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November 02, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…ANN \1 13Ccli, ciiMIIGA-N, 'It F~f).\. V N IIINIHER , 1000.~ 1"()i,. XX. FAILS TO GIVE MICHIGAN CREDIT Actual Score of Syrcuse Game t lxl 'cc cii ce tt t c cqu i ,) the cc ccciii ciofcthi li I ictc w chc ol) ictra isrf l cx cri iht d HONOR MICHIGAN MAN Alex Lange Appeinted Acting Pres=1 aaltx ident of California University. i.,., rd CIH Im 'I I r is 44 to 0-Wolverines Suffer ~cst : it tat ii cc1it Dir ctor- l;artcl icii s c lx cl no In...…

November 02, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIG AN DAILY _ _ _ _._ _ i w G. H. Wild Comupally MERCHIANTF TAIL ORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- 1L gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Ijixl Dress Susits a Specialty 311 SO. STATE STREET A t. he N(- SI i e G. IH. Wild Comipally A perfect fitting collar and a favorite with critical dressers. TRADE ,/ COLLA .jCUFF. 3 FORFO Warranted all linen WAGNER & CO. S.Si gn5. of tihe big...…

November 02, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…TU E MICIGAN DAILY .. ,... -M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING] QUARRY OR 1 RN I rMusic ano Erauia SAYS For Resat -D salegrutntmi lt ark s i t l ()111 .. 1_:u i f~nits i Use a good Hair Brush culuti rul liu -eat l mh . ii til lI lireti (n i t nu-11ti t ri trill i and Good Hair willistay U -)'it tti.,,<t111c'mythicatuu lricr illt Pmnnti Pnitr H ir waill dm.'i cre)r turK. tpl 'itil ii , St'ii ~i a t m. ,,'hw rnterl_"o Th ifeent Store of Better 1,Clo...…

November 02, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…Our tailorsarec ertain ly b0' 5 with tape 'aod shears. We're not surprised. The falics we're exhibiting for Amnnoand W%11 ter are stimply irresistih)e. They've kept usittoving 'Iat - lively pace scince the seasonl opened. If (01 l at to se, 1{ duplicates of tie shadeweretinadth mos wa'c endorsing, you'lIihice go to the Fifth As cne s'Nps Mi7(Non- cot 1. We're aseason ahead theav- erage tailor inttyl-iiInan diecaeliahad of hire in ant lctnslhip...…

June 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN .\ARBO)R, MIfCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 5909. No. 176. VARSITY LOOKS FOR EASY GAME TODAY De Paul Baseball Aggregation Not Feared by Sully's Cohorts After Experience in East. Captat ilt '-ti tits chamitpoship ag- iir~gaionof a11tossss -ho so ably rcsntotl\liltt assaginst the east irnteasIalsisalektwll tke te hlde( alal leI ) aimisitt ~steamsithis aftrnoon.iTSits-.isothe isit atppt~erce of ts tIae 1 ol blico...…

June 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…-M* UtCt4trA# 6AIL* ............. -5 ; ., _ Gu#II, Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Dreab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cuomberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- ham, Austraslia, Cymric, Bullion, Frderal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Woes- teds. Please corne early ...…

June 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…flHt~ttt#tdAXDR!UT Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield & Co 106 & C. EAST HURON ST, (00 to TUTTLE'S for Clot Lunches Ice Croesm Sodas Banana Flops 338 South State Street THlE FARMEURS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capttal $50,000 Surpus oand Profits $90,000 General Rankin- lBusiness. 3 per coot paid on Time -and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards Ri. Korr. ...…

June 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…1ft)l D- Fttai i tlin corneir iu- r,,i iitt T'iilt.t,ist Thunrsdai titter- iiin Owl c ci h t e 8: cl tii iltit'- iRi ic io n f This atL~ For Graduaion C _i / or ~ lin t I iiiiicid -tcctites.lieo ine ple s iiiiie 10704 Rewiiardt. 6-7 ai Red1111 perti nasicfo saeit Fine Black Suits OUR taste and ours may differ dO .hehre&SnsJn IouC i f we show one thottsand differenit fabrice's Spigsirthickiii tht ititase-te Sen- lc . ultrat smtart every one. it...…

May 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… "r. i " ' ^" ._. M J v; J Al Su tD f 3 r r.y- i"Z -- . J ,.,, fD ( ~ J, i r- _ . e. C _ _' = . = ;=. m ,, ,, 1 - j . r _ _ , ..,. _ r. -r: .. 'r. -- ._.. -' "" !!. J n" rw ( " 1 J _ , , ,- t"r U :0 0n -I. C:) r11 el C/1) s -1 fi _ _f. Jam: " / l ~. / u .+i f 1 .,,.q -e .,. H. D2 - 2 r 1 ! >J CA) 0~ C' r - _ r f -" r ' _ r _ - _ v C : = _ E r, r+ r . v Y x I 'r r J s s V I r-^ …

May 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

… THE MICI{IfIAN4 DAILY GHI. Wild Comipanly ! MERCHANT TAILORS : iHave received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mttenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian iDrab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumoberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- horn, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds Pilease come early and have your Suit rese...…

May 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ALL READ" FOR PREP MEET ihiih scit-I ('1111) \x 111 )Iii yrnt ____ itinpay, ( iii nt ' ' thle ,dC Sam, Burchfield's (liechisi ''n1 1th c, nl Largest Num er of Entries in Years ttrud. 'f tttic~l feronl), iitt FieT ioig Includes Leading Schools. 'liaal <ic, t tIc 'tocii. h NP itthe telfttlannual ititerscltclas- Stare patty "C1(Ti ~i~ ftl ltire T ~a etic fieldlaixi track mttonly three 'weeks elseirt.'iiiolei till.1 p ';t) ilt ...…

May 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

… 1HR M1CHIGAN4 DAILY G- AHEAD UNIVER2SITY NOTICES t~i,1, t lt a d oubfulskil. 11sentior scall at ,iack's anit imen Y o ,1 i yur eptaiofr ontiay for caps and gowins. ,i-ti-insli, sal n-Lin n ieileto o ficr orh ocea Up 1111 oat i-lt ii s-eaflt ~ . -1 sapagitofillbe fheld Mionday night at XX i-n tal ci -i oot lau o li-t- /Lastineetting of I'-Iit-raltic beset-cit teiiSi rl aitnatd Suiiiiiii-e fabic;--. Fci i at t9:fo a. in today:;ilettirn eo fu i ...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…TheMichignDail y \\ \c h, IP (:IkN1. RIAYR)NY 1I'Z,2,R1 tio t .. I. No. 133. WOULD REGULATE STATE ATHLETICS Schoolmnasters' Club Will C.oin- sider Plan For High School Association [his Morning. sloa tc <t ltic 'assX1cition. Ati Xiii "XX te eecin foiii. rii XaXX li ill orXXX''XXX id to the ciom-ti itit X fri ts a~lr<Val I ad ptd.a st )f ols i ll i l~ I C l III )( 11.ii i li t to t e - ti C" - 1ARYI IIM" :,C_,\)IIXX '110 XXSIEiT11S0HN1RXIRL...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…rip U ild PAM. T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY -~1THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' plra l i-Arform ih:u ilc so ia spa rci rie-tit )f 11it YInci 11 lU . ILm11U IUmpally M+ERLIIANI 'TAILORS :a H ave rcived a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM MER in (Aleniumo Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan We have the Blarney, Hdsn, Caumberlnd, Chester, Orient, Pel ham Astralia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY Sam:Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Goods Sam Burjclfid & Coo EAST HURON ST. 338 .Sag tteaSteet THlE [AllW, r4'A4I C1ANICS BANK MAIN ANI) HI[ JON STREEaTS Capitait $50~,t000tt fastus antd Profitst$90).000 Genert'aatw laa a'ata<; 3pucrtapaid oTima nd atat psi.: afetytte- posit Boes iao ,at '0 adup ad Ri. KFatty, 1las .S,1vvv; ic(Taet It. A. F.tT S'rt j as A The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ha'ariman, tie re. aM . W. it STATE ...…

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , I [UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ii 'ii cilginici h']. x'i ii1 } cti Senior lit hi ebal racici(, ick] i 3 o'cii k. ii n( , M, llhadi \u Inittinhg Mii ]wi hi hit{ nii tt7:30, i odofsctx'ix iiniiix n in' III. ('Ac clubxtiihii ri~ salni orsi lt at o'cock hrp.RomaA, m1111t 121v peopl i ll w(ii4afi li ran tirom iiti''n lcl it\ \w r aetcli~ *s ataxi d iclttes. \\''imaxkie -, e7( I"il 1d1s Y U t .i i i ithouit 111nitep- c p xxx e t' I...…

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Th..e Mic igwan Daily ANN R)I.\ IC'l I ( .\\ . 1 ( -F\> . ; V~)Y, Nt\R('l 1 000~t. .to. N ox.. xiX. , z d6. TRACK PROSPECTS PLEASE DIRECTOR Showing of Underclass Athletes Gives Fitzpatrick Hopes--Oe- feat at . S. U. Accounted For. Dirctor I. cn xxFitzpatirick i xarn a Yosit ilicthesei days.kit(ndit i ceasy to gussthe- reaxon. prvideld xii iat- tnddthtii rc-k cph cit-ituxtr la igt'Tie criat traieriiint hapyr beaue hefri-sthen c xxiee %cl b...…

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

… N Ck) Wf) cr a 40 CD i z C0 y 0 Y -3 tj1 0 .-, i E Ir s n - 3 0" C/a = J a CD .... . . " . . . Am w a .. w ... h ro :°. I I r/22 D : ' C H ti r I I l + ~" V% .. M r-y f FG-{ f C; rt M " F+ e'1y 1 rZ "L D . c s z ;.: V: rJ; U A _ ,. r -- - r r E5_ f 7V '!% L v_ 1 y <: ,- .-, _, . r u r'whlv.+^v+ ' / f -" ate. ..r ' - .d . 1 J .r ..r s*+ :r' , ' ,, + _ f-- . ,f ' o ' <-; . r n -a ' "i C"7 r s q n r rf C f r ...…

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…VHLi IL N LI jT pi 03 fly 1) l' '5 LL d il i. I, 5 Y ! SPECIAL CHOICE Gi-eet plrcrs ardthe Rtts in "'yl lihl Y pI) B ottles oi 1 11( olrl11 te1 uu: r tth , iiite itlicepcsitd 5tiiai : ataacid is'Qary 'i'c'iiircd. L lilt \'Y 091!IPI'i' lii 15 argPro iin ltches & lmani nicwhi ch 55 1 1 Wi lic ata lartenidesce-,sa s )f331 Iiti.1Z'l J li't . V T S tlliicr i ji i 'sI~ rat" w l tri e 1 .i S i tii 'it itc e si ri <i ll W t oti11-W I 1)O 11111t _ ...…

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -~-~- r ,ii Al I ITI)LCORAT-ORS, (, N SUPPLY YOU WITHA {,ATEST AM) MOST U '=TO=DIA IFE WALL PAPER, PLATE N I) N ISHtEYVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS IlISBRUSIHES,(GLASS WI.NDOW .SHADLES, ETC., ETC. I1 1nn 1;: eralty' is flue Decorating, suchInasn Iap' rhanlgilig Paint- 1t: rilant exterior)I Willt inin tg, aoinIfing, Eresco- 1., Itc. We cllplov onI slyo ill I nwrkmn nd otguarantee 1 k. (GoodsIDeliredto 'all part...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,,1I I(ITI-IL1N EDNESI)AY DLE'EMBEI{ 2, 1908. Vol'. XIX. No. 54. TWELVE VARSITY M LEN REWARDED Captain Schulz Awards a Dozen Football M's; Twenty-Seven Reserves Receive R's. varsity ind reserve football players iwere rewardsd TueIsrday by the award of thre -MI- red tR" letters twelve var- sits mien reeiv rio the "Al", while tweloty-seveel subs, art members of the reserves were give "R's in ecogitioni if the fai...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. itENtl Ilr Ctt(RIt 1Xi'l.TifS irltt-2B n AS iltipiKS iVH1FN ,'_____A____ _______ V t \ ?OVO Ci iKOb le AY. i Ilffl I ' t l T iiI T il K pICH~jIG AN G. H. W ilfi Comlpally Ma-1 ttoEdior-AttcttERF. RICHo:1Tti. le- prent itiiieof loclI<7 g ittoftn d Voia c lice smit, =I- ttscht irtitrtanct hin tit t i ttrcti itgat- it im lr qet r ions cp ethe iti EDT he Largest S 'otookcint tire ioutide of Xiiii iiriorrJatc,...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE MIcI~fdAN IAILY Fn TalrnSam Burchfield's ' Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiekl & .Co. EAST HURO0N ST. Yas.' CaesOaGt Hot Lunch Aet'T...ttix'x. 338ss. state (awn Make BEST ]BRIARC. PIPES 1'a cra l c ()or kor Burl O Ik - - $1.75 to $5.00 s~wornds0$t00 to $1.50 Ge o(',asPip PILLOWIS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malleaux V. 'of M. BSAR.B1ER. SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 10T A NI LT01 11 H llELI BATHS' Ladccies and ChildoflairC.. - 32 s. ...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…TCHE MICHIGAN D)AILY p * Anybody(1 ho sb soiies * the styles illnielt's clothlung raiea'lly ( isti tigtttt-tithe r eady-mttadie fromiiithcu- £jtiter wear s clot' es it tlook as if t hesywottld fit an iodys - the tatter s"etis A clitl tll tat 'r ilatle to fit tituselonily-. We are specialists in the latter line, and will make you a sttit or overcoatthiat will give sou a nmost distinguished appear- J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5F...…

October 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…The M~ichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, AIICIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBLR 2, [()08. \-Of,. XIX. No 4. LINE-UP SETTLED as Icingy Tt Ii-as larly rala e upfrbytesp~lend~idI hltmTg spirit FOR CASE GAME l ythwoebuc. Yost Fears Buckeyes-Varsity Swokedown ltheTIcfil, mTo st cii te Showys Real Form in Script- time i1n1 tt ossssisoToItilt varsity, andTl when ToT teOlie-Yardlinethertie mage, W~hewashing S Tubs Os not TTTTcI toubetin TTgtting tIe Te dieis cast Michlig...…

October 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…T1HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpally 'ie llsargest Stck in the Cit of Exlusive Styles in WOOLENS- For Gentlemfen's Wear ,vrt hiog reuired for Sit, Ovroats, Fa ny Vesting, and Tosat lgs, and of high class I'hiisrsasd Special Styis. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipanly 311 Soth State Street BOOKS] Save half your money and buy Secondhand Books as untversty TextBooks for all tepartments. Drawing Instruments for En- gneering Stude...…

October 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THER MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can. Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield 106 &Coo EAST HURON ST. JOLLY'S o00" S.'STATEFST. B-B-B Briar and South African Calabash PIPES Imported and Domestic Cigars Cigarettes and Tobaccos PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Dlarling & Mallcaux V. of M. SB&RK13 SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKt. Prop. 111H OT tO 01D ( 0101. , IN I' 115 l~alle' Id Ihik -ens Hll.t'Ctttin- 322 s. State St. Ann Arbo, Mich. P'hone 3...…

October 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…-THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Sudden Fall _ _ in temperature will leave you shivering in a summer suit. It's time now to choose an Autumn fabric that will raise you in the esteem of your friends. WVe hit the high places in the art of clever tailoring. Our garments breathe the priceless ar of refined exclusiveness. You nteed it in your business as well as your social life. Our fabrics are correct in shade and pattern. Our styles are the essence of goo...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…The Michia Daily ANN ARBOR, \IJCIW k\ , S \TIRDAYt M Vt 2, 46of. Vol.. XVIII. No, 1-3. MICHIGAN PLAYS' FOR C\ B~NILLTEK SUBSCRIPTION ' AI S ET TRA TO BELOIT "TODAY Xtunrni da}., Jn 7 ilSee rimore BE RAISED TODAY iai oneocainWhlAlmidyE ERWisconsin School Makes Good does not Caninence until the °t7th, tre floney. Has. tob in -Hands ,of IL LAt~JA U A L alumnni till begin to arrive on the 1~th Record on Trip-Class Teams aseek titilirCouncil-To...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…T-W.C MICHIGA N D AIL G. I.Wil CllhalyI iS ine of fine Our Spit Imported adl.domestic WuNES Is now ready. It inclndes all the latest Novelies Shades and Up-to-IDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, (frays and Fancy Blues. Youzr patronaget respectfuly solicited. G, H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street If Youz Buya Base Ball Mitt a bat or anything in the sportiiig goods line -o'll he well suited if ou buy it of Ir Stu...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A NN \ARBOLR CITIZENS enginers ialio in te l tinogicl d N®owis the lime STYV j1QADV mST YETI priniclt L i tjiv'Eii'rDRI1K~yiAKCA -TO _) -intdttfrom10their savage swar dances gibes adt onc t a r 5 t'hteQC\xmia- To loadta Conki onanPr. utci ti n ony t ittreak ottimmitahtev in amort io o oterIse, 11 requ Iiret.t t tt icink press the Cec n-Iiir.n e tfl t w SAVE[ TIMYE itdetrinttttfrante of 1mind,(1kttn'etge ift i: ct a slasit s ...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…If"* 1IC1HtGAI(DAILY __ CA E D R V s P C A A EMay -2-County lair in the gyitta- _ O N TW O PIE C E 1 0 0 0May 5 -Concert by University Corches- S. P. Lckwood, coductor. S R N U T N Iry acuof cpieces , High Schooloum STUDENTS WEAR ha8 lult$cocertm i HENRY a .Co. Mfay 7-Lecture on "L'Avare," by 709-711 NORTH UNIVER SITY AVENUE Prof. Mritz Levi, Tappan Hall lecture OPEN EVENINGS o,4p . MMay 8-LAavre," presented" by the GEN INE Cerce Dramatique Fr...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. No. 138. VOL. XVI1I1. CCC SQUAD MAKES BRIGHIT SHOWING Prospects Look (food for Eastern Cross Countries-D. U. S. Will Meet the All-Fresh Saturday. Though the lg three ;of the distance squad, Rowe, Coe and Dull, will not e attic to cotttetel for Micigan at the eatern cross cousntries next fall, te prospeects for a good team are not dark. lhere are eight CCC' en in college twho ...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…T~rIMM!CHIGAN DAILY . w . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . x Gs HI Wild Oomupany Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic I WOOLENSI Is now ready-. It inclndes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G, H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street Jersey Vest Bittora or V Neck Is list the garmient to wear these days...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY If your hair is a bother, or you have any trouble with it, buy a good flair Brush AT QUARRY'S and get relief. Money Loaned Os Watches, Diamonds. Law Books, or other personal property. Watchoo and Jowoiry ropairod. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resideoco 331 E. Liberty St Ass Arbor. Hlours 8to 11:30 a. m..i1 to 4 30asd 7Ito ALL BUSINSS iCONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS 1e4 tOff on all siamped goods, including MICGAN...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E LOK Est er - - ~ is only four weeks off. Better look at the half thouzsauxd r= : r >t ,patterns we show. Don't wait for Cl ~ / . the last grand rush---and then be dissapoiuited. O rpolicy ofAbsolutlytBest,of instn on a bolt -I derhpin- I !L'l $5.00 W AM1USEiMENTS ocutive Committee OPENS Officee, Room 6, Press Building °' moa rs to6 P. M. Daily CALENDAR. Casa i iGu, thy,' lPricipal . 4xSwai, Bay c iity ighic'isi"Th RomnCm...…

November 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The MAichiga n Daily ANNARBOR, MNICH IIGA N .SAXTURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19907.N. x VOL. XVIII. No. 3 . TJA 1I~p~~ )01111Ier maxn asopose to16 ;- VA SIY ii ~ pIru I fo tie southerners. ur ac k- IN SOU H 1ld 0111g g 91-2 and \anderbilt's . WELCOME I 01 H lo iittd. l Vanderbilt Rm I . .. . . 1. 1F; . . . . .B a e The Team Arrives at Nashville- ftl L. T. ...Mfait Douglas Is Not Able to Play - I 1) . . .. . C ... Sherrel Schulz.......C. .....Ston...…

November 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…f'Rz M~!OWA~? - 1ITHE' MICHIGaAN DAILY -:,... T _._. G. HI. Wild Coumpany The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Westing, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G.11I. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street Get S% Good Sweater vest and you won't indisithose cold winds that are be ginning to make te...…

November 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…T'lftMICH!IGAN rDAILY FAIRLIE WORKS -ON flieandI ie vdobt tlooy j ik ora-cwi, Sit that "i"ivn of this naure wi l e mat- ac1[ CA D N WtOSIT TO ioniibPmaxde iv isbhalf. AS said, Conklin's Self -Filling or nmore ecrphasis will he laid on ridding B A L Michigan Professor Describes the the legcislattre of formaity-ils andTb Coeg 00T DdFountain Pen Work of State Constitutional me oie tamndicipaivorpor iii Convention. The convention met for the first...…

November 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIOAS DAILY 'I Special Offer Ten full size packages of For Only $1.00 This is the. Asssrtess. Saniol TsoothPowesr . 29a Sasnitol Fae.Crsesm 2ic Sasiiol Tsoth Pasie 25c Sseiicl Toilet Poweder 5ic Se..ioI Liquid Astisepiic S Sainiol Bailh Psowde Si Sanitol Tooth Berush. 35a SntlShavisj t ts~ e . 25c Sntlole iteoso.« c Sanitol Fuecs Powesr ____ Rsgulsr rstail priets. $2.70 Iywillnc aitclttour store today werwiltell pots tacattosasil your...…

October 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN. ARBOR, MCICIAN, WEDNEsDAY. OCTOBE R 2, T907. N.8 Not.. XVIII. No. 8. TODAY'S GAME MAY GIVE LINE ON TEAM Varsity Not Likely to Roll Up Big Score Against Aggressive andr Scrappy Scrub Eleven. Sttudent football fans--sonmc enthtsi-t astir and optimistic, sonie dotubtinig butr hopefal, all perplexedt anal wonderingh whiat is to bar the outclome saf the P-enni game-wni nave their fit-st real cac to witness the emabryo ...…

October 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…T~HE MICHIOAN' I5AtLY t 1 --'THE MICIIiAN DAILY. 0.H. Wild Comipanly TheLareStocky Exclusive Styles 'in For Getlemen's Wear us vethig riquirediforSit. Trei sil altofit igh s-tt's i Full Dress Suits a Specalty 0. H. Wild Comfpally 31 South State Street Save half your money ard by Secondhand Books at ZCe ztuxaclte& 13ooh1tore University T etBooks for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for En gineering Students. \V arr the bst irakss z-ri-n o...…

October 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…Ti~l ftlIGAN btALY Sam. Burchfield's Fine .Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchied & Co EAST HURON ST. The bes-t IOUTAI PE N I FOR, ONE D'fLLA1( aBrown's Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. STUDENT COUNCIL MAKES RUSH RULES At Meeting Last Night Miagoffin Is Chosen Referee for Contest on Medic Green Friday Night. Mlieasutres for the regulation oflitht fresh-sophi rushiwere thlen at thc Frst ttetin ofilie Studeit Council last cNini Hil1...…

October 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI!GAN DAILY ' Suits and Overcoats to Measure $15.00 to $40.00 W~~E expect to gain many new and firm friends Swith our autumn and winter display of fashionably correct woolens. QLWe pledge you the finest fabrics, the most emphatic style, the most skilled tailoring, the widest choice and sat- isfaction absolute and complete or you needn 't take the garments. l l l /1/' UNIVERSITY NOTICES Sophomore lit election, 4 o'clock to- day itRoom...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…he MRI)( Nichigr , I-\anY, Daily Vei)r.. \TT. No, 1-8. ILLINOIS TAKES l( I I;~.Ni2K S {;IN:NTjjjSI "\"II( 0:20Z1INt NI IN MICHJIG~IAN IS SECOND Strong Wind Helps Break Rec- ords in Dashes and Hurdles-- Chicago Is Second. III, NV(-IN 111 N. IlIIIINNIIo 17: 13: 1 i 11tr11 0 11111 I 111111lJ :N tr D nw 1. ltc rt3lec - l ti a I ui I N) r itt" 1 u frm te LV11sy t he sm -e- VII I N a elhain fte 11 ic ilIN Agi- culinral 11CIN INNeN Aiwnig he ...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…THt MirMIOAX 1!)AILY New S pring Woolens 1907 6. IH. Wild co. 311 South State Street our Yourin Calldn COrd iShold benent infnow, 'io that yuanmay he certain to gelt .1di iis jhed in tine. Wei can guaranite, you tlic latet styeis and the eat rk at the miostitreason- alel rates. VWc also pinit cards froimiyuir old plate at 75c per 100 Prices for 100i)cad and plate range frmii $1.25 to $3.50 SHEEHAN & CO3' The Stdents Bookstore Money Loaned iO...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…f .. Samf Burchfield's P111e Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAS BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET i THlE MICTIG(AN DAILY AT MACK"S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN AR3O R I':e yo it s l I III l t h . t } rud "II >r7 I i l 'II\'' iiIA l7 tciIll's1I 'l-d -et. uL ' si awieasmtl At , lo I I '/ ~I I IIIa MACK ea Co. 11117 lARME~lRS AND 1MMCIANICS 11i,51 MAIN ANI) HURON 51'I 'I s Capital, ;50,000, Surplus and Proftit. R~,oos llssper isl...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…T IlE MlI4 GAN DAILY AlanmCloks IBreak o" Day 75c I~eit ~sii -29) -24 Itndn I, et sap 19ct a Box t~o l Sii upp l St()rc. Occidental Hotel NV,, Cterto BalI'tquets, FItc. lixson )>iLunch =Ypsilanti Till'T ltlI, JACKSOIN and CHIlCAGO RY. 11 LL nnrii n iei PEA S ]Fresh Roasted, ~r - l0c We busy In car-loam lots and roast daily. DEV~AN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Maink St. I I t iott ill'tMa 'ittic 'ticsit > I ttttt t1, i,caan c t t it y 11,1 1, ...…

May 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… nV CCU ' . r ", : j , 1 i y "3_ M- '-.-+ f. i '_ J ,., I. ,,, r f } , r . f. ... f . I C bo to At i o c oz ; CVs = us l4 ' - f = r _ , . - -- " -r. r "l. r _ ,_ T T J: ' . . ...+ F f (* - tom., ' 77 - - _ " _ ^- r, >_> >: 2 v is , ' r f - r ! i Ez" _. .-. .._ r r ... _ .-- _ r . - .,. ... ..- .. .._. ..- ...._ - .._ ,.- .._. ... ... ._ . . ..,. ... ,_ .s _ f r. . - . _. .yam «_. r -. . e ' r: V ,f ;/, '.t; ._._ % ..... . _ . .. E "...…

May 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…... 'I 0 0 Ss 't T C e-* v was C N G c: t = 0' 0" CD Z ,-", ,.. t t-t- fi r. ... f'G .r ': T. CN "It f' t S " ..,. '^t CD CD CC) CD CD, CC) C( t 1 - __ '' rA rlAII!lr l r l1 I r ~ l l r lr rr rrl r rlr art O _ , r. t 'ja 00 C: two 0 s ' I ~lrulr i i rrrr~iurr wr.{~ I~rrrrl r H FBH f 1X r o . .J^7 i ~i 0=/ c CN . A =' t' rte = __ __ C.2) r _ O C/i 0 Cti Ji 0O 0 O 0 c O O O 0O 00 0 0 O 0O0O0O / z- 'I. N vto M f - s G y.V) .rt o I) -...…

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