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September 24, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-24

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IS! firTo the Students.
+ Of t . t + r FEAREC
The College year is just beginningsEXLSV
C )ilv1 (Suttday, ec i s) stduing he antd the IDAILY wishes ts impress on iAGENTS
tolleetersat the students the duity of patroizin
HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. the mnerechants wisupeiport the paper. 43 -FORt
Ij, The lad i-(-.I;se 47 Moc.\Xithout their patronagtgo tsthe silver- s x . HA N uIB IS R
ren ee clumsiti the paqser Wth1 ntet F
exist. lPertoitately the TDAIY Oifers,
LAittrItl tiltitres intl-htts giventoScisIN
F eiiie, C satief setion is teoipiace it Ihighs ablove I
;u utSOris- hitA~s a 1,. aiii ttuser ef the C(ee pisblsiciesisa< y",_________
o. It. tieS-, -55tO -L5 .- tid tttt __ -
asa alale ad eriinvfle' 11 °'' 1S 090N.lMIN STREE~T 1 51
DYl , -. i wBut, isslsie s-f thile fcet, the stssstleltI EA °O'13H0EP.CUR
- .51r .5 A.115. S ts n lu, - sit out d igosto tishe siis sttiobe f troweingu
ttS, '1 . C 1. iLN=, i t, tiheir stire tos tihe mterclhtante s lihoT
C. ).ii its li.ke -psiss-lits ts- DILtt, lforthey 1suit' Ma
titlyCsvitnce abisintessitnteest I1n iit
lisut airiendsliy fseseiitg towasi th0ti15 .
_studsensiso telLliPatronsize yosur____________
- 05lin ioftheiiaiii i 5 - tolI frsi'lend V tcnsl i e D rits i-iltittu __________
=r, itl a r nlr dli ey bforeLI~II itE SLT- AMti OVERCOsAT
1LIs C IssYtoiebfos e Sd1)sIn.,o1 MSchool oft Music Attendance Large.Wt511siiIiiA
th eiorbeoe ) ) 11 o teda i T let tato1 hihtl(N-ar xpetdt h.its enratnsieextiitationis fis thetue
tel 55t~ 0 it ss --~Cliii c ht-i till hi held nit
E)1So 5 sss ewtad isorswits tiss I ies-shiv frosts s-igit-tirly so twelsve ")' ,
ro=pl ttisotice--any failue O a It e lists Ioiii tsse sits Maytnardi
St, ttire dsi-sritgtsotiltesiexiaiti- '' 5-sisY 'n s
-..--- stliiciile- ltion souldpesn$1eslvsa5r.0EO, E ll_1
1 i ,1 tis- 1 tlt-s-sLY be itl ittibilest- ears ill ts e da liosileisil
; i theliea--r withns eci iss-i sse, it ttttsttiisi t gslrge issberi-is expeced. i E s A siEtrriEIIN1I ir1\'.t - MlAN1 (tr'IFiun Iehull
'f isit v -(Iy, ,00 o1 tls isve iisisslis 111) ts tistl ie is tilresady sits1 iI SiN tItit iii 5E, i1i\tIti ttsci 1 AC'i ts-s(e) 555
i tri it ( l res st iilitlsit li t stnry is- large sia ste totissi ttitisi tN it 5 iitt A-TER. 555\'HA 5T *E ADVTISE.-
is- ; sits5 ts istuets555wiitte silese(if ia-svessi. e- am oi r- .F~
an 5s stol a e e foi-le te st-' -
:_ isitstl ut l s lit I ipof r 11e Personals..,
1 rCttis-ei s iit-is e er-il is-tunre , t-str Itt teM ss
i os p Iis t-st it Iais- nterel sst d -c 9- ISI te-ln
- i uit andbe o paricus r i n tetret lie
Ha-rsirrs~r- ili-y Kl-seigg, '5,isilewith tse a
sit ittsitiilii stit 1s t ste Detrosit Flie rec~ts.
z)i ti5 ~s teii ss i-u iii htitra- WsardiN. (Choate, ex-' 9-i, is sipests-
i 5 te Lisiveroit tissidtege-isiing sttorntey i Deroit. ~s-~~s-sse'----
ti elistisorlist isngibefosrste IV. W. Sansger, 1958, iesteachintg its CAMPUS DRUG STORE.. . ON THE CORNER4
t i od matiis t ttetrsofiteeste Th eStshue higscoorisl at Nap~oeon, 0. NNIEW STORE -. ..NEW STOCK I
!. still rse-devore tosplest alii Aiiiss E1lhie lDsanfosrth,'17,is -islst- III fisi,-i vry~ tinsg sets issutirhe rust sisshy thtse sin)itils-
:11 Ils-urese igtneditothitetdit shit iiliss fst iiivle lttrsiie sesst. ...JAS. J. QUARRY.
iii tl ssrr ii si slt rii ithigh elschol. J S
t c to nteestt tieistudnts-osfyat '00 ias rettitrteuito esslege iandstill
sh1 isiitiststesriiti tal~ -ke sip iawv sork. tlaIms 36f3aar
R. S. Danfiorthi, 98A, is tesachintg inii IoJSAO4AxUAI- ERiS
is( footbsall manattsgemtenlt lmost th i it-itetiosolsit itsalmer, Mict.,itt For LAMPS of oil kinids.
-=is u rges evierystudenrti, freshi-the Upe Pnisua.POIIEL AtN (11AM IIEI SETS.
I roteishohsayd- LL. ijs ,'9 LDINNER SETS atid FANCY(CHIN A.
ti- fooitbaslls-astitlissii LGe-tre, 93 hasL'a forsteri 11 5 South Main SI. Japainese (Gsods and Novelitiea
ye iehsh blto ut i inetiser ofithSie DAtILY stsffi is in a_ --
ii . isi-le strellsltg ut r dveug It, to e t ieehni i
atth Ahlti Mldthslae ffceatClvean, .FALL ORE NIN G
ts' - 'i-scsi at tttrer ririsik, si ext Janstitte 0 histtellhBen tie 0, sil ses
5 y a t-sftertnooni. Thisis a du~ty- waicorson itdettfist theeCisiengs We cordilly extetid tyou an tnvitaitiots to examine tiut Fait
tit levrry ettisinttotierstsis n t Jssiettl dlilg te tateunp~leatsantt- aind Witer Shoes. You willtfind aii of the seeli anti newset
s-sv Miitetite tamthtiearestie-sitit Spaini. lasta and eitht popular prices. ISEAIE'-MIERS hIl FNAME.

elaritglyompossed of rottp ira-----
i unrv stried mtateriaol atidte placts rt~.~ ~
at WaLny veterati rouest be filled. The _____________
seesslcstitieedlis for lug, itta ytwetlSit
tfhe bie, ndeeritme bol htsli is 1%
sla -lsite hue, shoue-ld itnetti E
itstenideavor t get sll the hesavy ATHENS THEATRE
aslie kntosot to practice. It PIE;2C5C 5 N 10
ensve ietn-tter swheter they havePIES 5, 5C 5 N 10
i-e phased before sr list. If the NEXT ATTRSACTIiON:
otttihistts twill get the itierial oatSte Lincoln J. Carters New Play
w el -sill uio te reel.If tie is- _____________________
heit iehigan trill hake her islasee st CH T A O A
As of s-sfte seasounsas cliamtpionss uf
1ie Vies-Swithoust te petrisventtutr Tuesday, Sept. 27.
The li SIL wtill next apspearon sthSie F. J. SCHLEEDE,
fJ- j clatitg uy ofte essllege yeatr, SellS.140 s. Stet.,5t
2i frost sn-lhn tse it still eustitllitte nitd ssiook s- r itit uaditsi d sit ells
-:egts lar ly swith its dsily issues. For WatoemanFontt~utaitnsfo.$1.25 andttlup.
sie4kte DTLYat sill be free to All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c,
."Wer-bodhy. FitsetSttiots-ry intshs-cite at lawespriie.
To the Adoertisers MA KE A STRIKE
5olitlut space will be given to ad- -a
s-rsis-eroiS ite next issue. Owingg So T
stunh of matter wseesoulitiot coit- BOWLING ALLEY.
ouItrs-elves whislly to conitract spaee 310 S. Main St.
-ta lestolseit editioti. T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor.
llussNESs MaAraGER. Open Evenintgs,


Befor-e Buiyinug Your


See Ours. Wse guaantehe the St--le, Workiuaiaslip aidi i Mteiaul.
Cutting, Reyer & Co.
21-203 South M'1121 Street.
MICROSCOPIC FINDILNGS. Headquarters for all Labora-
tory Supplies
1120 SMin Stret, AnnsArbee, Mieht
Te exhibit o eow isuesseiellydesigned-ifoteeFoil svser, stwhihwe re sowinsg
th s w iu atstrattht tetiotnsto lutthemanythusansosnsi uble eshae less-n
whoisavesit es- toslooklesut e-s rbie o ttertins itsFootwes r.a T h ieFall's sho-Sa.
ingsurpasses aittiweihavets-versmide.No Stub tsaust titet-Msore Stue1art nid-
so heasu st ta-B- ttero esha n w aeee r otits sgatttrediibus-tre lust-a singles- oeasns
W. J. APR1L L, 119 E. W tshilngton) St.


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