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December 09, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-09

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HARD PLACES CIR Whimsies Appears Tardily,
With Former Healthy Color
SOIAnd New Sincerity Of Aim
I Whimsies, rather thin and emaciated, object of her longings, and who all
E ORE but with the same healthy tan, ap- her life wonders what it is all about.


peared on the campus yesterday, af-
ter a prolonged confinement in the
TANSPORTATION; PROHIBITION, composing room of the Ann Arbor
FAII CREDIT CALLED GREATpress. The magazine takes as its mot-
PROBLEMS j I to this month the pithy saying, "We
'. +live only by escaping the death of
ADVOCATES A MERGERg attainment", thus explaining its con-
of R AILWAY FACILITIES tinued existence.
OF R ILWA'iAILITESf f.It is to say the least satisfying to
find that Whimsies does not consid-
Declares Present Non-enforcement of " jer that it has arrived, and indeed the
Liquor Law Approaches Nation- most obvious feature of the current
al Scandal issue is the evident sincerity of pur-
pose and thought on the part of the
(By Associated Press) writers. This, when contrasted with
Washington, Dec. 8.-President the blatant hypocrisy of too many of
'yarding, addressing Congress in per.,; our young-old student "creative"
Haring, ddrtesng Cogtes in, Aern writers; is refreshingly hopeful in its
son today on, the state of the Union, Ames and Holdensignificance..
placed Athe transportation question, Leading lady and leading man, stars, Clearly the best thing ,in the issue
prohibition enforcement, and farm of the 1923 Union opera, "In and Out," Is Robert Bartron's "The Tale of Sy-
credit, in the fore front of the prob- which gives its last Ann Arbor per- bellis", a seiies of vignettes, diary no-
lems pressing for solution. formance at the Whitney theater to- tations, or what you will, from the life
Also he took occasion to reply di- night. _ . of a woman who never realizes the
rectly to those whom he said, had as-__
sumed that the United States had tak-r
en itself "aloof and apart, unmindful
of world obligation". He declared ,
these gave "scant credit" for the help-
ful part" America had assumed in
international affairs, referring par-
ticularly to the Arms conference.
Proposes Conference
Of the prohibition situation, the ex-.
ecutive asserted, there were condi-
tions'of enforcement "which savored Superiority of "In and Out" Assured umph and should go well on the trip
of nationwide scandal". He made no yGrace and Skill of next week. The only weak point of
recommendations on this score, but Cast the play is in the chorus. While the
announced a purpose to call an early dances are cleverly executed the show
conference of the governors of the fdr CLEVER DANCING AGAIN girls are inferior to those of last
states and teiritories with the Feder- FEATURES PERFORMANCE year's opera. However, the play as
al authorities to formulate definite a whole is a huge success and should
policies of national and state co-oper- go down as the best yet of Mimes ac-
ation in the administering of the By Ralph N.Byers tivities in drainatics.
laws. Music, costumes and acting combin-
Declaring there was no problem ex- ed to make the fifth performance of
ceeding in importance the one of i "In and Out" given at the Whitney
transportation, Mr. Harding told. Con- theater last night a decided success, E
gress there was need to begin on and to make it stand out as the best
plans to co-ordinate all transporta- of all Union operas.
tion facilities, rail, water, and motor. As in the previous presentations of1
As to the relief of ;the railroad prob- the play, four mnembers of the cast (
lems, he suggested mergers of lines were outstanding, Lyonel Ames, '24,
into systems and facilitated inter- John Grylls, '25E, James DresbaCh,' 24, William D Lewis, Author, Editor, and
change of freight cars and a consol- and Arthur Holden, '24. Ames as the Educator Will be Chief
idation of facilities generally. leading "lady" leaves nothing to be de- Speaker
Would EndLabor Board" sired. "She" can sing, daice and act
Turning to the recent railroad with the ability found usually in the I
strike, the President proposed that best professional actors and is as- S* S. MARQUIS AND JOHN A.
tine. federal tribunal dealing with the suredly the hit of the show. BACON, '24, WiLL ALSO SPEAK
disputes between the carriers and Grylls taking the part of Anaspha-1
their workers be given ample author- ! sia, the maid to the modiste, is deserv- "How to Serve Our Democracy" is
ity to enforce its opinion. He voiced ing of considerable mention. He suc- the subject on which William Draper
a preference for abolition of the rail- cessfully carried off two solo num- Lewis, author, editor, and former
road labor board, and the placing of bers which were encored repeatedly dean of the University of Pensylvan-
its functions under an enlarged In- by the audience and were among the ia law school, will speak at the an-
terstate Commerce commission. real features. of the performance. nual
The only specific reconunendation To James Dresbach must go the al Episcopalian banquet to be held
of the executive for enactment into credit for the success of the second ate6 o'cl on evning
law at this, the short session of Con- act. As Kate, one of the four mil- amelyShalluofth e no
gress, related to the permanent es- lion Bowery girls, he had the audi- Satutedr 1 1906 to 1915,head of
tablishment of widened farm credit. ence in an uproar when ever he ap- F
ie urged both ample farm produc- pearId on the stage, his leadingo of Ford Motor company's sociology de
tion credit and enlarged land credit the"Ann Arbor Strut" chorus. being partment, 1915to12sepa'schu ch es
throug:h the enlargement of the pow- especially pleasing. trect fstosphschrct th e
ers of the Farm Loan board. Of the dancing, the "Dutch Clean- banquet. JA . a ons'24, the
sers" number was easily the best of student speaker will talk on "The
"' n #the opera, having originality and Place of the Charch".
spice which were greatly appreciated.
IThe "Toy Soldier" chorus was als i The yearly banquet, formerly held
good as was the specialty dance y
goo a ws aryGold., or11 Ina tQt byweeIeres as a get-together meeting for
Harry Gould. all the members of the church in this
Costumesfor In and Out" were I
gorgeous and together with a wonder- ito y Musi wl is y ar
WILL CONSIDER NO REQUESTS ful setting made a most beautiful ef- tia afr. K mpora pa
AFTER APPOINTED feet. In the Vanities number, one of Cheaar. Kep 'K4E, gd. ig .n
.UDAY the models wore a radium costume Carl . Loswel, '24E, will sing.
whic wa somwha strtlig. ~ IMr. Lewis, who will deliver the
Notieat hh msic s e bstr ic. h' principal address, besides being the
Notice has been received from the Te mheardsinan e best which has author of several authoritative books
headquarters of the United States Vet- been heard in any of the recent on law. and an associate editor for a
tvans' bureau that Dec. 16 is the last eras, "In Tulip Time", "Maid of the number of law publications, is a fac-
date upon which applications for vo- Mill" and "Gee! It Must Be Wonder- tor In national politics, having been
cational training under the Rehabili- ful" proving the most popular.' tainmanalhpolti ng been
chairman of the resolutions .commit-
tation act may be filed. No applica- "In and Out" is a pronounced tri- tee on both the first and second Pro--
lions,_____will___be___conseeindbthehe arstanrsbtndPro
tions will be considered after thi gressive national conventions, in 1912
Application should be made upth.a .NIrNEI NG SOBJECT and 1916. He was Progressive candi-
form-afurnished by the bureau and date for governor of Pennsylvania in
mailed to the nearest bureau office . 1914.
n0 Brt rmY myPA RE T cured at Wahr's book store, and from
from Arthur E. Anderson, 413 Thomp- Charles Webb, at Harris hall. Ed-
son, 633-J, or Maurice P. Rhodes ward F. Lambrecht, '23, is chairman
725 Haven, 2574-M. PREDICTS THAT CABLES WILL of the committee on preparations for
The Veterans' Bureau also wishes to BE USED EXTENSIVELY IN the banquet.
call the attention of persons who have FUTURE
applications on file that the validity of
their application should be ascertain- Before a small gathering of mem-
ed immediately. bers of the Detroit-Ann Arbor branch
of the American Institute of Electric- WIi AL SA E E T

Bartron has done well in this vivid
piece of work. It is orderly, clear
as a well-cut diamond, and has a
number of masterly pen strokes which
indicate that Robert is perhaps free
from the hampering influences which
spoil many of his associates in. the
Whimsies group.
Lawrence H. Conrad's short story,
"The Light" is also worth spending
some time over. It is a good-if you
do not believe it read Wally Elliott's
latest. The story has an abrupt twist
toward the end which saves it from
being a conventional Sunday school
story with a moral, but the twist is a
little too abrupt. It gives the reader
,a temporary mental cramp before he
adjusts himself. Conrad's style is
semi-journalistic, without the embel-
lishment of the stylist, and lacking
the atrocities of the ungrammatical
journalistic author. The difficulty of
this middle ground is, clearly, that of
keeping up interest. In this case it
is done through the medium of the
"Silas Marner Speaks", by an anon-
ymous writer, is a consistently good
high school English paper, entailing
principally a knowledge of Silas' dia-


For the poetry, there i "Autumn
Song" by Eloise W. Street, a ringing,
piece of free verse really worth read-
ing, and "New Moon", by the same
author, which is not quite so good,
principally because of the incongru-
ity of the thought. A perfectly good
picture is framed in a tawdry sigh
about a wedding ring.
Ruth Lechlitner slays apother lit-
tle girl in "Cecilia and I", adding one
more notch to her scarred fountain
pen, and giving a bad turn to an oth-'
erwise estimable piece of free verse.
Why is it that modern writers, and
this is not cnfled to college amateurs,
feel that their work is not complete
until they have slaughtered someone?
By the use of a different closing stan--
za, Ruth could have made -the .All:-
American. The poem,' strangely
enough, is in blank verse. Miss.Lech-
litner also contributed "I .Am the
Wind", a free verse poem with real-
ly good lines and vivid imagery.
"Raw, quivering flesh" is a little tool
hackneyed to be any longer appetiz-
ing, however.
"Contumacy", by E.C., asks plaint-l
ively why Death did not come when
he wanted it, and not when he does
Whimsies shows promise, if it will
continue to publish really sincere ef-
fort, and avoid the Atlantic Monthly-
German Scientist
Gives Lecture On
Relativity Theory
"Evidence of the Relativity Theory
as Afforded by Spectal Lines" was
the subject of a third lecture given
by Prof. A. Sommerfeld of the Uni-
versity of Munich, yesterday 'after-'
noon in the west lecture room of
the Physical laboratory.
Continuing his previous discus-
sion of atomic structure and the
periodic scale, Professor Sommer-
feld, by a series of diagrams and
illustrations, pointed out the de-
gree to which spectral lines affected
the relativity theory as true evi-
dence of a not unpractical hypothe-
si -.
Professor Sommerfeld, an ac-
knowledged authority in the field of
atomic structure, will conclude a se-
ries of four lectures this morning at
11 o'clock in the west lecture room
of the Physical laboratory. The
topic of this talk will be ?'Quantiza-
tion in Space and the Theory of Mag-
Rev. Leonard A. Barrett and Miss
Eva Goodrich, Grand secretary of the
Order of Eastern Star, were the speak-
es at the meeting of the Masonic Tem-
ple -association that marked the formal
finish of its campaign, Thursday night.
A total of $40,000 was raised during.
the four day drive. Of this $26,000 is
in cash and the rest in bonds and can-
celled notes.

First Team's Combination Play Keeps
Catholics Bewildered Through
First Half
Michigan opened the basketball sea-
son last night in Waterman gym by
decisively beating Notre Dame, 41 to
23, in a rather listless, one-sided
game. At no time was the Hoosier
team in the running, Mather's men
especially the first string five, being
able to ring up points with an unus-
ual degree of regularity. In all the
Wolverine mentor paraded 14 mem-
bers of his squad for the ediflcation of
the crowd, which left but few empty
seats as Captain Ely and Riordan of
Notre Dame faced each other for the
opening of the game.
Bill Miller, veteran Wolverine for-
ward, was the individual star of the
evening's performance with seven field
goals and 14 out of 19 free throws for
a total of 28 points. He was the dash
of the Michigan offensive and was in-
strumental in keeping the major por-
tion of the play under the Notre Dame
basket. There is no doubt but that
Miller is ready for the greatest sea-
son of his career
Starts With Rush
Michigan started with a rush after
the apposition had counted a free
throve and after Miller had retaliated
with a successful attempt from the
foul- line was never again headed.'
Math -r's forwards passed rapidly and
with unusual accuracy for the first
game of the season, Ely, Miller, and
Haggerty working the ball into scoring
territory in a manner that was a, de-
light t> see. Notre Dame was evident-
Ily bewildered by the sure fire tactics
of the Maize and Blue five and when
Math r withdrew his first team near
the close of the first half and substi-
1tuted an entire team the score stood
27 to 7 against the Catholics.
Play slowed up perceptibly after
the second team took the floor, the
lack of confidence and smooth play
telling heavily against the Wolverines.
The substitutes showed enough, how.
ever, to convince the crowd that Math-
er has a world of material for which
future teams will be built and some
strong reinforcements for the first line
corps when the regular campaign gets
uider way.
Regulars Slowed Up
When Captain Ely and the restof,
the regulars were sent back into the
game early in the second half they
weeevidently cold and were not as
ffectveas they had been in thenopen-
(Contiued on Page Seven)
i Clemenceau Likes

Comedy Club Plans
Two Plays By Dell
For Next Meeting
Originally scheduled for Wednes-
day, the December meeting of Com-
edy club has been changed to take
place at 7:30 o'clock Monday eve-
ning, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
The meeting will be for membersf
ard their guests only.
A short skit by Floyd Dell, enti-'
tIed "Human Nature" will be pre-
sented first. C. J. Dresbach, '24,
Bethany J. Lovoll, '25, William D.
Roesser, '25, and John B. Hassberger,
'23, will take part. Following this
"The Chaste Adventures of Joseph",
a short one act play by the same
author will be presented in which
Theklia Forsyth, '23, Marion F. Tay-
lor, '24, William W. Ottaway, '23, and
Wendell F. Hanselman, '23, will ap-
In the business meeting that will
follow plans will be made for the}
annual club production at the Whit-
ney theater, which will take place
late in March.
Annual Affair in Barbour Gymnasium
Organized by League and Local I

With a record breaking crowd in at- cross country men, the entire band,
tendance all during the afternoon and team managers and Varsity lcheer-
evening, the second annual Michigan leade:.
League and Inter-church bazaar op- The program of entertainment will
ened at noon yesterday in Barbour begin in the afternoon. At the sta-
gymnasium. Booths containing fancy tion the men will be met by a wel-
work, assorted Christmas -gift sugges- coming committee and will be es-
tions; candy and \other articles were corted .to the Cadillac hotel. There
arranged around* the gymnasium they will form a parade, and, led
against a maize and blue background. by the band, will march to the Cap-
In addition to the wares sold by the itol theater. John H. Kunsky, who
Women's League, women of the Ann has icharge of. the afternoon's en-
Arbor churches had a number of. tertainment, has arranged a spec l
shops in which similar articles were performance for the men. All Mich-
on sale. Home baked goods and pre- igan students and alumni are invit-
served fruits proved a special attrac- ed to attend with the team at the
tion for -the buyers. regular admissionprice.
Miriam Reid, '23, is the general To Be Dined
chairman in charge of all bazaar ar- Supper will be served for the par-
rangements. Members of the commit- ty at 6 o'clock at the Board of Com-
tee working with her are: candy, merce and the University club. At 8
Christine Addison, '24;1 soap, Cather- o'clock the big gathering and cham-
ine Mullen, '23; tea room, Margaret pionship bust will be held at the
Whyte, '23; decorations, Marion Board of Commerce.
Blood, '23; posters, Lila Reynolds, Regent James 0. Murfin is thi
'24; publicity, Dorothy Bennetts, '23. "bust chief" and promises the great-
In connection with the bazaar an est demonstration every put over by
Oriental tea room is being operated. q. group of alumni. Invitations have
Tear room service will be -available been sent out to all Detroit alum-
throughout today with cakes and cof- ni, and it is expected that the place
fee, sandwiches, ice cream and ices will be packed.
on the menu. At noon a special Students and alumni from Ann
luncheon will be served. The Cath- Arbor are strongly urged to come
olit Guild will serve a chicken -din- in for the affair. Speeches will. b
ner tonight in the basement -of the made by many prominent alumni
} gymnasium. - - Coach Yost, Farrell and others, and
An informal dance will be given thi plenty of eats and smokes are guar
evening in Waterman gymnasium, anteed. Tickets for the affair wil
President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. be $1 and can be purchased at the
Burton, Dean Hamilton and. the deans { doo:.
on the campus will act as patrons to
the affair. Kennedy's first orchestra
has been secured for the occasion. EATER
Tickets which are on sale at Graham'TRI
book store are $1.00. They may also
be purchased at the door.
__________I 0VTED 0BYI3'ecLA S
Y si Excursions

Theater Party, Dinner, and-Speeches
Are on Program for
More than 100 members of the
Varsity band, football team and
cross country squad will leave at
1:10 o'clock this afternoon for De-
troit to take part in the champion-
ship football bust, given them by the
Detroit alumni.
The bust, which is an annual af-
fair, is this year to be in the form
of a victory celebration, J. M.
O'Dea, '09, chairman of the affair,
has invited both of Michigan's cham-
pionship teams to attend, in order
that all may have a share in the
Yost Leads Party
The entire group, led by Coaches
Yost, Farrell and Assistant Coachi
Uttle, will make the trip on -two
special interurban cars, arriving in
Detroit at approximately 3 o'clock.
The party will include tle 30 iem-
bers of the Varsity football squad, 7



Harding's Stand
On Pacific Pact
Washington, Dec. 8:--Georges Clem-
enceau, closing his visit to Washing-
ton this afternoon with a "formal'I
address, expressed the hope that di-
plomacy would find the way to bring,
America back into European affairs,
through what he interpreted as. an
"overture" by President Harding in
the annual message which the execu-
tive had read to Congress a few hours
"I was greatly comforted", said the
wartime premier of France, "when I
read in the message of your President
the following lines. They are not
very long but they are very suggest-
"'The four power pact, which abol-
ishes every probability of war on the
Pacific has. brought a new confidence
in maintained peace, and I can well.
believe it might be a model for like
assurances wherever in the world -any!
common interests are concerned.' " i
All class officerstarenurged to havej
their photographs taken for the Mich-
# iganensian as soon as possible. They

States Forsythe
Three more cl'ases of the Universi-
Men students of the University ty yesterday voted to pay towards the
would do well to avoid Ypsilanti at all-University reparations to theater,
least during the present week end, owners for losses sustained on Sun-
according to Dr. John A. Wessinger, day night of last week. - The junior
Ann Arbor city health officer. Dr. engineers, sophomore engineers and
Wessinger's warning comes as a result senior educational classes were the
of his fear that the epidemic of diphi- groups which took the action. Sopho-
theria which has already become se- more lits, freshmen engineers and the
rious in that city may spread to the four architect classes had perviously
student body at Ann Arbor. "To guard -voted amounts proportionate to the
against such an eventuality it would size of the classes.
be wise for men students to cancel In their class meeting yesterday
their usual week end engagements morning, the junior engineers voted
with Ypsilanti women," Dr. Wessinger $105, and at the same time passed a
asserted resolution approving of the movemeno
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, head of the to re-imburse the theaters and pledg-
I University Health service, when ask- ing their support. The sophomore ei-
ed to make a statement as to the prob- gineers, in their class meeting, voted
able danger of an epidemic, said last an amount approximately $124, de-
night, "I am not fully informed as to pending on what the finalreport of
the situation in Ypsilantirbut that losses proves to be. .,-enior edulc
see franp at- tional students met desterday after-
there is some need for taki gree witnoon, and in a c)uss meeting, voted
Dr. Wessinger, and I endorse his $30 which is pro portionate to the size
warning. At any rate, it would be wise s
to be careful while in Ypsilanti."
Both the Armory and the Union will CHEMIS S ELECT
be closed to Ypsilanti women to- 'TE NEW MEMBR S
night, according to announcement by E
their respective managements made
last night. Phi Iambda Upsilon, honorary
chemica.' fraternity, honored ten men
Freshmen Dance This Afternoon at its annual fall election recently.
The first frosh. mixer of the year The m$en elected were; E. L. Potter,
will be held from 3 until 5:30 o'clock '24E, C. E. Mueller, '23E, R. C. Glea
this afternoon in the Union. A social' son, r'24E, L. E. Squire, '24, E. R.


al Engineers and the gene
Mr. R. D. Parker of New
gave a technical lecture on
cial and Economic Significan

(By Associated Press) gineering Developments in
Dublin, Dec. 8.--The hand of the eous Telepgraphy and Telep
Free State government fell heavily night in Science auditor
today on four more recalcitrant repub- talk was illustrated with
licans. slides, diagrams and pictur
Roderick (Rory O'Connor and "Gen- paratus employed in the op
cral" Liam Mellowes, two noted lead- the latest simultaneous telei
crs of the irreconcilables and Joseph telegraph systems.
McKelvy-'and Richard Barrett, who led Among the particular sys
the fight against constituted authority, cribed, he mentioned a cable
were executed in Mountjoy prison at =ing New York City and
9:20 o'clock this morning under the which contains 600 wires, it 1
decree of a court martial hastily sum- sible for 300 wires each A
moned to try theni Thursday night. worked simultaneously with

ral public
York City
"The So-'
nce of En-
hony" last
Ium. His
h lantern
res of ap-
eration of
phone and
tems des-
e connect-
being pos-
way to be
bout inter-
he sid.

Seniors to be Notified of Standings
After Vacation
Seniors of the literary college are
requested by Registrar Arthur G.
Hall not to come into the office to in-
quire about their hours, points or
group requirements until after the
Christmas recess. Statements are be-
ing compiled by that office at the pres-
ent time which will be sent out so as
to be in the hands of all seniors im-
mediately on their return after the
These statements will notify each
senior of his total number of hours
and honor points up to date, and also
will notify them whether or not they


v_ _should go direct to one of the official
Alpha Nu l~dsDebate photographers, either Rentschler, Dey,
ARandall, or Spedding, and have the
Alpha Nu, campus debating society, work charged to their respective
held its regular meeting last night in classes.
the club room of University hall. The Organization pictures, including fra-
main feature- of the program was a ternities, sororities, house and section-
debate-"Resolved, That there should al clubs, should be taken during the
be a federal law requiring the nomina- month of January and turned over to
tion of presidential candidates by di- the 'Ensian at the earliest possible
rect party preliminaries to be held Idate.
simultaneously throughout the United


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