1-Hoag~s Home Supply Store
f Corner Main and Washington Streets
Flil Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks,
Purses and Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash
Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Tossels, Strops and
pipe Rac ks at populair prices. This is the place.
+4. .4t E. G.HOAG. o
-Bturlch field's Fine Tailoring
Trade Guarantees...t
Yortent s ilifal and artistic service to be had anywhcr 1
' Wk ti, iscary alarge and complete line of4)rssasonable wiool-
ells,\\ i'laii' the ag;cey for BeachsL Newel<'s ('stonmlita
4 ant iats howsyoua alarge.beautiful and exelas:i re line of shi rt-
+ ilii, 'perict fitting.
Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trad~e, 106 E. Huron
", Fall Fashionsare Ripe
Y Suits - Top Coats R ain Coats
Frao t'hewoale1tailoieng houseof
~ IRochester, N.Y.
'D'~ 'ntf' ~ Ilustrt ing thelatest unprovued
ftdes ills, 'are tiflow re dy. We
handefitxofutivers'leoth L.A.B
S;ee. l' thig i ned ti o calt ilty
enwhoa'rie mrsain ordin-
arily partila 'a'bout therstylIt
to-date ,cloth ill'' iiaoi fttoty
WadhmsRyan & Reule
Money Loaned
Ant A ltor' Rout., t i ::Lii a. Ill,
Joaph c. Watts
l t hi d Tahllored Coththtodoes
Ale' ad=alorettd i ltes
b rtd he,":us its notii'llt'.oil upt i n.
ri' riiyt ., Ii let it
$10 and $15
.-...a .1* Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Save the Walk Down Town + , ttldtOnntBALntoLena Iteipaired by expert workmen
t lii I ,4 tal5 5 edn tt te'sotti' fle prices. All work
WAe~aceand Jewelry ' Foot Ball Pants LCfoIstg. rmied
yJwlr ' hits nclknesLpddeid ditlS J. B. [IBL[R, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty.
Repaired , ii ca ltO's 6RAN
f 55 I,'It tle)'' a- eii Ii, ii i ' New York ChcIago Detter ~ fO [9 A CN
Pins nd Bannersoat Reu310 Pice. 5pa10 tt Oficial Football tGuide 1o- ad Nanr tee.oeWe
F. . S OL , 340 S. Stale Street 1111,11 1iI \a t 'isi. P'rietoeis. I(
Gr____________ ange'sAcademy, Phone,246
ADDRESS TO WOMEN. Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Main St. NV Brullswick Tables
south. Phone .51.
Cl',leg'eo, N. Y'., still visit. II,,'ni Isii NOTICE. REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS
Iy Attloty atnd ,taddresso the, 5'iiii's Flne Cigars and Tobaccos.
lieague, in Saralh l'asis ill Intiel liall Readtng nottcts, except to Univer- IJa.ONV. ItReid,' a a:l. tt~e Streset
a t lticok. liss Gtill isuasiltil liii sity organizations, one cent a word - - - -
ti' Silitlh C'olle'ge' atndhas sluicd i ll+ pee isue, payable strictly in advance ~ . * * *
ani env. Sh is eera ;to the Busnes Manager only.. n- Yougca
sece ar o te atina _sscilittversity organizations allowed one no-
herti'se'iwi iei l, Ai, nn .Airbor branch_____________________
of th A. C'. A. All lutil~ity wo-lii ROOMS TO RENT. At Twstle's. 338 S. Stat.
ttie'ttalt'initedl. - _____________
WOMAN'S LEAGUE PARTY. roe,.;'yt. toy a
teWoa 'L'eag ill hshel i ii i ,I1linbit ar caos Parker Futi e
ticletandt wenlttyt-livet' oil -\i lla Mn'.ru tr
nliii a nettuer of t' L~ r an a l , tt l'titlrss'sar, 18 cents apiece. MansDgStr
fin . 'l'ioi,'ts tan h, qt iaiSt' ing, Itest'& Co.'s swiniow. 213:-s. Maln to.
till Iuristhe ,,mui'sic for 'iii itt. "lna&So,." ftie celer'ate.d fine lDARILIN4G pIVIA.LLEAUX.«..
-________ 'Sos. Soitl onl 'yCiii. II Miller, O
t'and~iidatte's forther Comedy 1 1" 128. lain. ldtf ftichigan Pillows, Pennants
will nleeit ill Salrahll 'as11e11 t;;l and Room Decorations.
IHall at 7 osCliri.51111nday s Mtt ihigatiensians $1.00 each at
11 Ito 'll Sheehan's. tf. .226 Sooth Statn Street
Tentpoieds front lte nt 'Irysomine of Cushing's IFine Chaoeot ........4++I4InlIott++ 4 44 S , .4
and Natvy ,aoniexiwhilchisill h ii, tnt Iiates. tf GEORGE BISCHOFF
ati Philadlp~hia i1111 Nt l,t-i, E", ii________________
to) lie diisividedtb'twe'n'thr lii tn"iii'~aito C'iushing's, Cur Hersheys & FLORIST Ploaetlosao
o s lilrt' hite ti'i'i i ii i liftnItll I 'iler's 5Mi1k Chocolate. f t,,,t 1 tloti I st t at
widos,5 oIhan:; nd lihiiim't'tci_ a pnSi b, ll,, St0 'it,
Stahl's. tf 1Ihavelijust'riedlt'hell'argesanttinest
Stuits pressed, 25c;Itrousers, lOc.linetin
Ftuller & OConntor, 619 1E tWii lltmSt.I 1,st nioveltiesa 1nsititings at Fuli- Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes
- --.. 'tr &. O'Conn~mor's, 119 1E. William St. evt1 hrog ii ohe 'ity.
Thitannalc ane' rsh 'ht(u>li- -FINELURNCHELS IN CONNECTION
P'rincit'etn l'nii' 'sit sCamit'u elct i ighi1t l,th riom iamid all con- A o itr IB. 13.IB. Pipes.
teeniot ' t,11 li~ t. eilii's. 9tS03 lnto' street. tf 308 5StSate St., R. I. JOLLY
You will always fnthtl ie right thting at thle righlt time it thme
New Clothtimngtand Haberdas'hery -)tores of
W AlJE Af'i e CO. 121-123 SOUTHl frAIN STR[EET
Next Door to the State Bank.
Ev:ery article ewand hisoyseason's styles.
- - -__ - -- -- -- I_.. - - -
A C1TITAN IJ.SCIUH, Sanitary Plumbing, ROw098 Laundry THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
J 't Electric construction and sulpplies ANo STEAMSIilJAMS.150
heNagara Falls Route." Gas and Electric Portables, Gos and 7ihomas Rowe, Proprietor.
THE SHORT LIRE Electric fixtures, steam anud hot 326 N. I i I h Ave. IME TABLE-Taitng effect Sept 25. 1904
IC IA Owattr heating. '~tut,457$ Itll Phoe i,;-E4,, l tmr o
(CIAO207 L .Washington SIte.t. a ,'tiu.,i I o 0005.
1NARBlOR to BUFFALO Iv o *720am o t :0am
BOSTO3N M11f4 ~ unrl +is n "tO5- 492 lo.
NEW YORK P H OT1OGRAP .0HS u M . a'tl u n"eralCdl+s.i7 ""t. Lv.ll- 4:otp.
tdietconnections at Cicago for ,Drco I) Liyse tSunday hteceet- Ann Arbor
" 1uKasa City. St. Paul and C~1a OfficSi2t) S. 4th Ave. Pbone 98. Sunday. 'Suayty sly briet, en 1 ahelani
Wet.~ For information and THE SEYMOUR l TUDO t'sidetn'e :102 S. 5th Ave.Phooe 314. anti Toledo. F revelhair ears on Nos. 1 and 4.
'Olbtickets call on or write to W. rSTUDIO, . .a VI lfI~o, MAct.
CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. 316 Soot Main Sin. Ambulance on call. .1.3J.lllIY0.I.AAmAroMl.
'leois. Ohio.