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December 13, 1907 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-13

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AM ".4w. 'A

Premier ts

InnK to yourLOUKSNovSC'3- Alphi Nubanquet, 1 t o. Co.
Dec. 1 - SoireC Dramatique et Masi- rAII.10 S TMercHih ass
Cale." sien by Cercle lDramatiquec Fran- FURNISHERSMecads
cas nSarah CaswellI Angell ball at8 HATTERS1o 1V 1 Pplrrie
If yonu1would b~e looked up to, not down on. 'p. ml. PplrPie
tec. 13--Prof. Clarenc 'M. Alvordl of Latest Styles.-Regal Shoes--See Oixr $5 Boot
Our tailoring is essentially and pre-eniinently thC University of Illinois speaks on
for the young man of the period, who likes a bit "G'eesis of thiC Proclamation of 1763" Directly North of Law Buidling
of "swagger"' in his dress. ini law building, 7,:30 p. in.
Dec. 14-Barlow Cumberland, presi- 709-711 NORTH UNIVERtSITY AVENVE
Fot Autumn let us lend YOU that ease and (lent, of the Ontario Historieal socety,
poise that will put you among "Who's Who." will .speak in the law building, a p. in.
aDec. t6--Varsity band benefit dtance, THE PICKWICK
iloring-enmphatic styleI--moderate prices. 8:30 p. m.te
Decc. 16-i7-"The Mlessiah" at te B lir n Bowling Parlor
hihsho1 udtru.c. 17-Junior lit dance at Barbour IEveriythin,. of the best and the best for you. inte line
gymntasium. of Pipes; Cigars.Totiaccos and Candies. (yet the habitt
______________________________ IForteen biwlntix tickets for $1.00),
Tailors R teser
UNVRIYNTCS Bell Phone 176. 707 N. Unmiversity Ave.
artyAt J.04KAR MAI . C M. Prn Illini meeting in Roont B, law build-

______________________________________________________________ig, Saturday at 1 o'clock.
Alt candidates for sopti lit basketblt P~ W R S
teami meet iitte gyit at 8:1t tonight.t F R D W R S
, afrotl, Mgr.
S A.ttorey Geieral X'<ad..ettli5sit nt
SI~ N adiress the Taft cli ton,ht as for- The Hom1e of Suits, vercoats,
nerty anioiinced. O H N Ranot
All candidates for 'oi lasw traekkicon) Good Clothes*u Ranot
miet in Rooiii I, lassbiiidiiig, at 2 and Trousers
p. in. today. Kramer.
"All candidates for teii eigiiieeiring Liberty St. Cor. Foxrth Ave. Aunn Arbor
hC M jC!_stic Thea re 1 astethsilteaiii nei in Rooiii 319 ieii
ergireriig tuiiding, at 4 p mtday
lhtaj s iclc trk es bapotsitmeanunsdtcesa teAunomsemb4uishi' W~ e bb s For High Grade Candies
SFAT SALE FOR this afernoon or fromn o to 2 Saiir-
day. Important.
There willt be a eery imprtat imee-
iig of he jutior lit cass at 4 ocock [ce Cieam, Fruitlees, Puches SebetsCFroen L iquid
Bei asco's iRoom C, Uiersity IHall, tuiiay, at Favor 1f1' alt (fiasions. lanes TNapkis adt Diies halted
which time te iew ciistiition i llt te 'Nut Cse.
~IT*PP prsentedi firadoption, adiiloptrepp
"Girl of the~ Golden vW est" resentatie circed.
11r. Kenyon wilt expini~ the seniic Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 . Main St.
efets in "Nlihigenda" to tiiscidesir-
ing to ecompete in the poster cotst i
open Moday moning Dcember9toomtC, Lniversity Hall, this utr
Wiloeodymrnn eebr9ha noon at 5, isteai of at te in-
McOmber &C Miner's Office 200 E. Huron Street niiiiced yesterday. . Cariage and Baggage
iilCltl(GAN St'VE;NlR 1(1OK3 Cu s 'iior echoutle to ad frmaparties.
PFRFORMANCE, Dee. 19 1907 Conaining the words atd music of the, befolre o'lncrt$.50, after V.1o'lok
Yellow ad Blu, and illustrated by 42 $200
sO w of he ampu. Secia fioida ' ' ~ , FoeacTruik tor from dor, the
View of he ampu. Secia holday- prce iice25 Cents. I carried to
r frup-stairs, te price wib
price, 25, at M',iss I~l's, 332 S. State so Cents.
StANymal oDIad) 6~rc riers are required to coiect cast
CLUECOI orcuarriour out baggge serice.
Sour completelieo Michigan CO 0LL AR RtOIiNSON & Ci.
11 .L B R Y $Iapins, fobs and sovenirs. Haler's Quarter Sizes, 15ce, 2oe asc5. H. STAR
l flAss Arbor's Pisneer Moving Picture Theatre;" ___
Th at ri m ewlr Sor, 16S.Man tret edNw Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- Txsedo and formal dress vess-dif-
day and Saturday. ferni fromi what you have seen. Wag-
Continuous Performance,2to1p.m JO GILRPo.nr&C.SttStOpneeng. $'L E C T K IC IT Y
Todollars insures you against all Supplied to College Men mund
loss by fire Geo. J. Haler & Co.. ore o llP&-oe-.
PRO11PT COLLECTIONS AND Real Esae and Insurance 216 SouthWore frAlP'xp esU ?
QIK RETURNS. Main street. f
G ci Satisfaction EUGENE SMITH FOR RENT-Finiely appointed club WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
T HE S T V D E N T ' L A U N D R Y M A N rooms, first floor, six large rooms, seamo 200 Ep+st We .sington Street
eat, toilet, etc. Just the thing for so-
Agent WITTERLS' LAUNDRtY Saginuaw. Miee. ciety meetings, covetions and dancing__________________________________
OFFICE 45it East William street. Home phone. fl [duck parties. Rent reasonable. Inquire ofFO DALAVE ISN RA S K EPY RD T S
X. . Murray, over Geriman-Ameran[O DAYADLISN RIS KEP OV DTS
Savigs thank oth phones 5.0. hio-6 Addrss itusis Manager No. ReBy carig, acopy of tieSICIttA
_______________________ priss RuitdingtIANKin ytsi or pmcet Spae o mio
rasa aeda, special eetsitsvlersity
Celebrated Matin Mandolins and --C.ledar is this 130 page ook(Given away
Guitars are et for musicl clu. Sabsritiontusakes byii imai.cck.daft or Is students at the University Y MCA Mc
For Daily Advertising Rates... Schaberle & Son. Iio S. Main St. cod soey order. Milln tHa
Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building All late ooks for rent at Fosters. tf________________________________
Subsrciptions takenby mail- check, draft or money order. Players are particular about r 0
cue.. We have good cus; --
ligt or heavy, plain, corded, FLAT CLASP GARTERS
or eony, to suit. Find swhat aeiuo are won annually on 4,00,000 legsthe most popular garters foe
you like and swe resrec it for mcn's wear. The patented fat clasp bings comfort-the secret s to
yuin priate drawer, wit- ii non-inding non-feelitating hold. I's as fat as a sheet of paper and
youholds te sok as smooth as the sin. Made of pure silk elastiewebbing.
out harge. All metal pars of heavy nickel plated brass. 25 cents a pair, all dealers
L A W B 0 0ne by mal prepaid. Foe those who prefer a crd garter, we ofer
36th ysw- Dictionaries 36th yPr U Ei.~ A J W.Z
CIGARS. C AND IES, TOBACCO. Tieneaeteitanmosot comforableord gateemade. The
Anne Arbor Legal Miscellany Aenna Arbor rubbediamotd hold with a vcelike gripihat will nevrlip. Will
'2 S. Stt - .tiIMaynard ntinjrctiefi fuisios. tic smallcii smoohet fatest grip ever
CA LA HA c .uic s iiCed oncre.Fies quality webbing. Metal parts heavy r
CAiLLAGa AN CO. nickel paed bras 2cnd 0c a pairall dalem orymail pepaid. . -
CliICAGO ii o s 4 PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 710 Maket St., Philadnpha.
Ann .Arbor Branae. Stt. Stvast. Oppostite Law flidg ,@NrthVtlvrally Avk. Aa em nof Poerr 0uspenserc




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