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December 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… Of tI a VOL. XI. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900. No. 67 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and VWinter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles asd finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress ooscasions. 6, H, WILD CO., rob E. Washington St. i DAINTY X1fIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane ...…

December 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNI VEIrTY ul MICHIGAN DAILY r happens to prevent the students from U.. 1 ~0iA1.attending each game and that we fix things with the weather man in the spring? Either no doubt would be Pubished Daily (Mondays excepted)daring preferahle to the present plan under College Year, at which a student may miss a game and 111E UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN still use up his ticket. MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFriCE In conclusion I might say that I ArgB aBldg,...…

December 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…THE VNIVEESITY OF VIGHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE ~JNIVEBSlTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 .. :E ii ii ii ii iii ii ii ii * W W Ii *l * ii *f ii iii ii ii 'ii CHRISTnAS HINTS DAINTY SCARFS 50c to $3.00 FANCY HAN DERCHIEFS 25c EACH WELL-MADE GLOVES $1.00 to $2 25 BATH ROBES $2.00 to $7.00 G OODSPEED'S 117 Main PRETTY SOCKS 25C to 75C HANDSOME SUSPENDERS 5oc to $2.0o PAJAMAS $2 oo to $5.00 !1! !1! !1! !R !R 4'k 4' ." x33113 ! :3 i ? :3?3 3:3 3'3 i 3 ...…

December 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…T.HE UI.NEBaTY '01 NMI 'HIGCAN 0DAILY 4 r NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardinal's snufl-box, Hentry Hartoand On the W ing of Occtslons, Joel Chandler Harris The Hearts Highway, Mary SE. Widkcim The Lane that had no Turnin , Gilbert Parker flare Pales, Georg Ade Alice of Old Vincennes, Mauriee Thompson In the Palace of the King, F. Mart~n Crawford Songs of ahafrlorning. SEdesn Phillpots The Isle of Unrest, Heary Selon Mterrimean A Bicycle of ...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…_______ UNI, E RSITY OF MICHIGAN.______ ANN ldid~t)1b, \tl(1I . S\Ttl'1)AY. 1 ('MD ixf 190182 Nto . xi Si' NI) : 1 J.:' . COMEDY CLUB TONIGHT i s5'" V lxix uand Dlio' i 'l ,,v ~ C~O Er C OSEN r u . J l tax la t sa i ~'x ...l P ..a .: . Cf i t !ijiliAt . a ... xt i t{ i I~ f13 ii i mil ii li i }Ii I i t i tt V Iri-i fii'.; ' r l1 +; '''liitrliii)' ,, ' : )i + l 11 { . 1):y w iiII ' yix 1;1 I' p ''ii il L' ii1t I I i(ii11xvi x.iiin 1 i i1: f i s...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…'l ; NH II F ' iN ' IV ,) t T 74 1 , r f .. l " S > _ ... J 1' A . 'y S .a y ' 77 A(Tt IMP 111 0 NO 'i'ito ' V AT U. H.WILD CO. MAN (iINti I)1 O' BUS NES.S i'Atia~iIT , 'x -CTE II S uNt 'it Robert A 'r, TENEITL NEWSI 'a ii 1 '04/ M & u :! 1i p l i Im rt r 'at ' Ia tt IM d i t iy. \N t rit ul v uby aKARL EDIiN HARRIMAN. It to s i I, A $1.20 net Wa T ]~~OE TtN N 108 E. Washington St ANN AkdITIi- MNICH'. heart of Mine BY James Whitcomb Riley Illu...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…I HE Ml('11HI11ANtLY NK>V r If you want to knowI what smartly dressed 0- men will wear this sea- son ask to see This I I' vo IN Seinj= H 1,SI'( Smnart Glo'hes lsi ______ [ntI~nschif & AplelEB PALACE AND PARISIAN TeFns ut Lainii[yAfRlCI i and vro is woth OUR ATTENTrION - o th 1) iY OLOCY, LOIY a 13, [HGLOGY IY C alS~t~ MI atlt RBI ts Ai& SON, IPRER N Branch Store on State St. jLAST YEAR 551 (01 O 1 TTE SIGn1A SIGMA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER Ia i c...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THEL MICHIGAN fDAILY--NEWS ? ~i ,' -,., n, _,, I -% '\N\ \ i -':* is \ ] 1 "1 ~1 \ ". 1 { it ..« . cy.c. I - " .,-FO1,.J-- - lr-"..1+~ ae- - i . :_ ~ "u' i1Wiisirl ".. ,M E N..l~ r ~.AY~i+r1,. ..-_. = n .t -" r I- Rubber ~f : .1 (Mos Gy he,"115 EANS Keep Warmi CPhtatas Vests keep out r the cold. We sell them. CALKINS' PHARM ACY, t 324- S. State St. B~ailey I liundts FISHNETS 7 FOR )1 CORA FIN6. 121 East Liberty St. OPEISN I)AY ANit NIiHT. W.tC...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…. ]0 VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1903. fl[SION CHOSELN. Michigan Half-back Only Western Man en Camp's First All-Ameri- can, Maddeck, Redden and Graver Have Places en Third Team. Waiter Camp, tie d1an1ofifoot 1)1)1. has chosen hisAll-Amorican tool hail teams anti He tons ofi Michig;ana sh onty westi-rnt tuaye to behooried otil slht hir-I ea.Caps etlimioare as fottows: First Eleven. hodlney 1-sristreton. tat ht -tii-an, Y...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY are not so fortunate wil be given an ~ CII A~ ____-eqnl opportnity to help the clubs FFYCNSEC Entered as seondclass matte at the Ann along at the concert at YysilantiArePsOfc.nxtTrsa Thswlbehe_ 1IPabts hed daily IMnday exceptedaurng the initial concert of the trip and a rous - IeCiaI Limited IEdiOn& n n o u n c em e((til e year, atti7 Washington street, Ing send-off will do mu dl scsftoward tna POPU LAR ...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. o-caist~t' .y: e f t +i~a , >*t*+ft' '1 "t la . I Al All A 0 and $24 ( c~tsyafnow VIUI'UO.L All $1sOvercaats naw VaI I $15tOv~a52 ero ata110 W- This sals includes the femrous H. / S. & M. 52 and 54 inch long coats. v. 4l Black and Oxford. Plain or tic Belt IRyton. U 217 South Main Street T e C + Pbone 513 - - ;$20 - 18 - - 12 clothir, I I HOLIDAY GIFT rOR fMlEN New Neckwear Fi Handkerchiefs L, Umbrellas Fi Dress and Str...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. S-I I'*-I rs'.I- * +-EIr~' --N4~-4 ' As+..+ <r . r . 'THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD - i AND STEAMSHIP LINES. So e hi g s ecialITais lav3An1Aborfyenral Sttndardl~ Time r -+ Efective Otoer 26.l92. r' For bdturda /uh' ~ SUH OT <^'"* No. t- ! 2 A. o. No. 1- 9:00A. M.1 No. 2 ili33 A. m. No. 5-12:3 P. Mr. No. 4-8522P.M. No 3- 4:53. M. fTainis 1.,.3,, 4ad 6, li ilt'ecept Sunday ~. Kep1~dKe yor ee ol Ireeohair crs oQNo. and 4. W.IIIH, .P ...…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

….The Michiga"nDal AN NARBOR, ITCHIGAN, 'C t)\ I 'i)N1).1 NI)I:C'I t3 t)Oc . VOL. XVI. No. 63. FOOTBALL BANQUET TO BE ELABORATE AFFAIR Business Men Hold Meeting to Ar= range Football Banquet-Will Occur After Holidays. The busneiiss 1trnof Aniiiirblor meOi 11I~a ontoiiglht to irrnigefor thr an- mm] alontinio be girro Michigan's fotalheioe's. Owng ito theapri11oach Of Christmaisian01theruish of busiiness inietlto thei holiday Seas0onol c aoti...…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. G .HcW l cinerda iecnd case atc c it thei5Ann C o. uis:.ddaly (Micndayscepcted) tra t he cellege yer,at 117 liast \V5 ino Leadin aaing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. IhANS M~ERCHANT TAILORS EDITORS. 4 551 cc ........Caece E. Eridee Nie............ LouisD. Stckney l xrco ncs ........les Frc . iVici ed l iexc ........... \i~fi. OAr:eeter Wlen ..........ffi. Armstrn EDlITiORIIAL STAFF....…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…SPALDING'S * ~ ALMANAC FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES.SU111IA (RICE 10 CENTS A,.rs. SPALIDING t. lapROS. \, for k Chicano)3 3,r I'lli) depia I~enre : yrause ;rit n~olR Wit. oris uil'a ) t1ioinllr STATE S"AVINGS0BANK W. J. Booth I.3oo.\r'Sheehanr Jas. It. 3Wade33J3 1 . 3331, - N. J. Kyer .JohnIlaarr Frn '. 33azier Chrstian 3)13) - GEORUE BISC IO F FLORIST Choice Cuat Flrlearl~d t,, Chtapin St betwret en urn ad IMiller Ave Phoe t804 QUARRY'S Ros...…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICEI You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleecpng Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Cs- lumbuso S. E. CLARK, 32 QCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. I II / Magnets that attract -N -' , PATRONAGE ARE -4Quality and Price The quality of our Suits anid Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, ...…

December 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Daly ANN ARBOR, MIlICG X\ 1 RID kY, C l -)l(\ilId 13 Q,07.N.C \'i.XVIJL. . f ti PiRRY -DISCUSSES PROPOSED REFORM P leform Committee Thinks That Success of Movement Depends1 on Number Interested The political itfoni n nittec' held at meeting at thne clhose last night. Senealreforiti lii iirti w etedicustsed. . I. Peare . VVidC . Pratt,, J. T Sample J. E.Ole \1.V.hIner- mant, Hi3.Jonesic iilM.,-). Baldin aee adeid to t ini ee T...…

December 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…_WI! OA _A L G. I Wild Comlpally tlie Larest '8totk il the C ity of Excinsie Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Everything required tor Suits, Sit litloats, Faney Ve.stings, and' Trousaerings, and ofl high class fabric. and spaec 1 Stylus. Fu11 Dress Suits al Specialty G. H. Wild Company 311 South State Street The Newest Popular Novels as they come out from tineto 'time cati be hail here. Our stock is be- ing coitstatlty addetd to anti i...…

December 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…TH i1 G W-tkL Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcltfieki &C*EAST HURON ST. P' nr iii ic +t ,1 ., :,- i i 1' } ;t t Holiday Goods Now on s ale at/ BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. ALARnI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.5 1. 75 MICIG~AN PINS AND) FOIWS 25c up to $5.t0t FINE WATCH' REPAIRINti A SPECIALTY. Watch Inpector for the Ann Arbhor Rilroado J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch. 304 S. State St. Golden Scepture THE ...…

December 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…'twu MIeRIGAW EJAXL~ AM ".4w. 'A Premier ts Merchant } C~~hF'XL>DARYCO InnK to yourLOUKSNovSC'3- Alphi Nubanquet, 1 t o. Co. Dec. 1 - SoireC Dramatique et Masi- rAII.10 S TMercHih ass Cale." sien by Cercle lDramatiquec Fran- FURNISHERSMecads cas nSarah CaswellI Angell ball at8 HATTERS1o 1V 1 Pplrrie If yonu1would b~e looked up to, not down on. 'p. ml. PplrPie tec. 13--Prof. Clarenc 'M. Alvordl of Latest Styles.-Regal Shoes--See Oixr $5 Boot...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail AN,\ARBOR, NMICHIGAN, SL\D'tY, 1)1 Cl Il T 13, 908. VOL. XIX. N\o, 6 4. BAIRD HAS NOT YET RESIGNED, BUT-- Students Think Story of Director Leaving Only Premature; lar- q uette on '09 Football Scheduls. "so far as I know-0, (1here is Ooltely no0 truth in th tor101ahot ArMird. 0051''010'' as hd of \-iiclogaoiathltic, as (111 lihld in10(1ay's)Detoil and Ci- hmn If from Nnn Arhor a great dealtiof conditions(1 f(rt neces'ittii...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…Tft -MIC1410AN DAt G. ie. Wild Comfpaly Th aret CStocki of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemfe's Wear hIciryhiii required or miSuit, Iii .1 ( at, Fantory \ tig- and T1 01151 iig-, and o high cls alieS and spcia Styls. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Collpally 311I South State Street Michigan Calendar FOR 1909 AT Shiechanl & Co. Students Booktor A, G Spalding & Bros. itrld of nfiliuAli ii'Sul plis. Foot Bai, Basket Bai, lee Skate...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods rSam Burclifid Q 106 &AC Co. EAST HURON ST. Yo. Ca.,-MGet 10 Hot Lunch AtT-..ttle's, 338 S. Sttet JOLLY'S 304wS .0TAT1Si. Own Make BEST BRIAR PIPES U -nll 1.75 to $5.04) e ends _ _ - $1.00 to$1.50 PILLOWS and BANNERS - AT Iiarling & Malleaux V. Of M. BAR.BER. SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSI5 Prop. It(11 ' Nl00,) S I N TUB:1 , \IBR 5001731 A WnlEC]AI,TlY. 171 l711N' S1 322 S. State St. Phnes 359...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Proud -sakintoselli-onfidenice.'Youciant hold yo (ir head upt 0r do your best if your gar-i. ments don'i it or become yo00 We're tailoring speciralistsWr e r looking for the hard-to-pleiase. hi.smorn particuliairiyouiare, the beiter we lk( tiyse rvei .o ur piatropsare discriminating meni New shadeso aridpatterns are hene or Wint1r. Our ivange of fabiricsoi wideen ough to sulit the most ciictal. lb sres i daoh and distintcit...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily VOL. NIX. ANNMA.,OR. 1I~CI-f ICTZAN. SUNDAY,, DEC EAMBE'R. 13, 1908. No. 64. BAIRD HAS NOT mik ided g oprtvl toagie salaryhe 1receie s foi hi. sei vi s iiete i ttdcerihaii be i gh'ttohitr, YET RESIGNED, BUT-- io, his 1 ine s _________ laiarl i e'iaie he levis, so ih lceniithe Students Think Story of Director -Occsilon of coisideable seltionil- ii Leaving Only Premature; I lar- iiohiolllt01 ii.1(1ile tolicsiiiiaithiiiiitg...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…G. ILWild Comfpally T he. Irot 'Stokini th Cit of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear I irtt;ig iequired fr i t s. t (l~Oat. I OCyLt C o..and Irp1 - . i and of hihcls FullI Dress Suits a Spcialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South Stat Stee Michigan Calendar FORI 1909 Now o" se.1e AT Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore A G. Spalding & Bros. T i:,L i '0 t loitc'to i t c Fuot Bai, Basket Ball, e Skates, Hockey, Gl, Gymnasium Apparatus. ,o...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 7

…Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring 'Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifiel &CO. EAST HURON ST. Yo.s Can et eo Hot Lunch At Tutos 338 S. S~tg J OL LY'S Own Makte BEST BRIAR. PIPES it 0 1,1 : AGNTtS( ,1 O l wk. - - O$.75 to$5.00 $1.00 to$1. 50 PILLOW.4S and yBANNERS AT D)arling & Malleaux V. of M. BSItBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 1101'ANDt) (1)11)l C tt IJl . 'tIS~_J, Laies .,11 0 tic itteI' a ir. t OtS .422 S. Stote StMih Phn t5 ell Ann A...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 8

…O M 4 16A 9 1A ILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feeling Proud iSakin to SelfionfidesnceYuianthold youri head op or do your best if youir rW roents don't fit 01 hecomeyou. We!'rextaiioring speiaits IJe~e A looking for the hard-to-piease. he orci particiilar you are. ttfie ttrwolke o sre ios. ciuipatrons are zI 'xii1ilnating 01e1. New shad". sand atrnS r hr or itciiv. 0 ar range of l'airii - 0. widie enoughlsit, theru t riicl TliinI'i. adash and...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WHAT OF MICHIGAN IN 10 MORE YEARS? Prominent Authorities Predict Improvements in all Depart- ments-Merritt Foresees Unity By Donald A. Kdhn. What will be the Michigan of sten years from now? Rather an uncertain conjecture, you say? That may bf, for ten years is a long time in educational history, considering the numerous changes that have affected university life during the past decade. Nevertheless, the president, the dea...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i 1 EASTERN STUDENTS EARN A FORTUNI Aggregate Rezeipts of Employed Students Amounts to Nearly $100,000. By Donald L. Kincey. More or less complete statistics re- cently compiled shsow that many of the students of the law department here are earning their way throughs college. In view of this fact, ansd that there are also many students us other departments of the university whso are dependent on themselves, statistics from...…

December 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 64) • Page Image 12

…THIEMICHIIGAN DAILY ORCHESTRATED 1BY FAMOUS CELL1SI [Lose Song in Culture Prepared for Musicians by Bronstein- Special Orchestra Organized. Of1 all the (etails etatiledl iitepro- dutlitoof a comic0pera5heris (7one111 teiihctributes11177gretyti 7 o he succe of 117' '1ho7, 1b11 1w-lch Iha-rdli reeie a tiought rom111the audience. thIis is1 the wooitk of orcetto . 011Who "C i- turee isfpoy d at the Xiitohe'thstwee the aedi ee will no doubt r 777 ...…

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