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May 02, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-02

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A NN \ARBOLR CITIZENS enginers ialio in te l tinogicl d
N®owis the lime STYV j1QADV mST YETI priniclt L i tjiv'Eii'rDRI1K~yiAKCA
-TO _) -intdttfrom10their savage swar dances gibes adt onc t a r 5 t'hteQC\xmia- To loadta Conki onanPr. utci ti n
ony t ittreak ottimmitahtev in amort io o oterIse, 11 requ Iiret.t t tt icink press the Cec n-Iiir.n e tfl t w
SAVE[ TIMYE itdetrinttttfrante of 1mind,(1kttn'etge ift i: ct a slasit s Te Colee tank like acr ain g tt K s. hits l hr
in cNu Sigma Nt gave a good repre- ithcuat l id.-tndad is to it! No doppe-no es-nbte.Oi
Shave yourself BEFORE sttiton o(thie medica deprment -nwee-an ie.
you wait. IDrt DarttngPeterson antiotiers were RON I IBOYS \\ I Ii SELF
itll cartatuatred, anti theit abantctte C OND 1.1ii POE \Xi K , SEF, PE
]R ow? shhitnntook mnaty by srprise,- On 0JIN1LIIj 1 FILL INGriN
to lotai as" inth te role of tie Ann legautof n' tt-cm.itinitatt. ne~cont "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-ILLER
'With a Gillette Safety \t or itomn'scttitsnstiepartiplayed hell ti h c iue-y os illtirell ttcan be filled intanty si ithotntheileaist inconvien tc. You
lo, tie PhittDelia Titeta. pror aceaiIlttt Y..A.C.Acottld fitlit sith svhite litt gioves o ittiou t tige of
bought atliihedets i diii ati i tg uintesgttat ni At r kitties'hait eiedstilit ibte iHi l itesoiig Besites its tttvetieitte, is the Slni s rit I'I i 1
ITz ' , t tttpitist extractiontt tl refuing tttg 'sI eil. ma tti tt t is t tiit t t 3 quaitiescf te Coiki-tie perfected.
Y S coi~. itiestinit for their lshos h Tue pork o t tsit tit Ladin etiaer Itndttitht, ite 5 ' I l t o.ur s t es itorteri
iiii t tia s nso i somte gteati sork it in lssthes ri i i . t~'at t o ta'tddie. Piees,$3.0 attittt.Sett at o otr tt is '
Si 115itiitttii itii'tl)ttorThe Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bltlt .,Tletdod, ' Ohio
________ ____________________ Tere stere mtnttatt nidits in t pdeti ai intes is ti t oy s ~atne tttiii t_______________________________________________
I ii it e fthe at v e mu ieett estic a c tcrrby I'esets a i r,. i
MVIoniey Loaned ti iparadetwuld 5 hav2e oteeofntose iii ticclt frit iii, s ditg h
cit s ilil i ii' atectaiedte itpl ii ieeswirtttcientieythoehitaslitho tl ti l iIl s ou h o rn
int t' e ,, oit v not 5ds [ rintttt nd uite iufsermanten s.Ttyoi hs euiry 'l,'scioniteal ti ot t }~iii i i
t itt A r ttarttId het citaige iii Sati JuanttHil nit pt tcits i1.C: rts
Hn :thi o1:3 .in. oa3 n o e n theue taeit ttea Pi. "Teddy" wsit ,
a,. I Tt rrs ot. t t~sAT it re iwiti thait ftttots tdelgited"
JOSEPH C. WATTS smilie andithtieblg stick and oncold
noelte ttiters fromttttie famtous Inteacolegate Notes. The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc=
ticii ltius etvereticagetst rys ri g
'ihec'Cosmttipolitatn clot hiati otsettes toryof the srnwe areoferngatseca
or'sxibiiitios..hAt'rge globie sititaeci ittitssititia b ~iite r Ith purchase of beautiful new Spring Frenc'h four=I-
,1 a-eahn itchignifluttccis tit i aitiilt bnofa tanli tmithe lin-hand, in new correct shapes with Open eCnds
Sp i ai eeistit estc avtin tyit iThect utii eted Jhe and in all the handsonme spring coloring.
t tsil or i teaett pdtehc rail% wh tt tnd el lip it tat The new Spring Shirts make their fir.st bow
I d Sodl ws hmaesicaperfne tttt, t it~kt iitiitittttlttt-011 and, they --are beauties. The new spring style
Post Cards ltie plice sgtatu. Probabltititino oet x1 ts I iih i dlo in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection.
Darling & M allea~ix thin is tutudiar'iy' nc h dt hey ii t e 1 , 1' 111it1t iiidulieatit
SI All ST d~s' stie itrtotitic-Keytone ttt'ate. Niottne li
S ' _________________ it t stlts. situ I r. Iii 5
u ITxted ii togaliea goodecitI ectoo :1h ~~I1 is7f
1 1dat t o 111i ~ i h ite.the, i'l s -,'11 Ital i
II ~ hiM itntilt cliitwil le barretd frotit a _____
~' Stei s htniuttlitrlritt~ nRso Retilt, Conlin & Figel
nALUR'S J[W[LRY SStOiC 216 S Mat ''tbfore le judtges' stind sad tLvidn n chii tut. ph 32tStail
A. i ter ictues . While tie Rokv ____________ ____
til dit intsit r itidiig Bit' stelIitioot 20 for
t i tle eof tie hrses slipp~ed l etored iposla rds ' 465
Soda tt~n, shtns if liitheuirr nt ht it 2.=WHERE THlE AP AND) GOWN IBUSINES
All flavors incltiding Chooat e IS" " -1 BEING DONE
iCIII (AN (GRAhDiUATE)S views'slanterne lides. titis ,fv, P ittW titl E Sil tat ttei 'qt e tsa hlarrttrro l,: , ,.
eopitg etu teitaitira tnifot sta,; teta W. . ten o. ni Cicao Any sye ofgow-itt w
'We make tlebestChocolate.Soda Thtittt tie cii envice tcomisiont ti seeeialy.' T isj fit contists I oWhil- yourmeasrettttt shrt 11 it iuiitt
intect.re,; i ticigant as ledetittrters lute iais, foniterie siwithLyo,s ut.Tltouspoit Pnieta 300 up
East University Pharmnacy guoodtilmen iistade evidettby is writ- tulits iod severalt yeat'uexperie-tce MACK r Co.
r"NS.ln-c tusel 1' ig erefolut ilet. Titese letters askitig an Lotgiti. 3t6 South Stile sreet .
-for______ mett ntuu ttite e ititntierouts in te en- Phone t.. f
Barber Shop and Bah Roomfs tolugiet lestv. fr stptrintetitents aperedtdecoraited or pitetd We are MONEY 1LOAN[D tihls i, r
retutstettetitu as. etgiteers for ptblie iakinig special peltes. Yxur et eitt is utit te s' '.n ii t uu,,
E',eenythinafi First-ttaoo 04Fenerth Aene aopposite eout hue I...anti.;,
Lamdeu t Shop ans the City tt stt uetu niiaiigolei od .i iuo ' i in wetdnors sotth iofCityS.tM. t.A W. J. X.OU®RIM
J R.a TOJANOWSK, Prop. surrey-. iThere it a tettandi for testinig 37. if _______________________________________________
A EW DAYS from the time you leave your order with us, and but
I eaerequired before we can deliver your garments to you carefully ~
*tioeand fashionably made. WAGNER. Q CO.,.have6 the rep-
uainfrand wide of building good clothes at reasonable prices.
1 303-305 S. State St., Ann Arbot-

; TeThe Safety Watch DiscE C T I.IC IT Y
rArTCH Rlitli I It11115 tAIi
^ salaPtan auto et tworI tttilttI Supplied to College Men irv4
watchSEND ~t lIt 14it 0 orxen forAl P~srposesSd
xx1i7 - ilitem. Aist)i 1.hIc t t A"1W E
'itor oe thlttuoiititutim~uti-uWASHTE1NAW LIGHT & PWRCO.
PALMYRA, N Y rQE FVasiz~ nSre
tu 'ii t1'rsch nll itas beniadped byIe ,.KE9"Y oU7t 'T S
thficieaulutLeaguee ail N okheSCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 1i"... ___-
. Tit - - iG"sdis a guarantee of quality-t means soons- fnailSnuth State St et - -Bye yig a th MiIIA
_ c,":,. , ,, ut'ita ( cept on als and Dts nder Lim -ariF a g ftesIH G N
4[t. ec ttit iealsla ieats Tnd et0.-ne- hANPt1 0V In yur peke. Spce frtem- -'
tt"icett. hutr sld poo its lI ldi Ciaasss atvanday.10 A. M. n.ndo'da ie\4 ,lieene an ltcaetarte et
.c tatspectalaeveas, nitvurnail.
S ',.5 titt G, att'ndalr.oilat etin a pl ee730 P. M. mad ct1.Ti thinI0aa& a noti Given awaykt
11 stt llct lge FREE. toiistudents at the University Y.M. C.A. M- Ydtk:tictnt it iusi.i6
n n C 77CI T, HLDLHA neby 0S eeioehI. MilnHallt. .THE j BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON MASS
STUDTO - ~Ji~st uron Street

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