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December 13, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-12-13

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.The Michiga"nDal
AN NARBOR, ITCHIGAN, 'C t)\ I 'i)N1).1 NI)I:C'I t3 t)Oc .


No. 63.

Business Men Hold Meeting to Ar=
range Football Banquet-Will
Occur After Holidays.
The busneiiss 1trnof Aniiiirblor meOi
11I~a ontoiiglht to irrnigefor thr an-
mm] alontinio be girro Michigan's
fotalheioe's. Owng ito theapri11oach
Of Christmaisian01theruish of busiiness
inietlto thei holiday Seas0onol c
aotirirnt' niIisiii c n ocil oweeahic to
attendcthet nietm
.\ccord ing try the nais laid oiiiitilir
isriiiiiiin icou t ofliheidefat at
ih ns of Chiciagoibu orahr thec
iiiiessien laiiiiithey iill Showc thir
log al l to ie temibyhi irig ramore
chloraeIbanquert iii thirn lonoir lhan a
.I\ichiganiteiamtt erure~civedi before
'Jie opuead «i iibehgi"en shirtlysafter
the. reniniiioi scitroml atiturerendcit
hr LChristiimrasaaioiiiiitimiCoiachi 'i 0
.\i amgehru lesi IBiairnd miiKeeneritz-o
tirick. ict inu ii ii- i t icthe temtNii1ill he
preen. ir.CopiilIiiii iwas iapiint
chairmuanmiofItherenirngtundaiiiwill an-
th'coursuiof i te\ii miii Thlur'mu'''iier
n is cimiiiitiiiem will li've cha'rger of

NC tIN"It N CA NINtt'\cl
Tie iicccsi Wicu the lCiiiirsityi o
MIiicianSoioical ourlubis me g
vide t Sun requrd to sustai h
Sitd ini littleCauiise ifor e c lia e e t
wihbut $Oohassofali ensui
scruh oibe rmsple inermtmi d ini ij
soiogclqetos n oeo h
faeni tiesmacnimuotwishvecnr
iad thilum . ii
night ia iicpeiion"iJuiiiniieOii ender iiiii
stdcl iii is mlis i that ity
lettr On C. t. arne whonow iold
th clii si asas ed. \t.C r
Therc ncwte int iiso C hts iI iiiii s t -
lei'timasocimin r ut o is ys

RALPH WAS OUT FOR that he ~ii sncit ritiii theroadribi's ii.FEAST OF TONE
NEWSPAPER 1MATERIf.L rI ctict rio i 'iauup bite tsetiecsWof." BY VIRTUOSO
Th aimmrmcimciiithat uRomse ias gircen
Rose Explains His Actions- Is Still iircwightiiilrommnuufor tic trimwilltie Hugo Heerman Captivates Audience
Uinder Arrest at Modesto, 'cccict ith supise tinhits :nniiiArtiir By His Wonderful Violin
California. cciriiiiiii s \N'heI Ii liinRalih istyinug Playing.
for- a place iii ii t l tff iif Colir's
it itorr >t1N i:iirhiiii li iiiitiuI lentiiii;tiili(I iig' Iiccmiimm niiii s ave as r e c-
of "'rrfristriimcc m iiruruii iiiwsiiii Jourdain cruidn otit ru i nt i ve'mursity hllt1last mnight, ittic-
or cir, a o c 111- tepirc toI i her lie learned it i ltetu hoI n- list nit . ti i-the 'secondii concrt oi i le.'Choral
. Airrwirelests itl-a r omi'it tt t hr seat itf CUiiiiriisorieso. 'MNi ctmisorln's I_, mio
cii t'riiir'o r oritcm ii reivedii jutit is ITice Dirly Conucertoi and ISait iSnous' iiRttidoiCapi-
! iii ii i rr i ii ii P\I{n n Cst is iiiirn'iiirir'mrir tiiitRtitttl i iii Ir iiewi
'iii ititrlerwent to ri ss itii si R s isri eainun it p I i hullsouric ith tifa citia iiioriksi 5t itir
itiiscrpctciit'llii miii Simummgmilltn i
iF idr h -lse ii Islitit Nlienslughei pus icw r h picplnmbrw ie
itit 'isisofficia r otit haveuni eits liiiii :Mis rtlt iiand S hiy lifosisiedc
endeavii iNIgti sinuriiii ellong)ii enoutm hi t he msreg s ifthe r og filram, it t ra -s
icrc . w cnpaii cii cii' ii itt itrs t u iii i rtcoftrti
sirto ipermitofRseiis tre c it tcii h is n is f the i isi Stsa bytiiBasch ais
lir~n p iii'''r iir iiii ld r s s iiu
mmriu~ uc .fiii siathlet te iin''coirementsinthetir' It isiruirharr nc sartoirsipiikt fr
It seeiimi iiii itttrtir1 iiti unt ll tiiss usi i riri rti tiir i
mi' nJn idsitisticreaed the ("reii iiri imy' sri s w nd r iul t sh i ts iiin
i r irsal ie< miihe iimi ii' iof rrtrirrtthsei iS'iiriuthern hs linsiii ii ii iiil tt iis
f rom 1 m ii Cmiii st Mdetol iiainsd ttie iitiwnp ipet is ingi siii f<11tebs ulte
ti i s Nh iti atrem gatiri ng i i te nos utior n 1 i trat k ua rneaiiirtistn tiec limit g
ititinfin itin rur t iiii i) i il is muirrisit ii rai Iti ntty riiu
ii istii reaits anm i sciiiiuint hesig tito n i iatrirest fist s-t heirepioiei thmi t i
make silic sartlin dgscosures iitrilr pla in . i i s is mmiwas eir ii n mcirIe


rie ie ci' l
tIl rrilor'andi v

wast mmcr'ma' t)b I tnmm i u mmi iOit i u he d - t lso- n ris ia I
cm pi m n t aryt i nvmituionmiis twilt hum left itmu utht hum'll b. ''thcintuns are''fifty N'm R lp e pIti
to the.in'vmii mita in souumillitten wichs sill c its and ca n bei' rtitmii at h ut u'r district ndnu inn the'c()
i'm fet wmii' tmltthusgeneral mlmititthin e lms cgmn simrosted iinn1te tr
prce mm fm seats titus yeari hisasenri seiidi mtmn mm
tfromr thre dlmatsm.' ther it ml mprie, Inn
ii'e (I>li _____ T'om Hammond Declares He
Nit the in rnImmm''r ummetng oftleii i v mm i m'i
hes er reeted ri it thin'yeor 190,;-0ohm
an m lii nelected. -Ni tis nmitillturn
a utromut wais unld. Sir iiimen andmiiiur
t'lle stuninumi reum selec~te r 1miither
mot -v itsui mmin liiirst mm mmiii mm mmi-i
irsmnuutus ushoipreusentedsrithurmmsiltvusftr
thin un-vnut
-N nim ug this mitsmier liiit'
illttil K uulutf ewims kemm ClviC
hlrsss.anN i M aI rli Ntcis NI
.lcoss m mmIi N~r it :NI lii 'tirvmmmi i
lr)k s unStge lt iilarurm i S. J.C rut tim"
hrmsimnes mnager, C. C.Cri.Tl
nov miiimbm lisieletedt reisl f lwsi
N-mli' B non hIIes 'mStrim
ManrshmallUl,1 S hullfrom's'
'I'tou-wr d. t urD S ln Clehrt
lund IMornts Nis's 'mirth mt i iiicl ad
iMiss Ncii Ciie.s
-iS thenti r uist mlat mmmimpt iths iyeit thin17,4
cits hams ssecteI Iii' Outs'ider
fo ratl-tmtal co' m edy. T e m'm
e~run mmi s oeo h hesmi.mm mnil t evir mmrit-
t11 is i "Ihum tt mmmiii and is
tyica'nl Lit mrs rutmplmm. hhcurb mm i mii
tses a sro astrut" 515 rlii titus pti ntiht
Nalthougi"h notr im nicnm m d'ateiiham s een se
tr tuer foi~ rim anctit it mm ilmprmlially be.:i
hlrd on afte'mmic thin' lidays andt th 'mmi min
thay' mil u he bil at mthis rampusmmm bh-
finn' thin'sutru t'suseuturmmfromit ther Chumst
nus ceces. I i o I playiiinmum hemYR X1 x 3
SarahtitCaswelil -N:nellhlmit ammiithin'stagi'
mmill bei itedi wi mthancutami minmiilimtdmmiiinn:l~
'a'rlms or immpurovemmet. T csOn e hum s uminimfi t h l ec 'mr't rtio iii'oeI unuin n inn' l-selt
lias lra'ti car lls mienm sele'cted' ni re-Ii'' u' ti' s a smpinmu rto hi'the Crncmfo tbalrnm et ~ d v er' rol h v be bftm
'1m-msohmnr mils mmi hu'"mmci ty' thi' amt tis thim amum it m ertninthunt 'ruTl.) played hissti' m c
ehibthm its mmcam,, miii.at the i meth orutthin tutu mmmiii iitrill limt iie' back um I n it' ier isosi i t mmrr as n
Jmumimmm' tIopr, iii _ ethur ermiu teI 1 utthis H uammondilhias mm mmmi umll nil l-ling lt t fr ni mbiiiil ias mmto lio
spring ni'' ieis hae inot ben seletned.i ehun u ldmmii otmirituit mu lmt thc iusnss v II mlmnrmirmn i
mm- - ben h ptig-timat if limo captan cym wemrmur stuil mmr irffcult t
Albsenrt L tiwood il it ven hutss secnd toimum itmusml m ulutnihe unfmcient itu le'it Yost irum hrrrmnt u
historical reit a l tlii aftenon atml4:30 t i nglumu thinall-etern halnufbaciks uback wmilibacitheit m ur' o
it Friezne ithll. ise progra sm counists fur 'a trst-graua'te' corurse'. iI mutn'em' Ime wilmlie i. nfmntt
sntureit of hBethovent To imuposm itiel murfiusedm tomum nu hinr'ii i n' srloiunt g l'mhr'rm'tii

iris cnl'ico Irunt of 'lim YalNn lr'raumiiWN eklnystaites' r
(1 i11ti11-g lru n- urur th N aTrirt hi mIth lbr' N-It tifictirr'
t' ~iccal-restd.irsoiationi isi'niisigni a fliti orut$1,50oon
tri r i ncr iltinthn' oinn dow alrr cha1iim'miin luimrinumg at turn
cel M1V e ay<r- nlivrsty a dit i Isumexpected ithamu mli
dilsaln n ce elt f n wl haailable m lemm ut muamu
Will Not Return Next Year

"h gimpse inonuttherofourirndemrstiartis'try.
'lrtbest t isthathcouldnt uhehu
her t in ast imi it w thi t or c mmhut
t rmye rutmli nim nofmthenrogrhum bruh
tt rufthm tstriiintii Ib ul lso r aremli
itoftonrmursu i on.ir' ulli clelimit
y ccert, ttra srent r-nt supprle wiiha
ibramothumigh ttu'ss n ru ftin' NI m!rutaCaguru
toi selctin o h tmm iiitminie sexamplehsthn tumult
dismbo insbeuty o isil'tonera'irgiit
sere: ellas mo el n ll s-icrtursi
ruf thie Ommlin.I n ii thin mcwIniiiig imii'ti,
NI r. Itherum all \-Ii s \null supi t edir'nh bty
Mrs. Strsvsitsii trusm ipmuing fromitthen
hun-lt Ftrntk III). F nrmnm omnii of
.Mich'tign'ir; strongeust hinrc In'trers,
wtri ; Crive iad r'csst-at'llve h m'clockon
undrurthi n rums ofitthe ramnmtoialas-
socatin iad tins stuject m\61i bei "''Ii
Oritorm anmiii I'iteai r .
NI r. Nua sasrung, rpolishedm
;onaltr. I" v \irtli of i im tie r n
fiendsitil ilin iithi n' mm iiiimsty.I I e'wa'
ammbeo mii mr h m lst ihiganmltuam
himti s't turionohtrui I i the tut icailt
Prhessr rue tod aprntedN r
F llOan' as l;masiitahits forliionentYear
aIr'rnd.tem h lte et'rt o'Aizoitna
wth' Kicknurotier. hatemrur I Mi'r. singi'
'asenggedby he i ImmtnIow M ttom
itolle-C aind underilnsittrt ulnuthe
No ma ii ll tll-thin'e a ais
an nnmc colge. AsImiti i mmiilawi
liat ice.i'.Vs lmmmi mmmimtorki'ni niDetait
andii tiiiihirMr'Fmaluthasiruseit tim donm
It i4 inneedal pohum y o Nih
oni rivequisin ls mi iurltoryanu
ii quarterbasmithnmmihmmuiverritfrWme-
ly y'ear, mmonsucceediFI' J. Vaunenroom.
Cf hhclneus sillhis rs mitui inered lucre as
a- -mmnrofthis scrappuist tsuinmmi'fn eCardhun-
e nil maai thisseai sin madenseveral
't-uattempts mum drophm Cikgurus, bhtlanck
wasnaganst mmiimnd he could not snore,

ru s caddteisIwminid IClahitsnublstitmutes, is aniuimcleus
c NN foothimumilllsoif \Vremfur addi 'on itsuttmosul will hr
run.Itha mteitsuggestced turn thtola n ot ochmysvehepoembpun
mush iii it 1),1VScultmeoutulofusmtme luineian
mrmur uin mmmi minmei'rs playingilium' mutfullbacuk, mmmldflint Jmluumm
th mak fCach Camumsnma y hInshsifteid furo miiidfur unit
moum hc wl thtt ru corurse tis us allmieme spulam
aci r i ch miormrslhmip. mmtion s tiii sumchsius still mum Naishill(
ed 5vt hrte is f apparentsiymtrvylsg mumforgetna'utfootu
hu -t h onlii mmii Bat ball.

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