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September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…hIe U. Qf Ala i lt VOL. IX, No. 1. ANN ARBOR, MIICHIIGAN, SEPT1EMBER 21, 1898, EIGHT PAGES. "WI I][JID THE DAILY SCHOLARSHIPS. T H E T A L 0 FINE FALL SWITINGS. T H E Whyj We Oiffer Money to Students flor Subscriptions. The U. of M. DAILY reached over 2,500 students every day last year. The effect of faculty announcements and the returns on wanlt and other ails. warranated tihe nanagemenst-in mlaking this claim, bat to back theory wit...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE UNI- ERSITY OF MICHiGAN DAILY. IS! firTo the Students. + Of t . t + r FEAREC The College year is just beginningsEXLSV C )ilv1 (Suttday, ec i s) stduing he antd the IDAILY wishes ts impress on iAGENTS tolleetersat the students the duity of patroizin HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. the mnerechants wisupeiport the paper. 43 -FORt Ij, The lad i-(-.I;se 47 Moc.\Xithout their patronagtgo tsthe silver- s x . HA N uIB IS R ren ee clumsiti the paqser Wt...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 0] STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION. Announcement for the Year 1898-99. A SPLENDID COURSE OF ENTERTAINMENTS. A Sufficient Variety to Suit all Tastes--One of the Best Lecture Courses in the Country. HIGHEST GRADE OF PLATFORM TALENT It is an Important Part of Ecer Students' Education--Ecer Student Holding a Season Ticket is a Member of the Association, and Entitled to Vote at the Annual Election of Officers. LIST OF ATTRACTIONS AS C...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. realistic to the l.-Brsslelyss Daily Rseckfld (Ill) Gazete, Jan. 25, Eagle.7. Read y far you . There have been, perhaps, larger GEORGE RIDDLE crowds assembled Ieneath a single IN smeavNSas ccssamaei~n13TEe sc as roof than that which assembled ins sMYSTseae. CLUE. All the summer long we have been getting together such Cossventions Bail last night. Once or Fromssthe tisse of Iis ressarkable supplies as we expe...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. FOOTBALL OUTLOOK. we have Keene Fitzpatrick to train our weighs 175 pounds and the latter 19, of Harvard, Alex. Moffatt, of Prince- ____men and to asist in the coaching. It in training. IV. J. -food, a fresh- ton, John Bell, of Pennsylvania, and Ecerui Indication Points to a Sue- was he who trained our great eleven man from Tarkio College, Mo., is Paul Dasliel, of Lehigh, were ap. of '95 and '96. Yale secured...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…fi THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. was at first reported, nor have the varsity players. The old line is all other leading western colleges except gone and behind the line Dibblee is Chicago, aund she will he compelled to the only sure man. The class teamG or' play to the same rules that all her op- men who will have to fill these posi- puneits will use. The matter is not tions will have a hard time reaching yet settled and will depend upon t...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 V in our $3 HAT is the best duality hatteis T H EIU fur that is brought to Amseria-and is workeud only by } T ~ ~ the msost skilled hat meakers-Our three dlollar ha ts are not but ts holdl together oniy one season-they are made to wear a mcrl longer lperiodI, ansd there is a distinguished chatraicter and rich appearance possessed by our goods as long as they last. All our fashionable styles are exclusive...…

September 24, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…8 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. E'i U E NT SCORRECT STUDENTSSTYLES MODERN PR ICES Would you save money? Then buy your College Text-Books, Law Books, M~edical Books, Note Books, and all kinds of books at the 8T'U DNTS' BOOKSTORE, &Go.a Th otcmlt lne f nto-date Men'slurishing in the city, isma D. A. TINKER & SONI, 334J S. State St. delrnfatCpFn e ckwear, E. TV. id C(uett'sCollarsnatid Cu, Fany ad hit, hirsN ighcobs, Pajamasiath.Ronbes...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. No. 1. MICHIGAN SQUAD. more cards and reading and by 9 BIG ENROLLMFNT. U. OF M. DAILY hotel, a quick change to bathing togs, and a nervy plunge headlong into the .SCHOLARSHIPS How the Boys Train at Gratiot cold water on the shore. It is too cold All Indications Point to 3700 This Beach-Preliminary Practic. to stay but a minute, but skins glow Year-The Banner Year. $827.50 when the men spri...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIAN~ DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) huringthe College year, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MANAGING EDITOR, O. H. HANS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENGEHARD,01 L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HUDNUTT,'01 E. A. H. McDouGALL,'01 E. L. J. MONTGOMERY 0 W. A. KNIGHT, '01 L. V. T. EVANs '03 Miss LILLIAN K. SABINE '03. It may be well to note that the Daily Is the quasi-official publication of the university, and the general...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE UNtIVER-litY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. 3'. IlLYARS uS f nntnational pol itial firs xii HFYF~' cUR[* announced later. Negotiatins t _______under way with one of the mstt famot statesmen and orators in Aner ATTRACHONS SECURED BY STUD whomu the directors hope to secure. ENTS' LFCTURE ASSOCIATION. The sfficers and direcors in chat ot thi yars course ar as follows U'rrsideit-C. Van Keuren. Seven Numbers Secured. - Winton Vice Presideit-S. B. Lowes...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…4' THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE YEAR'S COURSE. , - him, but would most likely pronounce him a hopeless case. He is as indiffer- (Continuedfrom third page) eut to gesture and the graces of ora- tory aswas Phillips Brooks, and speaks nearly as rapidly. He can convulse F. HOPKINSON SMITH. his audience in relating a facetious in- The pronounced popularity won by dident, and can be pathetic without F. Hopkinson Smith last year induced te...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…lip T1 ' IFTT TQ-VPQTTtT n-o AR-rilTrrn A A-r T\ A Tr zT 1'111+,U 1tsNr1 v b x 'JrY UP D Uiit(i N IDAILY.6 Manhattan and Wilson Bros. shirts Sapho Thursday Evening. for sale at Wadhas, Ryan & Reule. Slides, Cover Glasses and all micro- An authorized production of Olga scopic material at Quarry's Drug Store, Nethersole's version of "Sappho" will ', cor. State and N. University avenue. be given at the Athens i heater Thers- Wadhams, Ryan & Re...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…THE UNIVERSITY OT -MICHIGAN DAILY. 6. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OT MICHIGAN DAILY. _ E: r:iE :F:fr:E:trE EEfr. F:1 =4F:i :f°Ffe:E=FEEir :EE"E:FF : : r:FE=EEFir.FETE:f:E: Eiir'"EEfr'fr" : E# Ffir:Elr"E: r:FEE; : e: : : :FEF: :E E= rf : ir 'r" :fr: E:7r:E °4[ir te ..... * .:-... W *Y i4 FAL STLE REDY* * V-1 THE V ~K VRSIT I VHAT i1! If you are particular about your headwear buy the Varsity flats 117S °.MAIN STREET Makers and Sole Owners. 41 aim....…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 7 Tat NIVESITYOF MCHIGN DALY.. AP- 0m io i 000 HIGH-CLA SS I i^.t HD+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0.1.1-0+r,, MICHIGAN CENTRAL '-The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ' Taking effect September io, lgoo Detroit Nieht Exprerse...S....5 5A. Atlantic Bxpres............745 " Grand Rapids Express..........11 10 Mail and Expressa............347 P. N. Y. Beten Special .............458...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…8 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade..L WS FULL LINEOur sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state GYMNASIUM! of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. SENIOR, JUIR FRESHMAN ARTISTICZALLYXr'°NECHIANICAILLY You can obtain ALL the FOOTBALLtext books used in the FOOT ALL!We will be glad to prove it to you, course. GO FG O STruly Yours, C LAIlAN & CO S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Can be found at Our Store ----- - OPPOSI...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…,14 . , "J( DAI-ft EW r T-i i-A ANN 1A1BO1, MICHI., TUESDA. -.'4ITEMllER'd 04lI!,01 Io REGULAR PRACTICE BEGIN. t oach Yot nd His (harges { eed~ an Ox.1.ioH oH Rpx n i eld. 1 xliii xx()Hit pusLille" id 1 000t. xxx Noxi 1ii' fn; Lxxxiii xx I' xxC:-11Y A SAD A CDENT G4 J. Mi x xx~c HFlostei ix I l 111. L xi i to rl xJ . _ 11 j1( ? .{iir 11 "fI ;t l l t l xxx I ix xii " ] -i l 1 111 , li . 1 t~t:1 t xxi i+ '=.I. .':t t ll ~ ti( Il ~ tl' i 'iix +1....…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY NEWS WILD & 60.11DAIL - ,EWS LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE I 3 1 l IIr . is the best we have ever shoxx n, 133 tlir l l ,jii co iitaiiif ii 4<I i:r > tI~ i Il, :+11; . i A LL ITH EMi r ir,,I. ll: r !;Ilf :r ,l' Black and Bl ueW r \ r ;, 1r'q, fI i Styles, j4444 ~li~'4 and a very fine line of l ;! i'+31,3 l :i teri!lr' \ F a c san d T r o u s e r i n g s ' , ' v" t l' 1Ct,1 ,11 2- 31 3 l in the latest patterns, and color' '"...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MIICIIAN DAILY-NSEWS . i xx lxxII ,I a itI -'I.Ni . I-x ii)ivl t A l O~REiAT LECTURE COUJRSE I4;-il t]Il0:vlt THE STUDENT'S' LECTURE ASSOCIATION READY WITH ITS SEASON 11i;1 1tiii alx1111 ftl( r lts ANNOUNCEMENTS. femitIxlvv1 I liii- 11ci-i I f ,14 1:ix )',1I' i :ii -(It liii- e'ii1i1--4 xx tt-i Post-mastei General Smith, Wattersoll, Wendiing, Max ORell and Ten Others ilxupixei litSix xxxt1i N-txx ls Securied. Ceveland, Beveiidge and Wu Tin...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THEL 'MIC1( ill AIkLYNEWS xxxi' ttl'e ix' lx' is h pis ru tii in ti;r .IS II I N IIt) l t '' lll'' ii : I ll' i Ih J 'fi4I 'Ti'l'sx'' xi llxy %r~ t i lIll ri l t o k i 11 " 'i It'I (it 'i) t~l~ ill ill III ot 1 t1't f~ l' I iif l t tl 3 N . l" I 0; ol' fi t I I'k "bill 'ri xl ll a c t " an i i- .I II w il' Ilx l atllis NI"'i iHl 1 q knownx. II1=hw 11 1'!I p Itt? W i lit)'. I RI Ix is er X I t;I ,i 11 ii k l"Pi i to loo of il'' ix t 1ii , if w1...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…THE M1CIIIGVAN DAILY--NEWS + thot we oui. to that would tend to idedita o to bloss- + ~ STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES,.+' (f woul b'eit to Ii>0ntrodce yxoiuto a mtans Iho has wore them. ++c + sWesannot commaond the laguae with which to t 'i yollhcw ++ +ahse cloties ate. 'Th e xkar attach their ohbel he- .'+ + o + heas h tltPcoatit or o;, their coats, and tilia re so) prod ot t heir c-p tic in, hot cot the sliphlte s t afct either oi stelec r+'" + fairic...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…TfIE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWVS Or+ + TlOILET.'lARTICLFES. FM I C F C 1 7 tI 1I_ I FSFOR '[HE F (iF 'it ItttFlh t 11t ic , '1 Fttt-ttF .. I },l i-tit - '. 1F ii - I 4[,- I !' *1* 11 r 1C' t7t it to ' l' ' Ci _t I itI ,t. . '''' ll l' +PIIA R M A CY tF'It'tFFF'MF.fli, il)FFF', 10oll rt ttitttF ; II t ,'F f<IF'l-4 ~+:~~:::iiii324 South State Street. + ENGNEES!BETTER TH/:MN EVER ENGINE R :.The SCHLEEDE 1 call save you front 11) to 255per Felt. l f ii o...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…LU WU 0 t -J/1 v Q f} _ ^, .=; , , - ..- _ =' _, . _ -- . f - .. ;. - _ ..' t. y J. - !. f 1. /. ..... ;r1 - w ._ H o ; ; r. . C __ , '' 'It . _. ", -- ,r' t n.. t-i ' "1 J.' Y. , t 9 .- ' ..r , ;. rs, Y ,-- 1- ' ; }'. -.a. -+ t ".Y .. . I P {x s { j mow,:; ' E ' ..... __ .. p I E . C t ) s 1 't c 4 1' : i } 5 y " ';'<J c : , _ 1 ; x i ~x: t Li _: _... d 4 /-.f 3 ,, a - ~n i w ,_ ::_. , :--; ° , a . -; , ; , "r ,t I i ; , := ,~ {; _ < of I ' 4...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICII IGANLDAILA -N EV S; p ] i - -lerchan, t Tailors....10 have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort- ment in she city s¢ 1G~ 1. \Vsfiinon Y Ne wand Second Hand. [he Best $I Fountain PEN In the City. New & Secon d nd Books I' i} ;tr: I S I i - 1r ou r B tiseWi tI i i SHEEHAN & CO. University lBookellers, 320 S. State Street.". E' i .~ XtRl!7 %i_ 1 t ti11 _oleeYear lmo''. For University Text Books ...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…_ 'tIEE MIC-alGANDAILY--NEWS % ~ S. L, A.LECTURES A Fine Course of Lectues is 1 ee Thi Y ai Macyo~ ?.n_ if e: TlI, Your woa. 4v' Lr7-rsty weU Co- r Aidstcr C ca s I .. d fr m $ .08te iha14-aa ~fr, DOW1 / NIER1IY RA CH 116 Sout.h .F om ° Ma' issin Street C or.w State cr iberkty" ts . !'e t" 71 IE P P 15,2c,2c~ 0 pud WE PATRO , L InIZEr GOODYEAR yy)4FOr.' DRU : GS. eHs …

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE M~ICHIGAN I)AMLY-NEWS,_________ Coeducation Not In Danger By Mr. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, President Ntonl Amriecn D O N 'I Woman Suffrge Assocaio . Ii IIII "[[fr:Cr rc-C U B BI N 0G '~~ ~~ TO ' 111) >,1)'-4 ) -% \v N I)-I OFFER c7 £Li\ (4A- tit. VV NII is0 (; $1 .0'11 1.0 *N . . , I $0 0:I': 1.1ILt : NH IHIA AI'N N N I 0 I ~ I1<No.I N. I N l ,,LIILNI10 NII VHIIRATE I I NIilrNI )flnl12 l i r j ita 10a0111f.111tk o i rmII f110 '-1 l at-1t ttt NI...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -NEWS 4UTU N A PAR L ~ THE RIGHT THINGSANO FOR O ENOUGH 02 THEM IOIII lAL JABI ) ,II! ,Suits,Overcotsh atsCaps andall the 1r ii xest Men's Furnisliinf 1I1 l )I~n~ }l t I .,; el nl c~ 111 i Ito w toI t a ( P - 1 i I1 i I i i ' c . SII B LN0BLOCHCOM PAN Y WDASYN&RUE LINDENSCtIMITT & APFE.IW D ! I kBSnherefer 1. I...........+...4 +#######A..+++#++#+ ! i 61 444444444i4" BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. i ± ' 1It_ l'a~~l ', } r...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…"THE MICHIGAN4 DAILY-NEWS .. r . .. .... s. w . w. v a n r A. / Y / i.I .t1C7Y. E. ss" " " r rURITA { 11 . 4n , 4,9 J'l f 6 'i °'.y'r_ n s .^ r., ,c n.. . , r,, n f; . , , ; , . !', 'y ~ c , F°f. .'' ~ .^' t ,r ,.' . . .. f e ~ .' ,. . ,yC / ' ... . ' '"_ (fin ', i ' ^dS " . 44 ' ,; ', ? ,/ t n (, . ~"t ..s - ; , . , F4: X , Q, L . 4 f ' 4y M' s'!' - i °< , " 1 . . . , y' F., pp . y.: % f d .h' i, ,rf 1 . _, ' . , W "4 r' ' ./f " !.' ", ,1 1 -...…

September 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1907. No. t. Vol. XvIII. VARSITY BEGINS SIGNAL PRACTICE Coach Puts Football Aspirants Through Drill on Formations- Return of Veterans Brightens Prospects. "1e ecat eat Pennsylvania." Filledl 5withtthe cofidence orno (fetermintatio, Ctoactt Yost ant is Ind 0(( of hutsies hae atretty begun the long grindl of work which has for its cltn- aton the all-imtportant hFent game ott Ferry...…

September 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THZ MIC1N!(NA?( A!1LY G. H. Wild Comfpaly The Largest Stock in the Ci.ty o Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS1 For Getlemen's 'Near 1?eerything reqited for Sitt, Overcoats, F'ancy Vetings, and Trousering, and of htgh ca"s fabrtcand speiat styls. Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. IH. Wild Comlpally 31I South State Street BOOKS Save half yor itone and buy Secondhand Books at Z~be $tuaent& IiVoohtore Unversity TextBooks fot all tDepartments. Drawing tnst...…

September 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FOOTB LL S HEDU E ip~c 19011 elein, ad 1 litgh INanoD I K Alt A titlesft FOOTBAL SCHEDULE ois lprosliets fir a winning wtanIiR]ii N AT R C S N E E T are exellentit thereinmay e a (iff erent LIKE ACA E BATH and TOILET A T CT ITE E T°~stoiitdl whin the footlall season of CAME 107 is eculed. TInl1)doa Cooklin Fountn Pen just sip it in any Such as ___ ink rss tie CrestentFillr andI see it ill its osn Sap, Twels, Cmbs, CA.Al PUSS...…

September 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY- If IT'S [IIOM CALKINS' II'S GOOD Hard Water Soap, 10c Tooth Brushes a~t Eery brush that we sell (colsos a.dont lather at Hec to 4he is warranted sell with iswater. not to shed. Sanitol Rb dryBth Twes'lakeh fo6- Sanitol offer, $2 Rbdy Twl ot o $1, and you can use a11 the preparations. No other eottuon towel is as Ask as. O'osis. 35 cents up.- Register Here So that your friends can Wash lags, 5c and loc. fiod you -and get a ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…A., to he huge body of ne nd will usher in 1 with an appropi assembly which o'clock tonight in [e has chosen as]: OUR MAIN i It, is very easy for a student, par- ticularly a new one, to miss the real point of university life. He may, at first, get the impression that almost anything may command his time in- stead of the very thing he is supposed to do. During these opening days it requires a little discrimination to keep your bearings, t...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…l k \ ilr ~ C~dA Mih~iA x rnc~nf l ~ ~siii'U4. - '>~. ~ 4.~flh~~J" U ;~a ~~' 4igblQ 1-1 1Cjt i -u Ci;. (:u'CaiSZ tI2 fi l fur..:"i-P.!''- d", . ,.4IBk~oI >, Norw .. ._ l $ t. : i. - 1ceived perfect grades in the J~ that closed last June, ac- ,the records of Registrar Le us elyo Hall. The junior and son- M.i S led the others in contrib-3 e members each to~ the list,5 ht were-sophomores and six Es who have :graduated from ose graduating from ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…his won essay Presi Pis particular hip according im. Although] (e has kept ina with student 1i lactively engage born in 1844, s( 'es of Walmer ax fTharet. He w; rpus Christi cc Some of his plays are, "iNero," "Pall- cio," "Ulysses," "Feast of Bacchus," an "Anthology in English and French," including the "Yattendal Hymnal" and "Ibant Qbscurl." PJORGIXIE AGGREGATION AID IO B E EV E N -TRO(%GER TH1AN LAST YEAR~ Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 23.-At ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…IE MICHIGA' e University has heard ilding and, expansion, a h was as necessary as -but it has worn upon tudent body alike. In rt Bridges to come here ion of keen judgment [plomacy to the credit, dent Burton) it appears a of educational devel- ing the strenuous phys- ent of the University, I e I EDITORIAL COMMENT I I I - I- - mN.y There is much more to be said of the laureate and of the effect his resi- dence here will have on the U...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…H a ilt n R vie s H r are sad, and they say "No goe ntg to $1,220, ar !1ean Hiamuton Reviews Hier ns;" oi",ggQ|iN% ment can hold out very long when th sun. over to the Vacation Travels In Europe people are starving." In spite of all the University, the hardships, the German people are Thrl funs. --- !managing to appear respectable, and The fund, con With a feeling that America under-'en out by the American soldiers. The to think constantly of ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

… ...... _..r ..., W=Kv IQ w -ask Aft RM lk 9 WE M LIU ICT u Rio, US _ . . 1 . . \ :: i. 0" V.' r.r'' FIRO s c OHM" I AGE z fo v f gth on 'b his abse keenly f as his a ag ends a N POOR FOrM IN RIMAGE OF SEASON were touted as among the five or six the botst flank mi in the country and 15, their loss is a huge setback. The two adi- most likely looking men hor these the jobs are Neisch and Marion. Neisch got into a majority of the 192...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…tions, 9c per reading line for nimuro, 3 lines per insertion. one or two insertions, 11c per ite space charged for at same phones. Ask about contracts Patronize The Daily advertisers. M~USICAL Let us furnish you with a Piano or Victrola. Very low terms. Rent ap,ji plied on purchase. University Music H{ouse Phone 1799. VICTOR RECORDS-All the latest al- ways.-New records every Friday- try us for real record service. U~niversity Music House Phio...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MLCHIGAN ETIN em bers of ident until Kunib e 1 923 (1) Notices submitted for publication must be lypewrItten, (2) All notices must be signed. (3) Ordinarily notices are published but one. Repetition is at the (d)tor's d s"musn. be handed to the, Edcitor ;efore 3:3? p. m. (11:30 a, mll Saturdlays). The above is not stated in any sense to res:trict the use of the Bulletin. On the contrary it is hoped that it may be usedl more and! more f...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…L Alv ilk ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1924 COOLIDGE AND CABINET POSE FOR CAMERA TLY'I A9NONYMOUS GIFT EXPEDITION TO BOOTH FOUNE $100,000 GIFT TO UNIVERSITY TO JN CONTINUE RESEARCH IN NEAR EAST DONOR DESIRES TO Ur REMAIN UNKNOWN With 84.18 a Heads rds indicate a age for the Uni- ast year, accord- "thur G. Hall who piling the frater-j art. This decline eable among* the dron of a whole Old World Researih by Prof. Kelsey ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN, DAILY "Don't lie Social Butterfly," 1'r~fesso)r Warns Freshmen Madison, Sept. 23-"The< Gray Book," for 1923, a handbhook of 'advice for freshmen, by Prof. S. H. ,Good- night, dean of mzen of the University of Wisconsin, is being distributed among prospective first-year st'uden'ts at- the state university." of when a, piece of work is half done nor, almost done,' 'done, and these are the. which put him inevitably to ifwhen he- ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…JDAI LY Rumanians Can't Resist Greenbacks JBcharest, Rumania, ISept. 23.- Cdmriali*ts of the handling of foreign niaffiii hib s country, particularly that cortiing from the United States, have .res~ulted: ih-action being taken by the Izternational Postal union. Uniless h'ire is iizhjrovement, the uniont says. ThRumania' maiy have to withdraw. One cause of trouble has been the habit of thiericans, when writing to friekjds lii Rumania, of enlos...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…g3 reviously anononcledWodor Chali&.a-[ n [TfIt1 PeNrian formations n. the Karroo to Australia and theca,.p ewei- Popsr ases iled for honxa kby it, the great Russian Lasso, wiy 1 istrict, and1 went further into Rhode land, where lie met Prof. Wl. H. FHobb , wayof R1aratoga and ~ahiti reo lng5 " ymake his first local appearance Jams- IIUU fILsa -and to the Victoria alls of the of the eoloy department, aund toeth- Ann Arbor, on August 3. r Kary ...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…ICH] . H~uSEJapan On Verge Of New National Era, Declares Captain Imamura ~LT8i Japan is on the verge of a new Ifor g eneral1 business to be back on a tor Use by era in her national life, an era of mlod- on ai n 0yasfrTko nkt iernisml and progres, which will arise Yokahama, and the smaller towns to be rebuilt. out of the ashes caus;ed by earthquake ;I"'th-siii M1ADy anld -fire and which will place her in a T hese cities, he said, will all b...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Summer Events In Brief .L esas .- t -emnA i o in the Spanish, Mexican, Civil orld wars will each be designat- certain marks preceding their price of the book has been setI r dollars, the exact cost-of pub-. FINISH MUSEUM SURVEY oF MAMMALHAITS Dpi, LEE DICE CON)UCTS PARTY IN ANDMAL STUDY OF COUNTY purpose o f the league ice can be ntry. chigan has through the! 1, '23L, who An extensive survey to determine the character...…

September 24, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…Ft ro, ', I' Am% .w.g #Aou k.yg mwvterxxbor- 22-o IrIxer StokA ao and Morth V old man, have a good summer?" 'em, Bob; don't I look it?" to admit you do. Oh, by the way, Joe, are year the same as last?" you I've been thinking quite a little > have it done right here in Ann about that, Arbor." and I ye, won't it cost you a lot more?" figure my time, packing, and mailing, and post: ther's got enough to think about without botl do...…

September 24, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 2) • Page Image 1


September 24, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…i . . THE, MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMI :* , THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM rST ADDRESSES C, OF C, LUN'CHEON Is of Thfieulty in Distribution of 41,000 Seas to 100,000 Foot- ball Fanus AR'S SCHEDULE HEAVY ielding II. Yost, director of in- olegiate athletics, and Coach rge E. Little spoke concerning higan football at a luncheon giv- by the Ann Arbor Chamber of nerce at the Camber of Commerce yesterday noon. Prof. Ralph W. ler...…

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