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December 10, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-10

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ie A







Success fulRun Of "In And Out"
Marked By FinishedA tmosphere


Mc Cabe AppointedI
Football Manager

By Marion Koch
"Leave 'em and love 'em" is the
send-off Michigan can rightfully give
her 17th annual Opera after the last
day of its performance here. To the
announcers, Caries Murray, '25, and
Vernon Myers, '24, goes the credit of
cleverly linking this play with Mimes
productions of other years.
With the finale of the firstract safe-;
ly in the background, the rest of the
play effected a more lively and finish-
ed atmosphere. Tulips, windmill, and
I WndA ahnn aawv+





balls and X-Couiutry Squad reouiremen
Charms The atmc
Coming is a climax to three years finished pe
of continuous effort on the part of the , .Ied itself uni
informal teams the Board in Control were mark
of Athletics yesterday granted recog- is with reg:
nition as minor Varsity sports to , ney last nip
tain drop ar
hockey, swimming, wrestling, and the opera h
golf. This action on the part of th e A ora
board is an innovation in Michigan-s -.j-Arbor, that
athltic istoy, ivin theMaiz an be changed
athletic history, giving. the.Ma z andPro. Schnette, heId of the Schuette- commentsc
Blue representation in every field of Lanz D ii:glble Work; that oncen
Conference athletics with a total of The Schuete-Lanz Dirigible works, will pass
10 Varsity sports. one of the largest concerns of its kind climes.
Calls for hockey candidates have al-In emny .pan gt oeaeDana
ready been issued and will be follow- in Germany, is mlanning to operate
ed by the forming of the first Varsity air lines- between the chief cities in There we
swimming team. Schedules are be- Ithe United States. Professor Schuette, hers last n
ing arranged in these sports with head of the concern, believes that Ger-. large hous
Conference and other schools and man technical skill and American cap- applause.7
wl be announcedtas soon as they ital will make luxurious air travel pos- er, withit
are completed. sible. German dirigibles will be used. ts e
Recognizes New Clul itsaimpress
Another recognition, which came as were gifted
the result of two. years of agitation on wereiftey
the subject ,was the approval of aSC. iMII iThr secaieadio
petition presented by the managers of Theaudien
askig Iinia peaceft
the various Varsity sports, asking
permission to form a managers' "M" II and gentle
club, to be governed by the same rules tensed by th
-. ., 1 t, charmed
and to have the same privileges as ae
the, regular Varsity "M" club. With mksi;a
the board's sanction on the matter Students To . Have Opportunity To that is cred
the managers will immediately organ- Contribute to Find ,
ize their body. This Week There is
Cross country men will receive gold in the opera
watch charms in the form of minia- 200 CHILDREN TO BE GIVEN ed over. Th
ture track shoes, it was decided, as YULE DELIGHTS WEDNESDAY music thatc
YUE _ELGTS___ NSDYhearers, nit
will the football team likewise re- lulls n
ceive gold footballs. These awards Two hundred children of Ann Ar lulls and ud
are given, not because the teams won bor will be made happy Wednesday Aicd, up-to
their resnective championships, butt through the efforts of the Student so canul aonl
because in every contest they went Christian association. Many .of the' er Festival
into they came out the victors. 200 children to be entertained are amples ofqi
The petition to award the harriers from the University hospital, and will rply ollo
was made by the Bard of Athletic di! be given special attention. A collec- rectly follo
rectors last Monda'y, subject to the tion will be made on the campus for blend, an
approval of the Board in Control of funds tomorrow and Tuesday by the rdt and d
Athletics. The charms have already committee in charge of the affair. cord that wMich
been ordered, and it has been promis- The guests of the Student Christian Ts faras
association will be given a Christmas it has put usI
here by Christmas. tree Wednesday afternoon, and the hsnse
It t Giveotbc Laters wiath be majority of them will spend the even- all that lies
Itng wasnot decidd atte board ing at fraternity and sorority houses o opera,
on the new minor sport teams will re- where they will be entertained, and has marked.
on he ew ino sortteas wll e-presented with the article of cloth-thprhe
ceive, but it is understood that they prag whch thy ee Most of cth he prophec
will be awarded letters the same as ing wh ich they need. Most of the assuccessf
the major Varsity teams. have each promised to care for The Michiga
Assistant Coach George Little will two children. Those wh do not VJs- debt of grat
have general charge of these srnort houses Wednesday evening will do ganizations
for the present, althoueh it is likely so Thursday evening. . - thing ofe
that regular coaches will be obtained At the annual Christmas party to
to work under him before long. The be held Wednesday aftrenoon at Lane
schedules that will be arranged in hall a movie, story-telling, and music,
as well as the all-important Christ- CAMPUS
these sports will be made according ;as tree, will be some of the main
to facilities under present conditions. ss
Active hockey practie will begin features which are intended to delight I
after the holidays. Sor et lace will the young people. Every effort will
undoubtedly be arranged during va- be made by the association to gladden
cation for practice for the Varsity the children. NEWS EVf
hockey team and will be ready for ALL P
their use in January. It will be the'
policy in the newly established Var- BURSLEY RETURNS FROM
sity sports to line up material imme-Q
diately. so as to get ready for the .flI1 TIhI il r- i Organized
coining season. news of the

to eliminate appreciated
on deans and co-eds, and
more "our prettiest girls"
on to play before other
e Numbers Popular.
re the usual popular num-
ight that aroused a fairlyI
e into fairly enthusiastic
The Dutch Cleanser num-
s simple, entirely ignorant,
Toy Soldier march, with
ive, rythmatic swing of
eet and dancing dolls, these
I with the most plaudits.
was the latter successful.
ce was played with, placed
Sul mood by the soft song,
lights that preceeded it,
he darkness that surrounds
by the simplicity that
nd it responds in a manner
it to the author.
has Dreamy Musle
a delightful combination
a, one that cannot be pass-
here is low, dreamy music,
calls back memories to the
usic that entrances and
elights. And there is jazz,,
-date, twentieth century,
Lzz, that moves feet and.
ly jazz can do. The "Flow-I
" numbers are perfect ex-I
quiet and peace, and that di-
wing "It May Be True" is
-hitting jazz. Yet they
do not create the harsh dis-'
ould be expected-
igan opera of 1922 is dead
nn Arbor is concerned. It
in a strutting mood, and it
onl to "Bar Harbor" and
ss between. it has been a
and the improvement that
the week makes possible
cy that it will be heralded
ul in all *of its attempts.
An students owe another
Litude to the dramatic or-
that make possible such
credit to Michigan.

wooueu shoes gave way, toLthe olor- Bcar Law IntLnats Cancellation of
ful background of a Broadway mo- French Debt to England;
diste shop. Here, James Dresbach, May Cut Indemnity
'24, as Kate Smith, was a marvel of
mechanical ingenuity. "She" had an (By Associated Press)
unaffected poise that made her stand London, Dec. 9.-The clouds that
out as one of the most prominent in overhung the reparations conference
the cast. last night have been partly dispelled
Ames is Girlish by today's proceedings. The four
Embarrassed and girlish, Lyonel premiers, Bonar Law, Poincaire, The-
Ames, '24, who took the part of Wil- unis and Mussolini held two meetings
helmina, had a more effeminate ap-j lasting five hours. There was not'
pearance than the other women in the ing approaching an agreement nor
production. In spite of her conscious- had and agreement been expected
ness of skirts, "she" had a decided from one day's deliberation. The chief
grace of movement. "Her" co-partner, result was something more nearly ap-
Arthur Holden, '24, won the applause proaching an understanding in the
of the audiencg with his songs. positions of the two principal na-
Donald Ephlein, '25, as Mademoi- tions, Great Britain"and France, than
selle, had a voice intonation which had existed at any time during theE
nearly approximated that of a wo- past few weeks.
man. "Her" stumbling maid, John Poincaire offered acceptance of a
Grylls, '25E, added humor with his two years moratorium for Germany
vaudeville tricks. provided satisfactory guarantees were
The "Toy Soldier" chorus loomed forthcoming; the guarantees were ec-
above others in professional polish ionomic control of the Rhineland in-
which was absent in most of the fem- dustries and partial occupation of the
inine groups. Heavily draped cos- Ruhr district, with a division of sol-
tumes of the chorus girls contrasting diers to collect customs on the coal
with masculine appearance lent a hu- output. M. Poincaire did not con-
mor not found in the typical musical sider that this would be regarded as
revue. military action.
Snderwpod Adds Feature C Premier Bonar Law's reply sur-,
Pausing between the acts in Hol- iirised the French because it indicated
land and America, Thomas I. Under- that Great Britain might, under satis-
wood,- '23L, and the orchestra gave an factory conditions, abandon the atti-
entree act of music, one of the unus- tude. laid down in the Balfour note
ual. features of the, performance. and cancel the French debt to Eng-
Edwin R. Meiss, '23, the author, se- land..
cured several dramatic pauses such Mr. Bonar Law opposed military
as those at the end of each act. low- measures to compel Germany to pay.
ever, the stacatto action of many of The reduction of the German indem-
the characters seriously impaired the nity to approximately four billion gold
finish of the production. marks was discussed.
' -Premier Poincaire .and Mussolini
. . .were the chief speakers at the morn-
lng session. The Italian premier is
reported to have advanced some pro-,

After much deliberation and consid-
eration of the merits of the candi-
dates, the football manager and his
four assistants for the coming season
were appointed by the Board of Direc-
tors of the Athletic association and
'approved by the Board in Control of
Athletics. From the large number of
men that tried out for the vacancies
on the staff, the following were chos-
en: Donald C. McCabe, '24, manager;
William B. Ethridge, '25, Archibald C.
Gray, '24, Irvin F. Deister, '25, and
John G. Lamoree, '25, assistant man.
McCabe received the appointment
because of his consistent work at
Ferry field last fall. He has been
working for. the position for two
years, and served as assistant manag-
er under William Lichtenburg, '23,
who was football manager during '
the past season. All of the other
men that received appointments have
at least two years' experience at the
May Assure Ticket Preference in the
Towns by Applying at Union

Paul Goebel, '23E, Harry Kipke, WIm,
Heston, 'OIL, and J. F. Lawton,
Also Speak
(Special to The Daily)
Detroit, Dec. 9.-The Yostian smile
4 prevailed here this evening at the
Michigan championship bust which
was given in honor of the Michigan
football players, trackmen, band and
others connected with the athletic
successes this year, by the Detroit
Alumni. Its effect was contagious
and it became an epidemic throughout
the crowd of more than 600 persons
who gathered in the auditorium of
the Board of Commerce to celebrate
the victories of the season.
Coach Yost, speaking late on the
program, declared that Michigan had
produced, during his time as coach,
ten members of all American teams,
and he prophesied.that before the
month was up he will have added an-
other to that nhmber.
He particularly commended the
work of Isbell and other members of
the cross-country team. A large ova-
tion followed the introductionof the
cross-country, man,
Yost Asks Alulnni Support
Yost asked the support of the Alum-
ni, declaring that it is only through
work on their part that championship
teams can be developed in the future.
"There is not a single one of these
boys that has ever side-stepped work
and that is the reason that they are
winners tonight,", he said. "If you
will work we need have no fear of
the .kind of teams that we will pro-
duce in the future."
Judge James 0. Murphin, '95, 96L,
regent of the University presided. He
dpel da th- t ha h d hba Wtohin


"In and Out" will start the longest
itinerary ever taken by a Union
opera when it leaves Ann Arbor next
Friday. Thirteen cities will be in-
cluded on the list, many of them in
districts never before visited by this
organization. Beginning Friday, the
show will play every night except
Sundays, during the vacation period.
More than 100 men will take the trip
with the production this year.
University sbtudents may obtain ap-
plications for tickets to all the 13
road performances tomorrow at the
Union. Parents and friends of stu-

qW -----x sw ww 61vW~iWU
Freneh "Tiger" Believes He Has
Accomplished Purpose of
Aission Here
(By Associated Press)
Philadelphia,, Dec. 9.-Georges Cle.
menceau today ended his "formal"
speaking mission to America before'
the Philadelphia forum in the acade-
my of music with a broad intimationI
that he believed he had accomplished'
the purposes for which he made the
Of two of them he evinced no
doubt. He was confident he had con-
vinced America that France was not
militaristic nor imperialistic. He was
equally sure he had spread convictionI
that France intended to pay her debt
to America-not immediately per-
haps, but ultimately.
He requoted a paragraph from
President Harding's message to con-
gress yesterday as an indication that
I the third point -- bringing America
tback toFrance and England'--'also
was being accomplished.
The paragraph was the president's
I comment on the four power pact,
which the executive said had brought
"a now confidence in maintained
peace" and which he suggested
"might be made a model for like as-
surance wherever in the world any
common interests are concerned.
"I told your chief," Clemenceau con-
tinued. "that when he pondered on
(Continued on Page Two)
i I

nosals the nature of which has not yet
been revealed.



to broadcast Michigan
e proper kind to newspa-

dents will be given first consideration 1aVcassic& L 19 1nd ahLiing
in choice of seats at all these perform- I teams since 1891 and that this year's
ances by sending in these mail orders team was the smartest and fastest he
Opensin TledoCaptain Paul Goebel, ,'23E, of this
193FREDSI T R searly a nsIsibe.Toed yarstandCpinHryK-
192 FRENDHIPcessful Ann Arbor performances, the ke, '24, of next year's aggregation
ANALYSIS OF SITUATION SIOWS isprodution will play in Toledo Friday spoke4 onthe reasons for Michigan's
STUDENT TRIP AGAIN night at the B. F. Keith theater and successes this year. Among the old-
ADVISABLE ; in Cleveland on Satrday night at the er men who talked were "Germany"
Masonic auditorium. The company Schultz, Yost's all-time center and
Analysis of the student situation in will remain in Cleveland over Sun- Judge William Heston, '94 , who
continental Europe has been made as lday, going on to Pittsburgh late Sun- holds half-back position on the same
a result of the American Student day night to play there Monday night, mythical eleven. 3. Fred Lawton, '11,
friendship tour in Europe in the sum- Dec. 18, at the Schenley theater. gave a dramatization of Yost in the
mer of 1922, and plans are now un- Pittsburgh is the farthest east that University of Pennsylvania Club-
der way for a similar trip during the 'a Union production of this kind has house.
summer of 1923. ever penetrated and alumni in and Samuel Mumford, of the Detroit
The Germany of today, it is stated, around that section of the country are Board of Education outlined the city's
is bankrupt and the sqcial and poit- looking forward to the advent of "In program of Athletics in the city of De-
ical structure has crashed because of and Out" as marking the annual troit.
the decline of the mark. The German opera's invasion of the east. From Coach Little Speaks .
students belong to a class with fixed Pittsburgh .the opera will go to Cin- "The Problem of Intercollegiate
incomes and because of the depre-- cinnati, where it will play on Tues- Athletics", assistant coach George
elating value of the mark are endur- day, Dec. 19, at the Emery auditorium. ;Little declared, "is a question of the
ing great hardships. Cincinnati is the home of the author attitude on the part of the student
In Czecho-Slovakia the conditions of "In and Out", Edwin R. Meiss, '23. body and the Alumni. In so far as
are better than in any other country Indianapolis will be played on Wed- an Alumni body has backed the team
on the continent. National spirit runs nesday, Dec. 20, the opera showing at by helping to build it, just so far has
high and is one of the nation's main the Shubert Murat theater there. On it a right to pass resolutions at the
assets. Due to the presence of iron Thursday, Dec. 21, the production will end of a season condemning its loss-
and coal mines in the country approx- ;'be in Louisville, Ky.. at the Macauley es.'
imately 70 per cent of Austria's for- theater. Thiscity will mark the far- Major John L. Griffith, director of
mer industrial concerns are located thest point south that the Union opera Western Conference Intercollegiate
there. An abundance of good lead- has ever gone, and here, also, the Athletics, told of the prestige which
ers has tended to create ,a system of alumni and friends of the University western athletics have come to re-
sound currency in the country. The are strongly supporting the booking ceive through out the country.
only outstanding difficulty seems to of the opera. Other speakers of the evening were
be the existence of several different; Goes to Louisville- Judge 0. F. Hunt, '81, and Franklin
races in the country, some of which' From Louisville the troupe will go F Cappon, '23, who came in for a large
are ignorant and easily swayed by to Chicago for a performance on Fri- share of the commendations of the
outside influence. The problem of ref- 'day, Dec. 22, at the Arryan Grotto evening. Moving pictures of the Ohio
ugee students has been met with temple. Grand Rapids will have mat- State game accompanied by a few ex-
great success. The greatest student inee and evening performances on planatory remarks by Yost were
co-operative venture in the world is Saturday, Dec. 23, at the Powers thea- shown at the close of the entertain-
located at Prague where students ter, and Detroit will be played. for the ment.
work long hours to meet the housing first time on Monday, Dec. 25, at Or- William H. Frankhauser, '23, varsi-
problem due to the large enrollment. chestra Hall. ! ty cheerleader, led in cheers and the
Bay City will be played on Tues- band played intermittently through-
APPOINT MARDEN day, Dec. 26, at the Washington- j out the evening. The afternoon was
'98M, RELIEF HEAD Strand theater, Saginaw on Wednes- spent at the Capital Theater where
'EEday. Dec. 27, at the Auditorium, Flint the Ann Arbor men were the guests
on Thursday, Dec. 28, at the Palace of the management.
Michigan placed another graduate theater, and Port Huron on Friday,
in a position of international import- Dec. 29, at the Majestic theater. The PROFESSOR S VISIT
ance when Dr. Jesse K. Marden, of company will return to Detroit for,
the medical class of 1898 was appoint- performances on Saturday, Dec. 3-0, HEALTH MEETING
ed general director of the American and Monday, Jan. 1, at Orchestra Hall.

John Harvcy Kellogg, physician andI
surgeon, and Superintendent of theI
tattle Creek sanitarlum, will speak
at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the as-
sembly hall of the Union under the'
auspices of the Union afternoon
speeches committee. He has been
called by many one of the three great-
est surgeons in the country.
Dr. Kellogg was the originator of'
the famous "system of diets", and of
many other improvements in the med-
ical world. He has been head of the
sanitarium at Battle Creek since 1876.
and was a member of the State Board
of Health from !878 to 1890 and from
1912 to 1916. He is a fellow of the
American College of Surgeons, of the
Royal Society of Medicine (England),'
and a corresponding member of the
Society of Hygiene (France).
He is the author of many authori-
tative books on medicine and surgery.
His lecture this afternoon will count
as a health lecture to freshmen if
they attend it.



Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu-
dents, returned yesterday from New
York City where he attended two con-
ventions of national importance. Last
week the American Society of Me-
chancial engineers held its annual
conference and election of officers and
the week before, Dean Bursley attend-{
ed the Interfraternity conference.
More than 200 delegates from na-
tional collegiate fraternal organiza-
tions assembled at the Pennsylvania
hotel and discussed the various phases
of fraternity work and life as social
units as well as in relation to the
colleges or universities at which they
are located. In speaking of the con-
ference Dean Bursley mentioned, en-
thusiastically, the paper read by How-
ard Bement, '96, an alumnus of the
Zeta Psi fraternity and now head
master at the Hill school in Potts-
town, Penn., on the responsibilities of
fraternities to parents. The report
was quite extensive and was probably
the most interesting and most bene-

pers throughout the country, the
Michigan News bureau, run by the lo-
cal chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, na-
tional professional journalistic fra-
ternity, has in a large measure suc-
ceeded in counteracting the results of
adverse publicity that occurfromtime
to time in the newspapers of the
From Nov. 14 to Dec. 1, the bureau
sent over 140 telegraph dispatches to
various parts of the country. A num-
ber of these dispatches have contain-
ed news of several events. Such
events as initiations to honor socie-
ties, important sporting events, an-
nouncements of the cast for the Mich-
igan Union opera, and other happen-
ings of general interest are sent out
by this means.
A mail service department is also
maintained by the bureau. Over 551
dispatches were sent out through this
department carrying Michigan news to
13 states. The events covered by. this
service are of a more special nature,
of interest only to certain communit
As a result of the efforts of the bur-{
ear, Michigan publicity. has been ef-
fected in 76 of the larger cities of the
country, in 18 different states; and in

to the Want Ad Section of the
Daily. Notice all the tihngs that
are advertised there-type-writ-
ters, articles lost and found, sit-
uations wanted, rooms for rent,,
film developing, baggage deliv-
ery and many others.
These ads are producing re-
sults. Why don't you try adver-
tising! It doesn't cost much, es-


relief activities in Armenia and Tran- -- -Prof. John Sundwall, of the de-
caucasion Russia recently. Prof. Wood to Address D.A.R. partment of hygiene and public
Dr. Marden was born and reared' The December meeting of the Sar- health, who has been in Lansing at-
through the early years of his life ah Caswell Angell chapter of the D. tending the second annual conference
in Aintab, Asia Minor. His parents A. R. will be held at 3 o'clock Thurs- of health officers and public health
were missionaries conducting work in day afternoon at the home of Mrs. nurses being conducted in that city,
that section. He came to the United Elbridge Brown, 1320 Cambridge Rd. presided at the closing session yester-
States in time to receive his college A talk by Prof. A. E. Wood on truancy j day.
education, however, taking an A.B, will be followed by a short Christ- The convention has been sponsored

1926 Holds Class Mb
Dancing to music played

by Ber- -
n1 Q9Ali 1_

ficial one presented at the .confer- three countries-United States, Can-
ence, Dean Bursley continued. 11 ade, and Mexico.
At the convention of the engineer-
ing body, engineering topics and the j

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