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December 13, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-13

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Tft -MIC1410AN DAt

G. ie. Wild Comfpaly
Th aret CStocki
Exclusive Styles in
For Getlemfe's Wear
hIciryhiii required or miSuit,
Iii .1 ( at, Fantory \ tig- and
T1 01151 iig-, and o high cls
alieS and spcia Styls.
Full Dress Suits a
G. H. Wild Collpally
311I South State Street
Shiechanl & Co.
Students Booktor
A, G Spalding & Bros.
itrld of nfiliuAli ii'Sul plis.
Foot Bai, Basket Bai, lee Skates,
Hockey, Gtf, Gymnasium
.. Apparatus.
luddii ttii-miey Iltoratiii
(C ia'mu iir 11 0e ot st taiolinr-
New Yir Chiiago Detroit

1111 MIlCIGAN Dt IA5I.' f l; ~t,-]' CI I(;N 17.:F(ut l dE-tle iitwie, hot oiiifcold
- -CHI SIAN XX 1881Ci II IN wateir eeriil tyth. ili one
- ~~~~.uirI iblofroitVigierigiolindg h i t a
1lloioug Editor AenrotF. RtentiE i spekiig iof tie $251oiiiid to thilI iqciieairho Church St. 63414is m a
Busins ii.oMaagerr-Joann F. Wuoz. SiideiiChr i l iu ,im 1)5c the B O O K S
--iii- bo ri f re gm iii l ijiis il 10111i, ont e eorate your roomssnow. ~Selett
EDITO0S f leIboa~rd Imiiie r s :d X iiishor itll hangings from otir 19o t ________________________
New ........ ..Lee A W tte e col maike hel ioi i i aiueo 11 iii e ul rns11 Mohh tfote 237. C. I. Major
Athletics. ....... . . . E. FEdridge it ie reaoui lizete olle iiwork iof le &, C, 2Oii. VWashigon sigton. ed so k lr e
Exchange. ...Robert Mountsier asotiion."__Ourstock-____lOurei
.ui.... ..H llis S. Baker Teiiiiiiev s i vetti irst w r
Drono .......Raymontd Vissher of le Gueoi 11 l i ii lve fChicii largins. Good oe, n ete hnee
XWoiien's 1ditor. ..Louise Vati Voorhis 1han011ooks and inic ryig_____Itbefore.o
Lv0oe. S lone tti~oe uie T iflle00 0.11cop Iieso h res tr, h'.d-plined ina,1 iurinetch
W.I)bae d~rwhc e ctoI>p(,ive liiidsoffet iihiello n anr udi et .Le i abei\oi ]ve The ch gan
ihd l u l.Xlciigli Fred iE. Gooding lih elilllomn brtL(n cno i il0co
IDonalul I Kittiey Dana L. Jooes tamioiti1i.iionsfr"(Iiihure 1
Wa-le h-K Lowers LousKraft 11 ileiii- 11rc Xleiti nsiiitIill .I1'20 studen iWe hve one expert oatelt repar-
i~nelJ arhv te d iii cnt.thrugh ii,- siciri . LS IH aler's Jewelry Store
agnc, howil luaiiid o aco 26 .111111 St. eo-tft
xti't'riitio svell11ie taesio i , bVi llc S A BEAUTY-
1111 w l ioreer Samuel If. Morris 1f tule geea.
t. G . C illiauis lalLid . eisiiii0 ,iCeaeioI i Siiie lcn Lehi~us a li s i tcl s-
D- A Xlliusileu Fred Lawtonth ie aisociatiiinihad, ito ,0,sbile 11 o oel. ;6-eot Price 25 cts.
Howar Hall Ba~rr Z. olz. ctred it omea1111101 iuii ~ ~ asti
. T.Condklini XW. 1). Elliott fall. Xi the shuts 11i i iioni n G-od war uni oniei uit su, $t Itoogs
S. \k. Davoidl )A. Kahn soiiiir w itsobtine.sn.d c V a c -
C . Mc rn eellui II. .X,'likselt gelii 11 oiiI ( li nglhhor ils.Both W AlI'''
ii hci I iiliii J. K. 1tretton liieiiii-i wieellly c en Poneii',3. C. 11. Major & Co orttf WH'
1.IF. Sh, jr. wil1 attende hstiud l the vv ___o_
date, iicludingiiie llt\iier riii still Ioli tistwices deiered College University Bookstore
BUSINESS STAFF the \Ieliloi t hrc in g 2, Ttes iin. ilit pliuuies--- 78-I..atd tr hte ________________________
tor I . .Adaml L I , a t.rwill leeting'socuileSuidyioeins i ti
C . 1(-11111111 NorurL II. ii 11 a 016 6 iu f \.X 'lla l nd havei I ' si iliage t Mrtao Washintgon cati
benadesdb o}srpsekr is rs weh lrd ri oAddress: MICHItoA DAILY, Press Bldg., f III Xiii lirr i 1and Ifrolriea. Poe87 1 ahingtForida rdFruitCo. -O R -o
Mauynard Street. X A 11bikle iiiiiiiiinell couli e i l ide 0lired.e rI i l l .
Manager's Hours: 1t2 p. in, 7-f P. m. the .,tiiiirigion 1111lir o1 lullee I i 11 (ul
daily, except Sunday. Both phones ediieid lii Ir Siioio lie \Viii ni rs i cot.sod rtorns or atdL
tivesitofuit eie o f I ii,'ttuiilt s i u X X I ) X tesii Ii i 11 f
ion t' t ur 111 i r"cenii u i I sucon-u i luoriugWiiA111111,al
~ (Nt X . I VC .\tftst u~ uo s. 01511iii11111 s tud y reigiutoni ittIar lilts iiXiXlub iihrding nrtisto ratPFT II
t1N YD C BR13 oS optiiutis 11111 rtisiit t nts .1 itit ho leii 11151111 osloireprea'. t XJa localp~ lJ ~LE
_______________________________________ ma i uiero-sity irofes 11r'sac fti cyblancet oi cl e r . See A, J.thi ItRo
o ai v'iuiO t o' .roloi liiftaoic. liii letli ;on1,iiniloo .,2 Xl-'\ I i'iil rd St 1164 uii lt
\X11 ik i : 1. iht ..ci iiuii,ciiof"Te t silitls arentrotlleid. T e lt____________________________
Xiiiilisitiuu 'lii Sot , eittuiiclueis.a 1pop111h'iilctre.ii s GOOtMONYi
Ii mn iii', itse lii i t' ul t'lplc rceineni~tc' of thu -Hobaruut ind I -W s l iuils ndM i hi an Viti
L 111i uum idii 1nn1 t' orgnizai.of tte. FercsandTa1111an ltre.. O I~M N YMcig iw Bo
' Ill, I sl i iii 111iltlwasiiinettruii. Ossiprofeisslitonali 11"than1 unoti 1ii 1 i11 l u uali t ht L it s ttelylu - 50 P uToGRAi uRn s
lt''hh iiii T he ohr atvtisae v hi. - htiio 'r. Terte'w to i.
Tolil l( tro b h v o t e fuilest list f 0magaz insad cwp er'- of Iiuidiuios, "I 1111 uiig(u 'a.
- ' 1lit billin i thur city. XiXt tliii n iiali cr~ts 'Room 45 Rowland Bdg. DETROIT FROEDLA
Ie t of1 criticforithie ut' f'colegteft' iii u. i l -l FOR_________ONE_________DOLLAR__________
To a- tat healow asa riliat o dteth natncrhrl i lo W llil(' AMBULtANCE- Bell Phane, 9, 2R~
nliii' fro' an 1artisti pi t of viewll. etit at 111it will at 'iii to i 1,00.name Phane, 98 A. S. LYNDO N
ii lh ti ng111iti.iibutul mil. Such Ia (it,,uporciflthe assoiaiition is1'.en R. A. DOLPH S& CO. 719 North University Avenue
as-e i1 thatwe 1s1r hav lnofea ftor iifr the lrger partI iof ite liluulil n t 'Funeral Directors
th" i ( liii ii club uorithliextiifew riu eu.. ristedh 'mur. frontii iiii'l,iir.2.011 luii ili-200 S. 4th Ae. Ass ArbortMilh.
Amrh Cichton;i, hio eer. lieun1011nliht'lisilt'i ciiuur.s,-ndI - BAIIEY & EDMUNDS
vutii crv of f -gru'silti' supthiot this lit is iir eaioifi thefit udit'
t1a \ t t i il.ht It i t Imemblilert wiloiihuts siu'-ril rl ti o isAte sp oting O b
smal it to the effiort aundtscrider tie average1 -amiouiintIhils been ri i tweoi51121 EASTr LIBERTY STREESIT
te. W n u d ol(iifo ip ul -itteis A Xinell i ciigoiiSout'uiu'111: co
prdutins1 i cast'ete Cor abiity tamnghheii wor111rind msiii o'f / Toilet Sets
stall). If the standaidiSetlt 11tniigtis 0the cms.llhi Sheirl1 llilil-s trie, lto Popular for . Tao for We Have the Silver Toilet
to be uiLeiinc hu s te ntir bodyiuh' imus ell:, . oh:bis , vlush"'3.32 Siulti Slls TWtlO SEASONS ti 25c Sets o Design Qualiy
lediai d and ii patiiiiiiige toi a greater St. { i Imitated in shape, but the " Pat and Price.
ii iii tha ilts beensow nu. if ile slo eted Lock Front"' which avoids
iet boit ti do 11111 o, i i t illt. TOhf) tdtN' Sigerxmomi, rsoletlii collar spreading, can be had nly in j to ( Beler
lit1111or"ulur 1 ad"te filch rule ,o1.AXitiiSi.(6d-Ci $5~I.00 { ltoJ2,00 Hurry
Itliie..sif l'm.11111111rute 111o1as W. ARNOLD, JWLR
Btll iyour ii -lous elsoh; i it ow n oals o iiourer. Xi.-AX hntilcit. 3201 S.220 South Mats Street.
-hilltoe. 4-7i Sate St. UTS IRTssrcLLAR ct.,oiakee ,Tey,N.Y.


A Few well selected designs from
particular manufacturers.
%Christ mas
Sea.1s a* d: Gift Dressings
A finishing touch to our inexpen-
sive Christmas Goods.


oDo You Pay
H h P r cs.- for your clothes because you can't be
sa-tisfied with ready-made clothing? It
i'6 su't necessary. We witl furnish you
0 w i;,;, clothes muade to measure hy
r1Ed. V. Price & Co, of Chicago,
foma your choice of 500 handsome
fabrics, for t5 to t_, less than any
smualt tailor's charge and also give you
the additional advantage of unequalled
workmanship aud correct style.
Our Tailoring Department
is doing an excellent business with
those we have learned how to he welt
dressed at alt times at a very reason-
able 'cost. Look over our cloths and
fashiona figures and you'll see why.
Fred. W. Gross
r, ED V. RICE& CG123 E.. Liberty St.

324 South State Street






121 WashingtontE. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props.

Phone 598

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