THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. realistic to the l.-Brsslelyss Daily Rseckfld (Ill) Gazete, Jan. 25, Eagle.7. Read y far you . There have been, perhaps, larger GEORGE RIDDLE crowds assembled Ieneath a single IN smeavNSas ccssamaei~n13TEe sc as roof than that which assembled ins sMYSTseae. CLUE. All the summer long we have been getting together such Cossventions Bail last night. Once or Fromssthe tisse of Iis ressarkable supplies as we expected you would need in October. We ex- twice in the history of Mladisoss Square perfsorsmance us the Greek play at pect to do a larger business this fall than ever before, because Gardens probably, anssi sgains at psli IHasrvardi Univerity, Mr. Riddle bas svoksowv better how to suit you. tical natiossal convesntions, husmanity enjoyed a nationssl rcutation and has massed itself us greater ssumserical hsas appeared probatbly lbefsre a strengtls, bet never before sere over greater vsriety of ausdiesses thss a irB us e ha~~iCin Tools 6,000 ipesiple seated oposs a sisgle any living reaser. H i rs e level, makinsg a solid acre asd a haf Speakissg at the tise of that event Good stif bistles i solid Razors, Strops, mugs, soap, of headis andsifaces. Assd it was a re- the Bostssm Daily Aderetiser in de -J markable assemblage iss mosre respects scribinsg the audience said: ''°Jo the backs, put together to wear, creams, wtchs hazel, bay roms than this. One fasmiliar swithsthse re centre of thehslcoy, witliss a sssall We can't describe tless-cose Savig mirrors 15c upwards. presentative ieople sof tie caspital, radios, sat .Hesry 'SW. Losgfellow, ssd see thems. Brussies tat will not sed. with its sterlissg husissess sens, its sa- Iis niece asd mdaugtess; Presidest tionial politicians, its social asss intel- assss Mrs. Ch'larles W. Eliot, Ralphs lectusal fmces, sseeedsonly to sseeis Waldo Emersos, Oliver Wendell q the eye over thse vast throssg to is- Holsses, Alexssssser Agassiz, Gov iiayH r rs e tisguish ssuchctizcens iss exery direc ersssr Johss D. Losg sssdlJodge E. S o rs e n tios. Ossthse stage were 200 promsss tocksoosd loasr. 'fhere sere also Are more popular thans ever bnent mns; iss the ausiessce were pren~t Chief Justice Gray, Arcls. this year. $1.00 a pair up- Blacking 2,000. Tlse occasioss was wrthsy of bishosp Williamss, Gesrge Williaso wvrds. You'll e srprised You couldt ask for a better the ssultitosde whlilchsme to esjsoy it. Csrtis, iMfrs. Jusliam Wmad Hoswe, Rev. st ousr prortissoeelctfrm A soldier above relproach,mm ststes- Pisilips Brooks, Rev. Esdsard Eves--asrmn oslc rm man withsout a blessish, asssrator eteliale, dsohsssQuisncy Adans, -Mr. whsose peers ase few, was to tell thsess IV. 1. Htsswells, Chiese Professor thse story of ss tisse whlose ssmllet is- o-K~nSssinos, asssl-ssasy ther ce- Combs cidest is thse msost interesting thsessems lelrities.'' patriotic Anmericass cass cssssider. O vr ecito. N a de Mansy lsssssreds of thse ssess Ireset IN EESc ON