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November 17, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-17

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T_he MchignDay
Uof M. Reservesto Play the Re- Fle Team Work Rolls Up a Chicago Tribune Cartoonist Well Michigan-Chicago Game Review-
e-)ri- esea-)'re or tichian-i
Serves of Northwestern- Score of 17 to 0 Against Received Last Night-An JitAun mkr
Thanksgiving at Grand S enior Lits AmsnIcdntaheJit _lmimkr
Rapids.us -nda oa w rllyof Cse of His Talk. i'hira-ni Il., Nov 15
_________ i sIpatrsh ean aiJiu n ii ii.awl 111'iTo M ihigatibelirgiatin 1hr vitory
vat., ~ iii han iali iv Intr1a ail i iil}fobl rn ar o h uetaiiiiinnii avn l iver anilii neiN 16ae Vr iiiriiVlairy eart-
tile oiil- iion ivlioiwill hvnit viiiiior ios canm iigethrr yestr ay vii
hait1 nva i oitviin la s l Lorriiy ili anldte.la, wont al 01-1iii. li iv sitiy Hal by (arloua- l ih ani laly l s
in w'in-i. Il' idilii 'ala ti y vitra oyVi17 iio ii, Il, 2lriiiliilailii-ilii d. lvChiitai glandly ps i ii hal e rto
ofiiaciu liinot iholdil asl thei beireliii hat-i niiihcrion ii lii- SL. A. ioiriini-.pru- liio i iii q iga gann win a
theimen who avme" i. iill i iiiim imliiii iiiiii i d nof utiiiiliii ii i ts in raiiii lteiii lamiiot-
al s mi lii liiil in i li. 1 rand ll s me le-ustml- A-sil iiiid alall n I greeuted hMr. i i ; lp iiiits ~laaniii all rlaorgrv
hih tnaii- Ieinil-eltii teiai[i crieidiit icaiii iiiandliseni ed ou aniaii rmill -gin trigii ti iS
1 - u s Illi te beiiian iinort lyhilldhior i -uo wet arhds u ii-iiil.ni iriloili l iiii I a ls al a
a~nd ili rC iii iwiatchi ii a-ltIiiHII ia iitia Itil li ii dlll ilyiiiiiCicao lyilaie a-ly h
ant r ~iilrill Iil - i I h 1111 w it Ii 11 i ii l)iig o g m .j''e.wil liraitan at i itn fo ivir ao liitin lii dni-ils ofaii ch tvares
titi ilImm itl iin i andi taidvion ahi t i I IV 1rili llS 01 e s ll1 hit a lli- iii Clii-aga t icign fiio giatnt
n tt Is t,, i. lXX - -
Champi 15ltils iionlii - Drynmialii4 lst iihta l'i t forth mu l u situ I iii a ii 'nhge xplilyti-nilofriheiui iii lii- nilirouahin availthei njumireitico n
ia ll ows:idi 11 l rhn iit, a l i- h' a can-d meho 15 used btia t onlislts-aid ie at-v pri tst t hat mmiii, animiehw a d
AHa i , ;a ri-m - illll ii liiPatrlii ii s ii ickl u h a . 1erl a i l d i lua,l a d hrris ,) iatiiis Al hs tieto 1lia u-ll )rly but i oi iitnaighty ati
ler la isii li-il eckerii Ttiii {;an t- headed byI tns lueihi ii tainiegli miii cv iltt ii ai hiby crayon l-ilus trat io (.ItailV V ilihigaiinic tors aan tere ac
ha liii I iio natni-isisl-lum e n i t i V hn put ini thei mou sei oflIi li,, -lk, n I atiil c jutsh c go cl i is t e gr a e t
L iiupaifere batle hiiicaped byliii 11 rpeatd hs atheiauts vIs han f ta ~tiiga-illor ieV pluckyti
lal 111,11tum i ,I iiiiiiil iridae.l s1111 i tii - nce ionce in a-hTiles 119ai-ii i ence1 i n he 0 a aiilg iV iti naniiI ofi h l s- m
iiiil na~,I - 1bucke1 hin s wa ta ro-V5 theili IV alum Vtheiitani whovii rlit tai atioti roudli ofii that waii chmgihad i
nul liii IiioliioatI iii few y irds nilml imt iqu ~ i m it liiiog-hr be a im ahus. A att- lii ImaI dullo hs nommmuitr n i l] ohtml andi~l
litoai 1 w r 0nili 11iii X I tall !'i l bll i-a nni- 1 ivhidula playsirr ll. MrMa e( iii l lieon at he haipnmuy
lionl1iibut iii iliacking littlear i ri .. They atiii iof atipiIaig th iiiV aud i valwro ic e itit 1111asiloveii 1 t1 by1
vii iioia tillaii m ii-hu ilii l~i - in IltI ivmil allm 'lii-mgui ioslyunb e 11 h ti li mmgnmgmt, i Immi t of l-m d iin i ml - iii- isa o
VOila mlithtvieIhiu limltiostv I li criiiaistges o ite ie i ly in t ur 101 theuo ita t hioiani- mmir t li
Al e liii li Il. imamit- assi-tln-il iii lii mmi flii laofn hu tayhuiithierav i hivari1111sii i ty 11 ollomu edii thuma limmx a me
hi oti1 i simiiail V lwmiiithi iandh uutati uiis aiVwu-un luhutht- mal su11bsmmiiiiitai-tesmii gacremii put lii mulnii
firt.i doah "eI ,uH <1 a i--i 1111 li 1111(' amu hlc~ iu i l i bui hi r an a sirialookei dto i cagoum- eIVr i-mn-d iimu m iiai-ilfitnerli ii li X i
1ii as iii iii 1111 hm lhmn-i aml liii i liii mi Imat it iibi aeuiii 11101 gui illo i-Ilou nh iiioil w ih n t hiswine
ant mn mha (n who av andmli Nti > more ii ittillii tprahictnimiitceg of ap ad i to ith i encetV~ hiit ii Xi m~ i im li u
h,-'gLa wsihadmallnflati-gritiof the E vanmthemdoiwagon --so1fmil ar t mumtc t limiy oti 5li lhhe ante is te i V
nl - h I- ytI l,- l eiium iihrdestitmoii s i 16 nd b ~ ee i up by.11 ea iii mimi-hi t fogoten- w s V-lillianf he wrte
uhi, tai Itimiuiliii111gtmillmundmlii huecr Alniii Tnr alic iiINli c) rXiThe backsi mmmi excelilent11in-11m
a I toi ibreak1 alli-uhieirhih iiii mi l anmi uhuamt iva wi ch he tm a eiim Imituhorn mum iihe iilltheti a aiiihim ii itor utth royal ien i
fo hi tll i lst ml eniuSchei-n lim 11111hir ml iiiin ii mmme al] li t- 'e haumtoar a tori m aiinnd hu-oair imul i-5 uunishowedlum everym i mum emsll
ma i gt e i ii- -I ahih Ni-a lustlu-u-ini the ha h ese aIgemamtico d o tu etia-in o re h t ly In ter p w
ila i ilihic i ftNot. ilu-u-immuititumeenual- neveramhmluiui-o heel-
tsr1 I i ii li u a ga in Xi lih lii Smimia1111 altimis ei ii-Iyad ills hiimipauinc amum11.m ItVV ii mum a him-ilim landi tiihi im-oassi only ti mml uaup
a ummi;il aantsii ight al' enhino it h d i-nt ll du se artig;h imts - mu anil iumo remmyit.nimm
M itihii allart.Ihas n til~tot bw+-s Xvte Xiiloiit flso liiir mimi ntitI onm hLaI- -i i i c ro d f rie- lo, ii y te jit
aPmniun ii mmiii va } he to illsdroud1111 en s ide tas u ihitmani siamitlig ioneian- a lm i o ci ga Ili]C ia o a
luaueiiithe 1 11111 i iiwmnt iidamwi Xmmvii mi iii mm X rkai-u m muiar atI tmtm uu i shii ic n (uurei-il l-i ii utng iii~
reutnidiicr om! o(+ ce 1 t tn iii di avaminIguov Ierrueilhe 11(111.u-V-at nie n- spe-a akro th ev ni Am mmmibiie m ean- ofi11 c1limsntiiin li
Xmna i shu iiilu mii ]i iies i ns t luugahmim n ii naa iVg miati hin y trathVaro li 1m u Ihuheim llood i ft .ii ilimln; en te wiii o l-a
11511a ah ,til" hs mhiti I ily nls mmi iim - hs uhi - al ms (li uml mmig i ahhn ii gmuh miuim u
b mlii ii s ii iuhg iiiiiiit aevben er hyde b- B i,: ie l ds nappy hali alldum l hootii i lemasinhu n t the111 pla tiorum Ihm-iiiuiitmitl1th mleli auui
IIym Nlrsati u-li ii mi i li uuhm -. insmmihumd ni numi ageiii .i Sichinsesittts nde eo
'lea litmiid1111 ntita tle itmmmde hums mtake in u iheninootDrthn cle reporited o ewr m kr ilas ed i e
se huaXrnvo, hmti amtopeit Cs Yestce d y- nl Lg t - i'i thmihtigcislig-day arm-mmi mu- hu
-1llo 1th I itah nad h utie ICNses-AlleQuarantinedheIlstrail- in the i mmm imi-limitoirmlunni
I mii- uitmtituunain halfum painii ar1mm-fmi heLawsmwam5mum- i 5ar1 n- - ff r o aisatin e re iii il ihih mmugn u i h-u
itiwll lLahatsragd'-atl1) h1r1anm1mmmi vamyput ill tiPll. onhicem erI;iVa ltiverivy hll wh-lugo pr vail amngite. i.-d
IN MCloeoRIAM - is
hindu iiitinhiS mutoI anlhi- atol shrawug it' mti-a -s, io i mist Vand limiim er. this hum iii l tdii ofil(-~uttr
A i l iiihe m-can td) ind 1 ily 1 w ill ll u-h mmmii(mum-mmthe s miw s ltt im h-laye n td ii- imaim nlmtheom hu am mm u I ht rn slid or~aN5\I t iT
mug talass, \u arumsi i Lawr n un1 n la-mrg im-row ov a miii coanisVmtugs sloistsIuIu iii
Iar Si n < vr 1 6iiLawsi anL~ its ta n ed imi oltre mt hu-aimsii iii Sou saulw a ii OMDlCUasETIG
S is idru- toihavemm mi h t e- ni lollrs eri- d duinmgth timeuu hean mm s Thyurlrq ird o we l
th t " M c ia '1 et tth igs warn li it-mi lt tass -nwt--ruptm-
Xlt yellshm ii t ums liimi a n d cheers. has addeidmmmgreatly m toha iiui mm ihueandSio trea X lumhmer-ge l i bn i
heihu uii --i 1tune 1 formii lii nl tliyLiw alhitruheIlin lu unsaim Ilmi andito shAim chatlilt hyureahut-m
-reervs t imae igodtiih iis i or us ti4ioim clock- aidIbyupithad v fi umle ai i uisi u aVa u liit Inmuiim t miitl iIlmmia it
of S tina t - Al oldmitan mliis t isandiimon i ilime tiuma vlinmLtng 1 tilhe SMA it Lt-ni a ITUAii iThIN. Iamthe I Vir thhteior uu. Accord1v1 it
liedP to ttuiliumbe thutbl llm nii m to-rei mniill thtaemrsod n imndiow tn imyI -l ial hi ii liitaim esausuiiul evtm li- hey illm-pnai my
ni st-~ t 'slii ii I imt uimiavet -ol'i Lawmun 111-n ii hm tii ti-ihiuu ii - him on 'limi t I u-um iimg iit ly arydith t n iai
the the its i ckeli-hill hemmi awiii Int- asit oh .-in l Quaranmt mi- ulu i iiind rw hts andI mii mmiiduck tusers.ih
"harry un i ihaiii tn t i i i i i mies.lowned hl vli lmton r' w li~ i a d l hacktao-i-Offersmum iss ista m i era r thi nluirt ledges m aimg lli nar-
1N 1 M E 55M in R I M t ii- 1 ii M mmnd t mmieuLaw sm- limi h umss- tin bylue h e re"m-n I iiymmmiverymi-uau tfrateri mm n iy in mig imtpresent
- i i n t i t ittm i lli i nt mv mm i ii li lu iil hu li u mi tt
centnriand twommrillantmqmarluauackithumsahipmmmviituaiion a - JOHNlSis null gush
Van mn -hmi a mi tltmmoimfi mmi utimi tugn hil]4mall ratiuvie iiiat evn-m ain, Dr. mm i(mmilu lt-i la- uumm yhm u theiay
hiltGlss iwiras uc lit lii it m umled y scd y 0 0.% iii Ithue mi i s wkdthihn ie i t- Sut liiway-ai- itn visiii-COi i uMEDYltn LUBl A MEl hTmlI hahilu
rnmI)a down toh il vuLts liiiardline.ailHm e L ity11 heanlthioiii cea , n i d: mli hmlm i"rNonum h n-ll -newritiii
y esn.iu Do ~ ane t oilu-u-n t mlii(u'1mm hinatnn- casesmlatwa hrema ill - ill mii-tli afilemnmmhumm taimand
ml IlsoI-l i miiumuuun Iii Theii second h I alf'uopeneud I i-hltthe au-i-verli i ckli . The lid a han smemm th meiaumt ill - Ipli 11g lio n mt iiliti 1
(Inthaimwgu-hs mnt I ii Ie i shm oif ahoigmi =oanhelaaasbroadnpmi that Imimu- eu Ihismuin tum i-_____
he mmir n am munilaso tti wihj a s eun he L ski -ff2 t'ie
intlnl umalt - I , liii umh fori1I moull aI L ong ii mulm amnan.w o h ua fiheussimmhhnu limit Iat te e stug fCyhontrhatt- dinneriill
IVDn a-n-i~I i-nearlyIthe, sainptace. Carnes lince assiuredl binnthat win culud at:-Coach SitaggIttpilium Smuild Death
.et- Wmtit i ~ i-l~iih umhe all lull then Lila' 3 wriindws irepace-di whicrh itsi'edIIIu utsui mdivihi i uuua ~t
pl i adl iiie iglht hlt'I Byern failedt t iiltote ibmbardmtti t he l oi iter nit. fallmlii- juioru Ihlassam Su hal mhtla
H.1.I. HlASTINSGS, hnMerin- IhrtiIiir auntherrfhne anti i tow opned ilttlto Imi t nuduenuts buildling tintinhue ChiriniaimAssociatiaon
n hitinSI . LEWIS. j (Continued on Page 4.) h nnaslaated.lmulihu

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