1ft)l D- Fttai i tlin corneir iu-
r,,i iitt T'iilt.t,ist Thunrsdai titter-
iiin Owl c ci h t e 8: cl tii iltit'-
iRi ic io n f This atL~ For Graduaion
C _i
/ or ~ lin t I iiiiicid -tcctites.lieo
ine ple s iiiiie 10704 Rewiiardt. 6-7
ai Red1111 perti nasicfo saeit Fine Black Suits
OUR taste and ours may differ dO .hehre&SnsJn IouC i f
we show one thottsand differenit fabrice's Spigsirthickiii tht ititase-te Sen- lc
. ultrat smtart every one. it leb Aen, Moln St. - Sf M k n v r
Our styles are as modest as a june 1 tic of Mate andit itevery______________________
bride, or as daring as an African htunts- C'-hr'.4tf
eln.one a gem : : :
The extra psarticular fellow we just MOE'S BARBER SHOP
705 North University Ave.
visit niore if you're of the "tard to fit."' 0. H.OE. 0 3
J. K RL A LCO M AttOL N~i teultso~e,9,2RA try-on will make all -plain to you.
________________________________ 1. A. DOILPH & CO. ___
Funeral Directors
A 11 U S Ei-M EAN T1S 7,2S4thAve. Ann ArborMlinh. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO.
Agents Listen
r Vacuum Cleaners!
I We have the sanest, most
Saleable proposition on earth. Pat' S Ott OIhQr Paiat3
i he Va cm Clanr ________
8eih poun 8 ds. Carried as
eslanlihtlyssuitcase. Does
as efficient, thoruh work as most-
eapensive powermchine. Lasts a They fIt You
generation of hadconstant use, SO well need
Every sale sticks Everybody
enthusiastic andwnt their neigh- you them
hors to have one. fre alrdGnr wt
Sells completfor oniy $15 io~tTioe drr wt
Liborol discountent s:is College they'rea * Knee
Sudnsaslsod canvassers can ter. Shap eda0Fftiedfo Daes
cois soney asyolsece." heLe
Whitney Theatr~e Hu23nallnslisug a rn g a
The Werer,
for t or or
PoiinOe threet young 0 sfor Inee-Inglli or
itert of good address as mnap sales- ASK Loog t1fldeIJcdP
itien for :the stu ter months. YORELRA. STEINS co. MAcES
-T U528 Center Ave.. Chcsts
Silas Farmer & Company
D~ept,~ 29 Monoe Ave. Detroit; Mich.
I Wil PAS= YOU -1 SALARY~ A Good Body and a Clear DUIGYU.VCTO ri r eesr nBt
dit 1n s. I L(0 tinn in- du, n Athletics and Scholarship.
TIhat's the place to go--the place yout all kitos -itli at,va s~,. -( tiiC a schiiol, Joituttto -i mee--,
donhlle show, of a cleatn cut vaciets, by Jitve isnti writi seetoday befiire yoin ter- Both are forms of exercise ; one bodily, one mental.
T H E A Tr 0 K I 'V M ic itis ~itis ciii 1Ynnt nv proptittits In each case the waste matter ma'~st be built up and
Change of Program DailyM t-N.tlti rewd.Tems
m____ti W i>lt c. C,,tdeaii nourishing, strength-
DETROIT UNITED LINES - -- ~n~ giving and easily di-
MA J E S T 1 C -A1.G.5PALDING & BROS. gested food, is
Between Detroit, Anni Arbor and fi},, phaAn ncvitei~(iapt-sti~ii
+Jackson i ~III Spading 'If ttinIt the wortlt
EMEM EK! Limited Cars East Bottd t ",i n, orts ana Tea.-ss CiFiIL P SHREDDED
This is the lost week of01'a tc p. .5~ P 55~ sports asd patimes.
VaudevIlle Season. pi 111.. 5}pm.iti Car sii tBuni.a a ) ' , YW OL H A
Iat Aitt cdhl i i e ;cF~ r, i d i i it tn-i~t- c W HL-H A
Ii. ii ci i i ic ii ii ~ c' siiit iiiiiii1 - P"
AlGreat Showg a-htis. viam Lii . h 7 ipat! ihnii Cat It contains all the
FOL'LOW THE CROWDS Local Cars West Hound-"A a, 'u. 7:1 a .iiic i-it body -bidn ma-
ni--, andiyii .w hour" toii-iiiii.i111sieiritiI~c ii ii is 1iiin' uh ii tut -b id n
_____________________________________ i iiio Whats New io Sportteilnth woe
l~~~~~u ~ i ciii ftat ra i h h l
Ososeasita. ii i s- f5oay of ansic. e whet, mae tgst
234Woodwwardv..._,_Dr_____ ibleby-steam-cooking,
220-222 Sooth Stae10ras oGtRc shredding and baking.
BILLIARDS AND POOL tC®O $.0lBa for' Oscstnl 2 Conts I sfudo h
~vs~~AIShi to E i r n " training- table " of
n S t i E i n CA t 7t and
oa,~ y it X5 to tan ,tfilt-~ nearly every college
i~iitdi and university in this
het .u i I tit iSt[[
HOWELL & JOHNSON, Props. N. E. RYAN. Manage the S.P;i cuty
dO 0 LEDGE I litti ~
Iiity. I yy th P
Ifilccu lic he t i, , ii iJa t pae inarn eiii /it A M OfNEY ~ k ey S-- iiioe-et[itsr- i
.t= ODL~ J7Y j tir itnitie t tir[-.I nsccs-i n "h 1kIt s al in the Shreds."
1V1UP EE 7V rasmI q ti k I si S 1 i rul} f i iiii -~c iii i
lieeCl p-u yRestaurant iiioi t ici ii5 1iic i i Soy tt ci Iiii' t is-ii tI it i a i til bt by
tiiii-ticyssv5 ti tuiitic i t eii i t [I" P I s~1ypl n 7 tii is siia i- nrn c t itIt S Ui c-
A ncist ac isess tt kaC hops. et- WVriitic tior~ ci c- Sisic Ic uic--c fi:ii c-it of N as- tin i.st 'scii Ttl S ED E WHEA Co.
iiiiicru.tii-iiii s of ali ds . Everyits -ie tt ptics ri-t-is-C t-ici xpriece Al) iitni iiii ::. t disic- la 'fa atiii it . THiH EDEiiF O
n -firs ~clas s fo ait dn~tenn tfr rf-Pritr nLd A11 it nIi,i-teiiscan tin ut ilt si) ciii
Clent iii h CIn rb . THE T. J_. CAIE CO. TheI tic in i t t t By- .it, y - - N i Fall, . Y.
31 S STATE SIReELT Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT h 't.(its-- - MoitS l
- Q~i~i V Tti Th iti Arc. -11 Msseotols, Miss.