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September 24, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-24

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realistic to the l.-Brsslelyss Daily Rseckfld (Ill) Gazete, Jan. 25,
Eagle.7. Read y far you .
There have been, perhaps, larger GEORGE RIDDLE
crowds assembled Ieneath a single IN smeavNSas ccssamaei~n13TEe sc as
roof than that which assembled ins sMYSTseae. CLUE. All the summer long we have been getting together such
Cossventions Bail last night. Once or Fromssthe tisse of Iis ressarkable supplies as we expected you would need in October. We ex-
twice in the history of Mladisoss Square perfsorsmance us the Greek play at pect to do a larger business this fall than ever before, because
Gardens probably, anssi sgains at psli IHasrvardi Univerity, Mr. Riddle bas svoksowv better how to suit you.
tical natiossal convesntions, husmanity enjoyed a nationssl rcutation and
has massed itself us greater ssumserical hsas appeared probatbly lbefsre a
strengtls, bet never before sere over greater vsriety of ausdiesses thss a irB us e ha~~iCin Tools
6,000 ipesiple seated oposs a sisgle any living reaser. H i rs e
level, makinsg a solid acre asd a haf Speakissg at the tise of that event Good stif bistles i solid Razors, Strops, mugs, soap,
of headis andsifaces. Assd it was a re- the Bostssm Daily Aderetiser in de -J
markable assemblage iss mosre respects scribinsg the audience said: ''°Jo the backs, put together to wear, creams, wtchs hazel, bay roms
than this. One fasmiliar swithsthse re centre of thehslcoy, witliss a sssall We can't describe tless-cose Savig mirrors 15c upwards.
presentative ieople sof tie caspital, radios, sat .Hesry 'SW. Losgfellow, ssd see thems. Brussies tat will not sed.
with its sterlissg husissess sens, its sa- Iis niece asd mdaugtess; Presidest
tionial politicians, its social asss intel- assss Mrs. Ch'larles W. Eliot, Ralphs
lectusal fmces, sseeedsonly to sseeis Waldo Emersos, Oliver Wendell q
the eye over thse vast throssg to is- Holsses, Alexssssser Agassiz, Gov iiayH r rs e
tisguish ssuchctizcens iss exery direc ersssr Johss D. Losg sssdlJodge E. S o rs e n
tios. Ossthse stage were 200 promsss tocksoosd loasr. 'fhere sere also Are more popular thans ever
bnent mns; iss the ausiessce were pren~t Chief Justice Gray, Arcls. this year. $1.00 a pair up- Blacking
2,000. Tlse occasioss was wrthsy of bishosp Williamss, Gesrge Williaso wvrds. You'll e srprised You couldt ask for a better
the ssultitosde whlilchsme to esjsoy it. Csrtis, iMfrs. Jusliam Wmad Hoswe, Rev. st ousr prortissoeelctfrm
A soldier above relproach,mm ststes- Pisilips Brooks, Rev. Esdsard Eves--asrmn oslc rm
man withsout a blessish, asssrator eteliale, dsohsssQuisncy Adans, -Mr.
whsose peers ase few, was to tell thsess IV. 1. Htsswells, Chiese Professor
thse story of ss tisse whlose ssmllet is- o-K~nSssinos, asssl-ssasy ther ce- Combs
cidest is thse msost interesting thsessems lelrities.''
patriotic Anmericass cass cssssider. O vr ecito. N a de
Mansy lsssssreds of thse ssess Ireset IN EESc ON<c its' 5AD-T55E GREsAT Oferydsipos. N Ca is
ssattsr wat ysu wants e relave
hasd beess actosoisstse civil trsgedy, BAD OF NEW YORtK. onysadPlwalth
so less brave assd cosssrageous, if le sseue ssssd Iis famsssus fifty hsave no i t.5 pad tise. Allegrebttes fresis every
ressowesd, thsmssthsesasswhlo wsa to superiors, assd fes equ(1als. IEve'ry ose Friday.
delict the lasomf its tosschissg scesnss. ssill wasst t Isear their Jubilee d-
Assd evess if it lssss not beensos, evess scriptive snsler whisi els sscribls Tooth Brushes
if every ssassswssman,smsd ciilsd insmsssically the Spsansis-Amsericassswar.
thse isssssse eeallIsassibeess free fsomSssss 'Missnsterestisg stsries cssss be told Fsssgot }ous ? We r~eplace
tensser ssemossrie of tesecivil war, anmsssl utsshssctsis searfassousbsans-mssaster, as 5 ssssfosIeetms e tlS p le
mserely csssssc like hsolisday seek ers tss fersierly the greatst of all trestsses- siess its bristles. All kisds Nososhsaosgod. W
be smsesdassdlentertssisses, tise ptos r its. Wheisew1st aesemlasslin EnsglanNncobiaiosgos.W
asss eloqusesmce, thse rilliastswitssssslie ssed to folloswethe gsressssly uni. of tootlspoewser sandltosths catsvro somyossm
pictesreesaesefssncy of thsesratsr wossul forsssel cavslry bsssssikso ssssss.that paste'.higs
Issuemsedsltlsesmmtsojust schs sbasf Her Majesty' First Life Gssarss, adtemsanmauhtrasmsota-s.ndi
asi tarsssis Isogs tm mil asssstmm- sssl i esmice1tsshi ysssssg sinisd tat
coss) bussrts ssf rupltusrosappm~rosl as limeslsier withthetit'trosmssosssesas tie
thse senmtismest of tesosccaiossinsmplires idmssids'lFrssstsf thssesmsssnarciy snmslMal Brushes
last snightm.hesosle prsssdscersf tie sselddsls's sssoe h t
BOTO TMPE UATETE-MLEofsosdsgve sot y fifty Iras i ssel l rsssles, pussmce soe P oo Supplies
VOtCES - AtCO~tm'ANsE tiY tessimests. lie issiscedlhis.fatser to ssasim-ure toosls -oir stoclk is Everythmimgpassmatateur wants
MISSas EsrsE EEsTs:brt hlis mm trosmlsssse sssdslie wasm cosmplete. from Iypo to Cmmseas. Kodake
Time Esispl E ADEe R.tlughd tsfr isort steptstois I plopular airsandsslpsassisssnateits agenmcy. Come to s for
Issslsmleyat the licssosf Americansss isistsms's lsm ti mal smypsnsss
Male QCmim(rt tes, tes t e best mm tie for percumsssio ry°effelect, Bsut, slimsToilet Soap
Fyri lll simmilar srsamseemtons y, min lssspersistemt ignoranmsce sst
itoiltim Osestllesm orianizatnsthat fact, Is-r 5onisn t 18 le wss Ymouscasn sepenmt on ourt soaps
throughossetie esntirect ryst slomm mmmsl imarttrndlssma m e not tos roughsensyour skin. 5, S d ae
this seatemment in no wsesptaragesl handmeof 11r IMjesty's First Guarsl, 10c, I5, 2c, 5c.S daWae
tlhe fise wossrksf several weell-knmownmmandml areasly knoswnsms then bet trmmmm- Our fousntains sever runs dry.
mmsd justly popuslar Quartettes. Tfie hmitimErle
Tempmiles are mm veteransmoganmiationm, to mmseshlasaspliesl Iis eeative talemt Sssmsmer or winter we stasd
es slsistsecountry, amisihesevhis hand amdhismadeusi uch. imssmo- B t o~ reasy ton serve you asd serve
thigh standsardoletih they set for themselves ( ntions thamt lie is cresditesd withi mmm- B t lyuwl.Htdik ncl
at irs lsmsneer eem lsrres. inii ushered ism a new- era of basd The soft, absorbesnt kind, sate yo el. otdikincl
Clsuh is to-siasy preparedl to so the ise. after tie true turkishs faslhion,
bestsesrk sf is caeerasmdstil re1li to 81.40 a pair. You need
taism its Iigim position ismiopmmlar BureCochrasn,sf Newy York, needs a pair for tie gym., if sot for
favor. 'Iheir Reades fec the present no introdluctionm or Ipress commmets to For Healthh rgs5c
season is Miss Elvie Everett Buremrmtt- commsesssl Iimsito asmliintelligesnt pmslic. yorromsori rg c Your H at
The Tcemple Qmsmrtetee havse alwamys Thin fact that le wams chosens by the
beesm noted for presenting readers of gold democrats, ismtie last campaign, Drisk Crystal Water. City
exceptiosal excellence, many of thesm to answer Bryans silver speeches in hshB o m water is very hard and does
have sisnce becosmie fanmous on stage NewrYork is of itself sufficient to pro- W ihB o m not agree wihntssew coners.
asid plmatformm. MIiss Busrnett, the claismshimn as tie orator of the east. Good ones for little moomey. Crystal water does. $1.00 a
new comer, will shamre in the successes Whsattie Chicago Alusmni nmbmsner Alprcsdoehafgln.
of lies predecesors. Sie has great will e the boardl is usnable it Ireent Alprcsdoeasafgln.
persossal mmagnetism, smuch clarm of to state. Arcbbislop Ireland was im-
forum and feature, a true artistic vited to ill this place bt tie fasosUse
spirit, is equally at homne in pathsos digsnitary was usnable to do so. How- Us ~
and comedy, and presenting a pro- ever, tie studenst body smay rest as- Come to us for postage stamps. Use our telephone and our
grasmme of fresh, unblackneyed selec- sured that the Ciicago Alumni nusm-
tions cansnot fail of establishing her- er, as in previous years, will be an bicycle pump. Ask us questions.
self at the outset as a reader of ex- interesting feature of the cosrs. Register Here, so that telegraph messengers and your friends
ceptionable qualifications. Tickets will e placed on sale soon can find you.
"Never has a quartette been Ieard after the opening of College, and wil
in this city tiat ihas done such artis- be at the lowv price of $2.00 for the C
tic work in ensemble work and wrhich season, with an additional charge for P A M C
hssplaeanadecasddtersreset.Dtsoletrsad A L ISTemple Quartette of Boston at the entertainmsents wile announced later
opera house Saturday night."- when the course is completed. 324 STATE STREET.


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