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September 24, 1898 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-24

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Would you save money? Then
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Law Books,
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and all kinds of books at the

Th otcmlt lne f nto-date Men'slurishing in the city, isma
D. A. TINKER & SONI, 334J S. State St.
delrnfatCpFn e ckwear, E. TV. id C(uett'sCollarsnatid Cu,
Fany ad hit, hirsN ighcobs, Pajamasiath.Ronbes, Gym iSuits itnd
Shos Labrtr +sadAp roinUnderweanosiervJewnelrytUmbrel-
laMnsuotst oda t lowprices itquaity and style guaranteed.

Fjie Domiestiaw l .Foreigni
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We have deidedl tc satisfy a long felt want for an up-tou date tarn out, and so L
have added cii oar stocik ot fin horssand carriages,.aTALLY-ITO, iwhich seat
foiurteen persns. Coaciing partiesnwillincwie in ceder. Secure ad'ate for the L
Tally-Rn. Call cc Y

W. J. Buan ,Puis fT
W. ANOLue, miVice-prcey I1T
J. V. Sun IAN, 2d Vice-peisc lV
't'ransacts a general

H I ~H 'iciiiniine
0 Telephone ioe 515 EAST LIBERTY ST- 0
_______________________________________ FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofAnAbr
tuapicre itta, cisc,' oc S urpusand Pitsi, 130,00
T 'Granactusagcnerilihanikingibusiness. Frecign
LAMPScag buh n~ od FurSTUDENttTSs o
We call atteiitioni to our compilete line of (Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps E. 0. iKINNE, Pres. HARRISON SoUl,
rangiiig in price froni 7he to 82.30 each. These Lanmps are of the latest and s. W. C AldKSoN, CaahirIce-Pey
iiost impiroved patterns and oaken. Including"I The New Roecester," "The ______-- ____
Yale," The Royal, ""1The Blerlin Studenit Lamnp,", 11 The Perfection Studentr
Lammp " If yeouswant the beat Lamp fur the Leat .ifsuet come anid see os & rttir Zn

4450O. MAIN ST., EIMinan urn tees
ANN ARBOR, MICH. CDE A N.66 U0c"Simeeii nimebusciss. n-ii
R lmiFP eoiiiC.m E. mi LEhiiai ea - r1
____________ l ).hH.iBi~siCa~mcsie mi
For First YVe,,t Law Stuidents At Noble's Slur Clothiing Hoee1 Excliangie your se cond-hand bocks --
We hare tooley'sBacekstone, No. 209 Siuith Maiii St., Gulf Caps at Wair's Book Store. !TheoAnn r b ior Savings Bank
Anson on Cintracth, -Golf Hose-Golf Breeches.CailStc.50,0.urus51,0.
Cole'torta, Notice to Band Ment Reioiriii 1, dic 55i
tsrThe trQeavCiaoJuneTi eeOgaied under iie. General Banking La-i
Huimfiutt stCases an Cotracts, IterOct, hi 'g, There are a lew vaeancescto be of thiState:. Receivecsdepicsis, iiil-ainiiselis
hiodik -ae- 2, ,had this tic cay in their ln iciudinthe picitions tf 1st atid nd eseiichncinth imencipmi citiies of iihieund
aricle tcm Liiicilni J. (Carter's Chat- f lel ~Suta ities itict iiasheiupo preide iicati oniii.
Buriiulasaes On Salec. Clarlimets, 1st aniil 2iiil Cornets, 1St Saf iety lixsato rent.
Sta ae t ga Thesne i t hristiaMiac, Pres.;W. I)I.Ilaci-
ForFiuVCI llrll'''ieceiiithans inthe anid 2ndtlAtltios. 'These positions usill inaniiilcc-res.; Chasm. E. niacaci, Ca-hiere;at
cuys ntonerly miorniing 'mu the fuuitive ruishis be filled by- those haviiug miist ability I eiA--citaic
G y>my'creadiatcyighttonre-xdc-it.-Apply--'
Stercoerg'- Bacceriology, ini tharoughmhtm agle tuf vines and at on sight u.im.l exeute
Freern (bhemintry, thesolcdicrs clater by iti wilud pursuit, t9E efesm t
GtcisMedclmiDictionary, is ilestiiied is becoumie very effective. ____ E._JeffersonSt.
VaienacoildNary's Ptoiacins. 'lhe Ifinal scenme is exceeduingly eremit-
able tustime ingenuity ut MIr. Carter:To At Nole'-stmCsuligHcie-'It --
For First Yealr Denntl Studhents A sncmkinig locomuotive is the cenutral -t o cnfn
GrmysAatoiiy, featture of thme sa,e w iiuotiuun everythig that is mmcvwlineekweair, F
Freer's ('tiemistryfls ie kcicu-ilea - shirts cuddeullmars. F 1,1y G o l
lupiciumre fi lu amekgrotuncd andulgives ____________
Gouldns MecclmiIictiounary, t(li mtplressioni uutvivid actioni to the
Eosig Proathietic Dentistry. Iyiulilurmu.Itsthbeto Studeints sholdu takec are to regis-
For itermny 1epatanentSau- the kindi thatiihahueimnprcsentedmanudlter at oce at Bruuwi's DrugieSrore iW e keel) heverythinui ismlly k lna ho
FoenLt lime effect Iatof thme novieltv is boitm(downiitown) amid Calkin's D a-gStore fmscae ccr. n Baey.Cl
We bre u tueOreia act Ltinbe popuular anidlheclp utili time play io (SMate St.) Post office eilluyees
WehvsllteGee n a i ce~ ham~ve atrict orders not to igise-c i. 318 5. STATE ST,
tBiiikse, FrenachGermsanu, Isatbeuncli- dresses, so that telgausmd liii
caii andLnc imaierig tBooks. At Nouble's Stir Ciothiing IHemse, porriit isessiuges ottemdo mot reaichi STUDENTS-' LAUNDRY
_______ No. 209 Soauthi faini St., they lire studlents be-cautse they have imot regis-
SIMiiiing a-l liheew thinsii ii soft sr treu..liaise youmr nameuiand al- ASv'SOCIATION.
Wi Boty andl Sell lilfftsmbdress mt boiliof the above laces. No -
Hland B0 0 S Mel-NTS-irrel
SGG~nU -tie oti l oe lrcu o 1agianeil-is sattahed.arb.eO haslimovedT.lbnt'tI
lar lats uminiterieeea. Itillums- - ii(leI
tacsliiractically time theory of thme nxtI ~EGA ANDY
i1iMtambatmat of Idia, regarinbg itieopplosite the Last Bldg., cimud asks !OF ROrIT.b
Dawing Instruments. proection ot time istral budy. )Ib. ll lilsolul frie-ncdsanilnewt oimes xc chin cam high adeii iiailii in ihe MSte
eily imiaciiie idomctic finishia n thui s .
cwue i'ig m iiiuc ruue ell tia call. kd;lor i ni s m h aloiive n." Alla woAu roptlyl
K. E . auldhDitaema Celebuatea l Iellarur eslmmcgmeiii cmiii aly ndcareflmly dace.
isaubsec.t. e uuacet of time air, 011 a fully I must go the le imi Arbor MuticcTe Pim~
Iae. iglitedag lmewtihloitoth(le useof Cmsi ~cimtoS. im e T hei EyelsIiorLunr Co,,
trpW.X ot Th oo aht nStadrn y V'I E~ IILA &PAIIR=[ft'S tr'm}seor cre rinigs oanmy surl. ian hr afn aiett, P :LandryO
POUNAINeENS Karnauk muad 'Thme Cass)-select fromi, and get first choice. Collare-----------------1 tent
ahNAN egim Propaigaa'arcextwa ether cx- (mmli's- - - - - -
trmuilirl lvm lccueillh ahm'S Bouk store is leadqciaters! ...Ether fgnlsh. Saiisfaciona guarancu.ls'
All Pcns cwirranted, and cold in 'I.Tri re immcladed ini his pogra this sea- for studente. satia , .Gv
Son. 011 e 9T, s st~to~st_ Riel~niiR(1hiamirinol

Stattionery by (be pound. Fine j1 Xc T fu r i
Statienery Engraving. jP jj" OS 1 "C' 1)"1' tIE

-- -----New-StaniPihone. 541.

Lahoratoru suF$Iiu,r
Glass Slides and Cevers. Complete T H EY ARE WNARSMM IWR
Outfits at Loea-st Price.y+( . .M L A .
S~~fN 0, ANR OFurnishers Ax
_State Str'eet.12 S.M I ST

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