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November 18, 1904 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-18

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T e MichiganDaily
No. 46
Fctb l cord of Mchigao's Great
Halfback-subeltted to Walter
Cal1P by Mchign Aunos.
Olh,., 0 1101t r t11 o \' l
lll l 11 er tllrrc ou l f l
fI mII rc c1,0filk m .la i
Clam,, 1 ,1 1< tn1tI l
''0 j lrl cs al tap , lll
1,1 1 I l m at,, l n ',I a
c r t c o 11 oI I N + o t c i h u
111nt,1 .,
11110t0e1, t1tlp cl c~ l n ' 1u
111,1 l Nirli; l NiI
o~a h t th i a r « tt r s c
01 ~ 11all)111111 il l bl - o
thrt Het ' i 11 111 l , o al
1111 1 .11 in Il l , 1 t c ~
hi o11 l M 1 "i1; o l 1 11111l
1, 1,
Ii 01
1111., Il
10t p e 1101 h, I II n ( c n . l
l)1,1011 lsoli'll o10 1 lrlac lctiln
01~ i l-
111110 1111 CiX111st~ldl 4 11t
lca ill Ill I oi , i s n r e l IIe
sul lil is ll ll
(Canticoe on page two)
Good Prosptcts for Winning Team
Review of Michigan's Record
in Debate.
11 11(' 111o' '11 1 ool rt te Llrallldepart-
11011011an 111he 1111101est0011111u1
o1, the ip; 1'v'l represnt 1the 1 11111s
ity i, th norhernI~eiu eague1111
'Io il'11s111 10 lInsla aidh Mich-
111 11'1 11 111 11 111i
.1 111wll1 dba1 agi nst1111 1 N111 or 1thw ot-
1907 Engineers Get in Finals-Do.
feat 1900 Engineers 12-5.
the 'oSHll IEnigirsi'put11t110,Seniors
ill their0111 10. 1et u, fb sns
bi, a marlin'l o' 1210115 and on 1h1111
01o11'ed1p1 acei l hfi na111 10 1 ls of I 1110
who 1"ig jlrethal t1'110 o the f'orty-11
larie d thell all to1 the thli'ty-five'
yard ine, 1111111e0011011'al'l'ehanged
Siadie,I' the111nSlicarr101 id 1it y hobrt
doil . o1t1 , Fu''li l ton., 1111 st1ereri'i''nd
1.11,s s1 ,11 0 ,iiA i:;llnce (11a11't 11e1re- (11111111 tir 1e11 l11111 ust'rIll Ic icle-111
1111' w ill i 1111th is l11111c"lea.eleof'c'othel ten101' d lineto ir sin
.11 liga 11hs 1won irs111p1' ce11 it wh'11 cariii' d101111 111111 l haktll lx ard1011
si111111out f 1twe 1111111' Perol'i-'t,1'e 1111110110 Daa1nei'1 went111 inlfor,',
1jaw debatesl' and 111e11,111 c(l11e lthrei llli' andit11111 l11 ky1111111 e11 iler10
out o 1fo1i1wi1 Pennylvaia, olil s linalizedois adven111t1by111111rettyl
oit of11111f'our 1 111wi i''1h i North ester, 110111' 11,11ya11110un ill oundl ight enc.
wnigEN. RUSS eLm la.chaLG, n-tePyrdesidngnsOfficer e
Ila I~ia* and I ,ato will e0110e t0011ne ill0 h ' thre y xrd lii i I Ier
lol .iw deatmn,0hle Par, 1ie eill''10111ls i rce anxd stopped11
___________ ilandlJaynelwilllspeI'llor th'm1twice",iillllon b ofe
the Li olr 1111111' l il. b1e gting lix o a luhd'lia d (aog
is cet<(n thatthere wi0000x a00ro1111ckd 0go liustItfirty segol. :;olbe-
lo turn 'ou '11n1force'andinspilo re '1'on oi he11 9 117 000 a00 si ai ned his1
+ ..1 .r.r.x, ..+--1111111 t - w-, ..Tht-rm n-+rily.-r lir+ ..ol-- +-i-.r111-r--1--111r-t
1 10111 0 1 '' Oiiiiliocbaaxi
111t 11, 11 101 (1111 1 iI 1111 ' 1 1 lio
l VN '~iliil~~IVliii ily I''OOi'I IHA 'LL h 111
.1111111111 11'110 T oinlilor- o igti
y +1111 01111 110DR, - Preidighi0eahr' I
t 1cry:Ia to1i ve a111', go'xodii acc onsicf anke100s111n rm hega e
1 1111(1 o ail y that1h' ones'r'i would 14iI , tl e111111 of 1bac of h o
1,'ntle owbliil .I t lie of lie11110 Se ios11111ed th
I 1 1100ii 1111 Or 10',end u JIcmplS edtUR eY.rump. o
the 1:117 I10 anr'Ptliii (001100_
1111' '011 '1111 Body a lie. A lad t a ian o or" ii 1111 000 11 ial.,'' Score(:10
I'lay n0ol neii ases iilr'iof sa llpox11 i h e '1 ll(gelinup asi as fo1111 fll's: 1907 -
1e0 opd T11 he111 li'' ci helth oboard1111 111 i ibay. Tl
11. 0110roio~i',,1 liliilc,00'-iieckso , 3(0 1 11 g.iliCapt.11Tho111 cc and
11have1 t11 ce1' thl ust'l0i ca's01011t o is 010'pr ig 'ecTllnd; r.l . ,l' Sau'I er s;01 1. tA, Fre -
I in and ave, defl i tel'lyc ax'sert 10ai leniedx lecisf0111 011Ila)
c lzrs ' s I i Ilnn 'Ar 111o 11.1Nin of these 1905 -i .iV Va lkenburg: .l f Mi .,lgoi foo
1 h 111t11nspeopl110110 thiceri0 oil ' (x Iotoiolub0dhe tcoeoc
dic. Althuaegh v ((ii e Cp.if liec s : a . ,Y u g a d A l n
First Concert on the Choral Union
Series Tonight-A Varied Pro-..
.gram-Emil Par, the New....
0(i11 give0'the 'oeigconcert ol' if Itle
11'ho11111'n01101 01e0ios1. 011111111 10ram
'isone tliat ihollael ~o lili
has mai'kedl 'llfoilmer a peaaces
in IAnn011 Airbor 0o1111isI'rchestra- .The
tendred 1a01 110a1ion11]ii all tho'ciio
1011,10 11is0orhes0110 11111beiinliard,,
('l 11him1byxthie 11000.
burghi Orhesra oals ll 011 '11111111
thirh entireO,'imeirtoiit, a rehiearsa'l0
ocurn every'0I1 01)'0 wek a110 ri'
succe'd'ictloor lerberh 01i lhoie 11
l1111' ilipermaentloffe'i'ofrom sev-,
ra oceie ' o pe i'lli.ilinihlg
th bo'0111111 01 oi,'l ocie011ty, owhere
forme~irly' Ruben'stleiii 111d1hraIio hdi
re t (' L Cx'1
'OThio'Keyston be.liib, an orhgniza-
111111of Ithe' shtuden'is 0from P11111111yl1
vanIial, hiao announced110'l anh~qet fr
The ','011111oil lui s 1,11 11' 10
c o p a a t ve1I' ,' e w o r ai z atu i o n n' i cihxu ' i lg ,h It
Iv lintilli oro''aboutthl lo
of io 1r i I S liei h 10lasi e ar and'hli'1,
ill 1aremil oi 10,aiidi Iroilel
t0o tiii, tiie miiiiers g.ehtlto'ethei'o
II~e banquet which is hi,'rpae
an he 0111(11 0 Iill litlohr;have1'11
10 (li4'lIf hi,' ('l T;1111 Inel h'ro'xim,'c
it 1ecessar10111110ans, 111'se11 11joi-~
Ihe001n1amhiBa'nes0110 ioioLawso,hi
cooxrIx . iTic1k 0101 iayibe slecured11
I110111 xl01110 111fiithe hbol'omienii
'10111111'uet is not leiiidl'tem.m
I hufbtheilub but ailil freshme
hi' fore ih0111g Key'iitooeClub.l
ar rho ed1,1.t'lattend.,IiihoEci
th'oUniveraliiie11r stentsii,1fry,
Prowslani,s'axth Oin rehpresenta-
andil beorigeyloge fli010ers o th
'sel'vAes i'ohiehasera Pennlvn~ia ch
I "rosh wilrhe oastl, as'lerOlthis eiv-
en~rii n'iaIi,'011111f'oswisliahd
mu1111111'ash oihiiprepa'ed11. 0Iis
The ifoll'w iing 'en have osieei
I olfoxorCarey, ' silli11011ickh-
sihand herhmiaStte ' isso'w'u'nder
1 o sdea 10Ilo'll.i li i 111,IIS ll
CLAR 'lg uiii. IlfO'UT. lr'ei
j bas madeohe iso osuject hiohis peilthy
andis who ll'o' l o~e toIive o an inter-
1011110g111d1 1101truct'ive1 0011. Alli-
piortantf busineshillelting o'ilhflhlow.
'The Birdulubhih will meet'-1at11h~e
I 151 rOlilectuhe 10riosi Friday efeui-
is,,100 7 o'locko.

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