- ew re H lfCtiIli.N 1)AILY. 1 n.'Iii iin i . f,raket,>t ioiiso.
*W1E WOULD H~AE eaii rri 1 ir mar m faiiihree vYour
T !v
YOU TO KNOW ai wbal ft f if iii thg41taltget
* 4bK i>> i.s touer iAL 1):'A.iff[LOiM etOSON ~ n ifc f ihr 4arMa h ve dtapp inte0yel
3Q ot tt Sre ifiiid idredfie t of theipeople.
e * p i51- hi 1.litrirktheel v-nd i I ppoint hae d iayo tad hre
th O inNgE al STORE ® mpicovrid? tsil l on fumle adI noI rsesaiigto as the edre
*dunaymovmbr 3 104 5 )r5 el eese eetofte epe
Tht Ssouth ia te Stret e ti 'litiii id is dslstodran ItI1[ ciii
toe it I . i 1 iii.Ed to _To ay C h rs E. i ns'etea yr u g i 3
* ~ +~ TI ,; i an sil xii i huark iiiainidlisilt g ie Get lug apoi te ivitou taejret
*~~~ ~ ~o thei f~5 ii rie s iir iiiil f i iSus iir o r 153 1rd ie. a ee foie wo nlf. n
Th ailu Ni t ir ii i * lirs foif ing sit i ,coldusi otii i i ll . si
th co i ngi falliae siiie *1iiiii iBoiinisdiittho dorsesiiitiiasshthe
slit 4 iii iii suuriiilliisliissitsi isiikiioili Michigan's
311Souday, Ntovembe s s rris,190iiiirross imis iii 5 II9ardS)round
* ais ii ii i i i ii i uh siur ii ssiisiss aus i mi h el. A shrginbio
th care aflsi niid iiish i i e th wh is l ii siindsth.nliiiMa1on3 105 Ge t ale w t.h 1Sth ate t
Th twea prci' i ii(o e s w hi li tl iii enaiisd j iI u ls iiisis siiiiiiets llad.
and O1 c O c nidy, s , iiif iii au iandisrissrsteLii isisiely ucorsilelf.ii
1iii' si iedv od is es i i o f i io al l lst .of liiyar i,. iiooe is SP IA S OW 1
CO~LLEGE".ofthe Xl- HOOKS 0I i ii i i hisiI lasis t ed-odeesstthiiedsWeitle i
Zi as Isiisii ss iii iw a is o itt liac ss. irLn s fouh r a rd ,it wois
O 3I fi llI ,, hiiii osi ii/ l rtls. ( ii iii l a t trl c. L n m n m k s
f IOSofIi cfo hi s tncin akii gis no tiain. t h aut ii uk, B O K T O
orom $ h(l;am Continued f ofrthpagSisf iijteaf 1 isintFashionable New
- hPCov firfi i ,l lt"QIlt i i{!ii if ii s o eN ri tol ttisis a ftisi. Norsrss gtsiii rot s arI l1 U IE ST H A Q A T R
d lyL ittocn,\ 1',h olfshi iofhi s t reii sA namei t sl theli i1tsiiiondisftuLillkis ))t(. isll )I%
frAI-[rAIIC 1 * I cr\ il. Nmr.f te i e si.s ith is uh itit o sesshe t ndit(-3
I RA1stuent oly s sitppfystodiaiy' andihiso
IIsli bhuh ft is prudil of t5 ih eantofIlefsi toiiisifWle usfsadthisis u h tack-i Nii NE k irs u ct bo-s
liii h,,,Itlest visrsti t u iiisisi gt sid i 5 ifsoliiraI uiie.issiisFiliehlfle ilutsl
iri1ii 0i 1fis iinrlsss iol ro roao if obpIat
ALIIE ET I - 0 hii l iiti. sui ii. us iiirtge br4s Bo) h
tuiiu ftei o i t 1is haulve fs to ir slco fkse i tnn
W I iii hi isiiw isefiists fihlteam iith tmian lu~eh n ethsell i tfsiesalW oln
O' nd i th s hi lest iii scrubsliii a l seors, ere cpra ssin frotsts
0 S (ils o chtobrlItollcb_ f i e ipe ti blache rl. Tailoe r 1 Et h intn
f 120 5 Oh NS g tihe rea. vctoiioitiiioda Iplcedinss it ih isea utfuse dirlstsfigt.
From $1up 0sits. sii teinthis. th secn af
YourntEyeedWon't Tirets page.uI isfiila ik tinl so iss t sipesetil flts Fsinale
l l gur tesin I h tnsiliils i i~ led b the1bnhrsn-uThehalt Don'tin inI-p:mlsuget
keflses itii tCis E Speic face byliplc a rgt ik-nitakvltinnoHsoniia
Is ATis HEM ATsd 55ICA suuhL s ilO ar.,arun rgh n.s 5 us yo R O W N Si
glassesaIfsntfandiaiernsst03be5 badls. 5 sii i I pi5k51 tip thandbstngawithrbad soap
bhrte oseuthiiiiA ti i s non sepia
0 b met- fri lo s y C Iar . T i d d w fl t Sc e M ch g t Cicago 55f i . b roans
E i H. An d, 0 a st i ,l< IllsI-,h1 lr. hr dwiovrii [ [ H n . I Cen kude Pae 4) allto bro na nd chocolate
Stisit iiu i tXTitiithihei is n iiteitiyardtoCeW Ilealmo______ _________
IhepSudent ' oLe tre lAsswhi hiltao s! C o FFEE... o dws eso
90 - JftefI pt t e t acleaocon - 1005 ad pck et Al alsinrehOrOnRatn
2 al, f>i r a to mlif rd " 1 it ~t v odl n a r l ttn'tItr w
Golea tioe per lb.- - 55C Mariacabs, per lb. -i1lGC
Peg,;,ava, per lb- - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. - 28C 1
Russell N. Conwell Henry Van D~ykeDen&CoBldprlb 0
Henry Watterson Leland T. Powers 21 ot anSt E N & C .:
John T. McCutcheon Champ Clark 21 ot anS. D A1 a Co
*SOUSA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie -sns-~n- ~-IV si- #r, ssoosseoso,-;C- ,11"CIC! \ C-! tf * %
(1ev. LaFollette Oratorical Contest ______________________________
I lEdward Bok Open Number Z~+t. ll 4iiiIIII Sstt
... r... ..,.. .«...
Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extraj
Single Admission $1.00.
Yeu an eecure tickets tree student sellers er at Waer's State street beak store
Next Numbere=John T. .McCutCheon==Nov. 16
i he Varsity Cioair Store
. Will Remain Open on1 Sundayjs.
Billiard Room will be Closed on
that Day.
uwwwwwwwwwwww.o0wwwwwwww owwwuwwwuqw a.ttit*~itt.. W-.1- WW.