben able to do so.
The recoganition of hockey and swim-
ming may have a valuable effect
in one other situation. In the first
place hockey as a varsity sport will,
undoubtedly stimulate the Athletic
association to obtain an ice skating
rink for the purpose of practice, and,
this in turn will be at the disposal -of
students. And in the second place the'
recognition of swimming makes it al-,
most imperative that the Tnion pool
be completed in order that the aquatic
team may have some definite and
permanent place to work out.
The action of the Board in Control
of Athletics in regard to hockey and
swimming is worth more than mere
cursory notice on the part of t he'
student body. It is a significant step
in Michigan's sports program.
Many stories and considerable edi-
tor al matter is being printed in De-i
troit concerning the evils of gambling
on horse races. The protest grows
more vigorous each day.
From time immemorial the evils of
gambling have been emphasied. Much
legislation has been enacted .to pre-
vent gambling, and such things as slot
machines, punch boards, and other de-
vices have been removed from many
communities. But betting on horse
races has not been eradicated.
Difficulty arises when one tries to'
discover a single good influence aris-
ing from the betting habit. And the
testimony showing that hundreds of
men have been ruined morally and
financially through betting is not to
be lightly interpreted. For the pro-
fessional gambler who simply lives to
enjoy "watching the ponies run," bet-
ting can do comparatively little,
harm. But a. great share of the bets;
are made by day laborers and men in
moderate circumstances who need
every cent they can earn. Perhaps
worst of all is the fact that their
families suffer privation when large
sums of money are lost through un-
lucky choices of horses.
All attempts to curb betting on
races should receive the utmost
praise. To be known as a nation of
"good sports" is always desirable, but
'to be a nation of habitual bettors is
no glory to any country. The instinct
to gamble is a human instinct, prac-
tically impossible to erase, but where
systematic efforts are made to abolish
gambling they are generally met with

: * *

Sooner or later these men will 10-
cate themselves. It may be that the
first job will point out to them the
work they have been looking for; or
1)*r it may take ther months. But in the
meantime, they have a basis on which
- to work; they can choose their life
j..work in a more intelligent way than
the man who leaves high school and
takes the first remunerative job that
is offered him -- perhaps to regret it
later. The'ellege or university grad-
uate has learned at least one thing,
E~t that application and conscientiousness
are necessary if one would earn sue-
We have long contem plated the cess.
fuimination of a Beaver contest in the There is no great cause for alarm
campus' midst. The ancient and fre- on the part of the seniors who as
quently honorable game of Beaver, yet do not know what they will be
you know, is der-endent upon the rec- doing six months from now. With the
ognition of various cuts and styles first work 'they underake, they will
of whiskers. We feel, somehow, a lack begin seeing things in an entirely
of legitimate Beaver material in fa different light, and sooner or later
cial foliage on the campus, and have they will find the field they have beenF
decided that BOOTS make a far, far looking for. Then wi'l their education
better subject. have- proven its worth.

Sched.. e in Effect October. z8. 922
central Time (Slow Time)
P.M. A.M . P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 .... Adrian . 7... 2:45 8:45
} .5s 8:1.5 ...Tecumseh ...3 2:15 8:15
4:30 8:30 ... Clinton .... 12:00 8:oo
5:'5 9:15 ...Saline ....11-15 7'1
5:45 9:45 Ar Nnn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
(Court House Square) A. M.
D-Daily, X-Daily except Sundays
and flolidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian r:45, leaves
Anti Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone g26-M Adrian, Mich.





On seeing a girl wearing any one
(or two) of the following you will cry{
"BEAVER!" whereupon the points#
accruing to the article of appnel ob-
,served miy be added to your score.
BOOTS-5 points.
GALOS.HES-3 points.
RUBBERS-minus 1 point.
honor points and cut yourself another
pice of cake.
* * *
UnRotmi ic
A full moon
Bright and sharp
Like a new-mintai 1half d llar.
A new moon ..... . .. . .. .........
Thin and curved
Like the paring from a giant's fin-
I-'Te 'ale of Dumbellis
I.The Youth of Dumbellis
Today my mother smacked me and
told me to go out and play with the
freshmen. She told me to watch the
smoking of Alfred the steam shovel.
She told me not to fall into the new
lit building. But I did and that is
why I'm this way now.
-- but she said there hadn't been
any Santa C'auses for a hundred
years. But how am I to know, I ask
you now.
II.The Marriage of Dumbellis
Today I am to marry a fine gent. He
IS a fine gent. Maybe he will buy
me a fur coat.
Ile will not buy me a fur coat.
I sall divorce him.
Ill. The Divorce of Dumbellis
I cn tell from the way the lawyers
ho ,k at me that I have lost my case.

(Daily Northwestern)
Knowledge is commonly attained
'rough study. The process of study-
ing is generally carried on in uni-
versities or other instituions of
Education, however, means more
than the acquirement of knowledge. It
is broader. Not every person who is
graduated from a university has ac-
quired knowledge. Neither is every
university graduate really educated in
the best sense of the word. A uni-
versity degree in itself signifies lit-
To be educated in the best sense of
the word, says a .professor in the
University of Chicago, a person should
be able to answer affirmatively all of
the following questions:
Has education made you public-
Has it made you a brother to the
Have you learned how to make
friends and keen them?
Do you know what it is to be a
friend yourself?
Can you look an honest man or
pure woman in the eye?
Do you see anything to love in a
little child?
Will a lonely dog follow you in the
Can you be high-minded and happy
in the meanest drudgeries of life?
Do you think washing dishes and
hoeing corn just as compatible with
hiaih think'ng as piano playing and
Are you good for anything your-
Can you be happy alone?
Can you look on the world and see
anything but dollars and cents?
Can you look into a mud nuddle
by the wayside and see a clear sky?
Can you see anything in the puddle
but mud?
('an you look into the sky at night

Tender, juicy baked Vr
ginia ham, browned in ure
maple syrup, spiced with
cloves, is the feature fior
dinner today. Only 30c
A rcade Cafeteria
-Upstairs, Nickels' Arcade

,. 4




been expressed to demonstrate that success.
the game between these schools is an
event eagerly anticipated both at Ann I'r t
Arbor and at Urbana owner h :
give up
I'{! tQUE OF CRITIQUE runs ou
Nnw that fthe Union opera has com- Yorkers
pleted its run in Ann Arbor, and the order th
local critics have among other things to drive.
expressed a general approval of the
whole show and praised the cast, A less
chorus, and authors for their efforts, passed f
it might not be inappropriate to men- on throu
tiononeA itor in the npinrmance hulmne w

he last ten ,-ears the car
as welt in fear of having to
h: flivver when the country
t of gas, Todey some New
may have to rive theirs up in,
at the others may have room
son in cleanliness will be
rom mother to son from now,
ugh the story of Lord Lever-
ho was made an Earl because

Evening Clothes
Golf Suit





I _

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