The Michigan Daily
No. 64.
BAIRD HAS NOT mik ided g oprtvl
toagie salaryhe 1receie s foi hi. sei
vi s iiete i ttdcerihaii be i gh'ttohitr,
YET RESIGNED, BUT-- io, his 1 ine s
_________ laiarl i e'iaie he levis, so ih lceniithe
Students Think Story of Director -Occsilon of coisideable seltionil- ii
Leaving Only Premature; I lar- iiohiolllt01 ii.1(1ile
tolicsiiiiaithiiiiitgfoiiianiioi'i sorlee
quette on '09 FootbalScheduls. asito he nen en cosided f1r the
____pos-it~~ion. H oswese, iiscetlinlithatiii the
''So frit.,1 1I 111ow1 iiereiis 'lsol ei3 I eget illsiiimak ie use of evry psi bl
resgnig a hed o Mchian thltice iiiiisdeeie to esin, Miiehiaiwill t
as pahlished iintiiiyis lDeuroi t di Liii1t ilong time iniil l man11who 1can11
tlstopapas"sai Pof. lirgeW.Pt ad e 1sciipliae ale ice i ution 101 i
ersoit. clarm oi of theatiletiie 11011 ii tf a a terile it mannie s ihasl the man I u
control, Satilld(ay.night. 1"Tolbe sure, o wihost woi'kisFers' fied(1williialways..l
\Iri. Baird ias lien oriceii hed oast1 I oiosiioo'iif'
himiselttfroi AnocAhoiia ' i tel iofc
thetititle'duingi'i e pii alst e,tI iiii iii sic izing thile iotanci et ofiathetest.
poi ion towas m te ieoi that iwhleniilte ite simeis t eaiiiniii'insiCaP-'t s
co e1in it ite sii'iing ihiisusiss tamls huhiiid t cl is iii if the itr l.. iiiii
risa oe uia ara esigniiiiis ibai'se'billitams 1rep eiiveli haveisisiictl
conceernie', iitiisiit ti tke" c l for cand ida ei forTuelt i sday e i
Alhoiughithis st teimeititis cI lie ng ' 'c truth metdi il siili e lin t
raitedI)li Ar . o iistoReentiBeai, he .the' trophyirooiit the g>,soirtt tiSt
str a eltinii iits lsi i felingliof o'lok,. isitiwhiie lpt in Su i iis ad-i ii
do had iis to Iiisiice tebyiiilii lii ils dres ithe.basealcadideiiiaities ati io'lc 1i
ce tit tattei triw s niriiii t-ill tisa plae T' oiet f tilts
1au111ntictled tin(11uiiiounded1.. Ther ets meliiet igs'.is two-fold:1fist ii ideisir''blueI
ll.iliouttt thei i stilwth w a- tth i iii iie litaces1and cii t a iili iins .sveBorne
silliii of iiiiruth iit etiticontain, l s 5111111"iea of thei iiiieial upontwisc t heyii.
iii.c OFth ohis 1athule' i iiiiiioit is more ii 1)1111 i spran, theywisi toiexhoititthet
titee Iradto Ilet tuilepuilcleniln ill at-ii ii tnto it t :itatrd iri ngiiiii he..hiiliayii
ever is iiarc abo t iiiiILt e e"o~unsr I v cie'i andiliine i iiilit sthe d of tiiieni sit
itti tet sit s i t appeairiiiii i ithiiihcagite ini ordeir'ii11111 ithesliil ii 11115 tract:
dat i line, 1nd11 1111151111551 I i iiiieis tiiiirins I iii 1111of te iiihles to k ell
wi iitiioutintit is irumortted"iir itt'1111 ipii htheius's'egetutu..hasietn 1e1c1se1
isitseppingti' plesets- i'tht D ietortill fpaical],}is ill th deathileici isahstese
hidsrsgait'llas tie ithis haniiii if thati lhae lhefalleti lMiciiiniin receot
th e tlis iThat iiuieiiof ills sru t Yieirs iiiid if iposile thati ifeatiirewitlli1
liliesiis inacrts, iste fauts wisliliteiavoit hiiy.. i tWhe iis ut-
haenting to1sayif ite r cotciniii g Tue sdaisate p i~iim i'lifor ithe'riie'i
necesstiltolicotll itc le aird11'ilstresg' whoiart he eliile' foriisrstleitie
11.11i(:i 1That is . it ttr rt he liii us 15 tgtition ithis iyear, iall iii -y ar.tee
g lts ianidifor it iiith lt iasotlel .iiw111 i halysi had i anyllseperiectie ither
" i- i liiiaccepted i tni rls.this thI tamsi terl ti e cri c eailiglib
stma t ill.ho is n tinsieit s0i faeiasie. lihitv ith Illsli tu l illl i rn re col a1 n-
athie'ica is if thei vesityf u a re os iia natlttsna e1be5o.cco
'unda mttdi thiiis s .Baidiels l- i'i sc ito i i i imatriauise y wortIit h- li
liii( Ill igniiitiiiiiiton t hs 1ag 11 fulity s da igteylft he i i iir ittNcl 11111-
-T ergns( i lt tof iil cosierli li ii'\ iiii'ii'ili tl ii i u
never ether iac S't'551or1' iii .t iiiit.iiiithitd lie iii hasbeintaide to iMic-
Tey1111 l .slsa ae sth ac h t illns gus'ootall schc tle i tipet is
itis itirist itsmightyislu lems itur b ing ete 'iitt 'ther galisle icfhi
ithoits'priite buisiiissotathe'rsmihut(e if Cae Csiilp hesasna
.-hs ui proftliis tlitissterwothe 5n111 rbort OctNohirfiN wi ie lclia
tgla ttiiiieihiteconetiniiiieit h t ro l fi.. (PnnatPiladeipia, ;,t N 1) ih -
(laneit ir.i iietrif' lttlicou tiesctte hiie h aq et cw l epm c
w etti touri d'oy itl e s a beltscs d-ciip as i siwt' ee titiobeiurist. liiasl;s.
tis ditatcr iiiton lie thgs reasnin UsoctSeersarsligho thidgesoatv1111eenilimade
tee it.tey it havemo\t .iei n wh ile i is th tskisital e dit iiin.' cludoiiiigiia
t hits atisilh iissc s s i icasesithaty liiislofte it 'MNichiganishuh isti tet
rtiits'i iiihi 1necesistitetsarytolege ailTeAgics tilloethie
t'ili is lle ifntwic hitsibelieduto sesonei rlti e t nuaritsisteaid.1of tt
hihly aussoutoitaiis hartout recon- stilsutietfteiioingtouLasingilloitthefis
cise uit tihelafimion ootssusti ifgitlst Becalig"ame.t
thatli k swinthi ng lip theieiir s ue l etffaiir. - ilisil th-uucuu
t feti'announcemenustit ii.usirdsseOPOEDI tip~;
temrtitveliuitt eupus'isdeply isishuuTo Germanis 'nd7two uish oAp-ii
ithe gath of Mri.. liciose cotusuel i Ci I theifeatuliiiattesmopotanus
alcdiiete ll lifis lie touustningifoits d ts hailteeriny its thelightieiio
'Admirable Crichton' Best Ve-
hicle in Years; Carl Grawn and
Ruth Todd Divide Spotlight.
;rihtiii b th C ll ''fitu s' tnh'ti'
ias iiidoubtedly11/the1111 iii ieehhriau1115
i i atirgliii tion 1111n recenh ti itt lill
lie pre s andtuictpbilities o t'c1 b
lhin' l''ti mitinin tofthsite tuto aw
ih la ats nih th m ly rd m d is
sl. B rie' s ple s one hic can1
Iih liii itlla,11 110 ils tiittile a -1(ii l
an~l yide ily i ts 'applas les iii list
by the comp Cny. iTh tttit cths g
not aS lautrge ias th tilt iii si t h set
itrformance dests silillitii iithi htii'i
CarlGmwi, aCrihton thepar
m1111 iis ii'' itbyititisis Glete a
inerreaio ao iline' ils h p title I
scarcly this ii ccdunItile 1111i i
ha al ticlcu Sag, Illene iuli hi
Theitaskie ofuhs inhic ih onesio.h
teicmii chartrsiie5ttu theiti
wort:11111 mlit i f ih. AliiuthTo
asi liii lit I itthutubi ss It 111lldiiete
ph 'iyendhirlitlet'ewe,'e maeih suh
Buitse.' I i; eu is ti I ht i t es
ttaci i n is wsa" thal ill dstoth thie
inchBa aderact heiulerSts..
tinw, thcties iotlyalion f 11s
plae heirpmrtYoexgeeopnls' tahgio
docE seenDrasetheMslollsstar, I
W lytu, wSgon. Ican ontsnwh ii
mihuttearisescaped ilottii ih ist i! h illees,
103 H.n oungSrvie:Sbjc
48nduWed 49yTr. 50ri,
5180p. t. Mat.Pe52lst.eNigio
pat flod1.1-cehrt e olsi a WINS HUNTING ChiP
1,111Iibs asithe Rv.Jhn'13 htnMichigamua Braves Hang Many
and11 tarold IHasitsit ho1s utharoIs Rbbt Skins onTotem Pole-
\h~~iss ushbelPatush iii tilexeedti Whitmore Lake, the Camp.
In' it iaristocra this Counte1hss oiii le
hns. M i 1[u 3 tj iues and \lis Niteten sit leek raibbits aniu onehiltsiouidt
Grce Bae ts _,d Cahein lllepat ig etilt lii eas o 1f siutuifiu
11111..ha ad pats inItilmisim it us I ls iitti f 111I ii hilt oue hit aii:'j3 tku ey's-
mp si le for i ..eiii toishoitis ll the i ultihi ii i llthe1 li h il ahull tt lliut-
I t a cress hi r<,h w- m re ke hitclit is'.uiii isecotie l l al-
Roc 1slril(rht'i i Il xiihniscn I'R.ll t ' e North I l iti stip t tstret Ni wt'ilh
t Juys 3, 1 1 r 1h \ s1i, I . ii sihille I l hett l a ~ ict're'sh'i'ltst iutig ututtiand set
1 1th d 1il il er Ralpix h l ii too ou t oilhi hit ii \tra hitmore'.
iio prsI iii iiU:the cam 1) of ithe iianestors. Ths
hilt h'.h'i11 TON ''ll Bk
I N IT'IiA'Fi'hI 15(1TO [,'RAII'iS
hu e1-bredireids there raithuer itodetiult
iretl. andarmed lstshe atrfeet-
reiii.. thanttes'sist how itandiuulat'
hilbt O ehtlilt'''i ijil tie' st'tiiiiiludilt IFlingut''heathter W t ur s accusiedh of
111M rtrnt il111la rce~ 1011 11111111 ill put hitunnl 11 thii'etusnd 'ifhifs
hn nta ion llilt 1111111 )s ce t- " n. [)lt 11 ag e nn tee'iiiofh this
he 1.1rs. snc n mb11o he rbillt eis l hs ithi the itirdl
eior c1 5 '5hllssh k nist,1151 ,-i11'' tisi 11re 1wa alasitulv ei'nglcup.-
l a l agml P f. W.lst I lilte i 51 .151 sf i tuturnna s.ill 'appter tt
Prf - l.]Isis it iiiiiih is N' s a lueitit i llt bei placed ' it n i the is'u'u5 t iut i fori'thue
11515f1thechaper iatthe 111511 t otis51 slt fiscto aenl
Cltiiss.ssifon, i 'eu'uu'uu'i suhinotielt ocial l isOu i r ing te list uweehk ths. ittliiiore
ilitsiti5tpla 's'rescossreid fist lplraiiechickens
- -__ an'111 se1 limi t.. h111111 rli n ciptal 1portionu
AIhiQ1Othi iii IN lush hiss 1555(of ti-ltytutul which tail bcen
StYS PhilhilV' 1 SVNhN , 1presumredsibitI mindlord iBu1ke ohfisth
"I all n thngof ll Lid. sid mro. h umuclcs iii..nsafters, isnd thischsleh h-
151 y ewic1 sit t he 15 Derothu -ts iiiI tndedl abiutl6 osuelock last
co n fhss eel s.h issfre he Nib eciss S s ieu n thuse 1111 111-1ostli t'tui's
hlimisu assoihtihon il in IV'ts d , is msidg , ucs hangiut'ohiti h ittem isoles tthus'r.
ils lil n hisc shi ~i~h acreeput__n_____moth,____________S__TSALE
weresntsmaditelbysuit.111 factmussllmthtlis (I. I I C Dc TOSI At Shi 1s
ws i d smith iiiwasii a i i hdspNeIeIch'II1 )--h-- lI P
I)N- an aiummus ii l shch heut huofte ) n to his'he large si'emandi Ifist'"''ul-
uratt s f indinguue.1suitabls ucchilsslim liii "seits, ndtu h ei uinn i en ic cs fiot
hush ])- Alt el m suh o 1umul lie rit's is h tndling thue.'large' iriws ii'attendinig thei
P urhf. i i i'I'yn 'isisimu~css higii'Isis safsi e i ctush vemic e n o transfherred
gIzeI rustimint hush ' fottasii tsi to thes..No us Witttney hissxsoffieefromn
lo sa-ii lig ttu andmiPcnniumylVilia1.1thelle tilts tithu Sale.h sill nowit e hiss ldh. The
compared, mii usoiail'tohuhthisaca slitc I umis l isitu hisctRice wiboe oday ansd
I wa iii.. tis theil anqlimi thits 1luthsius ltit5:30o. 1 iui fe
NVIiam I,.liis iC.lement ite a prominnly "euseol h ag nme fpr
CitN imanuifiiialtium.. m o ssumbeihis ansidateuui ons.whoihaveialreatyysece dseauts fist
foruu ee' nt'uh tioi su 1 lthcl Cnuhtu's aOidHi owartd Baurkdtiul last
whomste trull r e xt yca1 ii, lh.ime preiiussion uu seem ohavec
_____________go____ n e oth isossoic peoplc thtiatulthe
] [):l ?-OI (1 "I 1)~t" 1.\ ="ustusiseat-; arusosushi This is nto the
lf hUlR1Ill1T]C i TSIiNiU> I , ~setsmutumrgoosd seats arc still to 1se
SI~, hh ii.Iti 's N Ihi i oIitinuedi Of toutrusewe havex'csold a
TIei{}111tushticeu t --its -eofh e laSutIc 'rge'umm beri ofi t icetu s ,Isbuut this hoes not
Cenra an Am rbo riload wllmmanmuthat alliithis miiooduoes ate gonie.
hue tshtilld<si i s usual about Ch histm s l uiisit u t sre eber isi ai that suit e
timesle timuh s .10111 tI ostit.. i U n ieu-.ha ag etn aaiy n htw
iu1h111 for this' sums't'siceuof tthomes iveive.I s''per fomanc es. Nestbliocks oh
is110 sudns. Dulli its tusms dc- r se suiets hiss.. hue st iurnscd in,s
'cii'stug iiiirtmislimts'hue thal t i iihtul- i50and 75 ettseats, as sucl
:tthere ifrom -Mond 'y'u'tim is..'' tist 'uitsihertpriedsemiuts s, teu'o uaalabtle
silll'' St i'hieit'5ihah. ''lii tie1xthu str Cumlurec" tire nuut-
;. IZIS[)T?'1 N(;i.II, OES tised suolos: 45hednsesdhay; 49,
Ii' lii 'I' 551 hil. t l".~ Thusdayiii os I4tusiv 1;rSaturday
T hI hShIi I G't'LN ''ll 1I S th K matinese* S tuu sturdy ight. If auy
litrsh\e beeni madue, pcrsonus getting
Presiletini higel wiluii atush thisansit hr.ices fIrsitherui ig"hts thanusthotse tic-
nndmussshts's If tim. boartdshsftrmienils sf siredh mayii iii heis takes rertiiedstout
lime Siiiitstit 1Iinistitte, ofii 11X1li 1appicaittion at htsblusts sit .
is a msh rilll (hitin g time' hut ;part ofi lhsesond iedition t of eighslututdietd
l Imit sue.s liei. usill prosiltyli reltmusn po ster iil s inu s al e a 't te o k toe
Ihumus ditt eatltySituondauythiafteoon 1 Tse printers
--sythI at tiuseconedmlshi1 iiti ilh'ave
s KI1z N fs; eller1colosit oii th an ltustheirst.h Tht
lime Iliitm u ldas tulo e ia t uiciu ttuy eue 'r e getlyp'ileassdlwith
Nutincl shal h'rut 'us rrsm lu bohis ilehi sashe sof this "Cultiurie"ptstss ouer
twsnt tilssustiers uwere' hrt'srilnt s iil ix unre f theirsut etditsnhaving
muisi slit, s appointoledl titnstigete mensld intlesso thaniiau iay anth a half.
mums t sum : ettig aIpisate cariti CIi- A t'ul ire 'ersal sill hue huel 'itihus
uso orth 1hliaytrp.Stinetoit day, ubhegininatti 2:30.
6:30 "The Business Point of View" IQU~ARTETTE