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November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Th Mchgn"Daly VO.XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1904. No. > C!E CLJR PROSPECTS THE NEW E[IOIIII[ITY RULE J l CNI[R Of JTHE WORLD Comedy Club Try-out This Eevning - I Address by Noted Cornell Graduate, at7 'ClOck at Sarah Caswele 1Is Causing Considerable Discussion in University Circles- Proinntis Y M. C. A. in Angell Hall-Parts Assigned Views of Prominent University Athletic Authorities China-Pres. Angell Gives -IiricI hs iet c ...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…TCHE MICHIGAN DAILY fffffff ff THE MIICHIGAN DAILY. Continued from page one. HAVE __ __-- yies which caused the adotion of W E WOULD HA E 0Entered .assod t iii atte aibe nnthis rieasurevyet I do iot helieve it * Arbrsut u'suhse. should have heen adopted uithout VIYOU TO KNOW #' drig is the co-operation or the eastern uni- f ulshed 5diy ( undu~v oxcepteduing heversittes. It musirnecessarily result *f ii ile ear ti h. 'ira assintonsree~t. sihs t...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hioag's Home Supply Store r F Corner Main and Washington Streets ,,S Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pi6tures, Ash7 Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops ando Pipe Racks at ipopular prices. This is the place,06 * t E. G. HOAG. et - Jurc field's Fine Tailoring / Trade Guarantees...I Yoo the most skillful and artisti' oervice to he ha...…

November 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH tIAN DAILY f.AO d l e Ai SVO N NN KEEPII O YOU TABLE. You willFOsPTE',ML CHOCOATE ot oiy adeli ason colecton ot aoousoh ing nd notanin foo. Eoil digeted.Doeonotcreae throt Youwllegid EE'SfId grHOatE Not onldegrelo- coscomfiont adnserish- ing n utaiBightodEail Flait ClspGate ST iNoh AP il in ts'dssBri hone i- NoodrNorwcbswornpartie r-etrti mintswoMe taen ti esornless Lt)Ie: O-5 -a lusOi menison ill& eto. n hissaonm ess vr aiknerts Live...…

November 29, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Datily ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVE'IBV1--R 13, 904. NO. al) Setios1 of Some of the LeaingF ,Western Football Critics-Mih 'ga Has Best Ciam toCh pinh . stilt ti 1 r lt't lttp P cboiittiof 'to till oil y illm " Pie t it R ti (1-ier 1' 1 - Bush ( ipp and It a ebIi nott isnd s:tSct ngahii ta n rsMne H~~~ at( iii vl urs ADIR[S 1 1 tfli i li t t tt B( Fluiter ; Ii, t Mcstila (liii Houi Y M.eCtA. anattetts. t Ilid di isol i ( pii ith...…

November 29, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…THI MICHIGAN DAILY .t44:IIIEflIHI~AN ~iL .' NEW ELIGIBILITY RULE Is * + ._,. .ADOPTED. } VEVOULD HAVE:f Enteedasscond-_______ aler at'hei't n YOU TO KNOW * iiiiidiMiin 'pina'iiinirliii'ii * -iie y arat 117 In.iW iIhingtil strei t, i. ir'Y r v'i'n 'h, a ltsdill Tha *we are doing business) Fan '('' lli'a 1)y I 'r l i,'L. iI ''itw i ll. Ii Thtwjr ongbties~: MaagingEditor, J. STANLEY BALEY. At t i,;nici'eiinil l(, osin pr Busainess Manager, CLAUDE...…

November 29, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…444114 , o RCAI 11 ab LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. f t it Mdain St. .. 4. + !4 ateour natt lie of " # NECKWEAR * Received this week. All the late novelties of * the seasoni are now on display and sale. ~MACK & COMPANY. sss s. +4+ w *.e++4.++++4.+*+*444+ .i~'i'w'i"e'ti ,- *snl4oney Loaned,, W. J. LOU.RIMv ' 1'4 11 A t*1',rt l i! t c ' t~ ti441 ttt y, I >44. 1 4 . t 4 Lt . e~15144 4 Sn 4t ni.ii1. 4, 1 . . r Xe' A .111 411on14 2-1 I uar...…

November 29, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…43 H IN DAILY __(1 V -(-K A - I Studwi..a_6 JUL 1 XX I LA ':,te I AIE I: iCf )d A h N~i AM!1 f 111 j~dff 1ll 3p II t ai. G : FlI dl~tu..: LFF K~ F OST TIME 4 W alk-O ver 11,.7Shoes New Shipment of Water- proof Shoes--ALL/ Heights. I. lcav tai tli , Ilule sole,I beilloiws tiongue, iiili'le Dliii Ile ;lc, thoroughly oiled. By oflFactory tore tail 111,South Main St. w. ;** 4 Ih\ \h spa 1i(5 : sillSY; S I I .4 IiR N ,lON LI; N (If Ann bt i t it 05...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Th e Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICA., '1 '1'J, DAY, N'OYTEM IOR 22, 1904. No. 49 ESCANBA i". PLtASANI ! PMSS 6ILL SPARS TeStrongest High School Teams in Dean of Barnard oCle ge in Acdres Mri~.n ~ l Btle fr te at Sarah asweli Angell Ha it, State Ch arpionship Here on Refers Indirectly to "Room- Turkey Day. toig House Problem.' 1 t I fotballriihad litlettloileco frttil, n tier tiltis te r Ilt'ii ri. tttrt Insualy 'I I Er te c m ium e ts...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGILN bA IL? E W EWOULDIHAxVE -..i f(, L i+Anl()~ II~ i h (llr~ YOU TO70KNxOW the lxiix.iibrr ulxiitiiix o . xx ''it 11 V 4 t i xi.iii i ilytxxtil (x(xi lrxlt I e std n d li ldsxxiiiI- Lx ( *t.> * (r. u( 112 I.. \:ii t1 ii e . (' Iz(S II('i ' 1 1(''1 (r tW1 I f 31:ttx t i-lit if)+)r.,i, x eiiii( 'E t))xi .1 lor Tha wtxtxe .are Ging ii x ll0xi "i t xi f r in-lbooks..3.1iIS'AnowlIl)tto *~~~~~~ : Busxiess Manager, CLAUDElixA. ITnoMPON.N l...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILT ++++++++++ OVEWCOATS a 0 Tlhtrt u z s e made a better, nor a moure liiterx edis olo artitOVRC AT than HART'iSCiiAset- d".x E& IMAC N-*rs o- ;long, loose, comnfortable, with a st}-Is of its owni and a quoality look about it that niakes a man think owell of hinmself every time he pots it on. See tlheni before buying. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. a+ w Is I OF "+.Money Loaned,,,. COs Vidli t ley )i i oshJew( iiry W. J. L...…

November 22, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…,.41 THE MlcH bOAN AILY ~4,***~***,****,****.* ~*,,***************4** WAN, BALL P H 0 T'O"GR.APH EF. I. Study with a Uood Light 'MIE~WIS'I lA I] H READINGi LA MPI ALL 51 01.115Al AL i l'l CI:.l 'i'Ii IInnArbor G(I I CAnptjj S aldn's Official let olol~, lo S 1Usd byAll .Leig {olo'l10 FootBallians r01' r A. .SPALMSN6 &IIOSInc, 'IN EVERY HOI New Yok Cicaoo Denver 1111 1 HA L, BATTI Apalding 0 fficial Football hGuide iA 9,Uand Points East Fr1904 ,...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., GA TT,-JDAY, -NOVEMBER 19, 1904. No. 47 FINA[ C[ASS, GAMEl[D[BA[ IONI6I1 19,,Law and 1907 Engineers Battlei Good Men in Cotst-Gen. R A f University Championship To- Alger, of Detroit. Will Peside.. oaYFierce Game Promised with Chances Even. Oiuit fithe- ye-illtt int~litia lt h miiusisl of ii the ('Iri l.Iert fro t ie is- t slt lisltntetiut sit L lIll"I iwh ns1wsoit pc isiss- stoils i-a i, -- 'tstlo...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...........*.....D...., e'' HE ItCH lOAN DAILY spirnt"iiiifii t le lIe w AOULDrHVE . i lnee Actathlc r e lct. tsathe NirtWi W YOU TO KNOW : ..gecid iccttgbween th SOIIYENIR f Iitatit * * dinano lALV. (Continued romt pageol SB. * to M anage, CLAUL) A. I LOMPSON. tie td ii atta itii n-it tl *R 4* tr itiaidFhel titi l t rle a OUR_____NEW_____STORE__ itI'ittt for ii tt tit l uaitomrdlt Uit 311 South S S tree _._l. ve L.ifw ud i ...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-Hoag~s Home Supply Store f Corner Main and Washington Streets Flil Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Tossels, Strops and pipe Rac ks at populair prices. This is the place. +4. .4t E. G.HOAG. o -Bturlch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees...t Yortent s ilifal and artistic service to be had anywhcr ...…

November 19, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THIM MICHIOAN AILT 'd <:: f l + AO I i N N r + +I I N + Ii O gyp******1 Cutting, SOLE AGENTS. A Leading Clothiers, Al U LL C ;riYA. Hatters and Fur- You will FisnPe 11ored Wearcillcc atarej CHUOCOLATE Not i "IV) so railccl. tsar dealer, nses * 45 IIlc'!I W it;:f f ifw i. 'iv!sNot SMisfacisry. 1)9-1 11 Fanst Washiigloi St. Issis8t 111)011 PEul[R'S. '' .LI The imitations anh pp 14i~ Pfitog rapf'av. 4'AN) S CALIFORNIA * F Are Best Reached vise SS...…

November 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…T e MichiganDaily VO.X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMOBER ls, 1904. No. 46 WLLIAMJ f"AR IuN 1SION Fctb l cord of Mchigao's Great Halfback-subeltted to Walter Cal1P by Mchign Aunos. Olh,., 0 1101t r t11 o \' l lll l 11 er tllrrc ou l f l fI mII rc c1,0filk m .la i Clam,, 1 ,1 1< tn1tI l ''0 j lrl cs al tap , lll 1,1 1 I l m at,, l n ',I a c r t c o 11 oI I N + o t c i h u 111nt,1 ., 11110t0e1, t1tlp cl c~ l n ' 1u 111,1 l Nirli; l NiI 101 o~a...…

November 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…V) x a c a c,= 0 I, 3 CO) -- :. M __ Lc 0+d 0 R / :. z r V mT 0 0 CD " r _ O I t~ S ®i3 "'&a ? I1a b rse -- :,.a'N easa r r F 40 I CD) m z M r A w _ p .; D 0 ''" D _. VV D o 'l c _ 0 z .- f -' a : - cs . . x .1 n .- 'l, JJ .r 77 7 c G _ l: 'I _ Jr - 7. _ :t , 'l. J f ,f' J: l ,; r , J :f r J f ... .,.... ^ J x . .. I i 1 1 r Q J= x o r+; <t 1. :7- ".r f J J r J J to ~ r a-. J . f rT f -- .r f V r. ,_. f iS3 {w n °' ! _ 1 + J- 1 . v .: ... r r ...…

November 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…T5HE MICHIGAN DAILY Htoag's Home Supply Store Corner Main and Washington Streets Nehs, Padilocs'L, Waste Ba-skets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses anzd Pocketbiooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash Trays, Paper WVeights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and pipeRack a opdular price. This is the lplace, of .4t E. G. HOAG. t o " c at o r t tt rt ' c sc+ > rt' .tt$tt at + stX'FC{ar^ t+ t <. , , r: " - <« R 3ut clifi el d's Fine Ta il oiing ...…

November 18, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…01MICR 3 (ASN DAil y _ ' iio iisi a!,,1 d il l ~ TeI liati *4a.******4l*****G*4aa..n 1 Cutingthirs is' J~ilHatters and Fur- , _ . t'hat ar?' 7u.rYc aiej nshers. # rep at Chiar ;e, A faiht'stlCrit. 09 I 1s) ilst WzxtlintossuSt. Z I\T5 CHLttiZ I) ito itpketo IF 0O1HER COL LEGES :t It clacix t i Lt iti' t':ilit~rctDANCING. *1t 'li~l li: i , "lieup of1' nearyt i'. for the r orcos iep Coriifi'- trill ti' 1 ml1NI l c'S t e i l t i iiit li t ) 1o t. ...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…T_he MchignDay VOL XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. No. 45 RES[RV[S GET "R" JUNIOR LAWS WIN ( lcCUICI1[ON POPULAR jIIIROU6fl fMAROON [YES Uof M. Reservesto Play the Re- Fle Team Work Rolls Up a Chicago Tribune Cartoonist Well Michigan-Chicago Game Review- e-)ri- esea-)'re or tichian-i Serves of Northwestern- Score of 17 to 0 Against Received Last Night-An JitAun mkr Thanksgiving at Grand S enior Lits AmsnIcdntaheJit _lmimkr Ra...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL! r , ,, H , ~oa + * T H E :1I+C I GI AN I)AILY .sI re-in irtIaittinal. 1Th1i t liilt Ii at N 111111 a nt iiiin tIhriceh 1 Iv W E V OULD-/HAVE istttctni tte5 iilxli!'11(12J atil a fil Atiile 1ri YOU TOoKNO -tii jcoch Ys col no talt noief__- _ --- _- ---__- Oh inm, IFearlelis, brave and darny. i- Plliilwi d il ilcria excejr( l)jllln te ilayetd wnub a fierceee that wiould " t),w'tl'3tt, ~i. Y11t ~rtlitt)t'llt moaTannniai ni;ittt...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THIE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y T hire lievx r wasi inadea ediy popnlar OV[RCOA NI K &Xi cizx Rti O w iha stele of iits iiiii I that Miakes a mail thinkv lie putsIt oil. See thl lii LUTZ, U' I...Money Loaned...:4 Onl Watitics. D[anionis. lewll ii and all II[- 1ja i 'a c ham + and (Collateral ici + i W. J. LOURIM. Business Strictly Consfidential. -is Hot Ltxnch At ba~ttle's. 338 S. State j uarry S hetter, nor a in lonig, loose, ci ii1i a quiaiity [l weii ...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…"HL MICHiWAN CAlL'! : ForyIen and Women $4.00 - - Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label ., -}< w I a ' rd"in seasn gtinto a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, ' y, double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, f f thoroughly viscolized. HE~AVY WINTER CO RS.1 1SotANYan tret OERI UBESO Study wiha Good Light THE WIbALRLAI)INGi LAMP V. ~ ~ I 11 .1 >"1' 41.1: 51.1. 1RICE'S. The Ann Artior (as Company. P PHO TOGRItA PHER. Sp...…

November 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1904. N6. 44 NO DANGER T0 STUJD[NTS OST FOR 1905 President Angell (lives His Assur- Coach Says He Will Probably BeI ance That There Is No Danger Back-Baird and Fitzpatrick Go of a Smallpox Epidemic East Today Chicago Stories Amuse Yost llest develomiens ini the small- pox sitation, which has arosetd b'eryoseaeems to think I'll e suet, grave eoser, ssowt that there ack net ye...…

November 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIG&N DAILT . ..N...NTHE MIICHIGAN DAILY. "vICI1HiAN 61R W E W~OULD HAV E tee se 5 s dclssmt ter at th Atn Excellent Poster in November In- Arbor t o______t __________ lander-Football Number of 2 u'lised d5 ey ('II eda1'exepteid) rI u itthe Merit. YOU TO KNOWe - rt i17..W siitgua:street __ f ' ' * : t to [n~It xrsde etrancse) PonIs::3 The inlander for November, which Thlat we re de i- bs~ness at Mnagng Edor, J. STANLEY BALEY. has jst be...…

November 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY '0 -4 40 A- 1'- -r^1 ' ' . T--i. . . - - , fy . 3^+". Hyr }!-t' 3y}W54J tr~3SSr ~ >r}. Hoag's Home Supply Store F. Corner Main and Washingrton StreetsI Fishi Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, t APutrses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash7 Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops ando pipe Racks at popular prices. Tis is the place.00 EG.HOAG. i. 0 0 ..tX~e~*X.X-Ir I~~I -...…

November 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THE 1VICH I OAN DAILY KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. You will find PETER'S MILK CHOCOLATE Not only a deli- ciouo confection bot a nourish- ing and outaining food. Easily digested, Does not create thirst. Inoist upon PETEIRS.I Tho imiltations are disappointing Reye s SOLE AGEN ~i" 4 l01t;;~t GUYATJE Leading Cloth !~~I ll.' EVERY HAT. Hatters and * i sTCcr adWairrifcd his rcpacccct are Santy1list which is to lat fatortc. 109-1 11 East Washi Patgrapsar. ...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The Mich1g i1 DaOldy VOL. XV. VOL XV.ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEM FBER 1i;, 1904. N.4 No. 42 to ''' .1f!I'rightl-Asistanst toacs Fote, S tualr tD e tree. t, lao'iis, hats isO, Patrick. tlottorow 'OO-Triner Fii 1itzhtat ril, l''o itliltnonid, ('iiisiShtulte, IHeston ('ali le . totgmani, tailosr, C'acts 'Yost. Stu ieitt ilatiager Aotosttery Norcrs s. "1 I lAN I8 C A1PION! Wolverines Win First Honors for the Fourth Time-- '1a roonsFkght Gamely...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The !ichigan Daily No. '4 ANN ARBOR, MICH.', TUE2SDAY, NOVIIMBER" 13 1904. IRNING CONCERT. Of Choral Union Series Friday Night ''ates Fixed for May Festival- Thomas Orchestra to Assist in the Fistival Concerts. sTith musialsasn ifor Ann Aror burgs on Priilihnighithni ii litt- burg 1rchestra i ad ll nt c i tiii lO 1 nt i 1,;. iirh ips teii rals lit( h eui ni oi Thomas, Orvl~tii'i i i I sooe. F lloingi is in eiiliso Feb 14 \i ri F iotei onrato g...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE ICHIGAN DAILY - ew re H lfCtiIli.N 1)AILY. 1 n.'Iii iin i . f,raket,>t ioiiso. *W1E WOULD H~AE eaii rri 1 ir mar m faiiihree vYour T !v YOU TO KNOW ai wbal ft f if iii thg41taltget * 4bK i>> i.s touer iAL 1):'A.iff[LOiM etOSON ~ n ifc f ihr 4arMa h ve dtapp inte0yel .,ihe'endorset 3Q ot tt Sre ifiiid idredfie t of theipeople. e * p i51- hi 1.litrirktheel v-nd i I ppoint hae d iayo tad hre th O inNgE al STORE ® mpicovrid? tsil l on fumle ad...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..........................Z THlE 1ICHIGAN DAILY. RESERVES HAVE GAME. _ _ _ _ _ 2 E WOULD HAVE Inis is as cod-clss ciiira the Ann Second Team Will Play Alma 00- trbr otttice. lege at~rand Rapids on Thanks- Y our YOU TO KNOW f___gvngDy f lahfutri I r t icsyeerildoriog the C andida te f*j 1,'.Yr.tet t i 1vaslestt nsesri"t. As a slight compensaton to th f " g: f(bit-otnl a,,it o linuance)t h any, l3r Rservers for their hard work...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag's Home Supply Store{* Corner Main and Washington Streets; Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses aud Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pic'tures, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smookiug Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and} Pipe Racks at popular prices. Tis is the pllace,' .4 4 E. G. HOAG. ~ .B ur chfi el d's Fine .Tail1oring * , Trade Guarantees... You the mosit skillful tadt artistic service to he h...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a "a fis 'h~s [' 1'' *Ypa''+i L'''' 't i { *l- i*1 h 4 4''+ -r''*i 3 i 4 T" 9"'V - f i h q- *aw -f tx 1 -* - 'F'- - ' -0- Do You Know the Game ?I The good clothes game is a very easy one to learn, andilvexy t man can excel in it-if lite plays it rightt. Drop into or store. + We'll tell yott alt about it-pttt yott next, as it mere; get ou ott the inside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there t is to-it, except tit...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TBE MlnotC AN DAiLt KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. Ii , I "=, . . . tr , Cutting, eyer& Co. 4 e! 4! 4 2' 4 I You will find PETER' J,°J CHOCOLATE Not nlya i cOiusCcnfeti onIbut a or is" andilsustatniii ii,oc3 digested.'lDestnt oiea 0'h Insoist Upnii P PIII'$f. The initatio no ore 1 lss,:po0 '2' j rSOLE AGENTS. * Leading Clothiers, : nishers. 109=111 Eant Washington St. '4 'r C 11 1.4e I Hatters andpFur- ontinued row page 1wo.i) 0ha , i'o' .00 ' tArkans...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TIEMICH I OAN IJAtIA ,. .-.--....-._._..____ . . 1 i { 3 i [33 or "con and Women $4.00 WALK-OV[R I1OIIS Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label [or the rainy season get into a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, s double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, thoroughly viscolized. WA[K-OV[ER HIIO[CWIPANY, HE[AVY WINTER OXFORDS. 111 South M1ain Street. GOODYEAR RIUBBER. H ._.._. .-.- -.-. t ... . Study with a Good Light *...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Micign D ai ly VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEIMBER 11), 1904. No. 41 CHIAMrPIONSHIP GAMElt TODAY INAUGULRAL DINNER. fricbiqan and Cbicago Fieet in Contest Which Will University of Michigan Union Scored an IUupar- Decide Western Champlionshipj at 2 p. rm. alklcd Success Last Nigbt---P~ermanent Today ---Botb learns Ready for [~raq organization ,Assured. BY CAPTA IN SPEIK. We are coming to Ann Arbor to. fight against awful odds-and...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…a 1F.t $Irie M ichi ' p .,Cye- an Daily ' " toI ,. ANABR MC.STR VoL. tk ia7, c? ARBOR, MICH., SA C: 9i C YilaE b 94 No. 41 i CEIIION MIC I1OAN Wolverines Win First loF~ors for the Fourth Time-- fra- roons Fight Gamely to stem the Tide of De- feat---core : fricbigan 22; Cbicaqo 12. Mvielliat de cisis i d a Chict -Q PiFke rsall rI h-, Catlin , r , .. yards t= g in I i tn gt t this iiftar, i i frayfat it =l:_ek.a1r -, i d tt a lx tIas \isigats s ...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…TH&E MICHIGAN DAILY TH lCIA AILI.Y. Continued from first page. Eat W OULDbusin E t Entred ai .2> i.isnfn e, tt i. Alm in to iinraicndhlitit ii Z lorltihis isl . hOi niha n irro iiann 311 oU T O NO Stae Sret AhiinoIiiatii '.iiiIil(,,moeih1(' ha1 1 OUR NEW STORE -- lda (celt dc(iii, Ii N i, i li li l(- ii"ii nl rntr ~* il ey i t I-, ,t .irlt rp Ii iet'l * Im ecit tlu... Sd !lt. tllaiv)I'hiitl( '-it lin11 iii ir i a d Ch c ,_I< C= : EDI'OI ALSTAF...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…a . M.t-----__. ,..., - % WOULD HAVE YOU TO KNOW J That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 3x1 South State Street That our New Woolens for the coming fall trade are now ready. That we make superb gar- mients for gentlemien. That we appreciate your trade and respectfully solicit a. continuance of the stoe G. H. WGILD GO. TAILORS 311 Sotk state street. NOTE. riote of our frieds who ae not lweet oir patrons w wouldcr dially ilvteIto tomao sNO...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Do Youi Know the Game ? The good clothes gamle is a \eery easy one to learn, aini every loan can excel in it-if hie plays it right. Drop into our store. We'll tell you all about it-ptut you next, as it were; get vou onl the inside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there is ts i, except the label-small thing to look for, big thing to find. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. 4 .5 'I' 4 + + Scc onr natty line of r...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…The goodc ith c aoe to n T-nd ~' °t lila n can etlo i e p a F r l i 1 ie "Mne y }Loaned ,n p uner thesun **o ney) la h' I**ian Jew. f vI[.4 111111 i1C(XF ncii.tOnw.!t tot a Wd I 1j. , I 1 1 1 lt ~fl a 1 ittaat I 11 WJ.LOU IM. + a 1 Nt 00 1 pli 0 iII 1 it C llege II I -Il I , C .tl es 01 <. St CO intl liii t 1 -. ± ; ,; r d < AS(, t tart t of NE K" WE4 tAll ti XI ie':late itovelties of 1 . tiln ot isly and sale. t 116111 AD OW[CO. CHICAG Quarry...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE Mjtit N DAILY $3.530 For "1en and W'omen $4.90 W ALK- [ 1 H1 t P Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label [or the rainy season qet into a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes- heavy tar tansn, double soles, Blalace tongues, rawhide middle sole, thoroughly viscolized. HEtAVY WNE OX[ORDS. y outh Plain Street. GOODYEAR RUBE[R. Study with a Good Light I There is no better light Olhan THE WELSBACH READING LAM ALL STYLES'AT ALL PRICES. The Ann Ar...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…314 "-. i. t i ylt yatrds t-Ihu pacek- I i pa.t }I ra hari h i Iii ii; iti a i i £' n ti Mi., at it's iini sn" ,t ic li iii i )i.i yt}' c'li :,'.y' iii :pa,' I - I .iit li t il a ,V yarI line. Ilatch Ii II tuu ii I cartr'ies it toktca ni 45 gil l.. iI i wiisi ta cldhard byw IN- N; .t Sia ct aall i" a i yrdI mittadi m q yatula gu~qit C a a a w sig a il lI t i own i it- c i-aIli iin tb tga hlcd attdl}ht-ibc atlwiIInttl. i Sall b Otntati fake lii...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V0.X. v ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1904. No. 40 SIG GAME TO IfORROW. UNION DINNER. bOUVENIR EDITION. MONSTERL AS fIEETING. Varsity Indulged in Their Last Hard Practice. .ost's Smile Has Re-, turned--Rooters are Happy. hotforrot afternoon, when lichi- It lines up against Chicago on Fer- ry Veld, the Michigan adherents will hat\- tshe opportunity of seeing one he greatest gridiron centests of the season. Everything...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THS ~MICHlIGAN flAIL! .***"******THnE FMICIIIGAN DAILY.! IW EWOULD HAVE, j ttced t (0 lti attratte n *ot'e ,; '-ftt It^, E. . a aslis st t reet. i (b a t i looide utr;ise-) IIhwi~t-i- _Th1at- we rfie (l0i-Of 1044eg ot Managing Editor , J. STANLEY BALEY. -Business Manager, CLAJJPE A. TIOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE * 311 South State Street A tl i vs----_ __LvEs I1)E O I-lagu~ S .7 .. - i IY.Derr WonTn....... MiesIda M. 1Ittiat h t- or. \Ve oolen-. -far...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THUR MICHIGAN DAILY fioag's Home Supply Store Corner Main and Washington Streets 1.Fishi Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses anid Pocketbooks, Kiives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash Trays; Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soap , Towels, Strops and GPipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place. Ft E. G. HOAG. a pButch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the inost skillful and artistic service to b, had anywhere....…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…'TSR Ivy 1t ', N' w D AILY *#*+**" 4"4C-14*" **"##o q .&i ,19 7 1 S.S_ KEEP 11OTN1 YOIJR : You will-find PETER .MMK', CHOCOLATE -NotA oh y a::de4i ' Oiou COfei f6SO V d boya sn Iri II' 'iand suotaining food. Easily digeated, Dooo not create thirst, iwof t uponi P3"k~t tWR P'fi 3}01 0 " SOLE AGENTS. Leading Clothiers, j4 - ;. Hatters and Fur- * ts~l:'rsi~c nihers. 5l~f ?IJ109111 [East Washington St. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico y' CALIFORNIA s Assei...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…O fficial Song Sheet Thc;; Michig an Xl iCt , . 11c v rc latitr-i- lII' b~llSAl LIX tClI-iINA. Daily 01l11c, lclink \ lil Ik ) fillthe lNi p l )1ik diiil, d ii, m t he c k , , <l t t1t" ay°I il jil k~rc l7(,t Cvilc sItu Ia you now ;c<I Illtlla, t)(2I' tC1'.11)vr:t,- (III]it locuill judwas, lie glory TO Ant dideissilna. O l; i1ivmsitas It llostcs, j'oj, pcrnicitcr ca11t cis kvr- akas. rs flyh , CHORUS: U (horia, Victoria, 0 Decus oininunl, " Av...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…Official Song Sheet The YELLS IT. 01F-\Il. V. c4 A Radillv Riii! 1' if l al!RIil! Ho)!Iili l I1li!'Rah!! RIdi ! Rih! Rib! lO O()WI I)(bgillling slow.) I1 iig I ii Idii 'li!ig' R liRaai !Rh llign! 'Ml ichigall dIi'Mrlia VIbIlt)CAN? 1"cait VChicago. C'e, iice! l~,li l 1a, I1Ia, Chiceago. thOldI( WORK FORld111E UNDERI Ohdl, moire ii' i'V foi'r heiidertaker, Anothelittl hh eliobifor the rciketiiiakei III the local reclieterv they are vyen veriiicr...…

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