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November 11, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-11

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The Michigan Daily
V0.X. v
No. 40
Varsity Indulged in Their Last Hard
Practice. .ost's Smile Has Re-,
turned--Rooters are Happy.
hotforrot afternoon, when lichi-
It lines up against Chicago on Fer-
ry Veld, the Michigan adherents will
hat\- tshe opportunity of seeing one
he greatest gridiron centests of
the season. Everything predicts a,
my struggle. -Michigan and Chi-
cagoare old rivals antd the contest
Will he worth going miles to see. Chi-
care.i tmore formidable than the
store tiade so far this year would
e to indicate.
M- terday afternoon Chicago and
Mhigan indulged in their last hard
drills be
' etfore they meet on Ferry
ell to Battle for the Western cham-
a5thip. The wort today will be
Very light, consisting in a little sig-
nal tractice and a final drill in rules.
he practice lastnight was a long
1'cr Pie-jui whtat translsireti withiti
Field could not be ascertained.
wtwas nearly six o'clock when the
es were thrown open and the men
tot t streaming forth. Captain Hes-
t hen asked how the practice re-
ated litkti Ilup frtm lacing his shoe
Said: 'I guess you'd better go to
ist hiell give you the dope." Noth-
S could induce him to say more.
ha the payers were not so careful,
tever and it leaked out that the
Warts had consisted of a long signal
raict No scrimmage was indulg-
ed to On account of the nearness of
ig game. The practice was full
and vigor. All the regulars
sa intthe line up and they returned
The tgytnasim itt good spirits.
ork consiste.1 in defensive for-
ttcn t to meet the Maroon style ofI
host is all smiles once more and
ha interviewed last evening said
that things were looking irighter
han Wer nesday night. After sup-
ethe team u itt s-an tou-itt the
gyt runningtrouh orins.h
The lineu ofts two elevens is
actically as folloss. Some slight
tiges heay be made but the teams
probably oppose each other in
t order,
'hiago. Michigan
. Speik . 1. e. ........ Clark
Tob-in...1. t -. ........Curtiss
"n.- .. .1. g. ..-.... s.iti . te
.l ...... -. c. ........... Shultz
po5och-........ r.-g:. Carter
e .- -. . r. t. ........ raham
te ytt ---r.- e . H. Hammond
bets1 . t.. b . Norcross
Cat'ay.l..h. b. ....Capt. Heston
l - - . . . r. h. b. ....T. Hammond
.dek--..-f. b. ......Longman
Every Ticket Sold for Largest Din-
ner Ever Given on a University
Campus-Special Instructions.
by the Committee
'ttonight occurs the largest dinner
ever given oo a lniversity Campus.
indeed it is so great an undertaking
that the committiee requests every
holder of a ticket to read carefully
the following:
i. Every person must .present a
numbered dinner ticket at the north
deor of Barbour gymnasium.
2. All dinner tickets are sold. No
tickets will be sold at the door.
3. Two hundred gallery tickets
will be sold at twenty-five cents each.
These can be had of Mrs. Jordan, or
at 1he box office, University Hall
froit 1 3 p,. i., or at the door, if
any areleft. Admittance to the gal-
lery will be at the main entrance of
Waterman gymnasium.
'I his dour will be open at 7:30 p.i n.
4. The reception and dinner will
;e informal. Tie reception will corn-
mence at 7. p. it. and will be held in
the parlors and theater of Barbour
gymnasium. At exactly 7:45 the
toio guests will march into Water-
inan gymnasium to be seated at din-
ner. 1t any come later than this
hour they will run the risk of a cold
dinner as everyone will be served at
the same time.
Waiters meet Mrs. Motley at 4 o'-
clock this afternoon in Barbour gym-
The undergraduates of the execu-
tive comrr.ittee meet in Barbour gym-
nacium at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
A large crowd turn-d out yester-
day to see the tie played off be-
tween the Senior Lits and Junior
Miedics. The Lits won in 19 min-
utes of actual play by the score of
ti to 0. Both teams played clean,
hard football and superior strength
and team work won.
The Lits showed great improve-
ment; their team-work was excel-
lent and every man got into the
play. Norton put up a fine game at
center, and Doty at quarter handled
the tieam well and showed up strong-
ly on the defensive. Plummer play-
ed a star game at half, contributing
.everal long end runs and always
iaking d istance in the line bucks.
For the Medics, Hinhs and Dunlap
At 4:15 the Lits kicked off to the
Medics who rushedt 11' ball toward
the south goal. They were held for
rlownst on tho Lits' 35 ivnd lin snd
Daily Will issue One in Yellow and Biggest Singing Meeting Ever Held.
Blue Tomorrow Night-Cuts
of Opposing Team a
The Daily will issue a souvenir
excra immediately after the big game
otorrow which, it is thought, will
surpass anything of the kind ever at-
tempted befor The extra will be
printed with blue ink on yellow
paper. By means of two reporters, .
one of whom is familiar with the
Chicago team, the extra will contain
an account of the game which no
outside newspaper will be able to I
equal for accuracy. The great con-
test will be described in fullest de-
tail. ,
I his edion will contain a big cut
of Michig i's 1504 tem, made espe-
cially for the Daily from a photo-'
graph by Rentsehler, which -has
anever been on exhibition. A large
cut of the Chicago team will be an-
other teature.'
The extra will be placed on sale
wit'in a short time after the close
of the game and will sell for five
cents. Advance orders can be sent
to C. A. Thompson, business man-
ager of the Daily, at 331 Packard
street. Phone, 461, Cash must ac-
company ouders. .
Only a limited number will be.
printed, and those desiring them-will
do well to oraer in advance. 4
. i
Work in Barbour gymnasium open-
ed last Tuesday, with an enrollment
of 300 girls. The woman's gymna-
siuin work this year is under the
charge of Dr. Helen Brooks, assisted
by Miss Bertha Stewart. No radical
changes have been made in the work
of the gymnasum, by the new direc-
tor. The classes and the character1
of the work are much the same as i
previous years.
Gymnasum work is requiredOf all
the first year girls, who have not had
a year's gym. work elsewhere. The
Ireshman classes meet three timies a
week. The work at the 'first-year
classes consists of Swedish move-
ments, light apparatus and dumb-
bell work, wands, marchiig, fancy-t
steps, games, etc.c
A class for girls having had one -
year or more of gym. work meetsa
four time a week, and does work in
cib swinging, marching, gymnasium
dancing, drills, and apparatus work.'
sUpper class girls are admitted to a
class in fencing, which is to be .
ed. The first meeting of this c ass.
will be at 9:4 a. m. Saturday, No-3
vember 12..
In addition to the regular classt
work, the basket-ball teams for -all
the classes have begun practicidg.t
The old teams have much the same
line-up as in previous years. The
freshmen team will be picked the
last of November.
In several respects the girls' gys.
has been improved this year. Some
new pieces of apparatus have been .
installed, Among other things, two
new Swedish booms, made especially!
for Barbour gymnasium, have been
put in, and are ready for- use. Theset
are to be used for vaulting and arm
and trunk movements.
The swimming tank which has
been completed for two years, is this
year to be filled with water, and putI
in use. Girls of all classes may enter
the swimming classes, and those who
already know how to swim will have,
siecial sections assigned them. Girls'
may enter the gymnasium -to take the
swimming- alone, but whether a girl
enters for regular work, or for swim-1
ming alone, she must take a physi-
cal examination and rent a locker.
There are still plenty of football1
tickets left. They are on sale at
Meyer'r, and ca be secured today
The report that -every seat was sold
was without foundation.
At the University of Minnesota
the students are allowed to partici-
pate in the election of the public of-
ficials. The three parties, democra-
tic, republican and prohibitionist,
were very active before the election.
-Every Seat Occupied-Wede-
meyer, Yost and the Team
The mass meeting held in Univer-
sity Hall last night was easily the-
largest and most enthusiastic ever
held in the history of the Universi-
ty. As early as 6:30 the rooters and
followers of the team began to file
into the auditorium, and by 7:00 o'-
clock every seat was taken, both on
the- first floor and in the gallery.
Stading ropt was all that was ob-
tainable by t hoSe who arrived late.
'Varsity Football Manager Montgot
ery presided ov'er the meeting, while
Professor Stanley led In the songs
and Captain Tom Bird in the yells.
After- a few prelimiary yells the
'Varsity band; Whleh-lays so impor-
tant a role ln these siliging meetings,
arbed to the fron't of the hall amid
.ehthfsiasti' -applause. They struck
p 'he Victors," the trio of which
was repeated . several times, while
the, -football team, headed by Coach
Yost, was seated. Pro-s r Stanley
then led in "More Wor for- the Un-
dertaker," after which the "Wolver-
ines" was .suog
- Manager Montgomery then intro-
-duced-in a- few words W. W. Wede-
meyer, who graduated from the 0 fK
erary department in 189 -and frot
the law ino '5, and wh has always
followed .,A ichigan's a ,ticS with
the keenest Interest Mr. -Wede-
meyer spoke in part as follows:
"The traditional sueriority in
( football hich' is caime by the
East over the West cannot remain
uless they can and will defeat this
gret team of ours. Of course we
can hardly blame the colleges of the
East for not darin gt risk their prs-
tige in a wae wih the "Champions
of the West. Hwever, we expect
o .-mc of oureleven. For the
Past four years victory has oie tO
us so regalarly on the gridiron that
we have become s ewhat ofeton-
Moent, Saturday , we play - Chiago
whose eleven c leoists of foemen
worthy of our steel. On that day
our team will gg onto the field de-
termined to win, but in no way un-
derrating the strength of their op.
ponents. Let us not expect too much
of them, and give them the credit
which is justly theirs for a victory
I feel sure they will win. Not only
on the gridiron has Michigan the
reputation., of being chapion, but
also for the courteous treatment ex
tended visiting teaas and their sup
porters. Next Satnrday let us kcep
'the standard in this particular up
'to that of former years, as Sihigan
proves her claims to the ichaenpion-
ship, not. I believe, of the West
alone, but of the world."
- He spoke briefly of the success of
old Michigan athletes' in other lines,
especially in politics, the names of
Edwin Denby and George P Codd
eliciting a loud burst of applause. t
Coach Yost was then called 6pon
and although the "Smile that won't
come off" was partly visible, he
spoke somewhat pessimistically,
"I shall be satisfied with a vie,
tory, Saturday," he said "I saw Ch(-
cago play last Saturday, and I am
conscientious when I say that we
are going up against the hardest
proposition in them, of the last four
years. Their woik is faster than
that of any team I have seen play.
T'heir attac is very strong, but I
hope their defense is not so strong.
Our boys have worked hard this
week, nd Michigan will be well rep-
resented in this critical game. Let
me say that the support #town by
this meetip will do a gret deal
toward helping the team-wiri Satur-
Captain Heston was unable to be
present, but the other members of
the teaI expressed their determin-
ation to exert every effort to win,
and also their appreciation of the
spirit shown at the meeting by the
student body.
Several yells ad songs were giv-
en again, chief among the latter be
Ing the words to the "Men of Yost,"
which were recently published in
the Daily, and which have made a
(Continued on page three.)
. IVIS ~ e u S-yaru ine au
PROMINENT MEN AT GAME. the ball went over. The Lits then
___carried the ball 40 yards by line
5i, ltides the usual crowd of alum- bucks and end runs, but were pen-
nu he Chicago game will bring a alized 5 yards on the ,Medics' 40-
Arber of notable visitors to Ann yard line and had to give up the
s Governor-elect Warner and ball. Hinks punted 50 yards to
aof the state officers will be Doty who ran the ball back 20 yards.
h ie to see Yost's fam us machine The Lits then began to play fast,
n George P. Codd, the new ripping big holes in the Medic line
Of Detroit, will also be pres- and skirting the ends for big gains.
It 'VIr. Codd is an alumnus of P'lummer went over for the touch.-
ie -an, ant was an athlete in his down after 12 minutes of play, and
days, pitching for the 'car- Kidston kicked goal.
W 'li. The board of regents, The game was called early in the
° wd rhsnt at thi Miehigat seolm hatf on account of darkness.
, tanquet toniht will stay lhe line-tip:
e ahd see the gane, '05 Lits: Schlusser, r. e.; Arm-
Ce demand for seats still 'hstrong, r. t.; Burmeister, r. g.; Nor-
01 tIyesterday tickets began to be ton, Capt., e.: Strain, 1. g.; Jayne,
on d or seats in the new bleachers 1. t.; Van Slyke, 1. e.; Doty, q.; Kid-
th south side of the field, ston, r. h.; Plummer, 1. h.; Jones,
4o,,AIttno unpire ha' heen agreed f. b
ri for the gamute. il'l ledics: Cushman, r. e.;Wood-
A-- worth, r. t.: Work, r. g.; Pettis, c.;
NMENT PASSED UNANI- Koelig, 1. g.; Pennell, 1, t. Howe, I:
MSPASELY, e.UN Coe,AN. Dunlap, Capt., r. h.;
MB'Hinks, .- h: ; Beach, f. b.
The amebThis afternoon, the Sophomore
lhta .On mentmsts hto thu. cotustiltu- -
°f the S. C. A were lasse with- and Senior Engineers will make an-
el i nh. .oA Weespay e- other atterrit to decide which class
Uta issenting vote \\ednesday ev-
thre The advisory boards of the has the honor of representing the
h tO hoards wil tuIt next week to ueparument in the final game.
bodies representatives from their#,
whIr to makel tp the new board CHESS AND CHECKER CLUB'
cht.il be the trustes of the new
chosan yi. Fits nimnerstill he In playing all games whether
I . A rom the S. C. A. board of schedule games or not, members are
it '0 requested to record results on the
th es t 4 from the advisory board of large ruled plague now provided for
of t . - C. A., and three from that that purpose. If possible, come out
ple W C. A. The echanges in today at four, as the schedule of fu-
Wihe-gin at once. ure games will be discussed.

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