The Mich1g i1 DaOldy
No. 42
to ''' .1f!I'rightl-Asistanst toacs Fote, S tualr tD e tree. t, lao'iis, hats isO, Patrick.
tlottorow 'OO-Triner Fii 1itzhtat ril, l''o itliltnonid, ('iiisiShtulte, IHeston ('ali le . totgmani, tailosr, C'acts 'Yost. Stu ieitt ilatiager Aotosttery
Norcrs s.
"1 I lAN
Wolverines Win First Honors for the Fourth Time-- '1a
roonsFkght Gamely to stern the Tide of De=.
feat---core : "'icbkjan 22,; Chicajo 12.
Frethe fourth time, the ltIlly{'slt y I' iCuleags, thte M\iehisan reters (i1is ils . 'tI Il -lilloild tll
Of Michigan foottballtt aa i isOhe Aes' ;('oulldt s ce iii(iote tut etserssttt. The I 7;1l. Scs,r{" I iclijassi a, lieasa io.
tern chanmpion. Beloe' the largst it tle tfettow tpay'ed a btilltiaint: gamett Niclli ;1ll issue 'S ii''t \ 111Wid oj l'l-'
croveddiever' lstetiitltiitat a fooultai]llan i lon ttg run f or ati ii t 'ii hd wn af- lti~i a1. a i'''le N ti'
thitsll 1 h] sl "Ih ftU" estt in Ann Artior Is' v''lw a dliri..ii the iattlion a fumleti was
stie warrios putt ai ctes ittaga.sireot th
ro15 etlat astiratin ts by' ia sill of22 'iiii. i s' util t s is eb..apttflc'. I_,7iIl: ctrl h li h
to t2. Ist seas opi t er'stie l e ricit t ' l i lyedt Ia rcit estsistesnt gamte in adln. T iIIalllol rl sI
kin~d of a trii""le, lhoweer, Tat illthog .yr , id aoud *-t e .
ihigans wentfor tli ii rnt te Ti( ameliin tsiltis as fls:ttino a ' s s ld o yto rud lf
never pltayedt before.I'' 1111li 'l ii])it I heel, (~s" te e n yad ne etop it lis fol iii
aat. Hston nlii eers'sst'plsyed a
herat ga1ussr.lin.iPary gilla'ards T tilllln1niid tyard the
atrcl et didistaternayin is I istit its ~c i I ri Its , - nth
lnevergame. Ini i t=lofii{i reao I yad aon lef si t nd.' li P ti as is 1' ,1 111 'it Iiitti
ateh iiplay listefenselssChs icagotco ld tisIs'stdei i iIi oith Itad tleee atrdsl'i't a ,~I 111 uks Clie
haver sop wihim.isAltho ' ry ilt c tilhessldio o g,11 ar s fr4 s ilds(IlIIan '7d lit
Sm disan t r ogus its bat s, it s10,to t "1"s t1'tgl cetr ar st10 itlslcts iii',I)li t ourlit l11111 iii
muh o 5 0'sytilha t ishi 'tt 1111ld no thr itYard. P 1a issry no usta i t,11 I si1t ol es te I l a d -is 4
lave wohr i thout, hisst.un31Wrtun. isisa 5spnaied y d n iililn '11 ro n heed
soil Lonma, t fll Paye te,° lrel~ydsfoiot sde bistsdoItnidi' yii~siil a lfo bhn
gameof li re . Tieii aftrsisa 'alshlt iCat liiiiMitackitile, Pa r'r tanIIt hals.onte 1 vadli
dovae thraughand hassle d over Ch
WayParryies tahita silts Idaiiioisis11is7igain Iil i ii d3 til it 1 55 Is aroundtills end
a sdorsle tiss ie Ttis 'Ntis 1 'ielto' .3 ar ine sli a d( I 11) si<n1eIt u t }lit failst ciit
and terific lint osl . til s s 155 l ine sis -,l u tst ih'1 s-o a h etkc->tC ssu h
caassed ansId i lto as sstsisssprsitlas h eilet igt t o tro g e e ]ie, {1 siect ri Ikrsl e
d ue the fact tlassis .N idsist's iiback sasu s' vs d i~'l l 5 il tl
fihl'a salii iiedases uls I is'' e i ''al~s4 yards. 1,d]ii ssOil tnd .11t yIrs oth 20 adlie
hae Carter, w w~s titaiss stpltyingt 'lilsissiea 'l t~ l
his last:gamesl, save lsss'tIiiile )i lctslgt ~l.Cri l)a ~kl~l 111sttv1dlnteb
ten advantage. 'liThse ssiag i nehiss' N. I istigaits sall ons herlii i l -It 'S rllsbli h t I \1tlit ns'' 1 c>i'rn
mlight as well has's'triseid tit old iial l syard 11111'( ii 1555assist biets;yad {00 ars
~atoniohile runisnsssg lull seas t h e Isa' tisti 10g1 ogls "ii Iiiiti iiimakesi two C itt iit mt l011th , Yr
Mall frost NMainei."' tciiis tirough ls centier. Cicsiag sid-c It es' cIriisil sll ls ceter
Capt.' Hiestio, alsil' lthe gals',swas I 'use isctottg. 't'hid do ntheIs c t \t~l aI' n lr. P r
Inclinledlto attach conssisele'ast ii 55 n lso t
yarhintto 1' fes'tIssesshoio till tilloOalslis1'stlts IaId.It sdsit dill sill IrilIt
Would51lisesn uso Itisn. tlss t i st s I
"Chicago pt ptebs r adlu.'ohIalodad 0 Pryad 'OIoc. Cliaocbl
11111uthati' at to- :ls 551 Ieniii I suits sit s t o i ih"f' i :r ic 'zc
0 thtshe has fore ii'p attfour .y dsaon let ur.1c'r
think sad he catlalii, snit I Bit ill sit ts , ar ine. tuton l tia s ''ssa'ssss it ii ts I Yt
think gwe playedl essstat sutly al sI; u itnd ssss a 3" 1 s'sss l2 anis c-'sityar'spltingIhll on Tic a'
g Iam awfully gladl vswe ss'n; eats lee another tars. Colt.IHesiuon 'i cilss I i gsetr elil
""that in the m in fthing." goscsivercfor isa first sosuchdoiwn.Tlitner sssilfor Ivkvrsasit Pitrry's iltsbohsers
liii l/ tlcz ii lt, listr s ;ti' ill lisi
pciii i lv y r sis li Isithallilon
'lovii.Chit< , liotrs aegilleacrazy'
wit io. Ickesal kcke gol.Score
ltriss"kick ssillf lt liveIrais twio stir-
riesit t Chiago' 3 sit llinae.dBootle
iescn, ccsll 'gaitree sards.
Mihianges silts'aasefitpunti.
'I'ons l hi'ssssl "etsafivesads''sslaes-
Lntasthrtsts llttlalasorthsliese;
,stltl'lt ivgets til 155r' thrssughtleft
1i nM sI i t lag a rdfie aty
litdsit i. onalevisadlls'ustsasnt
is ilcrrid sro ithefilit Noll likes
his plc a ttake
Longmanlgainsta yard 11Ball isono
Chicag''5 siour situlilaeI.aHesingos
througitsI htitlialelvfIisrItichsigas's
slitsi ildts Itoisi. Tessm tHtamond kicks
girlls.'Scosre: MNichigsii16i;:Chsigos 6.
Continued on second page.
'Thes' 'aity regrets thaistiwas tin-
silcto iltll liv'eorsdsrs for the tso'v-
slir eass. 'T'he'yellio' hapler atid
siu' itnhs haidto lie ordered opeeially'
antd otly' aiparitsif theIpapter which
tai1s tirtereii srritesi, thus sdeereasinug
ilhs'tisssilsr oflpapetrs tt'hichsit had
bean'tplanntted toitslssue. 'Ihsose whlose
ot'desrs twere not filledt can get their
moets acksari tiMeyer's or Ctushing*
indtsotisitsly'recmene ttt henm for
the is'slappolintmnt.a will he given free
as tmainy cops sl oftlisemnornings
Dailly as they hash orderedh of the
soutvetiir eudition.