Prominent Authorities Predict
Improvements in all Depart-
ments-Merritt Foresees Unity
By Donald A. Kdhn.
What will be the Michigan of sten
years from now? Rather an uncertain
conjecture, you say? That may bf, for
ten years is a long time in educational
history, considering the numerous
changes that have affected university life
during the past decade. Nevertheless,
the president, the deans of the several
departments, the football coach, the di-
rector of athletics, and the president of
the Union have each made a prophecy
as ot the station of their several divis-
ions of the university t in 9.
President Angell: "What will be the
Michigan of ten years fross now ?" re-
peated President Angell. "That is hard
to tell-really, I would not care to make
an estimate."
"Well, Doctor Angell, can't you even
say whether the Michigan of 1918 will
be as great as the Michigan of today?"
the president was asked.
"Surely! We are not so modest as all
that," he replied. "We are going to be
a greater Michigan; we are certainly
going to make some progress in ten
Women's Dean Jordan.-"At the pres-
ent time girls form 39 per cent of the
attendance in the literary department.
Do you think that in ten years they will
raise that percentage, Dean Jordan ?" the
women's dean was asked.
"No; I do not believe that the attend-
ance of girls will be greater in ten years,"
she replied. "For the last four or five
years the number of girl students has
not decreased, but the number of boys
in the literary department has steadily
increased, so that we do not raise the
percentage of girls."
"Do you expect to see more girls en-
ter the professional departments of the
Michigan ten years from now?" Dean
Jordan was asked.
"No," she replied. "I believe that the
number will remain about the same."
Dean Vaughan.-"Hello!"
"Well, what will the medical depart-
msent be in ten years?"
"It will be the greatest in the coun-
try-not that it is not the greatest now,
but it will be greater still."
"We will have more thorough equip-
ment and better preparation. I do not
look for an increased attendance in the
medical department," he replied.
DeanReed:-"When you consider that
our professional departmsent sare mak-
ing the possession of an AB. degree a
qualification for entrance, it is easy to
see; the important role that the literary
department iltplay in un iersity life
en yearsyfiomnnow," said IeantReed.
"In ten years it will be realized that the
fuiiction of the literary department is
to give the student a broad, solid foun-
dation for a professional education and
for his later life."
"No, the literary department in ten
years will have a larger attendance than
we have at the present time," he re-
plied. "Attendance in this department
has been steadily increasing for the last
thirty years;and'Aill 'continue to i'- I
crease in the future."
Dean Hutchins.-"The statdard in the
law department has been raised steadily
it the past few years-more thorough
preparation has been insisted upon and
the curriculum has been improved. In
the law department of the University of
Michigan tes years from today I expect
to see still greater improvements," said
Dean Hutchins. "In common with other
professional departments, the law de-
partment will be a graduate school.
Many students who do not contemplate
the study of law will take the course for
the general education it affords."
DIas Hutchins was asked regardigus
the probable enrollment in the law de-
partment ten years from today.
"I so not expect to see a much larger
attendance," he replied. "We may have
a few more hundred students than at
the present time, but conditions will be
such that a very much larger attendance
will be improbable. One of these things
will be the increased entrance qualifica-
tions. AMother thing will be the com-
petition that Michigan will have from
other schools. When the law depart-
ment was started here we had only six
or eiht schools in the territory from
whence we draw our students, while now
there are somethiig like fifty or sixty.
The law school ten years from today
will be a greater institution."
Associate Dean Butts.-Prof. 'William
Henry Butts, associate dean of the en-
gineering department, was asked to out-
line the engineering school ten years
hence. He responded as follows:
"The engineering department of 1918
will give students a nrer grasp on the
great scsurces of power in nature. Every
great advance in science e ust be met
isv the engineering f',aculty. Experts
must e trained in long distance and
wireless telegraphy, in the development
of marine engineering, in the theory and
use of aeroplanes, in improved methodls
in the manufacture sf beet sugar and
Portland cement, andi ithe architecture
of the cement age. Gas engines and
steam turbines must be studied and im-
proved. Specialization must prevail, and
the department must double in numbers
and in equipment in the next decade.
Six years will doubtless be required to
educate an engineer. He may receive
the degree of toaster of civli, mechani-
cal, electrical, marine, or ecological en-
gineering, or master of architecture.
Marine engineering has a great future,
and our equipnent is unique. Ecologi-
cal engineering is a new creation, and
architecture is just on its feet. In 1918
these departments will bring large num-
bers of students to the University of
Michigan. The engineering department
ten years from today will be a great in-
Dean Hinsdale.-"The homoeopathic
medical college of 1918 will be far in
advance of our present school," said Dr.
W. B. Hinsdale. "Many new discoveries
in science stand before us, ready to be
worked out, and these will add much to
the future of the depatment."
"The attendance will increase in ten
years, in proportion to the increasing at-
tendance at.thewhole tuniversity," 'he
replied. "The homoeopathic college in
ten years will be greater by far than it
is today, for science is making more
rapid strides."
Deast Huff.-"Wh'lat will the dental
department be ten years from today?
It will be the biggest thing in town "
answered Dean Huff, with a srmile. "The
Michigan dental department is a member
of a faculty league now existing between
eight state universities, and in ten years
we expect to see the number of colleges
in this league much larger. In ten years
the standard of admission and of work
ini the dental college will be much higher
than at the present time. We do not
expect to have a much larger enroll-
ment. Thoroughness of preparation for
practice will be our motto. Tese tvew
Dental building is very complete, and
presents great possibilities for a pros-
perous department in 1918."
Dean Shlotterbeck.-"The Michigass
pharmacy school of 1918 will be greatly
iin advance of our present department,,
said Deasi Schlotterbeck. "We will have
better equipment, and scienice is doing
more every clay. I expect to see the
pharmacy coruse extended, so that in
ten years from today it will take three
,or four years to graduate from the
pharmacy department."
Director Fitzpatrick.-"Just ten years
ago gymnasium training was made com-
pulsory for students is the literary and
engineering departments, and we find
that after a semester's training the boys
were improved physically 18 per cent,"
said Keene Fitzpatrick, director of physi-
cal training. "If the work goes on the
next ten years ns it has it the past ten
years, the Michigan man of 1918 will be'
all right physically. Physical culture
will then" be a greater science, and the
equipment in gymnasiums will be even
more complete."
"Do you believe that in ten years
physical training will be compulsory in
all departments?" Mr. Fitzpatrick was
"No. I do not expect to see it coso-
pulsory in the professional departments,
for the professional departments will
pwobably be graduate schools," he re-
Coach Yost.-"Football in the west is
in a very uncertain condition," said
Coach Yost, "and I cannot say with any
certainty what the football team of
Michigan will be ten years from today."
"Would you care to say whom we may
be playing in 1918, Coach Yost?' he
was asked.
"I don't know who we will be play-
ing," he replied. "But I can tell you
one thing: they will be on the same foot-
ing with Michigan."
"You mean that their players will
have to work at their studies as much
as our men do, Coach Yost?"
"Yes, I mean that, and some other
"Can you predict one way the game of
1918 will differ from the football of
"It will undoubtedly be a more open
game," said Coach Yost.
Walle W. Merritt, president of the
Union.-"I am not so much concerned
about. what the Michigan Union will be
ten years from now as I am about what
Michigan will be at that time,-the stu-
dent body, I mean. Our great lack as
a body of undergraduates today is that
of unity and coherence. One wonders
what the condition will be ten years
from now, if the university grows as it
has in the past decade. I believe in the
Michigan Union because I believe it em-
bodies in a practical organization a prin-
ciple which will some day solve our dif-
ficulty and bring us together with bonds
that will not be broken, united Michigan
men. We shall have our big new club-
house, with its banquet ,all, its lounging
rooms, billiard hall, training table, and
the rest ; but more, we shall have a
Michigan family in a Michigan home.
Speed the day!"
By a new regulation of the faculty of
Wesleyan university, students will here-
after be required to register all elected
subjects at least two weeks before con-
mencement in June. The rule will per-
mit better provision for text-books and
instructors, and allow students to make
a wiser choice of courses.
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