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December 13, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-13

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The Michigan Dail
AN,\ARBOR, NMICHIGAN, SL\D'tY, 1)1 Cl Il T 13, 908.


N\o, 6 4.

Students Think Story of Director
Leaving Only Premature; lar-
q uette on '09 Football Scheduls.
"so far as I know-0, (1here is Ooltely
no0 truth in th tor101ahot ArMird.
0051''010'' as hd of \-iiclogaoiathltic,
as (111 lihld in10(1ay's)Detoil and Ci-
hmn If from Nnn Arhor a great dealtiof
conditions(1 f(rt neces'ittiis busin11ess(00
((111aros;(hi(0 asfar s reiigi1
concern1(e1, it isa itakt."
;AltoughltislsttmenO~t wa(0corro(11-
ra1(0(1(y Mr.ird 1(1a11d1Rgent fol the
story 11(li l ft 11n it w lc0 a feein o
0(01 ntath t ool ror w1a((1 ii 11 01 (h, t(ilitl
prematurely((1an1 (1111(c 11101r1Direo
Par(irtes("ther1(athletic1 a1ut11o11(1ies
The s10o(11(as11111a((11(e11inaClicgol~
1(1001(1as 110inte (lnd(r11m1(11 Aror
(ate 11ne,(and announced ifidorcoig
1 ((11 1111y "it iloij o r i ia
s id -ti ng(1 phra(1 1( -t(h1at. 1Director1
((01101 iincuii raite, asioithl 10(11111ywill
((11(111(0hifto aif 1t1(1(0r0110ecom111
necessarys to conside l i rd's r1e111((1(0ig-i
Inthe i nio the111 (1tryis ing10 11(0(1
001 hi gstegteedvstrliii liii
1a111(1 10h (111 1(11t(11(01(ide ((1(1far a
(11h11ic10affai 1(of1the00nier(si((((giltcIn
h(er o ct len (or (((r0r0001011do t
Th1y0(1(e(welliwaeciiofc (hil1fact0.1(a
11110jo1,1a11001(1y0111(011 1hatoeer
nandighlrt(o((his(1t(1111theyiwiild 1h(1
glaeditolihaneihimci nue11(11finftheolei e
way11cl11r to1do it. They haveil Nilheenlide
thatithy(migh have orly ihe1(1 oiwic
11101i1g10yiiaItholittvis h1001d toireooi
0(1111(01witthfirmatih oiou eetdB000
thathe kewultiof th1e10enieoiifair
1end1(1dhistieignot ionllst min
oparat1011011tlehsuNiseI i eeilyxona
hioopatur lou tli iregretteilYv
since101tlleodeaith f op.BioisIfatein i
laiwolas000in0erithasirdoe11(p10sise noig
(01(1r11( ohald Mr.yBfield outld ete-
lidltevote too ofnn'tie to attenin-
11(11siess onterii1ets 1n1coneionit 1

decided Ito 100e 1(1p the comparativooeli Cill br (iningl("otl. Jus l ever, . .I VL. XA
1 1 (0 r h s c a ry. ereto c vs fP R A I SEr- O M E Y L U B1101ee r ,1 0 1(lr o 1 W l li1 1 w o s i n e r W I NF W O F ! UD
f'r'lie biio1r(0 iiii OF Us. pa( of Lrdilnoonehh (reel oa IS HUNTING CUP
Ilaho, in case0 heleavestooii beeniitheifirst'1 t 101 asli t icu ((1'larly uo ny - N
occasion of coinideriable speulion, al-d"Admirable Crichton" Best Ve horn v1'tabs a5 tle RZo. Joh re nMichigamua Braves Hang Many
thuh aual o n asbe' tllad aol {tis sth al fIhide in Years; Carl Grawn and' Rabbit Siso oe oe
to 10arn0(0 yini~~ig ftoilla111ofiida 01(100rce11,011, (both1 1(o110t11010 (101t s e(itlil. S is o otm P l-
as 1to1110((1e11being considered for (le Ruth Todd Divide Spotlight. Nh'ssIsabel ParrishlI lilliait1exc00e0- 'Whitmore Lake, the Camp.
poitOion. IHowever ii10 cran (1(1t ho-.--he-inglo arsto(crt1c0 C'nneiiii of' 111101-
regents0 10111 o 1100anooof eco-coo s11(1 e1(110 11 1101 i I of h I Adi abl1(1 st.1(1 hs utoh Jameii i d 1111 N 'Mo h N ine oieen sl 1(k(ra 1bit iin 111(0 roin
tmeans t induceioo Nh Bairdtr emain, (11ih1on1111 he l Co(ini hi01(1cb tbt 1toil1 coPtter :>lad1 (1(111eand opotrige (wr1 hetom(01nitoof twining
and it 1 Oistu lb ly ii ,oat if he oesln 0 111 NA (11 ii b cl plts i l iich 1 it (s lt1t 01 fame1 for 1111 Ii to-cJ Wo"r esico
dofinitlydeidehoto rsn.o \ich 111i ilganohooh hi (0o (o 11illlit oO e lothere into shoiny thir tfall yi in11 te A- 1(1 nga uo ut at NWVhit-
ho laon" b tht o aione liu i' nii lot i 1 11 tiiC 111 0 i th ( tiloti to 11110s.oe mko h01ito h otbicotoeocan an-
itat-ohe oa1e0a1bo1ehlae ato it manciitual(11ii .o I looit 1(111 ((1(iItilontii r cr esses.l'I hi r inho-eihi illia teIfu, 1(11ape t aplayto ol featurelie iodiao
S 1(0S it 1(iiio1 ((1 s ittIi 1111h m h o 1 ti i~ii l111 -oon nrc, vi o 3111 od1 it t 1I' hill (ii Nit (hMarieiiNiof h e I nd oigas
ltoon ii nupiho o MOi' 11-oi-sh ntot ubhlhhhho ftoil utio In he la il Ntro- 110 rln io
lotr ul ot o icilttlt o ub , ino thie o pnio n ft osh o sa dv d R l iIan Ra 1.1 1(10lok aroiiat-I a e hecroflt(111111 anceis tioe ofh
R iielalz1in 11(0 100110m1ohr 1(100 oftathle t th iiay tott ht ,llh ilbo tafomp1"lfII th'rde mitt-vvelbroed(1oilds 11( oo ra the odernly (1
bi'olo-h 11 tub esCcti n lthavein II l ,toresittolutlo0 fhh~le l-i ioi oi li 11(1 Ito t l tosooo 'ih o iiten oil 11111 ] oteciidf. tbi-
a ohi-sl hoo f or c aloida ih(to (t oolfr 1nesay 1110 oIt t tuil:bovell bo t'poo rs(t I 01 -- (Idi were uoI le- utit ~l iii
thectoh 10ootmfatlthe bsh 10 so ofo8 T e ruln tOINto sh wn y t1.1 11 Ill-on-i rto eni y,i wiMt l otece tio (ton vng ptill 111 f11(11el(1in the o11 ofit
dr(listhboo ooobuloo canitdh ates( ( to' ocit 0(1110 h o mpany. 11e111 oooob ttoug e 2 (Iif I o e I hes fth e i rabi tool ii i ll id hs itoh oohetI' i~rdoe
s (host iigislto oild:of Oiot, i~i (to it i eial p ro m nehisre .w siot li~ic it (01110 P o . . . hd mtmd it ill, t oo enHato to(ilti illuaoppea or h ut
11(11the 1(1aches 1an hut ohveuSImeit hbr ou oo hout. h 11ed0hutrof.11F. (,.Noo wil e iiiatd.o n an(ittoo ill r I , o hnoilFlit W u, andu
id a o ute m thiaIt- u to f wboohotey arlo raIn.a. Crihto , te pat P ot A .IlwitMoia t ,f - il bhh it-ot- to ito the i gwaitmiti flo th111
' ho-i too otou fotolh comiing sa o ; 1n, m c(01 t ouIto byl( l iam ( ioo bo 1(10 v((attI,,,Nb (ff1 th hapeh h e - - 1 - of lb ii v oooooo oon.o h otit tu ii
s loeueior0t att11i hy twihto eo rtt e t eudose troft ee eig. Ils C lfo nabol1w rie noemn -'-Nlocal - I Durg it (I l3 Iaotubtit ileiuu h i t o Ci
huen to w lo ifa blocur i te oho ly itertft io n 1(1 ,((Oif i ins(ariuary(ii l ill throul (1(111 ob 110(0rie uch ouke to
1.~ vaca t oldouoiltile(0oldu-of-thoe senbresiibinu ohlut hi lo lob ouoiuantholattl ahutciciuudl-
o t r in d to h at the basetbiallfan1d(11 ailtt I 11ir i((lcltt oi. In L e hid i\-} 1 (il0 1 ; Ion (l', ofl tol outich hatoloile0
r toan wiuufltlotbeo t t Nuo i t b o n((00 ac~t, o 0 bot Ift oobieIwas aIseto o fuoulub I ROu .I VAtol itt Ni ohf _____by _Lan__od______________e__
litou ' ilur te ouofo- lii-ath lu-e oto'e tuto- noond nicio snessiir.u ill d o n 1ffnn. tie ibfffh'blwitte-Na1l'1 No
0" tithel~icoll htsg e ok h beenoheit ca lls 1111 11 ( h sa xclcpug p ecc. l I adnohngo te0(101sidP of (, ilss o fe, n h h s e
r o rctlout all( nt oe atttc d isat(h o rk othou ho utIi vas painstaoog.ui ou w enow111 lIitor o it ac "a It(til t lcch lab uftit6 ob' finCk la f
' itat Iave bf all Mio aninu ol reo en lu t Tur eo t ack op o f iicIhos i wh o ic n o - oflcometofuh hboo t o- too (1110 oo o,, hen thofg1(10 os tlyou tu ot 0 li
oL illatoided lu this toa- h ileuo thecfu'uhh - o rktit s m hmore 0 u-ct l lkuout h iITot Ih ul II ii 11 liSh otuhlPresidttuuehontgs m utAngtellogtho
s e~i tO1 Ii (0 i I edyaepifmarift heitti ooato T lifetth l i thout ldo 0otohhot cll din h zig yi oc- o uubonou-s mouth, " (ho Lou (thou hoLiii o to toitfii
whotoafilthohb eigibleto r101 intoliateun cubuuuu andt uhfthou houe, made tll o 1 1roere lunot ae b othrc. I factu oil uotati tT u 0 huRk;D T O 1Ttio , ui
comug etii onlo toi nn toe tu, a ul to uit iini Ibot to l thu oh 10( (ptsio o n th rile ,a ai-,ttesietv~il111(0 ol i it itoto110 o( o h no ftu 'ht
wh 111(1 eoh(otto al(11111itM nc t i n ot er fiter adiene.1 00,10 o100 too i((oc, byallil nt h ito h ic le.pn uftt(O wing toou i (1011l ou optemand foruilan
t lneofo atoulo'tibs, o-wou i hui toitty o r h o1111 1((It o i o otuLdy liii- Oh, o-0010 tit 1 oh uuubIouo'oft iii ingasial ncsn itr ohic t ila if toinubtconoenesfr
s timeto- patr hy eom liile troaly htheour r1(000 fficul ol 1011((tor An ls ohl Il' ~ iou (lll 1 Lotdh gteifg codoatn in
te rqesed t atnd Fn c w o lye tto t vy th ou IiaI(tcalld111111th Pro 1 1an Tby n'toahoress ighlyuuou to I lo t e o boo-t f-ute beenitransi f per
1s hav haloiii ttc I or totipr op fosc h o oool olfain admiation o ut all. IOnth iliet h andu h oi n (110(1 idltoA gll otbl oni- to (toh 01 NewI oW hoitne oxo ficettfroi
iginto v 1rsty m teblb uf tuothy NIk fi thticte i on a to (o( ouol iohtl tgo.T heil comlp(01100 infahootailyto rl cd~n A hto oRcewl pn.M naiy andoo
f1l thgoicngtheo yearIoItoohri ((co ii blt o adies_ are________c_ ever__________and__stanchingofthe________ tic boo ohuesday 1f(0n05i(110 01 eioand torom ui
n a1r0e f fooitlofo ur ouledc i -l- eInnsylvo iaiiitI ono t to osomte people ta t ll tht
andulCatoo Case01 lovipont heaon 001 .itFIRST . UNITARIAN CHURCH ood e-to artsou].Tfis'Iis 1nlot th
-Cor0 ereStat and Hurn St. ((ff11 1 thiN C)1V'S INN 0
ohin :or O cu itobhei (,1wileII uhloigtiitCit lbcase Ia I 011 1 s any ofs ts or stilltobe
f metsento n0otfui Phltialhia, in 11(0 0 HENRY W11,DER FOOTE. Mniuoaitita IIC iS N V. IAJ o itI t f (oilncooow-uhive to ldo a
boo-u. 'i tto-aNi etteoto 101 u t ioe patooth uroutunuberofotiehtsbututthis buts not
i10:30 ltot xitfiiain Moing Serie( Sutb et: I(, ii tcko ffcIo l lbh ti
in 0 1 - loll 1e I 1c1obIsr o3.h (1(near1ta~t ll the g od u es((100010go t'
t fox-col sihu tuoon" oThe11( ~( lrIn tutorination o01 tvi." t tr l 1(li\t(lii:Auh(r railroulaods ottenue hotfleI~utue
it ii o hoschutf ctcufife iichtuiiug 11:0 a. m. niorofto Sudent'tClaosbe i tltis(bosuod abohtIC rti i l ous mustremers thg afaititef flotne
h ntebsebl ccuq icuiga e nnuucted by Mr.t'oote. hiotsiaOhi bgc eeatine soalicu-y101antitett-we.
,111 hrt , i I lu1 -gioe foeve ter foriatces Nw bok of
ii o Ito Nhucuigot No tut 5 1:0 n otng t'0iilhi'0 Reliious10sitero-ell fors thetconceitifntiotof 110eS
collegeo c'nto- ble Igg ios loopen11(11thoc nionbillservedo staItoileaoteibeeno turnedt(hn- -
to sauu oic Jtuti01 iotoholte :tip. m. IEvening serovico, with I ti ii et t o l o ut cet sea s wl
o I o ",a dinthg all ioulnmouhs ecre boo i hrpicdoeoo o aalbeh
I-Vast ging tou i -mnuing foulthocfirstoh drnsby DrLh en SMo~ohist'o
if gut lin~~~~~~~~D troit on 'tJeanne d'Aci'llhuithe((tto Imoo Ifodtay I Du0(mb1r(025r, t o se ttnu 100 11 w toiiul
f~~~~lth ~~~~tratedflhi Storeopticonu) ohf oll n i eNIeucloa3 lt 1001 o iti r 11
iTheiti totick tiforo fbi lu fuoooefoy 4-
i-T \( A I N II i ttt lrt1io (it lt of (ho ota11(01 lut tr -outrr~iiro o] tff h ifi- .f f -- 0(33 htr(osf -Ito bs uittv eftes (tutu4da
usataot thnrf'ttiutii INPRF JDFN.1.IAouu1uu GOE
ofI (___ tic oroeoooiotot111('at iie oirtuuo ) O A it NGTO'f I ,(IS IN1I I K mainuu,utuo Sot nto ~y night If 000
s 't'oo Georman toandtitwo u kit h0111 t- -- - - - 0(1110hoatoolben itoetutu rons(100gcttinig
or oftotoernati"muuu o nal1'0 tottl loh1 t-il to l oho tt ho otikt foo )lt t oriii ts -ttn thoso(the
n-oo t~i ttt tlt ~* ~ * itut xtoi-uto of theo boadtof uuteliiseion1ts etoufto
ly chbut t nglo t Noicholso hall last even-lhioSmithsoioutan nu i uouuuof ot wh ei It tpica ot t heIto Inus oifto e,
ng Tug ebitt e(tion o edi(lullisit memberii(t oiringt he i t toh tlt A en d itoh o nufouoout i ft hutdref
m soutlvd tt it irtm (01(10 a1(the1(i1 lobtooS l tu 0( bo u-1 ~ o~tt otto oes il g o iesles-otitheIb ookstotes
hi intutouerieinTl iiisih Iafoais"S e a t I toot oil Iearlb NbToutiio ftehioon.iTtit fle pintr
Discuisoiuonoof othtorI questouts andire-00 0 ,10tha t ti ondouoed iionowill hboo
uc frestouoeuto cod the itmeting Monday-Saturday s -cots to 00ti(151 bo otlo r wsi 001 ork thuan tho it.i heli
(fO -WHITNEY Box Office, Regular thou Iino1(11 i ttob hlduoaof mok0111 t pubiittiy 1(1en regrcuby tesd owito
e Dr. I tuet onOof te h oo phyooto'dolat-utHours. N iol hall Fridav co uii. 'About thu sift of titoet"uturie0 tipostors, ove
oft me1at 0 wil atdtrso thit I uct'i mctiembotwenotyto uubrs ot-ro- prtese t. N tutu- s lundrod of 0 t foolt eitio hviig
d. ndayitf evenoing at p7 io'octh, 1itnoutoot TICKET NUMBERS ARE uutit 0 iiyvas 15110i( edo 01iiuesigate10 hitbonuooldoin 110sfthan ii 10 1lay iod i holl
r. ~~~~~~~~~4 Wed. 49 Thurs. SoNgtFi 50 Eeprvtl.rt h- ulreera wl eheda h
6, fI Tppoao lflff Subjelt: "rlilrt 51 Sat. Mat . 52 Sat.maghtter(liioil tu g110't s ootn iliito el i h
1(0ti . 111 1 int erii etedtfinv0it o lu tit ubtend. ____________cag__________ _ fi or the holoiay trill.I-N hinucy tulip, begtiiin t -u 3

Prof. Henry C. Adams McMILLAN HALL
"The Business Point of View" IQU ARTETTE


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