The Michigan Datily
NO. al)
Setios1 of Some of the LeaingF
,Western Football Critics-Mih
'ga Has Best Ciam toCh pinh .
stilt ti 1 r lt't lttp P
cboiittiof 'to till oil
y illm "
Pie t it R ti (1-ier 1' 1 - Bush
( ipp and It a ebIi nott isnd s:tSct
ngahii ta n rsMne
H~~~ at( iii vl urs ADIR[S 1 1
tfli i li t t tt B( Fluiter ; Ii, t Mcstila
(liii Houi Y M.eCtA. anattetts. t
Ilid di isol i
( pii ith 01,11 itiit (ens;t m rse y te Y l- avr
h1 .u aro Hc lpli si ttdItaPinm
N it '> 11 iu tiiiii til ii ii' ii 'it'sllt' ii rotr
i't ih lilt' lilitlislil'. iiilidiPari
rio , 100111I. wca lcr 1l o issand sh t i t'tl t I 'i I to iii' iiop 1110 i'
XX c lnn;O , ;ad cl Iti int ionldl nlt ltit oftiP heP hut
P ti ca ."" i n nl roi ti a di 1.1 51 '''' h'a1' .sI h lisii
Stlilel" 01,ii sc d ii t l l t l ti roll'hatlt'11liii)(,(
C~hlan lich.,, n, illit , dir iser I y( tt5 is hetithias
'h u~ s tll i a l < a d 11 e ' l e i 3 s I] l "ii 11111 1's 1 . ''' .t' A .'O tw o lil 1 u s 'Iti i
thl i 't air It s '1lt'llin'toislitguaryadl:
N41 i c 111'h'' s 11111'' lii' Puli' 11hEcikso
ig111111 lcii I I tt's'it't' itittt.''i lii!'Yitt'S Ltili'
POal s til romt a i i 1111I ici i p ii iiTe G eat t "1111'asl siCo tch'Not-
51'' t-Oi IlucP l sn-Bus.h Wiii i i it ii I ii 111 o .ii p ls
51511 'oiie i nn I' la rdutlsilt tis i l S1 11515
Gise Cocert lirt Ft ii p Ev-t l
ot 5. L. A. Courise-Pill Play
to a Pockdhlose
1)1'1'1' 1ipi1 5 tl ti,
tta fl~i' 111 1 1i': 11:- 1 i t
thca 1 irili 111 .1wr oil 1111111 lit1
it1 II 111 Ar1or :t, Nli G>,111, 111' p p
111.1 i 1111 01 1 I il i il t itt 1oc' s it11it itt
1;. 1. Ati ou I i
1 CK IOPIit. l 1 lloL 1WOO sal
illI iRSIX\
l'nv~iit of '(itt ulSittit tha,:i Michgan Stooents Retotrnittg to Cot-
eva ice'rat' utt 11 gron11 lk"01 ege afterT h1anktt~sving Recess
t i ltwit ittlst lit Was sip]t loi -Doings ill Ann Ardoi.
Chin , Ii ',I(' fce o I ai elscou liti 11' thltt alst l; ll f b
I gepi tt ofti lh~ iii itlti it 1'v . 1111 It '
it Itt ldlil li
it liro iiittt ofc a ace as a q ill " ttt'''Arbt t itt''t t'l iti( t( tt;b t
liiiII diilo tittit 'itti is 'folks"5511
At1c-it heisidhoi eYon a' -I '
uloilt S iapdistt I iriitt it to; Still cu uda i h (
iii' I tt itt t1lt iii It)t t't't' Ito t I) t , 'tlt
fiC icago n Micigan. I ha ili pt titer ioridpsi i tt111titussigh
Te Honori bleh a m o er i es .S rip stO iiIiltl1111 0ll 111 da
DetrI oid tuWill taudioncte id ealsnd tlli rain iit tPePrt'itattilo troom
ofii} )Jcual Is.m T hur's da f- Siutw 'ith 'i iina oki nYlt 0111a1 saI'
{- "s'up t-e o lte ' r n' 1111 '1111 tdll r i b
ThepsiHonre ams1'.X Sciit p p o f ih thelto1.5 1111114ty iito tido Iine o 1101a
Detoi Will5 Ta l on the oll isud igthey hadtiIIbeeni postponing15.1
111 Pt iio t trin e lite busit ne s. T [e Wom n's[ Leagu
-i' t-- livitaireceptioil and tddnctoittite
'T'urda af'55 rs tnloisiati4:10, in gmnaerMaird Arraesh Gaes nfor
Tappa HautllSlectureirit oomtStte Hon-socBals.EbsitaTam-ayghsho wsply
'cisili as' ll IScrOills tutu. o it, NohingP ofa en nsylvan i ldGame
tisirtultheichampions'tpssofohiitigan. it'its
wil lctu e n Ide ls in ou na- Xiug loodedilthit ofti ii oli tilc and
isl s tilt l'l e~i'ctur. e willfltl'i ltg inI w th d te tenon tr h
principally for Prtill'essol St,'t111111otrpi t']oss enrll itli -
c ula s n iNewspa1011 li its 5ttting utte s l s proudlin p1iltropidingortlu
public s htuIntvi u s tiltt us h a kgvn ler fo Th i sud
Mr cipps' as orried t n111.1LondoIi ' iltwe t' lvec usetinnrsit andt i ll ci-
p1ituair. iniut and ii cabmtels to lii t upsj pawre nts nuscir l astl o ter
tin ltir . usain al ie- Hehasbento the1hos li Ai ta('hl'lul 1 enjoye t he
is-ilohtir.lullit in 15k PP ,;s;otilsiu t i Pu rst-ici
I-usliii sunup 045' reou r lt, Alll"' iattuucap-Xubti
tol putbitlit' ois aluvop'anbenthua ls- Pte ii 5 Illtukus it ('liiiofttheirut.
tcit'i a tnotut. tindiarch1i11oe ti lc atin Pw igot'd worki wXth Atnetwt'
IliatjoXrnalistic career
heuhasenidnid ihi 00a0 AtuAu'ber'
o1111tnew'tsp 111ape 'r's. T oh d P ulps, illnagertBi'rutd ustAr tges Gfit s a fortu
Su.uLtuit Choicuttlu s bn tuCinctunnatis B sb l e m - a s H n w
Pst'' we ii thueir ir huttsp'hin'. T'ei othling Xof tP u'sy ltanih a a lso
isletutupt'' i ( s'51 heun foundeAl is diii. itte m(itii Slofthepthle'tictti-i
While' intDet ci i tt hverlt to'si ils ihe i ne biiIsig t terli up' t-
tiis b Ien' elct edi' o ' uF ic's' oi rits' ie 11s i. i IditC ilt'oslaosttn it'
Nn'x. XX.'tits'stlp'o ate uDetoit Pub-4lo wluau Xi cut-- o t elupitit' hll0511a1m:
lie library connuissioni - ian'da state Ii IlI{ s i'uti tu 111 tufs'
(r i li 158 XW isc'nisiin 11.
1s SlTa l i luitoisI.
3E. p1 tr Di(1uatie t.
t 1t iIsits t
it , i stuti, i
taSNf r i ,9 i i so7, ti t t t ).
Cal 'l8T HaskelIt.
liii'dash andth pitoi i.
Froin ithat I btat'e'seeuutihuctreap'yiof
the ,aPiIiti t s pulay'edt iii tills st. I
woiuldbieisosnfidenuti tf a tintory fits
i'iruiptuwtreithey lt-i'imleelti Oel tliu
lip' iuman o'ssth' teami i'itill'
t itaouiter-cs~u' lsshuel.athsutuiestlhis
l pi ie ll'.' tt recetie atupiptilssntedi
nu1thiecently profesusor i n utu hs m1di-
!ucali depart'umehiot'Thiesitcupishhare
te' niptituiit,antinauisse te oilh-
hri lu redlouble teir efforts in ibhe
Iearly sprine.
auth uss wuillits' onttile stthjettu5of uo'sverutiuai' a Peitis'li'tuitautat'
"Notlatiotn" andywill be illuistratedlby wasth a pofussiiity'fosrunext 'htanks-
stereoticiion views. giving.