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September 24, 1898 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-24

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FOOTBALL OUTLOOK. we have Keene Fitzpatrick to train our weighs 175 pounds and the latter 19, of Harvard, Alex. Moffatt, of Prince-
____men and to asist in the coaching. It in training. IV. J. -food, a fresh- ton, John Bell, of Pennsylvania, and
Ecerui Indication Points to a Sue- was he who trained our great eleven man from Tarkio College, Mo., is Paul Dasliel, of Lehigh, were ap.
of '95 and '96. Yale secured his showing up well for tackle. He has pointed, being acommittee thoroughly
cessful Season, services last year, and it was through good weight and is an expeiencedi representative of the ast. Outside
Although it is too early at pre- his efforts that the Yale men were in player, of one radical change in the matter
sent to tell definitely what the pros- such magnificent condition that they Maynard, weight 160 pounds, who of scoring, tie committee only ]ade
pets are for a successful footbasll won the championship, wvlens it ws playedt on Anin Aror High School modifications of a purely explanatory
seasou, nevertheless tie indications universally conceded that it would go for three years is trying for'e . ntrcnitigo otnts h
for at winning eleven are etter thas to Princeton. Mr. Fitzpatrick is trot The hardest work that the Coach- rles themsselves were left exactly as
they were last year at this time. onhy the most ahle trainer in the en and Captain will have is to si- they were as all right in themnselves,
Many of the old sem will not return country' today hut is also ass excellent velop as new line. Heavy mess are ut eisg oftentimes msisconstrued.
andi thier positions will Iave to he coocs and has rosgltack many st slsowisg is as was expected. 'rie questions of msass plays was thor-
filled from green material. Three newv points on playisng the game. Carr, whlo playedt center oni is Class oughly discussed and after carefully
newv center line msens will have to e Our coaches need moinistrodtsctiosn teass last year is the osly candidate rconsiering the existing rules they
tieveloped, as Csssisgla, Sssowe ass to the studestosy." Dutcl" Fer- for ceester, anss Alles, weight 191 were left ao tey were.
Caley will nsthe iss thse ssse thinss het whlo wasssheasdcssscls last year possd, is tryinsg sr gsars. Coachs The ose rasical chasge ssase y
year. Of thsesold ssesswhw Iislhe sw itiave thse acks to ook( after this Hall i-s-cery desirous of lavisg sll the cossmittee sas iss thessatter of
bamk, Captain Besssett wil pohshhytall. "Bsck " Hall will coaels thelheavy mensiss college come ot tsthe scoring. Hereaftr osnly one 1poit
plasy Iis Iositioss at end, althsoushmisnsse sses.ils experiensee sis gssarsl Athletic field this aterssoos, no sill e allottesd for a goal ssade frosm
he masy go uip to gssasd, liesolsit Prisscetoss ins'92 amd '93, en Micl-sssster whletler the)' have ever a touclsdsown isstead of two as efore.
place. Steckle will prohbsly he osesigassins '95 asd '96, asd oss Butte playesd efsse or sot. Four elevess T'le oject of this clage is to i-.
of the tsackles. Ire hsain sseslathletic clb last fall, wiiiprsove in- will e orgsssiedl as ssou so possile cresse the value of a gems1 frossite
seeight this susssser anssnss firsIv-lsale to us. lHe is ins goed con- whirhlsliinsees st least fifty mes. field ymeanss of the drp kiclk, a
elass conidition. Talcott1 ist yecam'ssitions anislseighs 215 posundss. Big iens for tie snie are asdly feasure of the gisme that hitherto hass
suasrter ons the reserves, isoit.s mt Several sof the new sen iave shownvs neesed. eens very miuelh neglected. Hence
ing candsidate for quarter. Ha nnan ups remasrlaly swell in the prelimii- Active practice begans thio after- we imay sxpect to see mosre siens play
andss Kecusstre hsth h.ack andsisl llmis)-Iractice.sssseu st the Athletsc field, whchil is this fall.
smake a pair of funllssinkessttill be Neil Sisow is ai most likely ansi- eing rapisly pust ini gosh lape. STc'r MAEaS MAeY CmANeES.
hsrsl tosbeat. Bssrsmlee will plasy Iis slste for ends. Last year le layesd Hard wsrk will egins next Mssnday,
sli piosiion sat alt. 'reeteel is ex- fsul ack ems the D. A. C. elevens ands ansl the men will le linesd up fr sig- Last fall the Westerns Footall As.
ieetoIsarrive tsodsay sindissill play ~thse three secsionsobefore that played misl Ipractice sll sf next sweek ins sr- sociationm dmiansssy radical changes
ensd if Iis sankle permis iliis-Th'le endslsim Detroit High schssol. lHe is ter thast they musy Ie iiisliaspe for the fsvsresd by E. A. Slgg, of Clicag.
slier positiosswsill have to he fillesl six feet tswo andsi s-half incheoIhighinfirst ganei of tle saos,next Salsr- They swere maseswitout cnsulting
withi newse ns.ansilweighs 175 pounsds iss trainmiing. dsay, sills theYpsilasnti Normsasl tie Esisterns cssmittee, sanlasinsaire-
Fer tieIast sweek tlse foothall mess I. D. Last is ainoter promisimg The follosnsg sedeule has eens sut le rulesillfer iinterially, mal-
havse beens ins trasiniingst Wlsitssssre candsidatse tryinsg fecr sd.Ilie hsisarraingesd asnd includses niss.gamses isg it practicamlly imsipssile Isosmske
Lake. Ahbsut twtesntv mess cessout, playesd ensslfors-the past Iswssyears on sll, six sf swhichs sillIe payedl isy cosmparisons, sad tendig Issse-
inclssdinsg the follsssinsg T'lr iser EIsremceville, N. J., andi St. Pauils Amin elsebo: ptssrselhe est frosi the sest ins sll
Fitzpsatrick, Cosaicles FeriserssandslSeliool. Ile sweighs- 160 psosunds wenes Oct. 1, Stsate Nsrssmls; thast reltes tso foothall. T'heietiod
tHall, taptaisn Bessnett, Keesna, TMal- isitrainiing. Ot ,Kno;o crn, has eesn changed A gssl
cott, NeilSisosw, Weeks, Alles, Harut.- W. IH. Mmalsseis oeso fIlhe Iest lit,15 , Mes siser ; kio ftri atochowswlcIn
bsurgs,-Mmsynasrs, Baldwin, Lasw, lim- foost alspsayers whlo sill esser el- Oc.1 NorDaebuonpitAplekckwl
sett, Msalssse, Woesd, Whitcomb, lego this yemar. lie hus plsyed hblls Oct. 29, Univrity Alui; cunst three ans a fielsi kick fer
FeolesrsisiHaIlsl. Every smrning tackle sinisifullhmack fsrthe Basy City Ns ,No nlscstnsi v-ss sist. The nst rdicsl cuusge is
ansd afternssoon thlemesssere tgvess High Schssosl fsr the ltatsswoyears. ;.r otwetra vn- 1 1-ytIsmt the effect thiaitthe twocrshssilines
. Omipiminmtively lighst practieie, censist- Hus-esiwiht i lssis8 poun sldheighit -tmms 72Ilhjees, at Detrsiit; sssssistasnsd sasart sin asicimge and
ing f paintingsaisifallinig esshe six fet. No. 1,Bli;apae a-itreewt ip
sal, tascklig, asislrunniing ifewst ieen-am, Malosne sasnslSnosscsre swork. Thnsv 9, leli si ~hcao. pentin co iiyisslenfereruinIislj
muliscxvery say. FsrIlse paus less ig esi us sewst whsslichTi ner g iicsestCsisg.the hush is ins plsay,
das the csoachies have biei lisingigtzatrismtck is shoisscsg thesi, andsl sll eised Football Rules. nsis- svx-n ne imis
tiie mieni uplifor prauctice inm runinsg f tliems sre1punsting ift)y ysardsswsithlIHGNMYNOmDP HM
isitli the bamll, althioughsnss very harsd it salesd. At the closi ftie festbssll seasons ft is nst iprobabslle thast Michuigsamn
wotikliesIseens dssne as yet. Fsswler,sof Esnglewoos, andsi Has- last Dscemibern cmusiitee wssiap- sill sist adsptIlsth eswWesterns rules
One fact thsst shoulsdinspire al sel, sf Auroras High Slol, are psistesits revise the footslllrnules. but play usser te Easterns eses. Il.
-ficsigme instll confislence is thati cadidats for tackle. 'Thle forsmer Waslter Camsup, sf Yale, R. D. Wremnn, linois hsns-st yet sdssptes them as
~ Why ecause
Is 1B1R(1V N'S rog M-ore tiemet place ts tratde-It s reliablle-carries srgedstestkN
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senger oys amd stranges We sell te ickets oen t e newv electric
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