in our $3 HAT is the best duality hatteis
T H EIU fur that is brought to Amseria-and is workeud only by }
T ~ ~ the msost skilled hat meakers-Our three dlollar ha ts are not but ts
holdl together oniy one season-they are made to wear a mcrl longer lperiodI, ansd
there is a distinguished chatraicter and rich appearance possessed by our goods as long as they last.
All our fashionable styles are exclusive in sharpe1and trimmnings. In fart it is everything that makes the bst
hree dollar hat en earth. TRY IT TO-DAY. G O D8 ANABR
BOY SH ! if You Vant Or Binding, or Roling, coy thiisg in cur line, no matterP"?
Call ll a Olelice small or tics tar e,
KIND RGA TEN. a Jb ofWE AN D ~Taind ill Musical SatsIlies, at
BILLIARDS AND POOL, Printing for yoc.tCall sod get ieuasicted. If)W1 i 1'r ,l'~
i t t-C to-'e l' ,I tor t ECi ICF Ilsoosisp 1c SH7hBEAL MUSIC STORE
M tifl 6NIfLYour First Duty oily i osi tsisrom instreet.
"The Niagasra FalsdlRomei.''
CEN'TR5AL 5T5Nti lii '1, 'tt
TakngEfect ho:.14,159".
'ieot Vz tE prs ......C.. i
Gran Rapis, E pN es.....iii .. I1,
tii E js .. .. .. ...'.. ..ii)
IatN '. hcaii ........
Fast.weste n Ex ee5 .... 'it.......
after securing your room is to
RIEGISTERi your.namse and
IT'S FREE. ... ins Masin nd Huon st'
0. M MARTSI..,
4T so.
1 t+o
advanced stasndisng st ill hieiseldsin it H , OF M. DAILY.
'sstss C, iiiyelst i sI- lll it the flii ldsstsi FromsPcns i. J1.
Eleetary Laws....... ept. 26 S a. its. featuires this yeatr still ise telegraphlic
Elstnentstrv IBeail Prop.. 26, 10 esrt f tt.iiegsiosu lsl
QusasiContracts....... 26 o4ssblletists of all issiportasit isess.
Crisminst Lii,.......... t6,7 '' Thelioncthissg the DILY tis nees
(Criminatl Prcedre,... i7, 8 a.iiitis casry ouit its lputpocs'is your mnssssst
Tsorts.................... 2<8,10
Domestic theitinsi' ."2, p nott irs sitbscrilptionttlist. For -S2.50
Husband sand ile .. 7,4 its adsvance, the Dtm.v for the yeatr
Personal Propierty ......s7,7 ill lie deliveredl st yoter rooims eviey
hIchstissing a specialty. No. 200 1"ouirtve kbuac ,;tndaylis30FfhAe.
Wi. ArnoldLeading
-____ '...Agenc ............." 28, 58 a 5'l.ay betfotesnooss. This ri'e stakce" GET YOU
s' , Partnerstsi ....." 28, 20 " ealstsscrotyisteassmiy
D~amages.........-8,2 p.
TIME TABLE Bills and Notes."... 28, 4 ' lost price of itne antd otte-tfsuts censt, u
TalIMb E TABLE F 13f. Bailments sand tamoters "28, 7" No studsent swlto toes ntintento n
T~sisug ~ ~ ~ Comtmon Law' Pleainsg "29, 8 a. m. btury htimsself dusrint0 the fourt yis A
rtl 1 (,',e s',Aiu ip5e ns s'Code Pls din g ..29',10 ' hIe is Isere cast stiord to misss tis op -yam
_ Rtrt eal Psroperty.... ....... "29t, 2 pt.m. crsstyte tYtlmio W. v.T T LES
XOTuI SOUH Eqity Jr rdne."2,4"pruiyteDIYofr i f . "i 1.
43t, .. ..u---s - hqsstf' le g , PI ae.. " 29, 7 " keeping hiseself posted. Be ss sse 3518os i. te Street.
- -- !Z:0 '. IN[ , 112",5A. 5l. Private Coi'porations... " 30, . .-- - --t-5 sdses n y o a e sy t it
5 75' . scs P.. Eridene ................... "c 30, 10 adILendfincyouInasme ePrslid0tso the
Mo ~ 5.055~S United States Practice.. "3.2~.a
17.t5e- 111.rbradT'oledio mit'y-tan l ite ok House', or lCeave s itwitih O U R~'-a PHIOT0S
ee 15,',, ''c i,n unsis,s nanssd citns te- Students seekissgsadvancred ptan te
y "Opt uiuuSnna. sing andl wvho sesire to elect equtiva- .______.__ ARE ..
Ei. . GILt~lttE, As"est.
vs I -.5 OuTT, G'. A. lenstfros te thtsirsd1year cousrse, trill Try thse Portland Cafe for board , , ~
-- -maske tlqr electionsswiths the sec-.first-clsass, and only $3.011 per wreek. Perfe ct in tyle and
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- Meals sad lsuschses at all hosurs. Openls J t
BOR RAILWAY. s'cttrx. dyan 'ht O ICE TOS'Ur)INT~SWHrO DSIRsE a siiltigFinish.
Cant leave for hDetroit at a quarter TO miSS OFCOt uITONS., $3.00 piersweelk.
ates every hours, begininsg at 7:15 a. Stutdes'ntwo havte conilitisupsonas First class service for lailies andtel sems THE BERRYMAN SUI
sit. anid ip to 11:a5 p. mu. For Ypsilanti tise suibjects of thse first mush se'ondtlflernten. At 523 E. WshingctoumSUDO
at a quarter biefore the housr tp to 12:=1 ps sret 1 W uIi, Zt Poe19
a. in. Cars leave corrser W4illiaias and years, at'rissih desire tois astlsesmtsre._________12WHro. SaePne19
Bais ~s 'scetssns~te 't rcw'soff its order to be entered intoste Best listen writing per fist 15, PLIG& RS
_ litsiketsosaeaBrwsgp"1Dug'Stsse. secontd and thtirdi yeatr clsassecs ill 20 ansd 25 censts per ptounmdsat Wal rsrA . ATe ae$
tranjprtmiytdosdsisgBook snore. einNasae tie Gsosrmstee.
E NOC DIEERLE Fualiectoa, thse week- commtencing twithi OctoberFO T B L
Cal tte aay r itito T' e Ismststo0to thme -aAnlAror Music S P L E
"N.NigE ~ t~rv te tsi3rd.Thse titnes and places of thtese Cc0. cmiWasintnsington St. and renmiy -. SUPePL atteIESltts
ForhAv.Pon 52. exasmitistons 'iill be given throtigh pOsffImm m it1avait oicialdutf.itters toisllth
I, f~il 11 liovol Parlors atBoh RoDom sse btulletin boards, select from, anmd get first chtoice. Spaldineg'ssOfiiltntr
32a SOUTH STATE STE'ET._:---- -UsdL cleitFotBl
Lalc at a irD",- usp "ais.. odPusyvai..nllad l t hte r i'ead
J.R.T 7 " . ollegets andiunivesrsites. tMnagestshusld
S I -I - CT ..L ~edit, se 'Wiute'r Camsp. iRecords. shisn-
VVi..R Ei s'espti'iF grphs teaditssglestis. 5555 rulsi, wattin5,
[ i j L J gtexandusexplato ~ryntes, 1Imm.
:yw______inth___ 0sn uidig - - . SPALDINGi & BROS., New'r ok, Chicago
Only First=Class Barbers Employed.
THE NOVEL of State Street
BARBE SHO you desire
first-giass work ansI eourteous treatment
try George and Itarny at 332 State S.
O AL. Every kind.
K 159 West Wasshington Street,
Bot ibPhones, No.108. Ann Arbor.
ALARM CLOCKS, x$1.0().
U. OF MV. ]PINS, 50 Cents.
Fui uei tcRepairing, a Speilty
'We operate thes finest tailoringe tradeii th iy, Ld.2CHAPteMainSte.
equmal any inthie State. ittiect5tuisu5itottiSee.
We respectfully solicit your valBedpaIstroniage. Students Students!
All gar'mentsts nmade by its kept pressesd tand1ins repair fort1,f disatsfe5wt u pen sice come
7ET 9LC Z-Z3~m1[HjA F CVEProp,209 . Wst.
103 E. Huron. New State Lalonme 43.Exellent Workand t.nickaSr ante
G"OOYiE~ 2D~7a-00-
- ~~~.IT