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November 19, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-19

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...........*.....D...., e'' HE ItCH lOAN DAILY spirnt"iiiifii t le lIe w
AOULDrHVE . i lnee Actathlc r e lct. tsathe NirtWi
W YOU TO KNOW : ..gecid iccttgbween th SOIIYENIR
f Iitatit
* * dinano lALV. (Continued romt pageol
SB. * to M anage, CLAUL) A. I LOMPSON. tie td ii atta itii n-it tl
*R 4* tr itiaidFhel titi l t rle a
OUR_____NEW_____STORE__ itI'ittt for ii tt tit l uaitomrdlt Uit
311 South S S tree _._l. ve L.ifw ud i e it tonI i s )(iti t ii r i e t itit i tite h c juit uirlade oand)gn1t
-- a iitcae ilt ourlicet atdigutt-
* I tr tI"it'.._ alley ids Mt.tilaBiiinri I i i t e inet nduF
tThattltt t tarlwV oeit i U i (irose-ht c ittitit i l ii ait-.pltetetnthe ly'
lilt ui)vtit i ~es , ! A .G rr~ a at r'1rt.1ndrws hoeditlilorIt lociii e ci 'ty
the cmn fall tradle at it, iei t uu ttrIi aIttitiii lc Over 2() Varieties
cow edy.g a c ln -tEctgal "at(:til Enndcc i cc Ill,,t
now ead.-* A 0thcit Atur 7Hug,. lictI) liii litigti dedti 0011 fteIti -0111 Whichlt l to tiki.-yttO r s-
t A) ii tiiiyet )dtitey It. di.e eCI~lS
4u wililA lii tt t orSitd 1i1,1iipitcd-iiater titii- ttchad c Iumadeti
That we smake super]:) t 4 i t t titiltiee Latu is uttkcy a yar rtw o tciantd ic ftthn ii eadtilPict _fr.c
niets for gentlemen. *uFithill itiittheidrJomtiii, yaradiim"ttTtiFtioi -ti > '- U
W* t tiifua ct \.t- N. i hsda Tii ; o a a t i i i i litartoiithii Ak to se the lpotls ell
f ti t t a- If. s fis R r N.en titteyto ite 1ary etlr
4 That we appreciate Vourtradeil.-. a Ftle taf atdtu il t iies
and respyectftolly ttcliut a : ii t] d utalc" , ir $ iti if pttiii tt i tttiiii1ctino iiii cIt, It"
cntintiance of the clint. {tCit it tgcc thunt u tit t ittttitit7
'A 04 * O t. IltRttrs- 1230 tIn(1301 and 0t 7.It730 ty itr' ttiro titdiOw-edit Affth t i'
G. II. WILD C O. * A do Jl II lIIfP NB-tit cti-cit}.i ticl.in'cc andt"ti i aittt itH R 9
Adres fAILORS tic atS<NBuinss Sl~s ssti I r C iii ol
__ tR = esor oBOOKSTORES
311 South State Str hree. a Ony1ftw m r it ts v e et
~ N itiii Ut:cttct ttic-ot ictcitti itUIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS
ii y N re W.idiair A Sunday, November 20, 194 ui~e tic iif iiital id Wtre Il, l.w 03105 .Main S. 36 S. Sate S.
N N O h n i c i tithetiti i i I il_-- ______ --_____
Editor Today-J. EARL OGLE JR itdtwtiajfst as timte itasicallitd
Lawn nier
Special ('lai I...1 .. ..(og
S a la Ji ti u li .... . . - t.... ln
Nov._______r cl octtki a t iaratt'iec htuitttittt . I . lln
\+,I n elh l,4ittttillitiittalt ?k.
I~Madisgoni jecc..-i....ccit-t-..it71 :tveiit t i
A t I s . . .. . . .. l tt ic l tt iF INi (E ven tug) TI asgi i v t ig- Erl tct i va . ...a.tin-i-i
"ASKreTOuSEE, ITpre.' ct::le I
AltRek i li headiit ti ltt tIt ut t inesmantu- Crti r; iti e u-u $3rI
At _less _thaniregulat pttititliNtvtytutu herewas eitattirs ifwei
titti ituiu-atuut-u t ce-
-- its n--is .i i L.tuu-uA. w i utahonors taptarty it ven0 Ei
idt ours-t 9 i t i-:.t ut-tt f r thing twtus tcartied ni n au- ood- e A/NST Y W t / Gf
TO titT itt-i aatutiltsitrititt-itt0itnelti it tnitDjuBY
it . uiuuut - it (I u if. I.. it1:1l}situ-um gu-0itt-- cu-- uuai-!tu dlii
ii e ti ir-t t-ut t u- ii)iii cii fuui' I'c f ti. re17:1gaed at1
hecrofiasu-c. dtildvaittagestatotbe-ii++ -tutiitar it ilaitnit.
Altout ake iua itook . uitt(it r ii[)(,totindti anytutu wlitdi restlA trominentaL trd thtofottghlsenith ti3
Newut u vgt-c ttlot tCluads npa y ta the .lw cas rertidaeslrl Atc ii Ni ii ttuld e
liThtc Olc ohes ttu o te. " i jtoluitiI I i Ii ii ti~t Iiv nt heI inoce t ant u su pt -i c c a yo
titt i tututu tire i p th u i tyIliiV lito a iitei rei t and i autu li
Em l H rod uu ttttc t ittl it tnpittily t tiad he )i le] t ctyed poi med in loud 'j'jl(
n ~ ~ ~ ~ a q occt pc-acit hc--eofttc tf aacctn , li- a- c-ll.iT e g l
I eJlts l r i in a t wllme- al here-lyw1 t wldw l ay s FrngniehOuNOn Rostn
Studen4 61C0Yts' L r eturesTesotus.Cin Cas o FForhwsernadte...
iaw-u~b t o M . Ea1. a- t.,ltf rsi i ee ] e r (( ca !o llb. - - 1c dtuicia prl
per Mass s.JatadinerilbwderattAttheotnnullYitdeicrr lbli2toot-
Russell N. Conwell Henry Van Dykethd-Co
tienry Watterson Leland T. Powers 21Doi ai 1 JEA1V "
John T. McCutcheon Chimp Clark 214 oth MantSt
SOUSA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie ;~-~y~h~l~ddS- -a- ectcA-~
Oov. LaFollette Oratorical Contest ______________________________
Edward Bok Open Number
SeasonTickets x$2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra V riyG~ tr
Single Admission $1.00. Will Remain Opsen on Sundayis.
9 5Billia~rd Room will be Closed on that Day.
5You can securn ticketsfoma student sellersorn at Wahr's State street bunk tore
Next Number-=John T. McCutcheon-=Nov. 16 TI1[ ARsIJ'y CIGjAR SIORIE
.DeF RIES' ART STORE, .Artistic Framing, 21 S. Fourth Aven

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