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November 19, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-19

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The Michigan Daily
No. 47
19,,Law and 1907 Engineers Battlei Good Men in Cotst-Gen. R A
f University Championship To- Alger, of Detroit. Will Peside..
oaYFierce Game Promised
with Chances Even. Oiuit fithe- ye-illtt int~litia
lt h miiusisl of ii the ('Iri l.Iert fro t ie is- t slt lisltntetiut sit
L lIll"I iwh ns1wsoit pc isiss- stoils i-a i, -- 'tstlot.ii theii honorii oliii upl e,
ii isIro l tat th- esnd of NrhernlDebatinigiLeai te sessiL
Ii i yiaen Istic in ic sissifooiball terltatnrlhosledthll i chsigan leairnIti
1 isb ng Ia i n d in Thiintal-in ged ic itit- ii Sii btis o lt- l ciiis
iii iicty sevason icstver ut entrsd-si olii ersit- ar riiltiiiieii
l~ ash~ate ii isuisives-tlly e tl i th l l iactsiof IS hlt, tlltii
'i liii s am i ll b eit 3e b tle tiitiRlit iof tatsileft i le t o e
l""eisoti Ohio. Lai t etu^tesilier i
hi t i isi he lat ;a st-h y ittdepar tient wsth li !t iltuclas. 11
liet to seliian uitaibit sush'i hsh is u ( tilt rof h e~froit
itl i t iii pa nto go i ura EI-iscit . Iality i can itliii ra
to th i i a biodil andi i till seltt li-c litil t-siitu lu-itii raintintgi.
it-i, Sic ti-i-ttllt. itoitttcl ttiiit it it-it-slit- to t Unv it r m H l
liaf t( u 5 lc isrt i t s lisIitrc Listayli ept menutl. ttttwith-tItnclst sil
An ttd i s~ t I ison ,fe o ,1 ty-i st4 ndis ic su it juiortt -late
( -t ' l 55 ch11 gd1 atthe e -t it s icur ing bohsis ll snis and JI I's
ifl1et itt uiliti ofiflit- wote itattic yeas- intheisLitudepartmetth e it venut
iro tdtii c ssciatissns sasistheli tlin it sicli-actoratotricaitcti est cc.
cou l t alts ,t- t t h ey- s-ss a lsi-tui I isi-cti
ti~avccteitj tr ic t--ice of c-tic crim II liet- editi Ilinti- a ls
laad isson iteiniiwhiilc ese huth citeassitsAl s h sonthlitPct its iionli
tic ic ttu ttttssc oa- raecitoi lt-intelis l ath. lithe-sit-t is
Wi it cu1is- si swetes, o i ve5 y, te ft t t atei t-sn- i n
tilt swantedsrhois-i- clic li tittiett sitte- it - an snotstlssss 555ed a ,1
at - ti55t55sis i t t i t lilt iictliaiin t s-lnaiy al o lst a
itttic h rstilt itr ul t L w . t A a mtK o h
is tui i t i former1 propsiton Le isS ibssiton, Ililt ah sic thle
dc5 ss 55 (Ititt-- io.Owng t tscest -ng beenin ssesstss sied -ide aings tre
sh~tin m de=h the L s i tse ist itscsisssysas en hut isis t
t utnui t iiit
usth listsve bliyedti lil i rs lttimiesue ha- siclsimbedls toi thei ii si
5stlftst trlls ivos t hem bt-s t cii alt. its.tPatnssststit i sd tess a t
ae o the I kn wnga ones-cfigurthatil ac initsst sa Chiicao high scs-Iootl.
-itysiie ih Lw ae tug- iltaitR-s itsrew. i lt i
tre, hi-t lititii- is is-salt This Col L aylea sth i,-o m
555 listcn tics -otist g -lit-i teAssesagataig fisoms 1t(,sAnn An
t Lalea I ticl i seniy ofetc-as- helit- ti e sisti uc ian te ti Ihis t I iii
- on n sitiS uti sh n oss ss-sctt ittdieiha t ls iit a i - - -
15 s ioha liii th tte u-susi -e ssia cs on ise le-athab'tiimlt litist -
RilliShaltit lithali t-oiss til sfttai h p n , Su ie sis-v iii it nber listhe sit it j
alit h sil lstnvariabltyittS hidootsl tishalt
(i l ii sil- ti i t-opponents, ist-i-c ttametisAit' ctandlessi s I it slt
I5 liiiff It t ss l iles g--tilt- uni lta t te t ivesitti t. hsit owii hu
c' i i s lan t - lists-n sl it,sut l y i ieet tcl ti ii tsttita
1 1 1 it sisssssashead-l ht- hoi t heI. iiitusittfc tr to hit
cI fo it ng downsiss ishes i-li-r r ail l its its-n. lt tiis ts i I w t fIs
5 -ii liite ibihtsandit it a iayisss(Ohio)t i ghst~tcholass d lis s i-i
ciAnu Hstp sin cit iiiswot Hlit is its si t ii its-- I ncii
tie s li thin;Ii i Sit iis5 tll is-itshePng Adthi s-cit y n pe i ttof Illit
silt s i lt sit La s yaeudn- AFreshiabiels-s. -t t-cl-t i
lot t iii.IWaitie-JI-nets- ystssisst rossi
11,aaIt0 - Hs kit si ic ]idi~ l ooe y Y h ls-Il ssiy- -i s-1i o 90 s te10to fte l w lf l ist iss-cittihati}ca
t-stigc'lIll- hiit iti uts- s--it-c ill t hume 555litownitei'surits 1 0 1110i I O cii ilt Iaits Ile
Settles stutl e ngth lste sili ss-antd wls ltiit Ihtscho lii the I
ack Harlow it anotherisi ar.b s tatlor tical I o ntsi i n h i ist511
d hoty }e i-anthe itsLIasscsase sityeasribut h s uilytakn ei i
thy -, itit 1s tltstlt ssssisus at siti I IOii iltl ise
t1 t i l - til409 usMA MUiinttthet I list hiltyear heiwonsist his ct sit h
hes-it- 'sh ve t f'w start lit tilluh l iiioa idi situ this Dhil
thelh h-Itt I Silt twh was-oesrt-c oalists-st I slit- is It tilt
111 1}Alessut.s ciWitn s-atali si-ut-uni- this-si--i tstiltily
(]''on, l a s ful whtie- itit tit I I Il i fustly dol l;ists ii-g it.
bost ecp pops tins i I Inc gets tlsc sitfthes-Lawits titii-iii tu 11,
ht5 lu i ll lt lusthe as- husictw-snsop- y I It-usu i u-SiltN SbnScu t fsuitsit l ti
te1l5 fm l come us' si dyts shut - hotit-i l susssssssalsiu d lit-i-- -
as tu 1i'llitst cill probalsy-leusts The cIbu- nuts Mc i lstlt buttseld 555114i
111 l w SnS, , 9 - I v-5 e scty hl-ll at.s o 'clhut, is K tititl
Ihatt 1 --, tttuitttttiiitre- idi ison of teu lit e cens is 5
itnder K lst rlc; ytcduosAlo ythared, bush ssut u i u t
alius-Ilbus !
J n 6 aw-], ., art an lt.,s nus sI Ksr-istun -ti-u--i ludti ur
y ho g I'isoscsuuc., MItiiisn; IbotetO under--a stat ionasslusts-t
11u4 hh Eucc-tiii r. t., Brigsieor fG'. ne usihisauspre u-sidigone fthS i estsn-
1. - o, Brooksta; q. b.. Balow;nse inygcwill ubesenal Russellt A. Algnr,
1,pIug ntin;l r.Ih., hByers; f. K., [unitedh Scates senatsor fnstilliteli-
Stcus Practicing Faithufully to Ge- i Given by the Pittsburg Orchestra-
ta1 .Northuwestern . Reserves Favorahle Impression Made by,
tic nstitvi ny!doy-Pros- the New Conductor-An En-
peals Encoueagincg, thusiastic Audience.
ii-- i t ~ wslw-iofAsitt-tic h i open5ing ccertt lt.th siti-
antii s- i-i-l i - li rit Re ijalI thutis eried wat bitten lact snight
t-u- t-i- f ti li or ~ er b te Pittsbi- uOr-cestatie be-
i ialli, vl, tsl ' W ich it \sill be i t be pIvgail
li-t itt u tttci l ist- fit-Rcu-us -c v sitNo uhif '0ti st mu- ii~ny ilC ttijsit- Nu.t ) . ..
toits I ar, and dsite hue fi-si-i Andate;tc -Alleyrinao iroppo
stti 'ii} ilc nitltiontfhis thtius Schelit- oass (Alt tlego siarel
suits tiatlis o t ttt he j I shalt I(Kltegno nitarul
Ju-wlls h i iii i - -iet -... ... ... lchlaibittsky
L t i iiithtCo c t'ill hadi ths lutit lcuuitic fohits indtsh Instrtumensih its E
1 111,I;; iir 191 sig al raeice f'o Fla .. ... ... ... . iB eitosenu
ai slit i alhtuu tii tist a iuh l tist- I(Obos C larIitsisetslBaessoonsue Hi- s)
1111tl iiiclit-plassylts ecricneintusa. u his ut frluinStuilte- .Aul-eisin''
set v s aso gv'lpatsitc- rutsizeat.
11 i I iig ,hl IbackIsisfritm liteIkisck-tuff isAhustlelil h(Arrangedi by Jotachim)t
lid l v -e 'w Tuts i t 'Ihutseittluutmiii
us1 hig as d tfor tutu d s tsce, -.haste sit thn Ila sis, 1c'1statu
luvih tistcuti s utt lut wasio sit the Isis its siatyIailuse whlu-nuts It-i
list jr arlytiiSsu i lsts (Iuits o nui on o eac nabes
AllholL, o lie-1 u-i-suit ehuts- t'i lue t he exceuu llens t ccut s uu sssb
111 prlit-i-tili -tilliuita i-ihessa Ie sit cc-let usi a slut iver teualluol
asilasitiil;t:lst tjfiavlt Siu-ritseilit Icu hsa Ansnu ArbyorSisessi e rs t
L.C,1:d tn A d ro . Schuitacnts-iSs- Sit lust hu thusstu spehe-
I S. I M ilr. it it Kti iu ut isisi ists us te an er i1 huc h
lit sitms th lustnlushtin us sue, id i e ofsthe
N'_ WI -uit sI uit n susus bii tu y uistt to a tlt si t lur'a
hi, tal c, Ilo cr. 1101'. t sit tttish suurss ii
h'.la.I ;.i tul tt - - - - I stu -su t1)rshts s us te exacussu Kptt-
I TAL AISIS thus-disittiltesitthis-ayssu anduiua s-
Il Ii ii II ittitst Itilt i ttu of rare abil ii tylandlis deli-
Wonderful Record Made by Team in cu-vissy ssf "sit ths litiidsehissi sish
beacon Just Closed-Yost Says slits1111. lie u-c absit if Its
Heston and Longman iShould stisisn;titusi tueswhosleuorchtranuris-
es Make All-Amserican. iyk;utudttulisuiiuvis llsty ths-apptlsed,
lis c urls-ticrisiisubf thus- gra utso-
Ill Cuosu l s ~csusu just cilocstd ocea s us-lsssr
ds---,Iii tits-to Ystit 1 he TODAY'S BIG GAMES.
Tet Slitcs c Liila11th li i an sit re
Ii s t ttts u h e gaI- - uuusuus cThu usc us
aniilted it 47 ll tstus inakii-
in,, a a erago of 1 iisits ttue
ladt st S Il-sit x hs alususuicked it as d
iwos golisis- r m th ild h
cu hd liii hitstI naltis Ssitolosui :
t i () t ) i ts 11, arrylii
\ it, s it Timll Its sti lusts acii5
itw itt;sT darus1
(n i A lis b i t SI agd-ii , Nuts s ou
ni~de fou g al fr ln Ihe sieitlt. I
W . I .1 i-Si" n I; It0
5 lb s-lu-us1 ; K am uazo1
Wk i12 ltist I 72: Rat-cu&lie
W .1--Micigalutit 1;tcM ?1 1ss6.
utist Alt -Oi ts-tush thu\s Ititutyi-
us tIl it.5ti
sit 29-t s us islists-- th2s- s ii- c o-u
sin 1).iissii tt
stil t ot ball crsi -ics o lthe thi-ca-o
lialm whit oi usir -us Cu h- tis u i si ussutuas
at ois y i ic ig titusllcus s til ni
W c"for lichgan t is ye r n
it s ly probaiii i thachilic1hg lns11ig1
wlutist Kric la y welithtuuis-tutu
'sltst uhit tus-lecepi- nssshets wfosts
usl tit>it-tnybs fth lsuilsu Yo it Al ch
2I is -N forI anybte playerTisttuit hsa
sill Isis- with thebs i Jcsotutaiss Lgee
u-stub -ii s Jtud- ssu uThanlutstgii-g
Thlus-ru- tut wIs-t weister- aesuyst-
itplty uStS'Chicaugo whiles-liois;icandt
Iowta hookupsi t sChituiitaiatu Thue
j fo me conuus tils ilteu-u-s-euds-i i thAs
a bussets-Slofi-usisyfusest hSein ueuAn
'Abo . I is Nisih uedsfavioyscinnsutahe
c-uttbusrtwsterer Shs atde
hiatt Ihopes-of stisussissy
bInhi eSith at h itutusi-Yaleh titu-
luelsit es-thatdos ilalltus-sandth is
I tis lt-ti tf inicus-ci.bus Siciant hells
i~cse iof thes-fiss-u SisetliBaiurd and
I-Fitz still siet-uhitsutiities.
Sixty ous e-csilt v-coupls wsos-i
p(S i i 11the s t-tiuiic- ts tisocialb Clls
sitnIs-tturnger'sTue-say evensing
h1'iss afftair Suse as briliat uess,
an tush s tenujosyabs-lets-ewstsilsent.
'sT-ieutmusc wstitfurisduby (Gossg-
se's ois - ia TisisitShutsestcondu
iof aus er-set- sft slyit simislarsunctiosnuus
whic-h thus-C('bltoisi toigins- 1his
yes-ts. There itsnotdosubt thssue til
tutuogrami siitt bus- aried ou',s Th
Sro t s tits- to costin uets- Shut' ttu-
gi~itt-isiori-Justicet July iThursday
slug-c-usltghuantutupalt$1545 costs.
liI ti tuhe si-ttu-rsof us lia-e sulhi slssy
anb it itsucharged thlut, inihit echisl
usr tutu worlstit toI iconqsu eru-u- his' asi-
mdlussibeteusly swalktedhotho thus
prmsit IfllIsisieli itWIanhts-
j ictuttt)M.Bl'vaubles hn~tuingii(-hog.
ItSilt-whenhe sbillsudoislhadsinigsleg
. isintserits tll do hatsidi
it i ttu-sfit- c ill-lty -is c aacIssue
h sisimstelriah-wtis hav ltistisatha1t11,
closesly, i1'Its- wosuld avid inhluhg
Itlce in suns sheavy Sdanages andsI ts,
itte lcg itstiot good.

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