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September 24, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 9-24-1924

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VOL, XXXV. No. 2








American Markets Will Save Land
Values For Only Surplus
Can Be Exported
Detroit, Sept. 23.-(By A. P.)-The
most important question pressing
upon the American people for so.
lution is the foreign problem. The pol-
icy of a Republican administration
can solve it, former Governor Frank
0. Lowden of Illinois declared to-
night in an address before the Michi-
gan State Republican convention here.
The primary cause of the great dis-
tress among the world population he
said, is the overproduction which was
started in war times and has beenI
continued, and the next case he said,,
the deflation policies adopted by the
federal reserve board in 1920. Both
took place, he said, under a Democra-
tic administration.
Remedies proposed by the Republi-
cans, Mr. Lowden stated, include sta-
bilization of European markets and
he added that the Dawes commission
has done more to attain this end than
any other factor.
"If Europe shall entier upon a period
of prosperity and if she shall furnish
better markets for our farm products
it is due entirely to the success of
the Dawes commission initiated by a.
Republican administration.
The Democratic argument for tar-
iff revision to aid agriculture are the
same as employed in 1892, Mr. Low-
den declared, adding:
"In that year they were successful
and the farmers of America learned
as I believe for all time, that the do- Ic
mestic market for their products was
after all the best market and that they
could not prosper with other Indus-~
tries bankrupt."
"The years which followed the1
Democratic. tariff were the -hardestt
the farmer had endured forha genera-
The farmer, Mr. Lowden said, must
depend primarily upon a home mar-
k'et for his products for only the sur-
plus is taken for the foreign market.
The home markets, he added canonly
take the farmers products at re-r
munerative prices if there is gener-
al prosperity throughout the land.
This, he maintained is possible under
the Democratic tariff plan.
"If we are to prevent the further
decline of land values in America,"
he said," we have got to depend uponr
the American market for the sale of
our products."',
Illustrated with demonstrations,
Prof. E. C. 0. Baly, senior professor
of chemistry in the University of
Liverpool. England, will lecture on'
"Photosynthesis of Naturally Occurr-
ing Compounds," at 4:15 today, in the
chemistry amphitheatre. He is the
first man ever to have made sugar
The experiments were made known
two weeks ago in a meeting of the
American Chemical Society, held at
Cornell university, at which he gave
a public demonstration of his experi-

That the manufacture of sugar
could only be effected 'by duplicating
the processes of nature. was the un-
derlying theory with which Professor
Baly worked with ultimate success.
It has long been understood that the
immense quantity of energy in the
sun's rays played an imoprtant part
in the reactions which go on in living
plants. In place of the sun's rays he
substituted ultra-violet rays in his]
The lecture at which he will explain
his process will be open to all chemis-
try students and to any others in-
Jimmie has found plenty of
rooms for everybody. He is
anxiously waiting the oppor-

Win. W. Cook IllSGS9UHET CR.
Sends taire Of


Reeves, U. S. Representative,
Returns From Hague Academy

With the official opening of th
new Lawyer's club on Monday, the fol
lowing telegrams were exchanged be
tween the club and the donor of the
building: William W. Cook, 61 Broad-
way, New York City. September 22
The Lawyer's Club of the University
of Michigan, finest student residenec
in America, opens today with every
room filled and a long waiting list
We are all very appreciative and
grateful to you.
The Lawyers' Club of the University
of Michigam.
Henry M. Bates, President.
Lawyers' Club, University of MiEhi-
gan, September 23, 1924.
Congratulations, but your building
is of little consequencerexcept first-
to elevate the standard of the Law
Schools and the legal profession, and
second-to help to simplify and clarify
the law by the use, of your large in-
William W. Cook.
The income mentioned by Mr. Cook
in his telegram is mentioned in the
letter of gift which relegates the in-
come of the club to research in prob-
lems of law.
Nust Agree to Abide by Honor Rules;
All Classes Represented
On Council
Students of the Medical school have
virtually_ been given their complete
self-government witht regard to thel
conduct of examinations. Each stu~
dent must sign the following state-
ment printed on the registration
card: "I have read the rules for the
conduct of examinations under the
uniform honor system and hereby
agree to abide by them."
The system, as adopted by the Stu-
dent body, of the Medical school, the;
Faculty of the Medical school and the
Board of Regents, at the close of the
last school year, includes the Medical
student council, to be composed of 9
students. The council for the ensuing
year, according to the rules will be
chosen in the following way:
"One representative from the
Freshman class, elected to hold office
for two years; two from the Sopho-
more class, one to hold office for two
years, another for a one year term;
three from the Junior class, one for
a two-year term, the other two for
one year; three Seniors, each for a
one year term."
For next year and afterwards the
freshmen will elect one member who.
will serve a two-year term. The Jun-
iors will elect two, one serving a two
year term and the other a one-year
term. In this way a nucleus of three
experienced councillors will be left.
For this year one of the Seniors will
be elected for the chairmanshihp.
Thereafter the junior two-year man
will automatically become chairman
when he enters the senior class.
The council's duties are entirely ju-
dicial and are not at all concerned
with the conduct of the examinations.
The president of each class is to ap-
point an executive committee, which
will distribute, as well as purchase,
and collect the examination papers.
The executive committee also has
power to fix the seating arrangement
as it may deem necessary.-
A nominating system is also pro-
vided for by the rules which state
that the "officers of each class shall
constitute la nominating committee.
For the year 1924-25 at least two
members of the freshman class will
be nominated, while four nominees
will be chosen from the junior class,
and six from the senior class. In the
year 1925-26 two nominees will be se-
lected from each lower class and four

nominees from each upper class.
Union Rehearsals
Will Start Soon
Wanted--A dazzling blonde or a
dashing brunette, but, for once, not of
the feminine variety. The Union Opera
is in need of a leading "lady" to fill
the place left vacant by "Mike" Ames,
the charming Suzanne of "Cotton
Men desirous of holding the Opera
spotlight this year should be rather
small, and have good voices. Dancing
ability will also be taken into consid-



Ratio of Submarines, Aircraft, and
Surface Ships To
Be Determined
Washington, Sept; 23. (By A. P.)-
The problem of the ratio of the de-
velopnment of submarines, surface
ships and aircraft in the navy during
.the next few years was 'handed by
Secretary Wilbur todaysto the Navy
General Board with instructions that
it make a comprehensive study and,
report to him at his earliest conven-
The secretarys' action was in keep-
ing with a statement made earlier in
the day at the white house that Presi-
dent Coolidge was inlined to think
that in its initial stages the aircraft
inquiry should be considered solely
from the naval standpoint.
The General Board will be author-
ized, to seek information from and the
cooperation of officers in both the
navy and army who have had exper-
ience with aircraft units.
San Pedro ends Shipload of Blossoms 1
To wecome World Touring
PManes Honle,
Clover Field, Santa Monica, Cali c
fornia. Sept. 23. (By A. P.)-TheI
I three army world cruising airplanes I
returned to Clover field here today
six months and six days after they1
left March 17, to encircle the. gl(,be.
The men who have flown around theĀ°
earth gracefully landed and sweptI
across the field to the flower strewnt
stole where the parents of Lieutenanti
Smith and mother of Lieutenant Hard-f
ing went forth to extend the firsts
welcome home.-
Santa Monica was groomed todayI
for the return of the globe-girdling
army airmen who last St. Patrick's
day set. on what their skill and cour-
age were to make the first successfull
arotnd the world flight in history.
Clover field,where the airmen land-
ed on their arrival from San Diego,
had been transformed into a bed of
roses. All night trucks laden with
southern California blossoms trundled:

Davis Says References to Daugherty
In Campaign Speech Were
"Not Veiled"
New York, Sept. 23.-(By A. P.)-
The real enemies of the constitution
are not the Reds and Bolshevists but,
"corrupt and impotent public officials
and heir associates" John W. Davis
the Democratic presidential nominee
declared in a letter writen today to
Harry M. Daugherty in reply to thet
one sent to him by the former attorney
Expressing the belief that the real
work of this campaign is the arous-
ing of the moral sense of the Ameri-
can people, "to condemn and to con-'
ceal the betrayal of official trusts,"
.Mr. Davis wrote Mr. Daugherty that
"this issue cannot be obscured by
your forced efforts to represent the
real contest of this campaign as one
between the defenders of the consti-.
tution and those who seek to over-i
throw it udder leaders fresh from the
baptism of bolsehvism in lurid and
suffering Russia."
"If the constitution is to endure,"
Mr. Davis added "the first requisite is
that men who hold office under it
shall be honest and faithful to their
Denying Mr. Daugherty's statement]
that his allusions to the former at-
torney general during the campaign
had been "quite veiled," Mr. Davis
said they had been "most direct and
specific." He added lie had found "no
warrant whatever for withdrawing
any single one of them and then pro-
ceeded to elaborate upon them in
brunt fashion.
Brushing aside Mr. Daugherty's
statement that "Iris self respect" de-
barred himf from appearing before the
senaite Investigation conmmittee be-
cause of the malice exhibited towarda
him 'by it, Mr. Davis said it seemed to
him that under the circumstances"
the malice of the committee, and he
increase than diminish the natural de-
falsity of the evidence would rather
sire of any man, much less an attorney
general of the United States to meet
his accusers on their own grounds."
Takio, Sept. 23-(By A. P. --The


Michigan's great authority on in-
ternational law, Prof J. S. Reeves of
the political science department, has
returned from Holland, where he was
one of the two official representatives
from the United States to the Acad-
emy of International Law of The
Hague. The other American repre-
sentative was Prof. Philip Marshall
Brown of Princeton University.
Professor Reeves delivered a series
of 12 lectures on "The Structure of
the International Community-The
Basis of International Law." On the
program were 27 of the most prom-
inent international lawyers in the
world, representing almost that many
countries. Professor Reeves was the
third speaker on the program. All of
the lectures were delivered in French,
which is the official language of the
Peace Palace.
There were present at the meetings
of the Academy 250 students of inter-
national law, representing 28 different
nationalities. Among these were 15
Americans, of which about ten were
from the school of foreign service at
Georgetown University, and the oth-
ers from Harvard, Yale, and Califor-

surprised to find it impossible to de-
termine a man's nationality by the
views he expressed. Every lecturer
has complete freedom of expression
and is himself responsible for the
ideas he expresses, yet no attempt
was made to sway the minds of the
other representatives by drawing con-
Professor Reeves said that one of
the finest things about the meetings
of the Academy was that they were
so arranged as to allow attendance
at the sessions of the World Court,
which, he said, are impressive and
business-like affairs. "The mass of
American poeple," he said," do not re-
alize that it is an existant thing and
is functioning right now, all the time,
and is not merely supposed to func-
tion at some distant time."
Professor Reeves had the opportun-
ity to hear a case in the court be-
tween England and Greece regard-
ing the powers of a mandatory, as
concerns the British, control of Pales-
Professor Reeves returned last
week, having spent a large part of
his leave of absence, which began
with the close of the first semester
of last year, in traveling about the
continent. He will resume his work
in the University today.


League Seretaries Were Con
Armanent Situation I
Geneva, Sept. 23. (By A. I

"No political
at the sessions
fessor Reeves

matters are discussed
of the Academy," Pro-
said. "In fact I was


Bridges Blown Out On Hangchow
Road; No Communieation Per-
mitted by Authorities.

Yearling Committee to Handle Cases,
Involving Its Members, If
Action Passes


Shanghai, Sept. 23. (By A. P.)-Aj
new Kiangsu offensive early todayI
was reported started against the
Chekiang troops defending Shanghai
in the district adjacent to Tsingtu,
about 20 miles from Shanghai.
Unconfirmed reports also were re-
ceived that Kiangsu agents had blown,
out two bridges on the Shanghai1
Han,gchow railway between Shanghai
and Kashink. Refusal of military
authorities to permit observers to ap-
proach the fighting lines made con-'
firin-ation of such reports extremely
General Sun has not proved accept-
able to the Chekiang soldiers the re-
port said and they are fast turning on
the invading Fukien troops with
which they allied themselves follow-
ing their rebellion against Lu Yung
Hsing, Commander of the forces de-
fending Shanghai last week.
A report from the south. which was
given in official quarters, asserted
that internal war had broken out in
the province of Chekiong due to the
appointment by the central govern-
ment at Peking of Sun Chuan Fang,
Tuchum of the province of Fukien as
temporary ruler of Chekian.
McMillan Plans
Study Of Arctic I

Freshmen discipline to a large ex-
tent will be handled this year by a
committee composed of members of
that class if present plans materia-
lize at the meeting of the Student
council tonight. The proposed discip-
linary committee will be made up of
class officers and other appointed
members of the class of '28.
It is believed that this freshman
committee will be capable of ade-
quately handling any infringements
of the rules governing the new men,
but in the event that the committee
does not mete out a severe enough
penalty to offenders the regular dis-
ciplinary committee of the Studentl
council will take charge of the case.
The disciplinary power is being given
to the proposed committee in the be-
lief that the freshman class should
discipline offenders within its own
It is the intention of the Student
council to deal severely with any
cases of public hazing. Prompt ex-
pulsion from the University is the
penalty for a violation of the admin-
istration rules on hazing. It is to be
hoped that such drastic action will be
unnecessary but no sympathy will be
shown should disciplinary action be

many held the center of the at
in Geneva tonight, and held it dra
tically. The members of the con
of the league of nations and scores
distinguished delegates formed li
groups in the corridors in the lea
place and discussed the big n
from' Berlin that the German cabi
had unanimously voted to apply
The string, which, according
press dispatches, Germany would
tach to her application did not se
to worry overmuch the mebers
the councilvl ith whom the correa
dents of the Associated Press talY
The prevailing view was that the
planatory note issued by Berlin w
chiefly intended for home consur
tions and as a sap to the national
who are said to be fearful that G
many will be made to suffer new h
There seems to be no desire wh
soever to humiliat Germany but
the contrary practically everyb
tonight was voicing deep satisfact
over Berlin's decisions coupled w
words of hearty welcome.
Tet es reached the leage s
retaries arather a sensational u
ment for the council in secret sessi
was discussing how best to conduct I
league investigation of the armame
situation in Germany which is one
the rights vested in the council
the treaty of Versailles.
'Mc Millan Found
Coal, lamshells
Near North Po
Wicasset, Maine, Sept. 23.-En
mous coal deposits were discovered
Eilsmere land by Capt. Donald
MacMillan, Arctic Explorer, who
rived her Saturday with his pa
of six after a 15-months' sojourn
the far north. The coal was fou
near Eureka Sound, in seams at so:
places 25 feet in thickness Samp
of the coal, which he brought back
the explorer for analysis.
The location of the deposits hc
ever, gave little hope that they coi
be brought in soon to augment 1
world's supply for they are only a f
hundred miles from the North P
and 800 miles beyond the reach of a
transportation system execepting b
According to information given
Associated Press by the explorer
far North once had a climate sta
Tingly different from that it now p
sesses and this indicatestl he said, t
the angle of the world's axis n
have changed in the course of c
I tures.
Capt. MacMillan also asserted t
ice caps in the Arctic are increas
in thickness, glaciers are moi
southward and that possibly a n
geologic period may have set in.
said too that the entire Eilsmere l
coast was sinking.
Speaknig of the discovery of c
Dr MacMillan said:
"''i tsimply proves thescienti
claim that this land had, at one ti
a temperate climate. The big b
were at one time covered with ve
tation and the climate was like t
of Pennsylvania. Seams of coal
feetnthickness, were found" wit
less than nine degrees of the Nc
"On the tops of the hlills, 1,200
,above the sea, we found clamsl
showing that, at one time, the 1
were beneath the sea. The land
l denly had reached its greatest a
1 tude for there are positive signs
through the north now of a su
dence. The entire coast is sinkin
"This shows a very different
clination of the earth's axis to the
t bit aeons of time ago.
"Just whbre the North Pole was t
- niation, while not of great interes
e it is hard to conjectiure. Such -In
th'e laymen, is of tremendous in
f est to the geologist."

r most universally believed that
- world is at the end of a great gla


out to the field from communities Imperial Aviation Society has an-
which striped their flower gardens nounced plans for flights by Japanese;
to provide a gay and colorful welcome aviators across the Pacific Ocean, andi
to the flyers. From San Pedro came a from Japan to London, and possibly
wholeshipload of fragrant blooms.m,
While the world-touring planes Yakitsuna Sanada, now residing at
were not expected to arrive from San Oakland, Calif., will atempt the
Diego until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. flight from the Pacific coast to North
(5 o'clock Ann Arbor time) prepara- America via Iawal and Midway is-
tions were made to celebrate their
coming with a daylong program of land to Japan in May, 1925, according
"wild rest" and aeriol stunts leading to the society.
up t th cermon oficialy al The flight from Tokio to London
up to the ceremony officially wel- .g om.
oming the flyers by public officials whih will be made via India and may
of southern California and representa- be extended to an around-the-world
tives of the army and navy. trip will start in the spring. The cost
of the flights, estimated at half a mil-
R s a Elion yen, will be raised by public sub-
Rnsszan Ex lrer scription. ,
Unearths Fossils The party will include the ablest'
army and civilian fliers, who will be
supplied with specially constructed
Urga, Mongolia, Sept. 2u. (By A. P.) machines. A party of high army offi-
-Prof. Peter Kozloff, Russian explor-- cers will soon tour the country to ,
er, has discovered near here an enor- arouse interest and obtain support for
mous number of skeletons of hitherto the projects.
unknown animals and many human The plans for the attempts are the
remains which lead him to believe outgrowth of a great stimulation in
that Mongolia may have been the interest in aviation owing to the suc-
birthplace of men and the point of cessful world flight of the American
origin of a considerable part of the aviators and the flights of Capt. Pelle
animal and reptile world tier Doisy of France, and A. Stuart
Among the fossils already un- MacLaren, of England, across Japan,
earthed are those of 25 quadrupeds of and the approach of Maj. Pedro Zanni
undesigned species, 150 birds of vary- fo Argentine, now at Hong Kong.
ing sizes, 100 reptiles, snakes and fish
and more than 1,000 insects of giant Camp Perry Ohio, Lieutenant Lewis
It will be recalled that Prof. Koz- B. Jones, of the U. S. rifle team, sta-
loff last June discovered several re- tioned with the 28th U. S. Infantry at
ankable tombs near here belni-IFort Benning Georgia today won the
torkathe Chi snese rper belonging president's match, one of the most
to the Chinese emperors and princes coveted prizes of the national rifle
who ruled Mongoha at a time antedot- association, with a score of 192 out of
ing the pharoah. Tutankhamen of a possible 200. Lieutent Jones home
Egypt. ,a ps ile a asa. .
It will also be remembered that is at Witchita Kansas.
Prof. Roy Chapman Andrews, of the Paris Set.23.-Fourteen members
American Museum of Natural History, Pari et 23.-Fourtes m rs
startled the scientific world last year of parliament are candidates for the
I ,.--------------------------------___1 inlomat1ic service.in case Premier


Would Disqualify
Woman Candidate

Wiscasset, Maine, Sept.- 22-(By A.
P.)-Donald B. McMillan, the Arctic
,xplorer, who returned Saturday from
Northern Greenland, intends to de-
vote his attention for some time to
northern Labrador. He will go norhi
probably next June on a three-months;
trip to select a site for a scientific
staion for the study of geology, bot-
any and ornithology.
In making this known tonight, as
he was leaving for New York, where
he will spend the week, he said there
is a wonderful field in Labrador, add-
ing that no one ever has made an all
year round study of the birds. A study
of he Aurora Borealis also may be
made there under most favorable con-
Next year Captain MacMillan plans'
to cruise he coast during the sum-
mer, explore he deep bays and select
a site for a building to be erected
in 1926 if he can through his lectures
raise funds to obtain a "very efficient
staff of scientists of national reputa-
tion to be at the head of the different
departments." This station will be foi,
study of magnetism and atmospheric
"There is a general belief among
scientists that the northern lights are
no nearer the surface of the earth than
60 miles," the explorer said. "Many
Eskimos and other reputable obser-
vers declare that the sound resembles
the soft rustling of silk or the crack-
lin ,o f i nes 0110 nO fl h

Austin, Tex., Sept. 23.-(By A.P.)-
Statements alleged to have been writ-
ten by Mrs. Miriam A. Ferguson, Dem-
ocratic nominee for governor of Tex-
as, were introduced in court here yes-
terday in an attempt to show there
had been an agreement between Mrs.
Ferguson and her husband, James E.
Ferguson, that the later would be
governor in case of the former's elec-
Quotations from the "Ferguson for-
um," purported to have been written
by Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, were con-
tained in a supplemental petition filed
by the plaintiff, Charles M. Dickson,
who seeks an injunction disqualifying
Mrs. Ferguson from holding the office
of governor.
One article quoted said: "The issue
in this campign is the Ferguson issue
and the Ferguson name and we need
not quibble over first names. Jim
I Ferguson is the only candidate for
governor who has been telling the peo-
ple about all this business (govern-
ment economy) for the last two years
Ask for a Ferguson ticket whether it
begins with Jim or Miriam."
Another statement quoted as writ-
ten by Mrs. Ferguson was: "I promise
to carry out the platform and he (Jim)
will help me to give the people of
Texas the best administration that our
ability can produce. Jim wants anoth


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