a 1F.t $Irie M ichi ' p .,Cye- an Daily ' "
VoL. tk ia7,
9i C YilaE b 94
No. 41
Wolverines Win First loF~ors for the Fourth Time-- fra-
roons Fight Gamely to stem the Tide of De-
feat---core : fricbigan 22; Cbicaqo 12.
Mvielliat de cisis i d a Chict -Q PiFke rsall rI h-, Catlin , r , .. yards t= g in I i tn gt
t this iiftar, i i frayfat it =l:_ek.a1r -, i d tt a
lx tIas \isigats s rrtd In p rtoed 7
and it ; u -t{. 1 the field r'n ar ala .heisa aa i
gle that ~ l nP
ta ihiin liisIsihT- al 11511 .nnnd practicedi panig ad 'i, i- ;int4oe naa
the rn lonmn hp arthe lin.niand kicked a gnal Sut ole 0 eal isa sai. caid Tm.
1ourth COnsectis ;.ina cal ine gss
il Ceat0 st d li stacil tesl hl T I'l',reparter i>sasisted x \,i"in nn
I he first halfscrn istdai is-ea leClian Mra, gst cr sstgi .Pu
a tOt'
Mlarotc iIi=Miiti.1 ii ssIc ill ati .t
sit hertis k icksins0yasihu Prr
of uc larof tii t t n 15, yirise' isa ir ndgets na.iri
a lla sd iaitt ii r tcstil 13ii h iliena l ine bis J Og iV:ta
C raptaiini 1 lt-i l tl- an yri ie in i tocrst he Isit ii huh
a -ilh ttfrti ao re gii cend. tss ist Iss iist
et, iite.isiii ellit P l aa tll 5iii C 1i s ta t isc
hetoa est d D1 - lm i n t s t.irt.in
ofte i ks as5 altssIi is giO t r s<s< n sassin
I ae d illstil isliais',r 3
Par : i ne Pir, ,r Ist:s55 isP I iii3 tt 3lg -i i
wi ith t'Iii t ~~ urls: rsgiitt tn ik
gthe- i sni s aii ~ ict il l ii irsii s
for nil t -Cait \sts iS4a5n isluhil fsts aesis istuvss tcla
no errth - r tohsiiui-i ?lh ;lutii iiisiu gt hat lnur5
to s-arts
ills sgsss
ii cc
I illilsissil ii
nil Isisti
Isis 5s ii
~insi is
suits ii
his lists
ill tirif
11 1 liii
I gaslis -3
't it si-is.
ry gains a yard. BeAek iiakes 2 yards,
Th lialll is on Michigan's 30 ytr<ilihne.
Parry iiiislai itore. Ch',cagon h alt
ii A iitgn a27 yarid line. Dedek
J-u' s7/yads aroanrd left end. Dr Tray
sui . yars pi ng hl ;lon -Mfichtigan's
Ifr hra.Pary's lip ho~lte
tiwioi dklanyards; Mtihigal is
sil itte;adfistyards, pattinl g hal on
"Ji-chigas."to1 yard line. De Tray mahkes
ja ans fezidek goes ovser for a tonchi-
d i C iigo roote'rs Ihave gone erazy
is. iiilIEkersnl hicked ,goal -o~
Mi .iiigin 10 hicagus 6.
Cuirtis hicks, off to DeTray who car-
tieit t '< iing 5 yatit line. Boo0ne
ges ;il ,71krsi gaiti s three yards.
M<ihin~getialsin -fake pant.
issilFl ,s-its tirsiigi citackle for three;
I iitil gt lass inure throaugh left
Itmit a likes two on a fake Bali
isiits sl Chicagoj's 8 yard tine, 'arrp
itout Otte legz is badly hurt, anni
his sairriad fronim the field. Kroll takes
I Iis giss fsil s rsihue lIston ge e
ilriit right ticlefurMichigan'sI
ilittt issic disai Toi tlamnond kicks.
gssn..t cictctigaut:. til;,F. lCic ago (0
litir tll i5thband, sng I'
isIuJa:ist i-l energy.
sp iitseeCnaiaplace at right:
litlui. _ h icks oDeTray, who returns
lie ssti1t iigs's 8 yard line. De-
'ryaitnt ,and(3seene to he badly
I ri '1 o hcksthrogh left guard
k f-r Woily' flark.Thrd down
(Cenzlnu* on Page 4.).
rr1111, snsihj-.''oi_,annusd ,et crfe 31 ar s
£h~mrofd a~t~it bt I esuui at33511 nuguili tlaen1 O'f (sie-isIsineultfr:s ist25ssrs