'twu MIeRIGAW EJAXL~ AM ".4w. 'A Premier ts Merchant } C~~hF'XL>DARYCO InnK to yourLOUKSNovSC'3- Alphi Nubanquet, 1 t o. Co. Dec. 1 - SoireC Dramatique et Masi- rAII.10 S TMercHih ass Cale." sien by Cercle lDramatiquec Fran- FURNISHERSMecads cas nSarah CaswellI Angell ball at8 HATTERS1o 1V 1 Pplrrie If yonu1would b~e looked up to, not down on. 'p. ml. PplrPie tec. 13--Prof. Clarenc 'M. Alvordl of Latest Styles.-Regal Shoes--See Oixr $5 Boot Our tailoring is essentially and pre-eniinently thC University of Illinois speaks on for the young man of the period, who likes a bit "G'eesis of thiC Proclamation of 1763" Directly North of Law Buidling of "swagger"' in his dress. ini law building, 7,:30 p. in. Dec. 14-Barlow Cumberland, presi- 709-711 NORTH UNIVERtSITY AVENVE Fot Autumn let us lend YOU that ease and (lent, of the Ontario Historieal socety, poise that will put you among "Who's Who." will .speak in the law building, a p. in. aDec. t6--Varsity band benefit dtance, THE PICKWICK iloring-enmphatic styleI--moderate prices. 8:30 p. m.te Decc. 16-i7-"The Mlessiah" at te B lir n Bowling Parlor hihsho1 udtru.c. 17-Junior lit dance at Barbour IEveriythin,. of the best and the best for you. inte line gymntasium. of Pipes; Cigars.Totiaccos and Candies. (yet the habitt ______________________________ IForteen biwlntix tickets for $1.00), Tailors R teser UNVRIYNTCS Bell Phone 176. 707 N. Unmiversity Ave. artyAt J.04KAR MAI . C M. Prn Illini meeting in Roont B, law build- ______________________________________________________________ig, Saturday at 1 o'clock. Alt candidates for sopti lit basketblt P~ W R S teami meet iitte gyit at 8:1t tonight.t F R D W R S , afrotl, Mgr. S A.ttorey Geieral X'