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September 24, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-09-24

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FOOTB LL S HEDU E ip~c 19011 elein, ad 1 litgh INanoD I K
Alt A titlesft FOOTBAL SCHEDULE ois lprosliets fir a winning wtanIiR]ii N
AT R C S N E E T are exellentit thereinmay e a (iff erent LIKE ACA E
BATH and TOILET A T CT ITE E T°~stoiitdl whin the footlall season of CAME
107 is eculed. TInl1)doa Cooklin Fountn Pen just sip it in any
Such as ___ ink rss tie CrestentFillr andI see it ill its osn
Sap, Twels, Cmbs, CA.Al PUSS LNI)iFRGOrfS Teclee tnt lite scae sakingtittthrt. t'fissall there
Brushe, Teoth Powdere, Pastes, RoesEpc peyGmso BIG I~ PROYMENTS Standard its it Noi drtopper-no tess-no bother IDo it
Toth B-sehes, Shving Brushes the Home Field-Penn Slated ___~'nwir-i)tm
SepTieWteeEc for November 16. (Cotioued feot Page Oe.
The stinr eall aroutith ie coal ipoekts ® SEbF- E
Microscopical Lab. south of the iower ioiuserenmovesn ,A I'IX ~c ILLING I
Ocd slt 3-V ssssts-se re telesseitliifccocsif h THiE PEN tlT THE CRESCENTFILLER"
Prescriptions Gl'VI t at i talistttysitso Ii eatietuetcir.Ys
sohOtiai t Ic.5-Case at AnsiArbior. Ai te sotihieast corter cf the gymi- ctltll b 4,ins titwitotiheglesaist iloteniaicriot
are best obtained atOct o-'sar it \S.Rserrve, tasiltit a sitall rick atdiilttin till ipro- ol ili ih w ieldgoe n wtotcagro
Ij~ Ot. 12-t. A. C. at Anin Arbosr is rctls ic aaois.'li cl oiling. Itrsides its covenilncecis tec sltltsis writinbg
(let. 19 Xkalsislihe atard ofaRe,-qualities of tc Conklint he lerfct fccid.
Care t a et.si alt n id 's.Uilnv.e.O .2- 1 gaiti it Abo, e s mets; at tt ime ;bar. Reee Lointa eiresanestttothe Conkltin. Iiyorsei s t ns ot, corde
51s. 2_-- salrrtilt at Nashile. hopestoipersuei-tl I t se Boar t add a 1 set cc-t,^-i tO aid si. tS-nd atsoncortaido n ew i a t alecr
No. opftes t lie seoitilotorithus giing Kf eie Fil- The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhatan Bdd., Toledo, Ohio
_________________________________________ Nov.t-- 1 e-ttsyltuitia at Anttn Ar ittr.- tatriela ansther oilie.
-Michian ill plyt tf 1lesl it I t 1and tOpposite 1111' gmi te- uric deital
Lo n d pobbysagtites iti Ftrry Fielidtis butilding- isisig csiistrsitee. 'hrtee
M~on ey falltosies wrere iitied frotti this site t
On Watths, Diamontds Law Boaks, litote deay of the Boattrd of ititke roots for that will le tule of 1111_
or other peroaloa t y.Cntryol i ehintg ite iiiontolist-le-best tqtiiittetd tenttl builinghtos ii the
Watches and Jewelry repaired. iesvnfottblltgamtes this seasonUin iitedl'Stales. 'ITis btiiliigtill be NOW . , rr
Bargaitns in Watches &Diamends D I g rtirds Ibeentunailttte as yet retty for oceupantcy Sept. , tost. 'lTeV'F RAD --
Office at resIdence 331.lEF Lety StiN
Ann Arhr 'te No tmer o. fforts sare sill bet ac- tttitttd has etetntiimpleediantio akIt titls
Heaurs: to10a.tiM35 , 1 tt 43ansd 1 to ilit-eho ever, ttto ro iiil-a ftllt l) o tr t-pat hatitwas torntdtwtt s- uts4 - .
ALL BUSINEOO 100 101TAL usaufe, tiLicrsiy ils pirchaseti
JOSEPH C. WATTS J I ralie utaes wsithi te srtibs tprolerty i)th onlfiutil tiihit-corner I-
wil i bipla ttrt-fore tr stastn is tf Vss'shteiitstc atenue ti d li lt Votttis
____________________________really____opened__ Iwi-ii tt litit l Ctse treelts. lT-e itose hats lieeliremotatiled,
ga e O t . 'list scitis l wayti5 shd its-s ithsgus situdielecstIricity,
pu 111 iascra titlitlst tsa tg suc- Iitths- listsbtests(lise tt-hle general
Iee us-oasoetccsiotuu it sorinsgutos library.-'he smnatry ruomt ssae bsects The new val itrsse sf college gods is ussy comilte wit the
{Iy ( 1 }t tt Vrit.ri-lustuseds initu the lirry-is towstini hcietas sss -t ehsem hn see ht f iCis~
Banners and pillows prct~ice gamesithscsIicetigususAgri- firs-class shapeissthroughotutu IItelw cocs n otvre e hnsCC hw.1~L~CN,
11 ~1 1W clua olge sill hut' plyteudOctobher lirarytrihe cases isae bee'nisshiftes NzIliti, trust- yutut icrutlar attenttion tto theit stperbi Iisla
2.'ilIelastis hits e farmetr s" siseI 'about siui'ichatt.andu alirrin's ticsitof ney Idesigsli tsM~ashattan Shits.
te Var sity sthey cs-re efeatedi II iio o. ihas hlust-u silttusc-sthe doort.
AT I ciiimoedtuata tstan-tiiitl bous ss \st hit tlloaustsausw st-i-uuof sints:t Men's Ness Fall Gloves f all leading mnakes
ha ienofeedtin ishussfileiAtletic situseseurust ues booksuses. Mens New Fol Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
DARLING & MhiALLEAUX asocatontosndtithie tam itlitu- Tthido5555wstilswishte loodits il srig
224-226 S. State i50pois forte' gamte -,,itsisiabaihis tcu- sandstfll a lhne of dry- sells liss hent
I ce.IThiisit-test is ass uknownm i iusn- usuks alung thue-diagonals iali.'These A Ifsll variety of nit-styles f these sword-famoutlis to
tit snusgattis tire Ieessiheduilustshav es-utnieededausongttugsie, andu, it select froams-Stetson. Carlton, iHowards
stiEt, vllstheisntdh-iaast-lstfist-a tnumbt et isusait, itill ctictiseij druiniaiayithi~le
H A L E ' vI sitputuls f messer swelthuses to stnudiontMes F~all Caps, prites frontS oc tip.
lh i rst i tg gamiuc, sill Isse le elititillsatr cmvry ruiss
JEWELRY it t I us triest thelshiay s tiosuserut it- -- -___
STORE I.S.t'elevencuasieasrs itttcrry Fiehl.;Sitt 6 er s hSae sscusis hi 4atftRet R euse, oz 1ii C iege1.e
_________________________________________ I will he remuemb teredstin iite gusmse pairingt' utie sitf str strogest ic-Ots es
at ('ist tutu l ist mihu fiCiutsgansit chausmupionIuuIsu sues , Jew-rytor ehirt-. Sift fishu
- .shipi1904 elcienuthe hilees leachi sitstrut. cr
teut-iut of st he iss ist hlf.- - - ---
OntusN iii tusts-u ts- Vursitgs t o'ussest lacs e Iis- iuueplenissineededc t iet
/ Nasville'es-uu. ts uteri I )ssuMc rtihiees, st Qarrys. M A C K ' IE A R O O M
G iugii's sggtregattiiuion Estsyeart thec -- __
soiuthucrnutru hlt-h h elit' Varsity toithis Focr Lbortoryi Sui 'sfppli' s, bu iswet
cluse scre oit to itsA, te resul f thr yturohrtfestrs dlu. GCut.iuStis Dlcs or Fne t Cusn
' H R S gauss-tbeitig inuts util usItiismutws Shos-.1-1
ctalledi st he ediisitthur second alfsit.,-- SetvVed a, la C l jt
- - '~~~Th i lue coinsth e stt hue gmtuitit i'ennt- Jewelcry autdiwathrisringllsiat litnu
-HE -OT -RI -CA- Syvanttiat, sitwi ethaud elNovember it-c6. sting& Kocih, 1131D. Libserty, rft
" - - - - Ol sthlatsdayi ii t-tisait till mte h eo i ctu -- -- -___
- = effrsisto retrieseth-he ets receivetdI'Soft wshspe scialt st the Siudssi'is Pr ices Most Reasor'isable. MACK & CO.
st ts-e ishandssift he Qiuters last ysar. i ,susus t-stiltSousith'University, tutu suit
-'thlis, le msth ipo lutit gams hc- nts ueriof Cisurc. i
p ld its this-wemst this sassotn, sithl he --.- - -
DETROIT, JACKSON and CHICAGO RY. t-c tiiilitt t ft he mmweks ittstrettut ilecutess Ilgsls slg aI his "his
.-IIIeJaa waF iiliii tiwts iIis.
litul prt sa~.eiseytouisprustiuseCorcds V~~ttpuls swill hiusittt.n59 i. hlsitrts- sre. ®ti OAN h5 l t 'ati al rr
netro a x is iict,4y t.titam., tist tt i i usul sle - - 5 t- hl:, t t it i.ls,, it
8,o0-al I .MId.ecuyt 101.'Sn a.. :1 . , by e nsuh heter4 apto isuIn ).lI. Lt, iAisrit ('hitch, $ lii { WIO V RIM
Local cute ,.ttu u. mto its1sit)i- issieasustesrises this msuse lut smtha -s tie Fatst iss tsitgtgiit. fW J.L V 2
Waitinsg RoIiis, l s e e -t. test oaf Milis
(I, lEvery 111a1tt eis style, Otr gartietts at
Class Caps tract attentiont sherever sen. We take 1)1Is
Gytlsnasitusa Sils
ILaboratory Sis 'WAGNER & CO. tre it shlowitg our gootds at all tims
- Gyo. nasium Shoes STATE STREET-SIGN OF THE BIG SHOE Wesvisayt-lsietovtestppu
Hospital Coats QW ev ayecuienvlisa ou
Dental Cots lar prices anth wiii e gladh to Iave yout see

The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 South State Street THOMAS ROW, Prop. GasS tudy Lam ps
326 N Fith Ate. Q
Fifteenth Annual Announcement of Bible Classes for Students New P1hne e5t Bell Phne e 45.Iris1,are a steady, soft glow.
The following courses are offered by (. P. Coler:SCT'DA IN AAEM
1. Introdnelien Io New Testament Study, Sundays, 12 notn, beginning Sup- SOTSlA'CN CDM
tember '9.iOpeunilder newiemanagement
2 Old Testament History. Tuesdays, 4:10 p in, beginning Octobe 1. lasses open Saturday, l0 a. m. Easy on the eyes.
3. The Life of Chris. Wednesdays, 4:10 p in, beginning October 9,oeaei ie
4 The Life and Writings of Pout- Thursdays, 4:10 p. i., beginning (Ot, 1. Assemblies, Wednesdays Foeaei price.
5, The Religious Education of the e'hiid. Tuesdays, 7:10 p. in, beginning and Saturdays, 9 to 121 hae hnolo electricity.
October 22 hae hnolo
6., The Beginnings of Christianity. Thursdays. 7:10 p.im., beginning Oct. t10.110 O
The purpose of the Ann Arbor Bible Chairs is t provide instruction of CieeCo-
University grade in the Bible and about the Bible for University students, ad Cinsitop ey Restaurant met the best froms the lamgest sasortum oet.
thus to co-operate with churches and other religioas organzatione of Ann Chinese F+any Oise, American Lenchem f
Arsityin promoting the rlgoslf ftesuetbd:adwt h i kns vrtigfrfcasty Uh npooigtecaute of higher education, ladies and getlemte.,e A n A r o a o
Cinlese andJapsoeBrie-a-ac. Zhnn r o a o
A Full Announcement will be furnished on application. UP Stals, ee daor S.IHusonBes,, 314. Stat, St.

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