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September 24, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-24

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hIe U. Qf

Ala i lt

VOL. IX, No. 1.







Whyj We Oiffer Money to Students
flor Subscriptions.
The U. of M. DAILY reached over
2,500 students every day last year.
The effect of faculty announcements
and the returns on wanlt and other
ails. warranated tihe nanagemenst-in
mlaking this claim, bat to back theory
withl fact a cassvass of subscribers was
made as to the numI~ber who read eachi
paper delivered; the result was as
above stated.
Tile DAILY has 110 objection to
reaching 2,500 students, its ambition

scriptionos will receive the scholarship
menstionled in cash, real, hard mnetal.
It is unllimnited, any studentcan work
for a scholarship, tile more, the bet-
ter. Lastly, its purpose is two-fold,
to aid worthy students andl to inlcrease
our sulbscription list. Do you nleed
mnley? Then call at the DAILY of-
flee any evening between 7 and 9 for
subscriptionl blanks and get righlt to
Last year this offer was made by
tile DILY andt a large numsber of
husstlers respondied. The result wao
that the DAILY carried the largest
sulbscriptionl list in its history, and la
nsuber (if studients irere helped
tisrough their college year by good
hard caoh froms the DAILY'S till.

tile natural outgrowth of former col-
lege journlalistic efforts and it is there-
fore Gol a solid founldation. Daring
the nine years that thme DAILY has
been before the college public it has
been entirely successfu~l iothin ilpay-
inlg expenses anld ill Imakinlg itself
prized by those whom it has served-
these are statemnents that can be truth-
fully msadle of no other publicatiou
ever ill the University.
Thle DAILY is issued every day of
the college year, by a board of twelve
stuldents whlo are elected anllually at
a public maeeting of tile sulbscritbers
who join~tly formo the U. of M. Daily
Publishing Association. By tile con-
stitultionl of the associatioln one-fourthl
of tile boards may be fraternlity- aen.


i i

anA ~ od wOpportwnit U nr~oonltoO
~r-o S~E student
yo 011..str to our f 190$,00
Werincite $1n000,0
tIc1°tly il thecrlin IoflDruost (EARN YOUR OWN WAY.
D~rusggstosSindries Photogric o sa sirly st iiis i ii t ibii~t
t~~~ ~TO EVERY\STUDENT siT AIINiGuli l 11 lli
DON'T FORGET 1000 Paid-np Siibscrip)tioas s........$700.00
the OLDt RELI ABLE .....
H-ottse. Hotald oldiIlnces® 500 Paid-iii) Sitbscs'i tisms.......... ,,......$300.00
a alhor. Chtosolastesansd Ie
Creset coda Watter, ips, Cgars asoil 200Pamd-iijs Shscrilstloll'................$ 100.00
'Tobch ats, ul lneof iiaskiegta -p
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. * 100 Plid-up Sutbscrii)tins,................$ 40.00
08S.taeStreet. 50 Paid-iii Silbseription15..................$8 12.50
HISTOLOGY-, -25 Ptaid-itp Smtbseriptios........... .... 8 .25
1 0 Paid-isp) Sudsei tiots,........$ 25
BACTERIOLOGY, atysrsis'i~i sa/ostJol i/ecyee/' a8
('Tlus otfer wsnissde li-tstir Jiythe lDailyv, tutdseverilal s sits
Comutplete ioutfits even15t50rea~ld anuidsoiic asis rt h les'irsiork. IPaymiens tsasitiule itscash.)
Kives tatd Setciso.
Our Price in Bottom. %
CALKINS' PHARMACY. ito 15cometit otilaitct eitliassiy 51on TEU.OeM DAILY. The twrelve stoudents eclete select
of________________ the3,500 salso w ilihiretis____their orts officers ad or'gaizte the


- 3esir, bsit Itenters anumenphtic pris-
T t~est tigainist hasvimig 2,500 studtst
read 500 papers. W~e dom't iwaist five
astdensts reaiing onte hiller, what ste
siesire is every manl his ownt copy.
X QUA NTEUHow to reacs this eitt? Not by
Jiust at lists time we wntaevery st- beggimng fur your suport, ai gooid
denttoisit our Btstes, w e feriing is alwtays supported, time DAILY
gee acuaitedthiyu ic nitst, ISa gosod tiing adebelieve that if
yoWt akeostresyor etio it.tie matter is placed before you liro-
UN5IERSITY, unitcassoffersspsisal perly you trill want it for yourself.
lotieaasson lsest-hnd hoossifole
sissy Depaitment. We cnsu~ply in order to effectively call youmr at-
all your needs andas rcs -tnto otequestion w ims hve
anieesd. Aulkins of Sec-and~m esintote sems
Casks boast and sld. men to talk to you and mothing se-
A cures good men like momney. That's
W A H R : what the otter mu this piage is for, to
get good men to talk "DAILY" to you,
TWO STORES atsd youm will do the rest.
Town Down Down A worid as to the offer itself. It is
,te St. Opp. Court House bona fide, every student turning in
Hain Street time requisite number of paid-np sub-

What It 1s and What It N'meeds fior Isairdi. All vacatie l5Otiat itity occrel
a SuccessfllchYear. aiim the boardiriste filledl hg comnpetitioni.
To he ,50 orjnoe sudets hoThusmathe DAItY isdsitiinctly ai ota-
ill tis yeasr atttn the Ultiversity dn ran siole yte tdns
(if Miclhiganith ie L I, Als' . D~AILYan resonsible to thetis.
extendss greetingss ansi begs leave to 'hle lutrpuseof timeDI)ALY hs ts fair-
aicquainttthmtwitits Itistorty, its Itishi accuately atnsi prompitly atll col-
orgiationtsst, titmd its pttrpose. lege sats inter-collegiate sears anda to
'The UJ. or M. DAILY ivas founded give csirrect expiression of theisnhu~ioni
im time tall of 1890 ash hs therefsure of timesttidettbhody ia all tiatters of
in time nimnth yeatr cf existemmce. It comsmnititerest. tIncarrying out this
wias esltabishied tto fill the teed ofsa pturptose, the DAIt.Y 'gives reotso
daily miteamis ofcfotmmnicaticn be- Rlegets, Faculty anud student mneet-
twseen sttudenmts and betweeni the faic- hugs, thue dcimngs of college organiza-
tlty ansi the studenttbosdy. Preceded tiomns, society ttews, accurate amid tom-
by a lontg limie of imaals, m~onlthly, plete repoirts of everytinmg taking
semi-mmomthy ands weekly publica- place inmthte atisletic aisle of college
tions, lime DAILY is the natumral ressmht life, campius notes; in sisort, a volume
of an evolutionary process imi jour- of time DAILYv furniohses a complete
nalism at time Umiversity of Mich- record of time college year. Special
igan. In othmer words time DAILY is t[Colntiedi an Page 7.1


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